SYBO 12-Cup Commercial Drip Coffee Maker, Pour Over Coffee Maker Brewer with 2 Glass Carafes and Warmers, Stainless Steel Cafetera SF-CB-2GA

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SYBO 12-Cup Commercial Drip Coffee Maker, Pour Over Coffee Maker Brewer with 2 Glass Carafes and Warmers, Stainless Steel Cafetera SF-CB-2GA

SYBO 12-Cup Commercial Coffee Maker Keeps Brewing Simple and Easy

30 Years stainless steel kitchenware manufacturing and R&D experience, SYBO dedicated to offer the best line of products. nothing would be easier for brewing when this 12-cup coffee maker is in your home or office, ensuring that a fresh hot cup of coffee is available in the morning.

SYBO 12-Cup Commercial Drip Coffee Maker, Pour Over Coffee Maker Brewer with 2 Glass Carafes and Warmers, Stainless Steel Cafetera SF-CB-2GA

SYBO 12-Cup Commercial Drip Coffee Maker, Pour Over Coffee Maker Brewer with 2 Glass Carafes and Warmers, Stainless Steel Cafetera SF-CB-2GA

SYBO 12-Cup Commercial Drip Coffee Maker, Pour Over Coffee Maker Brewer with 2 Glass Carafes and Warmers, Stainless Steel Cafetera SF-CB-2GA

Stainless Steel Build

Easy-to-clean 304 food grade stainless steel build. Rust and stains resistant.

12 Cup Glass Carafes

Takes less than 10 minutes to brew 12 servings of coffee (1 full decanter)

Professional Warmer Pads

Two warmers with separate switch control to keep both glass carafes warm and ready to serve.

SYBO 12-Cup Commercial Drip Coffee Maker, Pour Over Coffee Maker Brewer with 2 Glass Carafes and Warmers, Stainless Steel Cafetera SF-CB-2GA

SYBO 12-Cup Commercial Drip Coffee Maker, Pour Over Coffee Maker Brewer with 2 Glass Carafes and Warmers, Stainless Steel Cafetera SF-CB-2GA

SYBO 12-Cup Commercial Drip Coffee Maker, Pour Over Coffee Maker Brewer with 2 Glass Carafes and Warmers, Stainless Steel Cafetera SF-CB-2GA

Hinged Water Tank Lid

Hinged lid design to keep the water away from dust or other contamination.

Indicator Light

Indicator light is designed to show the working status and remind you when coffee is ready.

Removable Filter Grid

Coffee powder filter grid is removable for easy refill and cleaning. Additional paper filer is suggested when using.

SYBO 12-Cup Commercial Drip Coffee Maker, Pour Over Coffee Maker Brewer with 2 Glass Carafes and Warmers, Stainless Steel Cafetera SF-CB-2GASYBO 12-Cup Commercial Drip Coffee Maker, Pour Over Coffee Maker Brewer with 2 Glass Carafes and Warmers, Stainless Steel Cafetera SF-CB-2GA

SYBO 12-Cup Commercial Drip Coffee Maker, Pour Over Coffee Maker Brewer with 2 Glass Carafes and Warmers, Stainless Steel Cafetera SF-CB-2GA Bain Marie Food Warmer rice cooker SYBO 12-Cup Commercial Drip Coffee Maker, Pour Over Coffee Maker Brewer with 2 Glass Carafes and Warmers, Stainless Steel Cafetera SF-CB-2GA hotdog roller
Percolator Coffee Maker Bain Marie Food Warmer 60 Cups Rice Cooker Commercial Soup Warmer Hot Dog Roller
Food Grade Material Dents and Rust Resistant Stainless Steel Dents and Rust Resistant Stainless Steel Dents and Rust Resistant Stainless Steel Dents and Rust Resistant Stainless Steel Dents and Sanitation Hood
Included Parts Filter Grid / Inner Lid Insert Pans of Different Sizes Insert Pot / Measure Cup / Rice Scoop Insert Pot / Measure Cup / Rice Scoop Roller & Lid
Capacity Choice of 8 Liters / 16 Liters 6 Inches Depth Compartments of Your Choice 60 Cups Cooked Rice 10.5 Quarts 18 Hot Dogs

SYBO 12-Cup Commercial Drip Coffee Maker, Pour Over Coffee Maker Brewer with 2 Glass Carafes and Warmers, Stainless Steel Cafetera SF-CB-2GA

Features & Specifications

  • EFFICIENT DRIP COFFEE MAKER- 12-Cup Commercial Grade coffee machine brews a full pot of coffee in less than 10 minutes. Mornings just got easier with the industrial coffee machine!
  • EASY OPERATION - The warmer pads are designed to keep both pot of coffee warm or you can make a pot of coffee while keeping another pot warm on the top warmer and the on/off indicator light expresses the working status
  • DRIP-FREE CARAFES - Proprietary lid and spout design that arcs the pour of the coffee into the cup and wicks the coffee dribbles back into the coffee pot preventing a mess on cup or counter
  • MULTI-STREAM SPRAY HEAD - Showers hot water evenly over the coffee grounds, Large flat bottom filter and funnel allows greater interaction between hot water and coffee grounds for superior flavor extraction
  • SAFETY & QUALITY CERTIFIED - All parts of the espresso coffee machine are ETL CE & ROHS Intertek certified. Buy it with confidence, we offer 30-days refund/replacement and 2 years new replacement warranty

Pros & Cons


Great coffee, stainless not plastic parts. Love! Love this thing. Bought for home use because of trying to find a brewer that made good coffee without plastic. The BUNN even had a plastic basket. Use 2 filters per brewing. Works great. Not a 3 minute pot but this is because it is not a plumbed brewer. You add the water, it has to heat up. Faster than the coffeemaker I had. I'd say less than 10 minutes. Probably about 7. The coffee tastes great but I use good water and good freshly ground coffee. Since having this I've tried Keurig coffee and bleck.... I am so happy to not have plastic coffee. The only places with plastic are where you pour in the cold water and at the rim of the pot. So my super heated water is not pulling plastic chemicals. I wish more coffee maker companies would follow suit and get away from plastic. Heat and plastic are NOT good for you. I was not paid for this or affiliated with any company so for once this is just an honest review.

Good. Works great out of the box. If it lasts, this is a super winner. All ss parts for heated water, and works like a normal coffee maker, pour water in the top, hit the button to start brewing. Was looking for a replacement for my Kitchen aid pro line that died after 14 years of OK service. Never liked that it had a plastic bowl inside the ss basket, and the control buttons were a hassle. This coffee maker works like a home unit (no preheated water tank like the bunn commercial units) but is built like a commercial unit. The metal basket and carafes come with it too, unlike the extra $50 bunn nails you for. We put our old gold screen basket inside the larger basket so we can use the standard size filters and brew smaller pots of coffee. No timer on the unit, but probably could use a plug-in timer (assuming it can handle the wattage) if you needed. it brews fast enough (way faster than the kitchen aid) that you could just set up the coffee the night before and hit the button when you get into the kitchen. As long as you don't wake up 5 minutes before you go to work, you be good. Total score so far with this thing.

Keeps coffee hot. First off, when it comes to using this coffee maker, it's similar to a traditional coffee maker. In the holder, I just insert a coffee filter and then add coffee. On the top area is where I fill with water. I prefer to use filtered water and found filling this was really easy to do. What I love is unlike using the k-cups, I'm able to decide how strong or weak I want my coffee, preferably strong. What I love about this coffee pot is that even if I make a pot of coffee at 7am, by 10am my coffee in the container is still piping hot as if I had just made it. This has been extremely helpful when we have family over. I'm able to make a full pot of coffee that will stay warm throughout the whole time people want a cup of coffee. Even after sitting out for more than 6 hours, the rest of the coffee that was in the container was still warm enough that I could feel the heat when pouring it out. So easy to use and love I can now have strong coffee again that is as hot as I want it to be and prefer.


Be sure to check your order when it arrives, not of good quality materials. This item did not arrive with the stainless steel carafe as shown on the website, it came with glass pots. Item was defective because it did not empty all the water that was put in to brew the coffee

Tasted like plastic. Ordered by mistake, thought I had ordered a bunn. Tried it and the coffee smelled and tasted like plastic. So we boxed back up sent it back and made sure I ordered the bunn.

Don’t be fooled! This product looks very similar to the BUNN coffee pot and I ordered it by mistake. We gave it a try just to see if we liked it. It is slower than the BUNN. The overall quality is poor. It is cheaply made and the coffee tasted like metal. I do not recommend! Returned this item to purchase a BUNN instead.

How to Buy The Best SYBO 12?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of SYBO 12? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product SYBO 12 from which you can learn how to get the best SYBO 12.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of SYBO 12.

  • Is it worth buying the SYBO 12?
  • What benefits does the product SYBO 12 offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product SYBO 12?
  • What makes the SYBO 12 to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product SYBO 12?
  • Why and how do you need the SYBO 12?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the SYBO 12. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best SYBO 12.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best SYBO 12.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of SYBO 12, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of SYBO 12 offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of SYBO 12? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of SYBO 12? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of SYBO 12? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of SYBO 12?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of SYBO 12, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the SYBO 12 to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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