MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth,Pack of 12,Size:12.6″ x 12.6″

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth,Pack of 12,Size:12.6" x 12.6"MR.SIGAMR.SIGA


-Machine wash or hand wash microfiber cloths separately in warm water and mild detergent.

-Do not use bleach or fabric softener.

-Do not tumble dry.

-Do not iron.

-Always keep dry after use






Compared with ordinary wipes, the microfiber cleaning cloth has great water absorption, so it dries much faster, no matter how wet the items are, it can quickly absorb water, exert its maximum effect, and look new again! It can be reused for hundreds of times, saving a lot of money.


The soft, non-abrasive cleaning cloth will not scratch items, nor will it scrape paint, coatings or other surfaces. It can capture tiny dust and particles without leaving streaks, allowing you to find the fun of doing housework!


These microfiber towels feature high quality stitching with reinforced edges which will not unravel, they are durable and made to last hundreds of washings. They are lightweight, super absorbent and dry quickly, use them everyday to enjoy your cleaning.


You can choose the color of the microfiber cloth according to the place to be cleaned and the type of dirt to specify their different specific uses, use them as kitchen towels, bathroom towels, floor mops, car towels, window/mirror cloths and other household cleaning tasks.

MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, All-Purpose Microfiber Towels, Streak Free Cleaning Rags MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, Pack of 24 MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, Pack of 50 MR.SIGA Ultra Fine Microfiber Cloths for Glass, Pack of 6 MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, All-Purpose Cleaning Towels, Pack of 6 MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, Pack of 6
MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, All-Purpose Microfiber Towels, Streak Free MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, Pack of 24, Size:12.6″ x 12.6″ MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, Pack of 50, Size 11.8 x 11.8 in MR.SIGA Ultra Fine Microfiber Cloths for Glass, Pack of 6, 35 x 40cm MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, All-Purpose Cleaning Towels, Pack of 6 MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, Pack of 6, Size: 13.8″ x 15.7″
Color Gray Pink,Yellow,Green,Blue Pink,Yellow,Green,Blue,Grey Light Green Dark Gray Dark Blue,Grey
Pack 12 24 50 6 6 6
Size 12.6″ x 12.6″ 12.6″ x 12.6″ 11.8‘’ x 11.8‘’ 13.7″ x 15.7″ 13.8″ x 15.7″ 13.8″ x 15.7″
Material 87% Polyester/13% Nylon 85% Polyester,15%nylon 90% Polyester,10%nylon 84% Polyester,16%nylon 87% Polyester,13%nylon 87% Polyester,13%nylon

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We created Compact by Design to identify products that, while they may not always look very different, have a more efficient design. With the removal of excess air and water, products require less packaging and become more efficient to ship. At scale, these small differences in product size and weight lead to significant carbon emission reductions.

Here are a few of the many ways products can qualify:

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Waterless technology

Features & Specifications

  • 85% Polyester/15% Nylon
  • ULTRA SOFT MATERIAL & SCRATCH FREE - Ultra soft and highly absorbent microfiber cleaning cloths, great for cleaning windows, kitchenware, car or other delicate surfaces.
  • ABSORBENT & LINT FREE - Made of 85% Polyester, 15% Nylon. These non-abrasive cleaning rags can soak up water from the countertop and tables instantly and without lint or streaks left behind. Clean with or without water, from worktops, appliances to kitchens, bathrooms, mirrors etc, they will make your house sparkling.
  • TACKLE VERSATILE CLEANING JOBS - These premium microfiber towels are also perfect dish rags which don't smell, removes grease and particles from microwave oven, plates, pots or pans effortlessly. Not only that, you will be amazed they are also terrific duster that removes fingertips from silverware and glasses easily and leaves your kitchen spotless.
  • REUSABLE & LONG LASTING - These microfiber towels feature high quality stitching with reinforced edges, they are durable and made to last hundreds of washings. They are lightweight, super absorbent and dry quickly, use them everyday to enjoy your cleaning.
  • MR.SIGA's mission: Make your housework easier, and make the world cleaner. Should you have any questions about the product or after-sale service, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here for support and advice!
  • Dimensions: 12.6"L x 12.6"W
  • Weight: 0.79 Ounces

Pros & Cons


IMPRESSIVE QUALITY FOR THE PRICE!! I was on the search for a good quality microfiber cloth for cleaning. I decided to give these a try, and to my surprise they ACTUALLY DO THE JOB! I am a mother of 3 kids and messes are very common. I love how the cloths are color-coated for different areas of the house. These cloths pick up spills and dust so well! I was shocked! I used them so far for cleaning my tables, floors, counters, surfaces, appliances, and even washing & drying dishes.

Love these. They work very good. I use them for daily cleaning around the house. Also to wash dishes. I love the quality of them. I wash them in the washer by themselves and let them hang dry. I accidentally put two in the dryer and they came out fine. But I noticed they are better not being put in the dryer. Highly recommend

Great Cloths for the Price! These cloths are perfect for any chore around the house. I used one to clean my stainless steel fridge, looks perfect. Used one to apply granite cleaner to my kitchen counter tops. I like that you can just wash them when needed and no longer have to use and waste paper towels.

Never going back to paper towels. Got these to try instead of paper towels and I’m never going back! Easy to use and clean and so soft!

Love it. Great purchase. I got them as I can use the different colors for cleaning different areas of the house without getting them mixed up

Great product! I love these rags! Soft, and super absorbent. Fun colors too!


Will not buy again. I go through a lot of microfiber cloths. These were not very densely woven. There was a lot space between the loops and rows. This did not aid in picking much up but they are VERY soft. So maybe for buffing after waxing a car they'd be okay. No micro fiber cloth is easy to clean and hear in Florida with all the sand its just not worth the risk of picking up sand and scratching the paint so I generally just toss them after using them.

My biggest gripe is the tags are hard to remove. Many use microfiber to avoid scratches on things like LCD screens. Many microfiber towels have easy to remove tags. These are sewn in like they were meant to be permanent and they are a bit scratchy.

To dam small. The pile in the picture looks bigger

They are okay but stick to things. These are just okay for me I found the fiber in them stick to things when cleaning not in like a good way. I can't explain it. It's not like normal kitchen/cleaning towels I've used and work fine. It's just something about the material just didn't like and doesn't work well for my home unfortunely.

Decent towels. These are nice but rather thin in my opinion so they soak up cleaners but stay so soaked. They hold the cleaner scent pretty well. I wouldn’t recommend using them but once before throwing them in the wash. Trap dirt and dust pretty well. I wish one side was a bit more abrasive to get a better scrub

Not dishrags. I bought this after searching for dishrags. They are not dishrags. Good for glass, cars, or situations that call for a shammy to dry. Ok for drying dishes. Nearly useless for washing them.

How to Buy The Best MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth from which you can learn how to get the best MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth.

  • Is it worth buying the MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth?
  • What benefits does the product MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth?
  • What makes the MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth?
  • Why and how do you need the MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth? Do you like it?


How good is the product of MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

How is the average rating for the product of MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth?

Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth, no matter it is good or bad?


On the whole, this is a pretty nice product that earns many praises from real life customers, being listed as one of the best sellers of Cleaning Cloths.

We highly recommend the MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloth to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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