SKANWEN Upgrade blender ,Smoothie blenders for kitchen 1800 watt with 4 Smart presets One key operation ,Built-in Timer for Frozen Fruit​, Crushing Ice, Veggies, Shakes and Smoothie, self-Cleaning 68 oz Container. (Black)

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product SKANWEN Upgrade blender before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

SKANWEN Upgrade blender ,Smoothie blenders for kitchen 1800 watt with 4 Smart presets One key operation ,Built-in Timer for Frozen Fruit​, Crushing Ice, Veggies, Shakes and Smoothie, self-Cleaning 68 oz Container. (Black)SKANWEN Upgrade blender ,Smoothie blenders for kitchen 1800 watt with 4 Smart presets One key operation ,Built-in Timer for Frozen Fruit​, Crushing Ice, Veggies, Shakes and Smoothie, self-Cleaning 68 oz Container. (Black)

SKANWEN Upgrade blender ,Smoothie blenders for kitchen 1800 watt with 4 Smart presets One key operation ,Built-in Timer for Frozen Fruit​, Crushing Ice, Veggies, Shakes and Smoothie, self-Cleaning 68 oz Container. (Black)

Perfect Treat for shakes and smoothie Lover
  • 1800W Powerful Motor
  • 2-Layer & 6 Aircraft-Grade Titanium Blades
  • 9 Variable Speed Control
  • 4 Pre-Programmed Settings
  • Pure Copper Motor Material
  • BPA-Free & 64 Oz large capacity
  • Up to 28000~48000 RPM Maximum Speed
  • Size: 7.9 *9 * 19.6 inches

SKANWEN 1800W High-Speed Professional Blender for Kitchen

Making healthier and nutritious food for your family

Discover our Countertop Blender and see how easy it is to make shakes and smoothies, frozen desserts and drinks, dips and sauces and more at a cost within your budget and quality beyond expectation. Whether you want intake of protein or vitamin, just load up your ingredients and blend away dozens of seconds. Fill your bottle with smoothie you make and start a fresh day full of energy and nutrition at home, office, fitness club, etc.

  • Package Including
  • 1 x motor base
  • 1 x 2L(68 oz) container
  • 1 x tamper
  • 1 x manual guide

SKANWEN Upgrade blender ,Smoothie blenders for kitchen 1800 watt with 4 Smart presets One key operation ,Built-in Timer for Frozen Fruit​, Crushing Ice, Veggies, Shakes and Smoothie, self-Cleaning 68 oz Container. (Black)

SKANWEN Upgrade blender ,Smoothie blenders for kitchen 1800 watt with 4 Smart presets One key operation ,Built-in Timer for Frozen Fruit​, Crushing Ice, Veggies, Shakes and Smoothie, self-Cleaning 68 oz Container. (Black)

SKANWEN Upgrade blender ,Smoothie blenders for kitchen 1800 watt with 4 Smart presets One key operation ,Built-in Timer for Frozen Fruit​, Crushing Ice, Veggies, Shakes and Smoothie, self-Cleaning 68 oz Container. (Black)

4 Pre-programmed Settings& 9 Speeds Control

Preprogrammed settings include smoothie/frozen dessert/ice crush/soup for enhancing control and precision. Easily adjust speed to achieve a variety of textures. The dial can be rotated at any point during the blend.

6 Hardened Stainless Steel Blades & Cooling Running Motor

Made from high quality Stainless Steel blades, with 1800W motor and 48000 RPM speed ,it can pulverize even the hardest produce into a smooth liquid, ideal for smoothies, soup and pulverizing nuts into butter.

High-Performance Motor& 4 rubber non-slip feet

Blend frozen fruit, heavy powder, all the greens—our powerful motors transform tough ingredients into smooth blends, year after year.

The design of four rubber non-slip feet can effectively reduce slippage, Shockproof, Safety.

SKANWEN Upgrade blender ,Smoothie blenders for kitchen 1800 watt with 4 Smart presets One key operation ,Built-in Timer for Frozen Fruit​, Crushing Ice, Veggies, Shakes and Smoothie, self-Cleaning 68 oz Container. (Black)SKANWEN Upgrade blender ,Smoothie blenders for kitchen 1800 watt with 4 Smart presets One key operation ,Built-in Timer for Frozen Fruit​, Crushing Ice, Veggies, Shakes and Smoothie, self-Cleaning 68 oz Container. (Black)SKANWEN Upgrade blender ,Smoothie blenders for kitchen 1800 watt with 4 Smart presets One key operation ,Built-in Timer for Frozen Fruit​, Crushing Ice, Veggies, Shakes and Smoothie, self-Cleaning 68 oz Container. (Black)SKANWEN Upgrade blender ,Smoothie blenders for kitchen 1800 watt with 4 Smart presets One key operation ,Built-in Timer for Frozen Fruit​, Crushing Ice, Veggies, Shakes and Smoothie, self-Cleaning 68 oz Container. (Black)

1.Is the blender powerful enough to crush vegetables, fruit, or nut?

100% user-friendly and powerful blenders that can crush almost everything you need to prepare for the meal. Upgraded 1800W motor that can crush food quickly and efficiently. The best choice for a kitchen or business.

2.Can I use it for ice crush?

Yes, you can make ice crush with our blender smoothie blender. You can also use this blender to make smoothies, shakes,sauces,nut butter.

3.Move while working on the table

The reason why the product moves is because the high-speed operation of the product generates centrifugal force. Since we didn’t make suction cups at the bottom, we only made anti-skid pads. Because it is easy to make suction cups difficult to pull out. This problem does occur if the anti-scratch pad is smooth on the desktop. The contact area of the anti-scratch pad was increased before the problem. If I tested it on a clean desktop, there is no problem.

4.What is a Pulse Function?

The pulse button is used when you need bursts of power at the optimum speed. This is controlled by the user which means you control how long the machine is run for. It is a useful way of avoiding over-processing. For example, it can be used for an extra burst of blending at the end of a mix to smooth the mixture a little more.

5.Is this product dishwasher safe?

Yes, you can wash this blender on dishwasher.

6.Do I have to add water to use it?

Yes, this is because the water content of each ingredient is different, so you need to add water or milk and other liquids for lubrication when cutting, so that the blade can rotate smoothly without being caught by dry food.

Tips: The drier the food, the more liquid needs to be added. It is recommended to place less than 70% of the capacity when mixing to ensure sufficient cutting space.

7.Does the product smell burnt after use?

The main reason for the burning smell of the product is that the idling and rotation of the blades cause the engine temperature to rise sharply. Lubricating oil and insulating paint on the motor surface evaporate. However, use is not affected. You can use them normally after a pause of about 30 minutes. It is recommended not to use it for a long time. After working for a long time, let the vertical mixer rest for 30 minutes, and then wait until the engine cools down before using it.

Features & Specifications

  • [Excellent Professional Kitchen Blender] Powerful motor, 1800W professional blender + 6 bidirectional blades up to 48000 RPM improves the mixing power and speed. It can break the cell wall of soft and hard ingredients in a few seconds, so that the crushed ice can quickly mix the ingredients. The blades made of high-quality pure copper are durable and extend the service life of the blender.
  • [Smart Button Opreating] The smoothie blender is designed with multi-function variable speed control, which can achieve the texture you want by rotating the knob during operation. Select the pulse mode to quickly crush ice cubes in frozen drinks and cocktails.It also contains 4 smart settings and provides one-button control for hot drinks, smoothies, milkshakes and grains, making delicious desserts easily and saving more time to enjoy life.
  • [68 oz Tritan Container, Sturdy and Durable] BPA-free cooking mixer is durable and easy to hold. The base of the mixer is equipped with non-slip suction feet, whether you are in the kitchen or outdoors, you can safely mix. The 68oz(2L) professional mixer is very suitable for home and commercial use.
  • [Health, Safety, Hygiene] All materials of this smoothie machine are BPA-free and use food-grade materials, which is absolutely safe. Use a drop of soap and warm water; your professional blender can clean itself in 30 to 60 seconds. To clean the motor base, wipe it with a damp cloth.
  • [Included Components] 1800-Peak-Watt Motor Base, Total Crushing Pitcher with Stacked Blade Assembly and Lid *68oz. max liquid capacity, Stirring rod, Instruction Booklet.
  • Dimensions: 7.8 x 9 x 19.6 inches
  • Weight: 8.38 pounds

Pros & Cons


Great Blender. This is a great blender! I use it every day to make my fruit smoothies and slushies. It cuts up the fruit very well where there is very little pulp in the end. The blade is very sharp and can blend my ice very quickly. I have also used it to grind up sesame seeds as well to make a paste. The power is very powerful and the blade is sharp, it easily turns my sesame seeds into a very fine powder. It is great that it comes with a pestle for an easier blend. I love how this blender has multiple settings for different types of food. It is not complicated to use and the design is very beautiful. It is very high quality for a great price!

Good quality. The crushing feature is excellent,there is no slag, very delicate. There is sound, but it can be accepted, after all, the time is not long, the disassembly and washing is convenient, the soybean milk is very delicate, the beating sound is acceptable, the capacity is enough for a family to drink, it is really good, it is worth buying. Whether it is to make purple potato juice or pumpkin juice, or coconut juice, grinding are particularly delicate, a variety of drinks than the outside to buy a lot of good drink, the operation is really convenient, the function is strong and satisfactory.

Our whole family loves it. Very excited to make a smoothie in the summer that I can't wait.The meat filling for dumplings. The power is very large, the capacity is large, and the operating system is easy.


Don't waste your money on this. the pitcher leaked rusted after 2 months of use. This is the worst blender I have ever owned. It leaked after 2 months of use. I used and washed it as recommended and it still leaked and rusted at the bottom of the pitcher. This blender is cheap and poorly constructed. I'm going back to KitchenAid, more expensive but definitely worth it.

Not what expected. Pros: easy to clean do not have to take apart to clean. Cons: It gets clogged down on smoothie bowls. Cooked oatmeal and let cool and then tried to make a smoothie bowl. The unit lugged and started smoking. At the same time purchased oster blender pro 1200 with glass jar, 24-ounce smmothie cup brushed nickle. The oster pro has a wider and taller blade and it makes wonderful smoothie bowls. Only con with oster is that have to take apart to clean blades, gasket and lid, but the blending action is superior so I will deal with the cleaning issue to have better blending. Also the oster is about $50 cheaper.

Rusted out in a few uses. Customer service doesn’t exist. After a few uses the blades and the connection screw rusted out. Contacted Amazon and the company. No help. Very disappointed bc this could have been a great appliance.

How to Buy The Best SKANWEN Upgrade blender?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of SKANWEN Upgrade blender? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product SKANWEN Upgrade blender from which you can learn how to get the best SKANWEN Upgrade blender.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of SKANWEN Upgrade blender.

  • Is it worth buying the SKANWEN Upgrade blender?
  • What benefits does the product SKANWEN Upgrade blender offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product SKANWEN Upgrade blender?
  • What makes the SKANWEN Upgrade blender to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product SKANWEN Upgrade blender?
  • Why and how do you need the SKANWEN Upgrade blender?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the SKANWEN Upgrade blender. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best SKANWEN Upgrade blender.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best SKANWEN Upgrade blender.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of SKANWEN Upgrade blender, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of SKANWEN Upgrade blender offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of SKANWEN Upgrade blender? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of SKANWEN Upgrade blender? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of SKANWEN Upgrade blender? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of SKANWEN Upgrade blender?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of SKANWEN Upgrade blender, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the SKANWEN Upgrade blender to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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