DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon, Berry, Orange, Lemon

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

DripDrop ORS Hydration - Electrolyte Powder Packets - Watermelon, Berry, Orange, Lemon

DripDrop ORS Hydration - Electrolyte Powder Packets - Watermelon, Berry, Orange, Lemon

DripDrop ORS Hydration - Electrolyte Powder Packets - Watermelon, Berry, Orange, Lemon

DripDrop ORS Hydration - Electrolyte Powder Packets - Watermelon, Berry, Orange, Lemon

DripDrop ORS Hydration - Electrolyte Powder Packets - Watermelon, Berry, Orange, Lemon

Dehydration is a medical condition that profoundly affects your health, mood, and performance.

DripDrop ORS is a fast, low-cost, alternative to IV therapy for the mild to moderate dehydration.

Dr. Eduardo Dolhun invented DripDrop ORS while treating dehydration. When he saw how quickly patients recovered, without the use of an IV, he thought…why shouldn’t everyone have this? Now, this powerful formula is available to you.

The invention of DripDrop ORS was such a breakthrough, the formula received a U.S. Patent, and our inventor, Dr. Dolhun, was awarded the 2017 Mayo Clinic Alumni Association Humanitarian award.

DripDrop ORS contains the medically relevant sodium electrolyte levels and lower glucose content required to facilitate fast fluid absorption, AND it tastes great. It’s a powerhouse against dehydration that checks all the boxes.

DripDrop ORS Hydration - Electrolyte Powder Packets - Watermelon, Berry, Orange, Lemon

DripDrop ORS Hydration - Electrolyte Powder Packets - Watermelon, Berry, Orange, Lemon

DripDrop ORS Hydration - Electrolyte Powder Packets - Watermelon, Berry, Orange, Lemon

Everyday Dehydration

75% of people in the US are dehydrated every day, and even mild dehydration increases your risk of injury and inhibits your ability to get things done.

Trusted by Pros

DripDrop ORS combines efficacy, portability, and great taste to deliver dehydration relief fast. It’s trusted for those who need it most – medical professionals, the U.S. military, firefighters, and pro athletes.

On a Mission

We are a Public Benefit Corporation on a mission to defeat dehydration at home and abroad. Your DripDrop ORS purchase generates donations to those who need it most.

DripDrop ORS Hydration - Electrolyte Powder Packets - Watermelon, Berry, Orange, Lemon

DripDrop ORS Hydration - Electrolyte Powder Packets - Watermelon, Berry, Orange, Lemon DripDrop ORS Hydration - Electrolyte Powder Packets - Watermelon, Berry, Orange, Lemon DripDrop ORS Hydration - Electrolyte Powder Packets - Watermelon, Berry, Orange, Lemon DripDrop ORS Hydration - Electrolyte Powder Packets - Watermelon, Berry, Orange, Lemon
Bold Classics Variety Juicy Classics Variety Hot Variety Bold Value Pack
Flavors Include Berry, Watermelon, Lemon, Orange Fruit Punch, Strawberry Lemonade, Concord Grape, Cherry Honey Lemon Ginger, Spiced Apple Cider, Hibiscus, Decaf Green Tea Berry, Watermelon, Lemon, Orange
How to Enjoy Cold Cold Hot Cold
Dose Size 8 oz of Water 8 oz of Water 8 oz of Water 16 oz of Water
Usage Heat, Exercise, Diuretics, Travel, Daily Dehydration Heat, Exercise, Diuretics, Travel, Daily Dehydration Altitude, Cold Weather, Travel, Nausea, Daily Dehydration Best Value for treating signs of Dehydration!

Features & Specifications

  • PATENTED, DOCTOR-CREATED FORMULA - Born on a relief mission, DripDrop ORS was created by a doctor and formulated with a patented mix of electrolytes & glucose to deliver fast dehydration relief. Also contains potassium, magnesium, zinc, and Vitamin C for maximum immunity boosting benefit.
  • ORS ELECTROLYTE POWDER - DripDrop is an ORS, a medically-recognized, optimal way to treat the signs of dehydration. As an ORS, DripDrop provides faster dehydration relief than sports and pediatric drinks, and it’s 99% less expensive than an IV.
  • 3X THE ELECTROLYTES & ½ THE SUGAR OF SPORTS DRINKS - Formulated to address the signs of dehydration relief fast without the sugar and stickiness of traditional sports drinks. Precise ratio of electrolytes and glucose activates the body’s sodium-glucose co-transport system.
  • GREAT FOR SIGNS OF DEHYDRATION CAUSED BY WORKOUT, TRAVEL & HEAT EXHAUSTION – Stay hydrated and recover faster from dehydration with the formula meticulously crafted for fast absorption. Dehydration may result from diuretics, workout, travel, heat exhaustion, and when feeling under the weather.
  • TASTES GREAT - DripDrop ORS tastes fantastic and offers dehydration relief fast. Mix one stick with 8 ounces of water for optimal results.

Pros & Cons


Like Most the Flavors. I've been trying to find the best electrolyte drink this summer. I've tired Nuun, Liquid IV, and now DripDrop (along with a terrible tub brand). I love Nuun, it has low sugar and dissolves fully but is expensive. Liquid IV has a lot of sugar than I'm used to so I was excited to try DripDrop, it does have more sugar than Nuun (but at 1g it's hard to beat) but less than Liquid IV. What I liked - it dissolves completely and easily. It doesn't taste overly sweet. I did feel like I could tell it was making a difference, we've had a heat wave this weekend in Washington and DD really helped me not feel miserable. Why I dropped a star - the Lemon is not good. To me lemon is usually a really safe flavor, you know it'll be consistent and good but of the 4 flavors it was the worst in my opinion. I was skeptical about the berry flavor but it's actually really tasty! The watermelon is the clear winner with orange coming in third. The other downside to DD is the price, you only get 16 servings for $20 which when compared to some others isn't as good. It's definitely something I would buy again but keep an eye out for them to go on sale.

A Lifesaver for Hydration. I take medication that makes me intolerant to heat and humidity. Drinking too much water during a beach trip landed me in the ER with an IV. The doctor explained that drinking too much plain water actually increases your chances of heat exhaustion, because it flushes out too much of your body’s electrolytes. I’m on another vacation right now. Bought the Drip Drops, and I make sure to drink 2 servings each day in place of plain water. What a difference! My body tolerates heat much better now. No more worries of cramps, dizziness, or fatigue. As far as the taste, it’s not bad at all. I just drink it quickly! My favorite flavor is the watermelon. This product has allowed me to participate in outdoor activities with my family, instead of having to hide out in air conditioning. It works, so buy it!!

Dehydration. Not only are these great for those nights of drinking but also in the heat. Our ac unit at work is broken and I constantly feel sick. Taking one of these during my eight hours save me and makes me feel amazing within minutes. Highly recommend.


What Happened?!? Last two orders, NO GO. We have been using Drip Drop for a year or two. We had always ordered the 3 flavor combo. Recently I saw there is a 4 flavor option and ordered it. The majority of the packets were hard and not a loose powder. It's like they were compressed and moisture was introduced. I requested a return/replacement and the new order is exactly the same.

Not Equivalent to Liquid IV. I bought this as an alternative to Liquid IV and it's not equivalent whatsoever. The flavor is minimal, the hydration effects are nil, & the powder is extremely sensitive to moisture even sealed inside the packets. About 40% of our packets were moisture damaged & the powder inside clumped together in a cluster that had obviously gotten wet & hardened. With Liquid IV we never have any of these issues, the flavor is better, and the hydration benefits are physiologically noticeable. I would consider this a 'water flavoring' & nothing more. We won't be purchasing again.

Waaay too sweet -- WHY DOES IT HAVE SUCRALOSE!?! Tastes sweeter than Gatorade and most other electrolyte/sports/hydration beverages. Why in the world do they add sucralose when the first two listed ingredients are sucrose and fructose? The marketing blurbs claim this stuff was developed to hydrate impoverished people in the field during mission trips. That's very admirable, and people in that situation probably do benefit from a quick dose of sugar along with essential minerals. But why make it TOO sweet by adding sucralose, which is not good for anyone at all? Disappointing.

How to Buy The Best DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon from which you can learn how to get the best DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon.

  • Is it worth buying the DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon?
  • What benefits does the product DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon?
  • What makes the DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon?
  • Why and how do you need the DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the DripDrop ORS Hydration – Electrolyte Powder Packets – Watermelon to you.

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