9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients - Black9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients - Black9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients - Black9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients - Black9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients - Black9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients - Black

Multiple options&Best Gift

Our goal is to provide quality products at affordable prices, and our “direct to customer” approach helps reduce production costs and allows us to pass those profits on to the consumer. We strive to deliver our products to our customers in the most efficient and affordable manner possible.Same money, 95% of sellers sell 6-8 magnetic measuring spoons, I sell 9 magnetic measuring spoons, more kitchen needs 1/16Tsp, 3/4Tsp. We strive to be the most efficient and affordable is the key to our principles.

Double-headed magnetic measuring spoon set of 9 including the level, as if there are two sets, we have been constantly improved, has been suitable for 100% of customers to produce gourmet needs, the two ends and the middle standard scale and other sellers are different, we use laser technology, permanently engraved in the stainless steel magnetic measuring spoon above, you do not have to worry about losing color, you can easily put them in the dishwasher.

Permanent after-sales service: We stand behind our products and want to ensure that you love them just as much as we do. You’ll be glad you got these.

Perfect Gift: wedding registry, housewarming, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mother’s Day, Bridal Shower, anniversaries. Your spread is on point for any occasion.

Features & Specifications

  • ✔【Magnetic Measuring Sponge Set】- 9 measuring spoons with spirit level help you measure spices accurately. The double-ended design of the measuring spoon, like a set of two, can fit any bottle mouth. Different sizes: 1/16 tsp, 1/8 tsp, 1/4 tsp, 1/2 tsp, 3/4 tsp, 1 tsp, 1/2 tbsp, 1 Tbsp plus Level. Color-coded labels allow you to quickly find them while cooking, accurate and easy to read tsp/tsp and ml
  • ✔【Double-sided Measuring Spoons】- The measuring spoons at both ends are designed to be compatible for measuring dry and liquid ingredients, the round head measures liquid ingredients, the narrow oval end can fit into most spice jars or bottles. Measure that the bottom of the spoon is flat and will not spill. Using the included steamer, you can measure the exact amount for your recipe.
  • ✔【Magnetic for easy use and storage】-Each piece of this measuring spoon set has an enhanced magnetic center for easy stacking together in drawers, you don't need to take them out of the ring and put them back, just touch The original position can be restored. These measuring spoons are easy to store and fasten together, and the strong magnet keeps these items neatly in the drawer.
  • ✔【Stainless Steel Measuring Spoon】 - The measuring spoon is made of high quality stainless steel, with a strong structure, brushed surface, and the whole is very smooth, so there will be no dents or cracks, and will not rust, bend or deform. After using the spoon, you can easily put it in the dishwasher.
  • ✔【Lifetime Warranty】We stand by our products and hope you like them as much as we do. You will be delighted to get these!
  • Weight: 8.1 ounces

Pros & Cons


100 0/0 customer satisfaction. I love these magnetic measuring spoons! They stick together in my baking drawer, I don't have to search for a certain measurement size. These spoons are a nice weight, very sturdy, easy to clean stay beautiful after several washings. I would recommend these spoons to all my friends! I did get a new set after I was notified by seller to change my review from 4 to 5 stars. I was told the person would be fired if I didn’t change my review! WOW! What’s wrong with this picture?

Great, and…. UPDATE: I contacted the seller of the issue and they were INCREDIBLY communicative, refunded me, and even sent a new correct set! The seller went WAAAAAY above and beyond! I will definitely buy from this seller again & highly recommend you do the same! From 4 stars to a very solid 5. Like others, I too received a set where my 1 tsp is engraved as a 1/2 tsp. Not a huge deal now, but when the white print rubs off (& eventually it will), it’ll be annoying. What’s disappointing is, the main reason I purchased this set & paid more, was because the seller points out how these are engraved & others aren’t. They have a lifetime warranty, so I’ve contacted the seller in hopes of a resolution. They work great! The magnets are a bit weaker than I’d hoped, but they still do the job! I’d recommend these, but make sure all of your spoons are marked correctly.

Mis-labeled one Teaspoon, but customer service is awesome!! I had an issue with one of them being mislabeled, however, customer service was great and refunded me the entire amount then sent me an upgraded set which is perfect. Customer service made sure I was happy with them, and I really like them so I'm glad I didn't have to look for something else.


Incorrect measurement and rust coming out of engraving. As you can see from the image, the engraved measurement is incorrect. One of the reason I bought this set is due to it having measurement engraved on it. This is needed when the measurement on the black plastic fades (and we all know it will) we can still depend on the engraved part. Another thing I noticed is that the engraved part started to rust after just a few wash. I can't return it because I already threw away the original box not realizing these problems.

Sturdy but have wrong measurements. I bought these because they looked like they would save space and would keep together. the magentic works fine. Just don't like the sizes being incorrect on them. I was going to gift some but I will have to get them sent to me first now to see if they are ok.

Nice looking but more trouble than its worth. The idea was good, magnetic so they stay together when stored. But, that's the problem too. When you want to use them the want to stay stuck together and are hard to pry apart while holding a spice jar. They are easy to clean, but again you have to wait until they are dry to restack them and put them in the drawer. The idea of a spoon on one end and a narrow spoon on the other is helpful. I'll leave these in the drawer and use the measuring spoons hanging on my cabinet, quick and easy.

How to Buy The Best 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black from which you can learn how to get the best 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black.

  • Is it worth buying the 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black?
  • What benefits does the product 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black?
  • What makes the 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black?
  • Why and how do you need the 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the 9 Pack Magnetic Measuring Spoons Set Germany Stainless Steel Stackable Reversible Teaspoons Spoons for Measuring Dry and Liquid Ingredients – Black to you.

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