JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set, Flat Squeeze Mop, Home mop Floor with Bucket, WASH and Dry Bucket mop System

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

mop and bucket with extended mop handlemop and bucket with longer extended mop handleflat squeeze mop bucket self-cleaning bucket Space saving mop bucket setmicrofiber pads

24D 13D Microfiber Cleaning Cloth LJ-JOYLOOP JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set, Flat Squeeze Mop, Home mop Floor with Bucket, WASH and Dry Bucket mop System Microfiber Pad
JOYMOOP Squeeze Flat Mop and Bucket Set JOYMOOP Squeeze Flat Mop and Bucket Set JOYMOOP Microfiber Cleaning Cloth – 18 PACK JOYLOOP – Fruit Cleaning Device JOYMOOP Flat Mop Handle with Pad Microfiber Mop Pad
Flat Mop Head / Item Size (LxW) 13.0 × 4.9 inches 13.0 × 4.9 inches 13.0 × 4.9 inches 13.0 × 4.9 inches
Size (LxWxH) 10.04 x 7.09 x 15.20 inches 9.05 x 7.20 x 15.15 inches 10 x 10 inches 13.40 x 11.40 x 8.1 inches
Water Volume (L) 6.5 L 5.6 L
Adjustable Handle 26.5 ~ 50.0 inches 26.5 ~ 50.0 inches 26.5 ~ 50.0 inches
Replaceable Mop Pads
Come With 1 Bucket, 1 Flat mop,1 Pad in the mop-head and another 2 pads 1 Bucket, 1 Flat mop,1 Pad in the mop-head and another 2 pads 18 Rags 1 Fruit Cleaning Device 4 Handle Connection rods, 1 mop-head with a Pad 1pc Grey Pad

Features & Specifications

  • HOUSEHOLD CLEANING TOOL : JOYMOOP mop and bucket with wringer set, 2 chambers of mop bucket, WASH and DRY, scratch dirt away in WASH chamber, squeeze out of water in DRY chamber, without hands cleaning.
  • MOP AND BUCKET: self cleaning mop, SAVE your time and labor, let the bucket do more than by yourself, mopping is just between mop and bucket, be free from dirty water, All you need to do is inserting and pulling the mop.
  • MOPS FOR FLOOR CLEANING: with 360° rotation mop head, it can reach to any corners and those "under-the-whatever" places. With one more extension rod, the adjustable Stainless Steel Handle can be extended from 26.5 to 60.0 inches, do mopping with your whole family members by this Clean Home Mop.
  • EASY STORAGE: All pieces are compact enough to fit effortlessly inside the bucket. When you don't use it, just put it in the corner and never worry about taking up too much space.
  • WASHABLE MICROFIBER PAD REFILLS, 8 microfiber mop pads refills come with this set. Strong water absorption let you easily do any wet and dry cleaning. Washable mop pads maintain quality after washed in your washing machine, keep long-term usability.
  • Weight: 4.84 pounds

Pros & Cons


Not perfect, but pretty good! Today, I assembled this and used it for the first time to clean my tile floors. WHAT I LIKED: 1.Easy assembly; 2.Thick and sturdy cleaning pads; 3.Wide mop head and pad to clean a good size path in one pass; 4. No wet mess around my bucket while using this; 5. Water and debris were removed from the mop when I used the wringing side. NEEDS IMPROVED: 1. Would prefer the wringer to remove more water from the mop head so floors would dry more quickly; 2. DEFINITELY needs a longer handle!! I am only 5’4”, but I found the handle was just too short to be used comfortably. I think the manufacturer should include an extra section to be screwed into the handle. It would be worth a couple dollars more because that would make the mop much easier to use! As for durability of this mop system, I will have to update my review after I’ve used it awhile!

Almost 5 stars. This mop is great but there’s one problem with it. When you use the dry side the dirty water doesn’t just go in the dirty side, some of it leaks into the clean water and that’s my only complain. I usually tilt it just a little to minimize the amount of dirty solution going into the clean solution. Other than that it is easy to set up and put away. The washable microfiber pads have lasted for me. I have only had one of the pads rip from the insertion part. If that happens just throw it away and order some more pads.

Great concept but…. Cleans great. Really neat design. But there is one issue I ran into. The pads you have to use have little pockets on one end that I didn’t know about. So when I washed the one pad that was already on the mop head. I put it back on the head again and tried to put it in the bucket slot. It kept getting caught on the edge of the pad. I didn’t realize you had to get the head back into these pockets to keep the pad from rolling up as your trying to put it in the cleaning slot. So I’m ok with that. But the problem was it was so difficult to get the pockets to open up enough to catch the tabs on the mop head. It took several try’s which annoyed the heck out of me. My spin mop was put on and go. So I like the spin mop better lol. But it cleans so good. So I’m torn at this point.

Perfect. Coming from somebody who owns a shiba inu dog, I love to clean weekly because the fur builds up quick. I love using my swiffer to pick up all the fur and dust, but it’s much harder to mop than it is to swiffer. With this product, I am able to cut cleaning time and not have to touch the mop! I’m unsure why there are negative reviews and comments about this product but I’m glad I went against it and bought one. Life changing!

Love it!! I don’t usually write reviews, even if I love the product… THIS MOP! OMG! I love it so much! I haven’t used a “wet” mop in years due to the type of flooring we had. I have gone through SO many spray mops trying to find something worthwhile. We got new flooring recently and I decided I wanted to try a “wet” mop. This bucket/mop system is PERFECTION!! The bucket was smaller than I expected, but I love that it’s easy to store & maneuver while mopping!

Easier and better to use than I thought. Don't buy the stainless steel one of these. That one is junk. This one gets the entire pad wet and dries with ease. I cleaned my great room, hallway, laundry room, hall closet and half my living room in an hour. It was late so I'm cleaning the rest of the walls today. The pad was dirty after about 2 or 3 wipes and came completely clean again. The only problem I had was I wishes I could lock the pad straight instead of it turning occasionally, but I'm figuring out how to maneuver it. When the pad turns sideways I am learning how to get it to turn back. I got the 60 inch and will be cleaning my walls more frequently now. The pad comes out clean and it squeegees out great. I recommend it.


Velcro issues. Ok, I got this and at first loved, loved, loved it. Fast forward a few weeks, I got it out tonight to mop up a mess. Pulled off the old pad, put on the new, filled my bucket and went on to put it in the water and it wouldn't go in. Then it started velcro sticker part started peeling up. Now all I can do is pour water on the floor. I looked for a way to contact the seller could not find it. The main reason to by this was the way you can insert the mop to squeeze it out. Do not recommend this just for this issue alone.

Great first. This mop was great when I first got it. It is easy to use and doesn't require a whole lot of effort to put together. It was AWESOME the first handful of times I used it. It is easy to use and gets the job done quickly. Since then, it has progressively gotten worse. The pads no longer stay on the mop because the little pockets stretched and don't stay on the hooks. I can dip the mop one or two times and then it will come unhooked and can't be dipped again.

Needs Improvement but Love the Concept! So its not that I don't like it because I do. It needs some improvement. First the point of the divider is to separate the dirty water from clean water. Well when you try to squeeze the dirty water out, it just goes into the clean water. 2nd the hooks on the pads one has already broke and I only squeezed it out about 5 times. Also you cant get to close to the baseboard because the pad does not cover the sides so it scratches them. The idea is there but not quite yet! I do love it made cleaning the ceiling easier and the walls but not 5 stars worthy yet!

I give it a 7. I really loved product the first couple of times i used it but now it just keeps getting stuck when i put it through to wash or dry

Its okay. I adore using this mop when cleaning, the only think I dislike was that it does not pick up as much hair and dust as listed or as my liking. But it does do the job, I also like the separation between the wet and dry.

It’s okay. When I first got the JOYMOOP was excited to use it and after a few days of use the pads started to break and it was hard to enter the mop stick in and put so I had another one sent to replace my first one.. the second replacement work as a charm and love it pick up my dog hair and a lot of dirt and dust from the floor but after 3 month now the mop stick broke and can’t use it no longer which sucks and I can’t complain to the company cause there no way to do so.. and I just order new and more mop pads for it

How to Buy The Best JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set from which you can learn how to get the best JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set.

  • Is it worth buying the JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set?
  • What benefits does the product JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set?
  • What makes the JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set?
  • Why and how do you need the JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set? Do you like it?


How good is the product of JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

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Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set, no matter it is good or bad?


In general, this is a pretty good product and is worth buying. Many real life customers have highly rated it, topping it on the best sellers list of Mops & Bucket Sets.

We highly recommend the JOYMOOP Mop and Bucket Set to you.

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