COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm-Up Mode, 1800w 2 Induction Burner with 10 Temperature 9 Power Settings, Portable Dual Induction Cooker Cooktop with Child Safety Lock & Time

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm before we came up with this review.

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double indution cooktop

1800W High Power Induction Cooktop – Enjoy Fast Cooking in Your Daily Life

induction cooktop

9 Power Levels

  • You could quickly choose your desired power from 200W to 1800W. This induction cooker totally meet your various cooking needs: simmer, deep fry, boil, sauté, sear, steam, roast with ease.

10 Temperature Levels

  • Adjustable temperature ranging from 140℉-464℉. Select the right temperature for your cooking.

Overheat Protection

  • After the machine shut down, if the surface temperature is higher than 60 ℃, the LED will be display “H” to prevent touch burning.

Sensor Touch

  • The double induction burner is equipped with two separate heating zones and the sensitive touch buttons allow each zone to be set individually. Show off your cooking skills!

dual induction cooktop

induction cooktop 2 burner

induction cooker

double induction cootop portable


Compared to traditional induction hobs with long pre-heating times,”Booster” mode will operate at maximum power within 1 minute to achieve fast pre-heating and greatly reduce cooking time!


With two powerful cooling fans, the induction cooktop can be cooled down quickly to protect the appliance from high temperatures.


The long 4 hour timer with a 1 min interval provides high precision operation, making cooking more efficient and hassle free.


Press the “+” and “-” keys at the same time, the machine will enter the locking mode, which protects your children from danger.

double induction burnerinduction burner

induction cooktop induction cooktop induction cooktop induction cooktop electric grill
Double Induction Cooktop Touch Double Induction Cooktop Knob Single Induction Cooktop Touch Single Induction Cooktop Knob Electric Indoor Grill Smokeless
Dimensions (LxWxH) 23.23″ X 15.20″ X 2.52″ 22.05″ X 12.20″ X 1.90″ 15.20″ X 11.42″ X 2.52″ 12.20″ X 10.63″ X 1.90″ 18.10″ X 9.10″ X 4.30″
No. of Burners 2 2 1 1 2
Wattage 1800w 1800w 1800w 1800w 1800w
Power Levels 9(200w-1800w) 9(200w-1800w) 9(200w-1800w) 9(200w-1800w) 9(400w-1100w)
Temperature Range 140℉-464℉ 140℉-464℉ 140℉-464℉ 140℉-464℉ 248°F-410°F
Timer Up to 240 Minutes Up to 240 Minutes Up to 240 Minutes Up to 240 Minutes Up to 99 Minutes
Lock Function
Control Ways Touch Control Knob Control Touch Control Knob Control Knob Control
Voltage AC 120V~60Hz AC 120V~60Hz AC 120V~60Hz AC 120V~60Hz AC 120V~60Hz

Features & Specifications

  • :1800w quick heating double induction cooktop is faster than a standard electric burner. Boiling water in 1 minute under "BOOSTER" mode. Compared with the traditional dual induction cooker, it has a higher heat conduction effect, which meets your various cooking needs, such as steaming, boiling, fried, frying, slow stewing.
  • : Child safety lock ensures safety when not in use. The induction cooktop will return to standby mode after 30 seconds if not selecting any function. If the surface temperature is higher than 60 ℃, the LED will display “H” after the machine shuts down to prevent touch burning. It stops functioning and exhibiting relevant codes on the display screen when experiences unsuitable operations.
  • -/ : 10 temperature levels(adjustable temperature range is 140 °F to 464 °F), 9 power levels, quickly choose your desired power from 200W to 1800W in 200W increments. Sensitive touch buttons ensure convenience to use, set the time of your induction cooker ranging from 1 minute to 4 hours to ensure fine cooking and result.
  • : The induction cooker is compatible with induction cooking utensils ranging from 5 inches to 8 inches(Heated area 8.26 inches in diameter), such as stainless steel, cast aluminum, cast iron, or enameled iron. The surface of the induction cooker is high-quality smooth glass, which can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth.
  • : Measures 23.23 x 15.2 x 2.52 in. Weighs only pounds. The induction cooker is compact and light, easy to install and carry, which is a great choice for limited space such as kitchen, recreational vehicle, office, camping. The smooth glass surface is scratch-resistant, waterproof, and highly decorative.
  • Weight: 12.72 pounds

Pros & Cons


light enough to carry and use on the patio - compatible with different size cookware! Video Player is loading. Current Time 0:00 / Duration 1:50 : Stream Type Remaining Time - 1:50 I am very impressed with this low profile and small footprint for a dual burner induction cooktop. The name is cooktron so my kids have been calling it my transformer stove when they see the name. The edges are slanted with a grey metallic finish on the plastic to give it an expensive countertop appliance appearance. It's important to understand the limitations of the single or dual cooktop: There's only so much power that it can draw through the outlet in the wall and that's 1800W. At the same time, this isn't a full stove-induction cooktop that you'd have installed in your kitchen with access to a 240V plug. You get 1800W but with 1400W as the highest for long periods of time but get the full 1800W using the booster which has a rocket icon. I appreciate that I was able to use all my different size induction compatible cookware with varying diameter sizes on the bottom and all of them worked without getting the E0 incompatible cooking material error. The countertop is easy to wipe down after it cools down from each use. The main reason I wanted this type of cooktop was to carry it outdoors onto the patio and cook next to my propane grill and not smoke up or smell up the kitchen during our summer family patio picnics. I enjoy being outdoors as much as possible since I have to work from home all day and this dual cook top gives me that cooking freedom. The cord is the standard 120VAC three prong for standard outlets and the cord is long enough to go from a lifetime table to the exterior wall outlet. I do not have to use an extension cord which would probably require a 10 or 8 AWG due to the high current draw.

Works fine, with frost glass design. It works properly, easy to adjust temperature with the handles knobs, instead of touch buttons, has a child lock button, and a timer for each side. Use both sides at the same time with no problem. I live in a RV, so it fits properly. My last induction burner (Copper Chef) stop heating, after 2 years of continue use. I get used to the high and fast cooking temperature, and this cooktop is perfect. Magnetic induction cooktops definitely don't work to simmer food, but I don't mind. This one has a nice frost on the glass, so is less slippery that my last one. Easy to clean. Has 2 cooling fans, and made less noice that my last one. Love the timer function, finally I get to use it today, doing some pork ribs. Put it on in case I forget it, walk away, and when I come back it was off. I didn't like the plug is not grounded. No biggie. So far so good.

Excellent cook top for small spaces. Better than expected. I have never been able cook a meal more quickly. The flexibility of this cook top is fantastic. I have, and will continue to recommended it to friends and family. All at a good price.


Very difficult temperature control and very noisy! The temperature control is such that one setting is too high but the next one down is too low. Not sure why they designed it this way but it's not practical and so cooking requires constant manipulation of the temperature control. The next issue are the fans. They're SO LOUD that my wife and I breathe a sigh of relief when they finally stop! To clean this thing you basically have to unplug it because otherwise you end up turning it on and off as you wipe down the cooking surface. I've no choice but to keep using it until our real range gets delivered but this is a really stupid design. I cannot recommend this product.

Starts out cooking on the hottest setting. Temperature starts out on the highest setting, which isn't what the owners manual said it should do. It was replacing those exactly the same thing. You don't have the option to program it so it always starts in the middle or on a low setting. Given the fact these things get hot very quick it is very easy to burn whatever you're cooking, especially when you're losing your eyesight. It's hard to see the temperature settings, even though this stove does offer some of the biggest I've seen. It would have been nice if it would start on medium and she could cook what she wants to cook without worrying too much about it burning so fast. Otherwise the stove seems to work fine.

One burner no longer works after approx 6 weeks of occasional use. Very disappointed. Don't buy. It works fine. No real complaints except that when you turn it on, it defaults to the highest temperature setting. Not a big deal.

How to Buy The Best COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm from which you can learn how to get the best COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm.

  • Is it worth buying the COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm?
  • What benefits does the product COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm?
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  • Where can you get information as this on the product COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm?
  • Why and how do you need the COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the COOKTRON Double Induction Cooktop Burner with Fast Warm to you.

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