4 Piece Set – Hotel Luxury Bed Sheets – Extra Soft – Deep Pockets – Easy Fit – Breathable & Cooling – Wrinkle Free – Comfy Sheets

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product 4 Piece Set before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

luxury for lessQueen Size Sheet SetCGK Unlimited SheetCGK Unlimited Queen Size SheetPerfect Fit Queen Size Sheet

4pc bed sheets 6pc bed sheets Ashtyn 4 Pillow Set 2 2pc pillow cases 4pc pillow cases
4pc Luxury Sheet Set 6pc Luxury Sheet Set 4pc Extra Deep Luxury Sheet Set 2pc Luxury Pillow Case Set 4pc Luxury Pillow Case Set
Premium Durable Microfiber
Machine Washable
Wide Color Variety
All Sizes Available
Ultra Soft
Bulk Set
Extra Deep Measurements

Features & Specifications

  • 4 PIECE BED SHEET SET: 2 pillow cases and flat sheet and fitted sheet. Flat Sheet (108" x 102") Fitted Sheet (80”x 78”) 2 Pillow Cases (20”x 40”)
  • DEEP POCKETS/ EASY FIT: They fit mattresses up to around 16 inches deep. If your mattress is smaller than 16 inches it will fit just fine. A lot of mattresses are pretty big these days and we feel this is a good universal size that fits most mattresses.
  • FEEL THE DIFFERENCE: If you're looking for very soft sheets you have found them! They're breathable, cool and super silky soft. The comfort of these sheets will have you coming back! Perfect for any room in your house - bedroom, guest room, kids room, RV, vacation home. Great gift idea for men and women, Moms and Dads, Valentine's - Mother's - Father's Day and Christmas.
  • HIGHEST QUALITY BRUSHED MICROFIBER: A lighter difference. A softer , finer touch. These are made of the highest quality double brushed microfiber yarns. The virtually weightless wonder of CGK Unlimited sheets will have you coming back for more. Linger in your dreams.
  • GREAT SHEETS FOR THE PRICE! These are some of the softest and most affordable sheets you’ll find. Great bang for your buck as far as comfort and softness and unlike many other very expensive sheets & materials, these CGK Bed Sheets will give you comfort and softness at a reasonable price.
  • Weight: 3.44 pounds

Pros & Cons


Great sheets- Good price. I really love these sheets! The are a good price for nice quality . I needed some deep pocket sheets to fit my large mattress- al of my other sheets were constantly popping off. Had these on all week and they haven't budged. Big enough to fit around the mattress with material tucked under. I also like how soft they are and the pillow cases have a fold over closure. I was not sure about the color in the picture- but when I got them it was the perfect color to replace my old sheets.

Surprisingly awesome sheets! Bought these for my teenager with sensory issues. They are SUPER SOFT, which is crucial for my HFA kid. They wash up beautifully and aren't wrinkly. Fitted sheet has nice deep pockets that hug the mattress snugly. The sheets & pillowcases have a bit of slip but nothing crazy. They stay cool too! For folks who like the super smooth & soft sheets found in hotels, (Holiday Inn Express & Holiday Inn Resorts have amazing bedding) these are the closest dupes I've found. Previously I'd always bought high thread count cotton sateen sheets in an attempt to get that perfect hotel bed "feel", but these have made me a convert to this brand's polyester/microfiber. They feel just like luxury cotton sateen, though they are a bit more sheer. For the price these sheets are unbeatable, will definitely repurchase for all of our beds.

AMAZING CUSTOMER SERVICE. I love these sheets!!! They are so soft and cozy and the color is spot on! CGK Linens went above and beyond with their customer service for me. I reached out because unfortunately one of my pillow cases had a hole which seemed to just be a slight defect in just that pillow case. They were so kind as to replace that pillow case set AND they sent me a second set of pillow cases because my additional 2 I had bought (to make a set of 4) were slightly off in color. I am more than pleased with them as these things that occur could happen to anyone and are simply just mistakes and they did the right thing by going above and beyond for their customer. Will be buying from them in the future!

Couldn't believe these 20.00 and 30.00$ sheets were Awsom! Since the 1 St time I bought at least 400 thread count sheets I have always paid the steep price for High quality sheets pricey but they last forever and there is No Better Sleep then the sleep you get on high quality sheets once you know the difference you won't go back...or so I thought I was remodeling our 2 spare bedrooms now that we are empty nesters and I caught a Sale on these sheets I just had to try for our spare rooms that usually only our young grandkids use when I received I was impressed with the way they fit my deep mattresses perfect they felt so soft like sheets you've washed for a year or two these sheets have been washed several times since purchase and they still fit perfect just get softer and the products quality is excellent they are a little thinner then my 150.00 sheets but other then that these sheets are so worth trying I'm a firm believer in you get what you pay for but these sheets are worth more then the very reasonable( I mean CHEAP PRICE) these sold for don't find deals like this often!

Recommending these to everyone!! After reading several reviews, I ordered these sheets thinking they would be good enough for a spare pair. I washed them and immediately put them on my bed to try out. I was so pleasantly surprised at the comforting feel, and wrinkle-free look that I immediately sent the link to my mom, sister, and best friend and recommended they order too! Between the 3 of them, they ordered 5 pairs and have loved them as much as I love mine! These $25 sheets (caught them on sale) have become my regular pair and now my $70 sheets from Target have become my back up!

Softest sheets I've owned. The softness of these sheets is amazing. The fit of the california style fitted sheet is generous. Fits really well. Almost a tad too loose. But I like it that way. The sheets feel extremely soft on my skin which I love. It's winter and cold at night so I'm loving the "warm" hug. Not sure about a hot summer but I'm sure they will be equally wonderful. The shade "white" is truly a wonderful crisp white and I couldn't be happier. Shipping was lightening fast. I am considering to buy another color soon! Don't wait, if you can get this set at a great price, get it NOW!! You won't regret it.


Some Good, Some Bad. Elastic a Big Problem. An Honest Review. After sleeping these for several weeks, I wanted to give an honest review. These sheets have some good points, and some areas where they are not so good. Positive: 1) colors are pretty. You have a wide selection of colors, they do seem true to the pictures and are very pretty. So far, I have not noticed any fading after washing. 2) soft. These sheets are very soft. I was a little surprised because of them being microfiber, but they are. It's a different feel than cotton, more slicky, but soft. 3) Price. Cheaper than high thread cotton sheets. Which is nice when you don't have 80 bucks to spend on sheets. 4) Warmer than you'd think. I think this is because the microfiber is a tight weave and they maybe don't breath as much as cotton, but I was surprised how warm they were, considering how thin they are also. (I'm listing this as a positive because it's Winter and right now, warm is good) Negative: 1) Thin. Let me start by saying, this was the first time I'd bought microfiber sheets, before I'd always done cotton. And I was kind of shocked by how thin they were. But apparently that is just the nature of microfiber. Darker colors look better, the lighter colors you can literally see your hand through the sheet. 2) Immediately wrinkled. This doesn't bother me so much because I don't care about wrinkles - but it might bother some people. 3) The elastic is not very strong, and as I show in my picture, they tend to ride up on the sides. This means the fitted sheet doesn't stay tight and after just one night, the sheet was all bunched up. This bothers me a lot. I tug them down, and they just ride back up. My mattress is inly 15 inch, the sheets should stay in place better. Elastic needs to be much stronger/wider. 4) durability ???? This is the big question mark for me. I can't say because I've only had them for several weeks, but because they are so thin, I'm really wondering how well they're going to hold up. I have a feeling "you get what you pay for" and they won't hold up over the long term.

Good deal, as long as they aren't damaged. I purchased this sheet set. I wanted to love it. However, upon receiving it, there was a big hole on the corner of the fitted sheet. It filled exposed the corner of my mattress and pad. One of the pillow cases, where you insert the pillow, was unfinished, unthreaded. The pillow just kept falling out. It does seem cooling and soft to touch. But I was unable to use it, so I can't give much for info. I think that if the set was not damaged, it would be worth the price.

Quality not as expected. I just received my new sheets last week. I washed them and as I was making the bed I noticed one of the pillow cases had a large hole in it. I tried to reach out to product support through the manufacturer but was just directed to their website where I could not find assistance. We had a set of hotel luxury sheets given to us as that we loved. I thought I was purchasing the same thing but the elastic on the fitted sheet isn't as heavy duty as our other set so the corners do not stay in place. They are soft and I like the color.

Not what I needed. I don’t like the feel of this one. It’s almost like micro fiber. I hate it. It’s sticks to everything and I think that’s what people mean by it being “soft” if you sweat a lot in bed you’re gonna hate these sheets. They’re gonna stick to your butt cheeks fit dear life like an octopus and your gonna wanna bring out the scissors and cut this s h I t to shreds. But on the other hand if you got dry a s s cow looking skin and look like you just got roasted like a lau lau pig and crispy then you might like these sheets because your dry and cracked skin nigh appreciate the overwhelming duct tape like suffocating affection from something that likes your cold untouched body. I feel like if I hate then you should know. I didn’t cut it up I’m gonna use it as a rag for my dogs bed.

Not breathable!! These sheets are soft but they are not breathable. They also stick. Let me see if I can explain this. lol Sheets are supposed to be slick, or glide across you and the fitted sheet. These do NOT. I literally get tangled up in them because it’s like they have status cling, but they don’t. Also, you know how when you move your foot at night to a new spot on the fitted sheet, it’s cool to the touch? Not these!! Not when it’s cold out and not when I turn my A/C cold. Weird. I don’t really like them too much but I’ve already washed them so I can’t return them. The color is nice though! ‍♀️

Soft sheets but don't buy unless you have a thick mattress. The question and answer part of the listing for these sheets said, don't worry, they will also work for a thinner mattress. Not true unless you enjoy sleeping on lumpy wrinkles. They will not work for anything but the newer, thick mattresses. My mattress is an 11" thickness and they were way too baggy for comfort. Finally just took them off and stuck them in a closet. A waste of money. Not an accurate description. They are very soft but also very thin and pillow cases were not even sewn to finish the seam. Crazy!

How to Buy The Best 4 Piece Set?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of 4 Piece Set? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product 4 Piece Set from which you can learn how to get the best 4 Piece Set.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of 4 Piece Set.

  • Is it worth buying the 4 Piece Set?
  • What benefits does the product 4 Piece Set offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product 4 Piece Set?
  • What makes the 4 Piece Set to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product 4 Piece Set?
  • Why and how do you need the 4 Piece Set?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the 4 Piece Set. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best 4 Piece Set.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best 4 Piece Set.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of 4 Piece Set, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of 4 Piece Set offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of 4 Piece Set? Do you like it?


How good is the product of 4 Piece Set? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of 4 Piece Set? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

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Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of 4 Piece Set, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers, making it as one of the best sellers of sheet-pillowcase-sets.

We highly recommend the 4 Piece Set to you.

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