GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10-Key Remote, Battery Operated Led Warm 3D Wick Light Window Candles Real Wax

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10 before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.



No matter how tired we are.

The only thing worse than just going through the motions is not being bothering to go through the motions.

We believe that ritual is respect for the love of life, and that is why we strive to provide the best products possible.

We also believe every trust should not be let down, so we pursue better quality, create more temperature products with soul and purpose.

We hope you enjoy our flameless candles!


GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10-Key Remote, Battery Operated Led Warm 3D Wick Light Window Candles Real Wax Pack of 6

Flameless Taper Candle Specification:
  • Candle Color: White
  • Candle Material: Real wax with Led light
  • Light Color: Warm light
  • Remote:1 x 10-key Remote Control
  • Features: Flameless, flickering, timer, remote
  • Application: Suit for all occasions
  • Switch Type: Push switch
  • Battery Operated: Flameless taper candles requires 2 AAA batteries(Not Included)

Package Included:

  • 6 x Flameless taper candles (Size: 0.78 inch diameter x 9.64 inch high)
  • 1 x Remote control
  • 1 x User Manual





The flameless candles adopt real wax and flickering flame to make the candle looks like the real candle flame. You will amazingly find that you won’t tell they are fake from the feeling and appearance. How realistic the candles are!


The flameless flickering taper candles is safe and easy to operate. It can avoid the risk of fire danger, the messy dripping wax and the smoking bother, thus suitable for the family with kids or pets.


The taper candles looks pretty and suitable to decorate the fireplace, windowsill, table centerpiece, bedside table, porch, garden and anywhere you might want to put them.


One Remote Control All Candles

  • ON/OFF: Control candles on/off
  • LIGHT: Flickering/Non-flickering
  • BRIGHTNESS: Increase/Decrease brightness
  • TIMER: 2H/4H/6H/8H timer mode. For example, if you set the 4 hour timer at 18:00, then these flameless taper candles will light 4 hours and turn off themselves at 22:00. And will automatically turn on again at 18:00 next day, cycle every 24 hours.


More Tips:

  • This candle is made of real wax and is flammable. Do not attempt to light this candle.
  • Keep out of direct sunlight, away from heat sources and out of extreme temperatures or your candle may soften or melt.
  • There will be slight battery drain in timer mode even if the flameless candle are not light.
  • Please remove the batteries if plan not to use for a long time.
GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10-Key Remote, Battery Operated Led Warm 3D Wick Light Window Candles Real Wax GenSwin Glass Flameless Candles
GenSwin Halloween Snow Globe GenSwin Gray Moving Candles GenSwin Gray Candles
Size 4.3“X 4.3”X 11“ D 3″ x H 6″ D 3″ x H 6″
QTY Set of 1 Set of 3 Set of 3

Features & Specifications

  • Real Wax
  • A COMPLETE SET OF FLAMELESS TAPER CANDLES: This value pack comes with 6 beautiful flickering flameless taper candles, one remote control with 10 different keys and a super easy to follow operating manual. Specifically, this set includes six flickering flameless taper candles(9.64 inch high x 0.78 inch diameter). Each candle operated by 2 AAA batteries(not include).
  • EXCELLENT DESIGN: You don't need to use a candlestick to stand (you can also use it with a candlestick), These taper candles made form real wax and 3D Wick realistic flicker design, feels and looks like a real wax taper candle flame. Warm light glow creates a romantic atmosphere when use as dinner, party, wedding, birthday, Christmas home decoration
  • SMART CONTROL: In addition to feeling warm ambient, You can also control them intelligently. You will receive a 10-key remote control to all candles. You can set your candle on a 2/4/6/8 hour timer, adjust brightness, change flicker mode.
  • 100% SAFE: Flickering flameless taper candles without real fire. There is absolutely no fire or burning danger and it is safe for families with pets or young child, you can have perfect ambient evenings with peace of mind.
  • SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: Each flickering flameless taper candles is thoroughly and rigorously tested. If you are not satisfied, please contact us GenSwin any time, We will offer free replacement or full refund.
  • Dimensions: 0.78"D x 0.78"W x 9.64"H
  • Weight: 1.12 pounds

Pros & Cons


Great if you order more than one box. Some of the photos look a little repetitive. However table #2 is the candles turned off. Table #6 is the candles turned on with the lights in the room turned on. Table #’s 11 & 10 are with the candles on with the lights in the room dimmed. They worked well for our indoor wedding reception at a hotel. They stayed on the entire reception for 5 hours. The ivory pack of 8 seemed to have the least issues when it came to functionality of the candles. Out of 4 packs of 8 that I purchased only one candle didn’t work. However, out of 4 packs of 8 I had a total of 8 remotes, only 5 remotes worked. If I would have only gotten one package and no working remotes I would have been out of luck. However since I had extra remotes from buying so many packs I was able to use them on the packs of candles that came with non-working remotes. They do not come with batteries, which was okay, just wanted to put that out there for those that might be under that assumption that they do come with batteries. After reading the reviews I came to conclusion that it was a safer bet to get multiple packs of 8 rather than any larger pack of 12 just in case there was a defect in the larger pack. It also seems that the ivory has less cosmetic issues than the white candles according to previous reviews. They work great and still work great a month later.

Perfection. I am so surprised with these. Sure, they’re not the PB flameless candles with the moving flame that run $25+ a pop, but these are fantastic. The glow is warm, the flicker is subtle, and I love that the light output is adjustable. These add the exact mood light I wanted in our living room. I’ve been running them for hours a day for over a week now and no dead batteries yet, so I hope they really last! I also love that they have a real waxy coating. Would absolutely recommend.

Stop!! These are beautiful. Real wax...The flame has a nice glow, they fit in to my candle holders perfectly. I also like the remote and various features it has. I had them turned up bright during the daylight hours and turned down a little in the evening for a softer glow. I love that I can just point the remote and shut them all off and not have to worry about melting wax. Love them!

Perfect. I love these candles and you will too. I have some beautiful candle holders and last time I used real wax candles that melt all over my crystal and took hours to clean. But these look real and shine bright, I did not use the timer. They are wonderful, if Amazon would ask permission for access to my photos this one time instead of wording it as future, I would love for you to see them, they really are beautiful and work very well.

Remote issues. Beautiful candles ! Realistic , multiple settings for brightness / flicker level . My only complaint is this: the candle remote also affects my tv and vice versa . I cannot turn on my smart Tv without turning on the candles , therefore it messes with the timer setting on the candles . If I turn the candles off with the candle remote , it affects my tv . Very strange and I’m unsure if there’s a solution ?

They’re awesome—with one little thing. I love these candles. They look very realistic, especially from further away. The flickering effect makes it look close a real candle. The only thing I don’t like is that the color of the bulb isn’t a warm color like other candles. It’s more of an LED warm white, so it has a bit of a blue/purple undertone to it instead of a warm candle color.


Pale peach light, real wax. These are interesting because the taper itself is real wax. The light is kind of faint and a pale peach color. Kind of candle-realistic, but a bit more orange than I would like and not as bright as I would like. It will work for decor/ambiance, which was what I had in mind for these so I will keep them. Not good as a light source.

Not all candles work. One of the candles in the pack doesn’t work, and I didn’t realize until I had them all hung. A bummer because I don’t want to have to take them all down to exchange.

Worked great, until this year. I purchased these in December 2021 and used them through Christmas. Went to use them today and none work. Replaced all batteries and still nothing.

Beautiful flicker. I absolutely love these candles, they have the perfect flicker and brightness. Unfortuately my box of candles did NOT come with a remote/s. Which stinks! I will have to sercure them so they fit in my candelabra with putty, but will have to remove them each time to turn them on and off (the light switch is on the bottom of the stick.) I will be happy to change this review to 5 stars when I receive a remote.

Pretty. Didn't get the remote with my item.

A couple of the candles don’t work. Love the candles but a couple of them are not turning on and we just got them

How to Buy The Best GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10 from which you can learn how to get the best GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10.

  • Is it worth buying the GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10?
  • What benefits does the product GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10 offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10?
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  • Why and how do you need the GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10 offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the GenSwin Flameless White Taper Candles Flickering with 10 to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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