Sunnyglade 9′ Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige) before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)

Our Patio Umbrella Series is the perfect answer for a bright and sunny day! Composed of our 10-Foot Offset Patio Umbrella, 9-Foot Patio Umbrella, 7.5-Foot Patio Umbrella, and 11-Foot Patio Umbrella, this collection will serve to protect your skin from the sun’s radiation. Our solar umbrellas have also been included to the collection for laid-back evenings outdoors. We have worked directly with our manufacturer with acute diligence to produce a set of high-quality patio umbrellas that can serve a variety of purposes at the best prices possible. With a minimum diameter of 7.5 feet, all our patio umbrellas are built to shield multiple people from the sun at once. These umbrellas also contain features such as wind vents and a crank and tilt mechanism for easy height and angle adjustment. For all the best options in patio accessories, be sure to check out the Patio Umbrella Series by Sunnyglade Products.

Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)

It’s never too early to star planning your own personal summertime oasis. Sunnyglade is the leader in making your patio and backyard more comfortable and inviting.

We are a top designer and manufacturer of high quality gardening products at the best prices, from patio Umbrellas, Canopies, Awnings to Garden Furniture sets.

Each piece is sleekly designed, rigorously tested for durability, and assembly instructions have been standardized for simplicity from start to finish. This classic style and reliable craftsmanship will weather ever-changing trends and regular use for years to come.

Look to Sunnyglade for all your patio accessories needs all year round.

Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)

Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)

Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)

Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)

9-Foot Diameter

Shield yourself by the pool while the kids splash and play, as this umbrella’s waterproof polyester material allows for the water to run off without a problem. The waterproof material make will also prevent molding and fading caused by heavy rainfall.

Crank and Tilt Mechani

As the world constantly turns and the sun seems to relocate throughout the day, light can be allowed past an umbrella into your once-shaded area. With the crank and tilt mechanism of this product, you can easily adjust your umbrella to block the sun’s rays at any angle.


Too much sun can take a toll on your skin. Protect yourself from the potential long-term effects of the sun with our 9-Foot Patio Umbrella. Constructed of an aluminum pole and 8-ribbed umbrella, you can feel comfortable relaxing under this shady shield for hours.

Multipurpose Wind Vent

For essential wind and heat ventilation, we have included a single wind vent in the production of this umbrella. With a wind vent, you can ensure that the wind and heat in and around your umbrella will be maintained, causing the product to remain stable and grounded.

Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige) Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige) Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige) Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige) Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige) Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)
7.5FT Patio Umbrella 9FT Patio Umbrella 9FT Iron Patio Umbrella 9FT Solar LED Patio Umbrella 10FT Offset Patio Umbrella 10FT LED Offset Patio Umbrella
Upgraded Quality
Colour 14 Colour 13 Colour 8 Colour 11 Colour 7 Colour 4 Colour
Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige) Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige) Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige) Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige) Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige) Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)
11FT Cantilever Patio Umbrella 11ft Double Top Cantilever Patio Umbrella 10x10Ft Cantilever Patio Umbrella 10x10Ft LED Cantilever Patio Umbrella 10x13Ft Cantilever Patio Umbrella 10x13Ft LED Cantilever Patio Umbrella
Upgraded Quality
Colour 3 Colour 3 Colour 3 Colour 3 Colour 3 Colour 3 Colour
40 lb Heavy Duty Umbrella Base Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige) 30LB Water Filled Umbrella Base30LB Water Filled Umbrella Base Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige) 4PCS 176LB Water Or Sand Filled  Umbrella Base 4pcs 200LB  Water Filled  Umbrella Stand
40 lb Heavy Duty Umbrella Base 23L Round 20″ Water Filled Umbrella Base 30LB Water Filled Umbrella Base 33″ x 33″ Sand/Water Filled Umbrella Stand with Wheels 4PCS 176LB Water Or Sand Filled Umbrella Base 4pcs 200LB Water Filled Umbrella Stand
Upgraded Quality

Features & Specifications

  • Made of 100% polyester that can be waterproof, long lasting, easy to clean.
  • Powder Coated Aluminum Pole(40mm Diameter aluminum pole) and 8 sturdy ribs provides stronger support. Includes single wind vent for stability.
  • 9 feet diameter- Wide enough to your 42" to 54" round, square or rectangle table with 4 to 6 chairs.
  • Easy crank open function with push button tilt, keeping cool and comfortable form the sun.
  • This Patio Umbrella include Push Button Tilt/Crank. Note:The base is not included in this item.You can buy the sunnyglade umbrella base (ASIN:B06XT1TFJN) to match it.
  • Dimensions: 56.69 x 5.71 x 5.71 inches
  • Weight: 9.7 pounds

Pros & Cons


Right size right price. Mom loved this for he patio table and chairs

Patio Umbrella. This is a really nice Umbrella. Perfect for the patio.

Good quality product. The umbrella was better than what I expected. Good solid product with quality umbrella material.

Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Tan). This has been a good umbrella which has been sturdy in winds which I should have probably taken it down. It has mildew on it now but for the money I think it was a good value. Only three stars for sun protection because to be honest I can feel the Florida sun coming through it.

I. Nice

Very pleased. Very pleased


Fades quickly. Faded two shades in one season

Material, size good. Mechanics questionable. Seems to be decent quality for cyber price, however the plastic canopy cap was received with a crack. Also the cranck is in a plastic housing and is VERY difficult to use. I live in an area that often gets high winds and I may need to open and close it often so this is definitely a minus. I ordered a teal blue and the color, although nice, us not what I expected. The canopy material is what I would have expected for the price.

Works as expected. Used for the summer of 2022 and one of the metal supports was starting to unravel. This umbrella is not cheapest, just slightly above and it is not the most expensive. If I can get 2 or more seasons I will be happy. For best results wash the umbrella in the fall and store it in the original box for the winter and spring. Keep it inside the garage from the rain, snow and cold; it will last longer. This umbrella should easily last 2 more seasons.

Cheaply made. Assembly was easy enough. It is very lightweight (more so than others we have had), and difficult to find the handle to open due to it "spinning" around in the holder. The first time I used it, I noticed that the mechanism for closing seems to catch and you must collapse the umbrella by hand, or sometimes, it spontaneously closes around you, does not work seamlessly. I am hoping this makes it through at least this summer. August 2022: This umbrella is now broken, as the handle mechanism just fell out of the hold, along with the inside spring. It is unusable and unrepairable, we had to replace it with another umbrella. It barely made it past the 90 day point. I was hoping it would at least make it through this summer, but we had to replace it. I would not recommend buying this umbrella - it is cheaply made and does not work well, will not last for very long.

Broken after one year of not very heavy use. This umbrella worked nicely for one summer (2021)--which is the only reason I'm giving it a 2 star rather than 1 star rating-- then a third of the way through this one (2022) it stopped being able to open or close. This umbrella functions via a crank that curls and uncurls an inner string that pulls the umbrella open. Upon opening the crank shaft mechanism to see what we could do to get the umbrella functioning again, we found that the inner string that drives the open/close feature had essentially rubbed against an inner bolt (square) enough to be sawed right through. In other words, it appears that BY DESIGN this umbrella is intended to last one season only. What worked well about it for a while was its nice size--it was able to keep c. 4 people sitting under a smallish table underneath shaded or nice and dry or even in rain (euro cafe style); if you need it to work that way for only 1 season, this umbrella's for you. If you're hoping for a longer life span, look elsewhere, for as noted, it apparently will break by design. Or be ready to fix it yourselves and improve the design by replacing the frayed-through string with something less susceptible to that problem (e.g. we hacked it with old telephone cord; so it is working again. But took a couple of hours. And because of that square bolt, which will continue to rub at the cord, we expect that fix will fail at some point again too).

Good. Decent price. Works good

How to Buy The Best Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige) from which you can learn how to get the best Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige).

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige).

  • Is it worth buying the Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)?
  • What benefits does the product Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige) offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)?
  • What makes the Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige) to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)?
  • Why and how do you need the Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige). To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige).

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige).

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige), each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige) offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)? Do you like it?


How good is the product of Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

How is the average rating for the product of Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige)?

Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige), no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers, making it as one of the best sellers of Umbrellas.

We highly recommend the Sunnyglade 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Umbrella with 8 Sturdy Ribs (Beige) to you.

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