American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag – Embroidered Stars and Sewn Stripes

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Display Your Pride Montage

PRIDE IN YOUR COUNTRY – Genuine American Made Flags, not cheap foreign Chinese fakes

RESPECT FOR OUR VETERANS – By raising a Made in USA Flag over your property you Honor those who fought for our Freedom

SAFEGUARDING AMERICAN JOBS – Rushmore Rose Flags are 100% Made in America by US employees on Home Soil

FMAA TAGGED – Marked with FMAA tag which authenticates ” Made in America ”

Iwo Jima

Honoring Our Veterans


As you raise this Flag over your property

Our Dream Lives on as we respect the virtues of our Founding Fathers

with the US Flag – PRIDE

Palm Tree Rushmore Rose

Show Your Patriotism and Feel the Emotion

Pledge Your Allegiance to a Genuine American Flag

Highest Quality US Flag Best Durable Nylon for all harsh outdoor weather

Light Flyability with Reinforced Polyester header for tough extra strength

Heavy Duty Brass Grommets and Quadruple Stitched

Fly Hem – TOUGH

Why Buy From Us ?

Why Buy From Us ?


Why Would Anyone want to Buy a Foreign Made Flag ?

  • By purchasing a Rushmore Rose you are supporting US employees right here in America
  • We passionately believe that Old Glory should only be Made in America and that anything else is a disrespectful fake, particularly to our Veterans who sacrificed so much for our Flag and our Country
  • The pride in the workmanship that goes into each and every flag is self-evident

FMAA ( Flag Manufacturers Association of America ) Members which is the only proof it’s a GENUINE Rushmore Rose

God Bless America !

Thank You

Your Support means the World to us and to Our Great Nation !

Features & Specifications

  • Fmaa Fertified 6x10 American Flag Made in USA: 100% made in USA flag with vivid colors of deep blue and red designed through skillful work craftsmanship. Our American flag is made from durable nylon for all harsh outdoor weather
  • Heavy Duty American Flag Built for Outdoor: Our outdoor American flag is recognized by the Flag Manufacturers Association of America. It measures 6x10 feet, making it suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
  • Weatherproof Durable Outdoor Allegiance Flag: Designed with light flyability and reinforced polyester header for additional durability. It has heavy-duty brass grommets and a quadruple-stitched fly hem for long-lasting use and outdoor weather.
  • Versatile United States Bandera Flag: This American flag is not only for flag poles. Our American made flag can be placed on your house, indoor and outdoor wall, porch, gate, or inside a classroom.
  • Special Patriotic Gift: Our cloth American flag is an excellent gift for veterans and patriotic families. Click 'Add to Cart' now and honor the veterans who fought for our freedom, future, and US flag.
  • Weight: 1.83 pounds

Pros & Cons


Updated review, great response from reseller. I updated ny review, old review below. Rushmore Rose was responsive to my concerns and fixed the problem. I received a replacement flag which is perfect and beautiful. The seams seem very strong, the colors pop, and the material allows this large 6x10 flag to gracefully dance with the wind. I highly recommend the flag and trust Rushmore Rose to be there for you if a problem arises. I can fly this USA made flag quite proudly. Old Review: My 6'x10' flag is 8" shorter on the stripes side than it is on the star side. It looked odd draped downward on my wall during the memorial day weekend. If it were straight I'd give it a 5 rating but I am perplexed how they can flub up a flag so bad.

An American flag that you can proudly fly. This flag is beautiful, I am so pleased. The color is vibrant. The fabric is thick and feels durable, yet it moves and waves the way you would expect from a flag. It is also the perfect size for the front of our house. The stripes and field are sewn together (not screen printed). The stars are sewn also. We also appreciate that it is made in America.

Absolutely beautiful product. This flag is beautiful and worth the extra money. After buying my first home, I walking into a Home Depot and saw a flag and pole all in one package for cheap and didn’t think much about it. Bought it and brought it home and proudly displayed the flag. Within a month the wooden pole had warped and within the year the flag was in tatters, china garbage I’m sure but I say that to express how beautiful this American Made flag is. I am ashamed to say I purchased an American flag without checking if it had been made in America. Never again, I respectfully burned the cheap flag and will never again not buy American. Have pride in the flag and don’t buy without checking first.

Great flag. Great flag, nice white embroidered stars, sewn double, and quadrupled stitching. Flies very well in light wind. The flag is made out of nylon, while the header side, the side with the grommets is made of strong, heavy polyester, I believe. With the wind we have here, in Riverside, CA, I am hoping it lasts more than 6 months.

Seems like it's a sturdy flag - will see how it holds up to our harsh water-front wind! We put this on a large flag pole (roughly 35-40 feet), and it looks really nice. Probably could have gone the next size up, and likely when this one does wear out that's what we'll do. But the 5' x 8' looks good, and has been flying for a week now. We have pretty tough conditions here, so I'll be curious to see how well it holds up. But it felt like it was of sturdy quality. So hopefully it lives up to the description!

It really is made in America in red,white & blue. This flag was made in Rushmore, Tx near Huston and says: made in a U.S.A., FMAA certified on the white strip near the stars. Looked at the one I returning which has no labels although the ad says made in America But is “Maroon”, blue and white. Pleased I could find this flag on Amazon; very displeased that it falsely claims to be made here. Amazon this “Olynik” flag shows two places that its origin is made in USA, not U.S.A. Further, OLYNIK Trademark application of MnengChengXu, serial #9702981.


lightweight - UPDATE. Much lighter weight than I expected. It is thicker than a thin cheap throw-away style printed nylon flag, but I would never describe as "heavy duty". Manufacturer saw my review and offered a replacement or full refund which they processed very quickly. Superior customer service.

Nice flag but didn’t last. Upper right of flag is tattered within 2 months of flying.

Flag is already shredding after one month. Not worth the money… already falling apart at the ends.

Thin. This flag looks nice but wow is it thin. Looks like the gromits will rip out on the the first good winds storm. I'll update at the end of the season.

Quality Concerns. I've had this flag flying for one week on my 20' flagpole. I can see the tips are already starting to fray. Good thing this company has a replacement guarantee.

Flag started to fall apart in less than month of flying it. This is a nice looking flag, but it started to fall apart in less than a month of flying it. I live on a hill where we always get wind, but regardless, this flag should have lasted a lot longer than a few weeks.

How to Buy The Best American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag from which you can learn how to get the best American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag.

  • Is it worth buying the American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag?
  • What benefits does the product American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag?
  • What makes the American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag?
  • Why and how do you need the American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


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How durable is the product of American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

How is the average rating for the product of American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag?

Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers, making it as one of the best sellers of outdoor-garden-flags.

We highly recommend the American Flag: 100% American Made US Flag to you.

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