HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.


Q1. The TOP 5 benefits you get from Sequra:

1. Finally, you can leave your keys behind. Simply unlock Sequra by keying in your personal codes. It will auto-lock in 5 seconds.

2. Low-power technology provides up to 2 years battery life, reducing battery cost compared to other similar products.

3. Sturdy Zinc Alloy structure and pick-resistance design provides next level security.

4. Assign different codes to different users for different purposes while you are the only master.

5. Simple 4-Step installation only takes only around 5 minutes and a Philips screwdriver.

Q2. Is Sequra a smart door knob?

Sequra (H1) is an electronic door knob. However, Sequra Smart (HK1), the world’s first Thread-enabled Apple Home smart door knob is coming soon.

Q3. Why do we need to change the admin code immediately after installation is completed?

The default admin code is made simple for initial testing only. Make sure you change it as soon as you have successfully installed Sequra.


Features & Specifications

  • Advanced Access Management [Amazing option/gift for Room Rentals, New Homes and Upgrades] One and only admin code manages all functions plus 49 user codes using a single keypad; Door knob with lock perfect for room rentals, house keeping, offices, dormitories, storage rooms, laundry rooms, bedrooms, and more
  • Child & Teenager Proof Door Knob with Keypad Premium metallic finish and sturdy Zinc Alloy construction with enhanced security mechanism not only add privacy and protection to your personal space, but also keep your kids away from temptations; Sweat & weatherproof design ensures durability under wet hand-usage and exposure to the outdoors
  • Easy 4-Step Installation Completed in 5 Minutes by 1 Person Fits most interior doors with standard backsets from 2⅜ inches up to 2¾ inches, and door thicknesses up to 2.5 inches; Uses 4 x AA batteries from a single brand
  • Programmable Door Knob with Keypad Disguise your passcode in up to 20 digits when someone is around; Lock immediately by pressing '✔', or let Sequra 'Auto-Lock' after 5 seconds; Turn on ‘Passage Mode’ to leave Sequra unlocked for your convenience; Turn on ‘Silent Mode’ if you don't want others to hear any audible feedback
  • Exceptional Battery Life Built-in low-power consumption technology provides up to 2 years battery life, depending on actual usage and quality of the batteries; Low power warning reminds you to promtly change the batteries; In the event of complete battery outage, gain immediate power supply from a power bank through the Type-C port located at the bottom, or use the backup keys
  • Dimensions: ‎3"L x 2.5"W
  • Weight: ‎2.33 pounds

Pros & Cons


Very solid door knob and a breeze to install. Looks great too! It's probably a bit early to write this since I just installed it about 30 minutes ago (and I'll update if something changes), but everything about this door knob so far has been great. I own 4 different smart locks/door knobs (different use cases for each one). I purchased this style because I didn't want or need a connected/smart door knob as I just wanted to lock up my tech/data equipment closet adjacent to my home office to keep kiddos/visitors out as-needed. I looked at several that were the keyless entry style like this one, but the Holomarq stood out to me because of the "futuristic" look to it. It arrived today and it looks even better in person. I love the larger feel and look of it too (it's definitely bigger than a normal door knob, but not at an obnoxious or unsightly level). Box included everything needed to install it. I didn't need the instructions, but the instruction manual was super detailed from what I glanced at. And the seller also sent a proactive email when it was delivered with additional links to installation videos and the PDF versions of the manuals in different languages, which I thought was a great idea and thoughtful. The door knob is very solid/well-built and does NOT feel cheap. Installation was a complete breeze. It fit perfectly where the existing door knob was and I was also able to use my existing latch and strike plate. Programming the new primary code and adding an additional user code for my wife was extremely straightforward. There are many other settings you can configure easily through the keypad using different combinations of key presses as well. I really liked how the seller even included a "cheat sheet" (a small 3X5 card separate from the instruction manual) that has all of the different programming shortcuts that you can keep nearby as a reference. Another great idea! Super pleased with my purchase.

Works as it should. I was skeptical because I have had bad luck buying electric locks on Amazon, but this was easy to install and perfect for the purpose I needed it for. Also easy to program and has a function where you can enter a string of random numbers as long as the correct code is somewhere in that string of numbers and the door will unlock without making the actual code obvious to someone looking over your shoulder.

Perfect for Securing the Door to a Private Space. At first, I was slightly intimidated by the potential installation process, including how to use the lock codes. But it was super easy to remove the existing hardware, install this unit, and get it properly aligned and functioning. The quality of this product is evident, the color is perfect for the door in question, and the functionality is exactly what we were after. It's great when a product can perfectly fit one's need!

Office Door Lock. Needed to secure my home office and didn’t want the look of a bulky flat panel lock above the door handle. Saw this as an alternative, read the mostly positive reviews and decided to take a chance. Got it installed today, easy to install, feels solid, easy to program. Like that you can add other users with their own passcode or just disable the lock if you need to. Thinking of getting another one for the garage door now.

Easy installation. Female installed it herself. I really really LOVE THIS LOCK. Easy installation not hard at all. Once you get it installed you don't have to worry about anyone getting from the outside in unless you let them. You don't have to worry about locking the door from the inside. As long as the door is shut it's locked. Love Love Loving it!!!!!

Handle is a little too thick. This works as described and I really like the way that it locks and unlocks. The outside I have if that it's so thick that you can't get your hand in between the door knob and the door jamb so you have to turn the door knob with your fingers instead of with your hand is kind of weird.


Great interior knob. Easy to install, easy to program and reprogram. Very sturdy feeling. Only complaint is it us a tad bit heavy but not too much.

Very sturdy. It does not look gold at all more of silver so makes me question if I got the right one. Great lock tho. Color not impressive that’s why it’s 3 stars because I was hoping for a true metallic gold.

The knob itself is big. This doorknob is good. Its easy to install and all, but the doorknob itself is big which sometimes hard to handle. Not good for people who have smaller hands.

Door knob. Ordered it for a bedroom but it was to bulky and big

Missing keys and the package was already used. The item was already opened and this is the second time that I have to replace this item. Unexceptable, the shipment took longer when I replaced this item. Keys weren't inside the box and the item has already have batteries.

Lock. It does not let me reset the passcode as soon and I put the batteries in it was making and clicking noise and the instructions don’t say anything about that only a long sound after pressing the bottom but I didn’t do anything

How to Buy The Best HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold from which you can learn how to get the best HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold.

  • Is it worth buying the HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold?
  • What benefits does the product HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold?
  • What makes the HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold?
  • Why and how do you need the HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold? Do you like it?


How good is the product of HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

How is the average rating for the product of HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold?

Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold, no matter it is good or bad?


On the whole, this is a pretty nice product that earns many praises from real life customers, being listed as one of the best sellers of door-knobs.

We highly recommend the HOLOMARQ Door Knob with Keypad for Interior Combination Bedroom Door Lock 4 AA Alkaline Batteries Keyless Electronic Digital Coded Door Knob Sequra Metallic Gold to you.

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