TISSCARE Foot Massager-Shiatsu Foot Massage Machine w/ Heat & Remote 5-in-1 Reflexology System-Kneading, Rolling, Scraping for Calf-Leg-Ankle Plantar Fasciitis, Blood Circulation, Pain Relief

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product TISSCARE Foot Massager before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

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We has been on a mission to make quality foot massager to homes far and wide. We design affordable, functional products that help you to make your life just a little bit easier and more pleasant.

We wouldn’t be where we are today without the valuable feedback we receive from our customers. With their input, we are able to continuously improve our products and experiences by tailoring our growth to their needs.

  • 1 x Foot Massager
  • 1 x Wireless Remote ( You need to remove the insulating protective film before use it)
  • 1 x User Manual

Foot Massager Collections

Shiatsu Foot Massager | Calf Massager | Foot Massager Machine

✔The perfect arc design makes your legs or feet fit perfectly.

✔Non-slip pads design can keep your foot massager machine in place for more safety.

✔High-quality and effective massage, relaxing, a good range of settings and massage types available.

✔A daily foot massage can help reduce stress and anxiety levels. It’s not just about your feet!

  • Color: Gray
  • Overall: 23”(L)*14.5”(W)*10”(H)
  • Rated Voltage: 120 V/60 Hz, Rated Power: 55 W
  • Auto Using Time: 15 Mins, Weight: 12.9 lbs
  • The majority of foot massagers are very easy to clean. Just give them a quick wipe down with a damp cloth or a mild cleaning solution. And not plugged into a power outlet during cleaning.
  • Proposal using direction: Keep the panel towards to yourself to avoid ankles crunched.

foot massager

foot massager

foot massager

Washable Foot Liners

Keep your foot massager clean all the time. Bring you a pleasant & hygienic massage experience

Calf & Foot Size

The perfect arc design makes your legs or feet fit perfectly. Calf: ≈ Size 3.5 Feet, Foot: ≈ Size 13 Feet. Proposal using direction: Keep the panel towards to yourself

Convenient Storage

The compact design make sure you’re easily stored. You can do the foot massage anywhere

foot massager

foot massager TISSCARE Foot Massager-Shiatsu Foot Massage Machine w/ Heat & Remote 5-in-1 Reflexology System-Kneading, Rolling, Scraping for Calf-Leg-Ankle Plantar Fasciitis, Blood Circulation, Pain Relief foot massager Foot massager
Foot Massager – Dark Gray Upgraded Foot Massager – Dark Gray Upgraded Foot Massager – Silver Gray Foot Massager – Silver Gray
Heating 50℉~120℉ 50℉~125℉ 50℉~125℉ 50℉~120℉
Cloth Detachablele Yes Yes Yes Yes
Timer 5min-30min 5min-30min 5min-30min 5min-30min
Remote Yes Yes Yes Yes
Massage Range 300° 300° 300° 300°
Mode 3 Auto Modes/1 Manual Mode 3 Auto Modes/1 Manual Mode 3 Auto Modes/1 Manual Mode 3 Auto Mode/1 Manual Mode
Adjustable Handle Range 360° 360° 360° 360°
Material ABS/PP/Premium Fabric ABS/PC/Premium Fabric ABS/PC/Premium Fabric ABS+PP/Premium Fabric
Massage Position Toes, Arch, Heel, Foot, Calf, Arm Toes, Arch, Heel, Foot, Calf, Arm Toes, Arch, Heel, Foot, Calf, Arm Toes, Arch, Heel, Foot, Calf, Arm
Massage Type Shiatsu, Scraping, Kneading, Rolling Shiatsu, Scraping, Kneading, Rolling Shiatsu, Scraping, Kneading, Rolling Shiatsu, Scraping, Kneading, Rolling, Vibration, Air Compression

Features & Specifications

  • 【Smart Reflexology System】This foot massager is equipped with 4 simulated hands, 8 rollers, and 74 nodes, which mimics massage techniques (kneading, scraping, rolling, and more) by a massagist; It also meets all your needs by variable intensities-rotations and time setting(5-30min) for the more authentic experience
  • 【Not Only For Foot Relief】With a 360° adjustable handle, our foot massager machine can be positioned with extra relaxation to work the muscles of your feet, ankles, or calves! It also allows you to carry this foot massager to anywhere you want to enjoy the massage
  • 【Temperature with Pleasure】This calf massager designed with a heating system the temperature up to 120°F. It helps to accelerate blood circulation, maintain muscle and skin vitality; Especially helpful for the elderly with edema of legs and feet and decreased mobility during a cold time
  • 【Total Practical & User-Friendly】This leg massager comes with a remote control to provide a more convenient environment for people with reduced mobility; The compact design allows you could easily store it. The breathable foot sleeves are removable by being unzipped for convenient cleaning, ensuring hygienic shiatsu foot massage
  • 【Always Care With You】TISSCARE foot massager is safety certified. If you meet any questions with our foot massage machine, please give us a chance, we'd offer you a reasonable satisfactory solution with high standards of service

Pros & Cons


Worth the money. After standing all day at work, this massager is just what I was looking for to soothe my tired, achy feet & legs. It provides the perfect amount of pressure to be relaxing & the heat feels wonderful. The remote & control panel are convenient & easy to use. I love that it is adjustable so I can get just the right angle. The cord wraps up neatly & the handle makes it easy to carry. My whole family loves this! It would make a great gift.

Enjoyed it b4 sending it back...... The machine itself takes some getting used to but is overall enjoyable massage.... wish it had a hold/compression feature & was easier to use on the legs. Remote has to be pointing directly at panel to work. Cumbersome to move around & be careful bc it DOES pinch.... HAD to send it back because it had been OBVIOUSLY used. Scrapes, dirt, scratches, packaging, power cord- all of it had visible wear from someone else's use. Sent it back for that reason plus it's a little pricey for what it is. Could use some added features & better use of the features it does have. Still looking for the perfect leg/foot massager as I have major back issues & leg pain. NEED some relief that's a little more targeted & not so expensive.

Gift for mom…she loves it! The perfect gift, my mom loves hers! The moment she placed her feet on the rollers, I could see the ease and comfort on her face. I usually give her massages myself, but I’m not always available to do so. This foot massager is by far the next best thing. It’s not overly bulky or difficult to store, it’s not too heavy to maneuver, and the pressure is not too powerful to hurt you. The only thing I would change is making it more adjustable for wider feet and thicker calves, since the width of the cuffs may be a bit too narrow for some. When trying it on her lower legs, it was too tight and felt more like a pinching than a massage, making it quite uncomfortable. If you have skinny ankles to calves, it may work for you. Overall, she enjoys it and that makes me happy.

Very good buy. This massager is very convenient to use, portable and quiet. I usually put it on the sofa and use it for my legs and feet while watching tv. It helped relieve the pain after a tennis match or a long hike. The remote control was a lifesaver as I can continue the massage by a simple click. Very good buy and I have been using it almost everyday.

Makes me have “Happy Feet!”. I love this foot massager! I keep it under my desk in my home office, this way I can use it several times a day and it’s also out of the way! I would recommend it to my friends and would also buy it again!

softer feet. product worked as advertised and left my feet softer and helped with my calluses


Good for general foot massage. I have really bad feet pain, so I was looking for something that could really get in and do a deep massage. I have a lot of tightness in my plantar and it requires a deep massage. This machine offers a decent massage over all of your foot, but if you're for a massgae machine thats going to get that one deep spot this one isn't it. You can't really work with the machine to target one specific area of your foot, instead it goes through all of your feet which may be fine for most, but it was a feature that would have been enjoyed by me. Also the machine is kind of clunky and heavy. This is fine if you are sitting in one place with it and don't plan to move it but on of the calls of the machine is the multi use on your legs. Because the machine is clunky I find it somewhat inconvenient to get on your bed if you want to do the massage on your legs. Also the dimensions of the machine are not the smallest, so for some this may not easily fit beneath the bed or fit easily into a shelf which makes storage of it a bit of a hassle on my case. Because the machine tries to design it for the multipurpose of using it on your feet or legs, it ends up not being designed as optimally as it can. Sometimes the massages nodules in its movements can kind of go too hard and aginst the grain of how it should massage you. Like when your using it on your legs you realize some of the movements were intended for the feet and can clash uncomfortably on certain muscles of your legs. Its for this reason, as a quick massage it works fine, but too long on this machine like over 10 minutes can begin to hurt a certain muscle due to design. The machine is just ok. I don't end up using it almost at all. It was something I wanted to use daily, but it didn't really do what I needed it to. So for the price point, I don't think it lived up to my expectations. Some of the features such as heating are nice but ended up bloating the price of a machine that doesn't excel in it's core purpose in my opinion.

VERY Painful IF not facing the right way. This machine is AWFUL. Absolutely awful. AND painful. I got this to help with circulation and pitting edema in my calves and feet and there is a single part of that area I can place in the machine that isn't crushed to death by the compression from the sides. My calf won't even fully fit inside fully that I have to move it to the lowest part and even that pinches too hard and leaves deep indents all over my skin. I've tried to use it on just my feet too, which at least fit in the machine and even that's super painful. It feels like there's no good position that won't pinch your skin and crush your ankles. Who the heck made this thing? UPDATED REVIEW to 3 stars (1/9/2022): After changing the direction of the device for my feet it was a lot more comfortable and did the job intended. Make sure your heels can rest on the flat surface with the digital display facing towards you NOT the other way (which would be the proper direction you'd think for the upright position for calf massages). Unfortunately, the direction the device needs to point for the massage isn't indicated in the manual at all. Haven't re-tried on my calves yet, but at least it's useful for the feet now.

It wasn’t good. All honestly it was a nice gift but after putting it to use it hurts like something was poking your feet and it was painful

Didn't hit the spot. I returned this item. I felt like it didn't add pressure in the right apots for me. The bottom rollers didn't do a good job in my opinion and the sides added too much pressure to my ankle.

Great but not for specific points. This is a great item but it doesn’t get your heels. The part that squeezes your foot is great, but the top of it really hurts our ankles if you move your foot up so it can rub your heels. It digs into your ankle. If you are not wanting to target specific points on your foot, then it is great.

Expensive for what it provides. Wanted to really enjoy the foot massager and it works okay. My only issues is that it's not a very strongbfoot massager. Not even close to the level of massage that is received in the massage chairs. I was a bit underwhelmed for the price.

How to Buy The Best TISSCARE Foot Massager?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of TISSCARE Foot Massager? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product TISSCARE Foot Massager from which you can learn how to get the best TISSCARE Foot Massager.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of TISSCARE Foot Massager.

  • Is it worth buying the TISSCARE Foot Massager?
  • What benefits does the product TISSCARE Foot Massager offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product TISSCARE Foot Massager?
  • What makes the TISSCARE Foot Massager to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product TISSCARE Foot Massager?
  • Why and how do you need the TISSCARE Foot Massager?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the TISSCARE Foot Massager. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best TISSCARE Foot Massager.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best TISSCARE Foot Massager.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of TISSCARE Foot Massager, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of TISSCARE Foot Massager offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of TISSCARE Foot Massager? Do you like it?


How good is the product of TISSCARE Foot Massager? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of TISSCARE Foot Massager? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

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Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of TISSCARE Foot Massager, no matter it is good or bad?


In general, this is a pretty good product and is worth buying. Many real life customers have highly rated it, topping it on the best sellers list of Electric-Foot-Massagers.

We highly recommend the TISSCARE Foot Massager to you.

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