Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!

Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat! before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

What’s in the Box:

90 x 16oz ripple cups

90 x Lids

90 x Stirring straws

Product Features

Designed to satisfy YOUR needs!

Comfort: Our triple insulated S wave ripple wall design help you comfortably handle your hot beverage, while simplifying your coffee station by eliminating the need for sleeves.

Style: These to go coffee cups are of exceptional quality and your guests will definitely be impressed. Our clients have bought these cups for weddings and to baby showers. Perfect for serving coffee, cocoa and tea!

On-the-go: Conscious of the current fast-paced American lifestyle, we’ve designed our cups to tremendously facilitate on-the-go drinking vis our spill-proof, Kiss lid design.

Perfect for Hot and Cold Beverages: We’ve designed these cups to nicely fit any beverage. Perfect for hot drinks such as: salep, irish coffee, apple cider, herbal tea, green tea, hot toddy, espresso, cappuccino, latte, and hot chocolate! Also perfect for cold drinks: Iced coffee, Iced tea, Starbucks, organic smoothies, soft drinks, cocktails, and vegan shakes.

Perfect for any occasion: The quality and style of these cups maked them ideal for any occasion. Use these cups at your next Thanksgiving Family Reunion, Holiday Celebration, New Years Eve party, Birthday Celebration, Fourth of July Bar-Bee-Q, Wedding Party, Baby Showers, Bridal Parties, Bachelors Parties, and Campus Reunions.

Our Guarantee

Our team will swiftly replace or refund any products that do not satisfy the customer expectations. Send us a quick message, we’re happy to resolve any issue you might encounter.

Kindpack is the supplier of klm , air France , sas , Turkish airlines , Philippine airlines ,Iceland air etc. During the past 13 years ,Kindpack has produced 7.5 billions paper cups and 2.3 billions coffee cups lids , while with 0.01% less leakage.

Features & Specifications

  • TOP-RATED COFFEE CUPS :Kindpack is the supplier of klm , air France , sas , Turkish airlines , Philippine airlines ,Iceland air etc. We will offer our 1-year money-back guarantee to you.
  • LEAK FREE GUARANTEE : We made our disposable coffee cups 15% thicker than the competition so you'll only experience excellent heat insulation and leak protection. Serve your friends the cocoa, tea, and coffee they love without the risk of embarrassing accidents.
  • TIGHT FITTING LIDS STOP ACCIDENTAL SPILLS : Our specially designed lids are sturdy and create a tight and firm seal with your paper coffee cups to stay 100% on.
  • NO SLEEVE NEEDED : With sturdy construction and triple insulated S wave ripple wall, these coffee cups with lids will keep hot drinks hot, while still remaining comfortable in your hand. No more fumbling with those pesky sleeves.
  • SAVE MONEY! : Our togo coffee cups with lids are made extra thick and sturdy to ensure that they are durable for everyday use. Reuse these durable, sturdy coffee cups all day.
  • Weight: 5.33 pounds

Pros & Cons


Beautiful, Practical, Perfect for Parties. This well-packaged set of blue-ridged coffee cups, black lids and stirrers are just what I was looking for to have a pretty yet practical coffee set-up at my recent party. The ridged wall of this cup means an added sleeve is not necessary: the cup keeps coffee hot for as long as you take to drink it, but remains cool to the hands holding it. The blue is a a very pretty color. Lids fit perfectly and adding the stirrers is a nice touch: no need to set spoons out. I highly recommend this set of coffee cups!

No Leaks, No Drips, I often re-use the same cup 2 - 3 times. Use for hot coffee & espresso. The lids fit perfect, no dripping. The seams are sealed strong & secure for no leakage. The textured outside skin allows for comfortable handling of hot beverages. Great Job.

Sturdy and the lids fit properly! So hard to find hot to-go cups that are sturdy and the lids fit properly - these are fantastic

Good quality. Can hold cup without getting burned. Nice looking and sturdy.

Good cups. Excellent, tight lids.

Quality cups! Love these. Great quality cups for coffee on the go! Will definitely purchase again.


50/50 shot if it will leak. I had some pretty bad luck with the lids leaking. They fit VERY loosely. I fear using these cups. (Revised 3/25/22) - If I could return these I would… I just wore a whole cup of coffee on my way to work because the lid popped off and it allowed me to squeeze the cup… I am thoroughly unsatisfied at this point! ughhh

There very hot I put paper towel around mind to hold. I bought these before never had a problem I had to throw away a whole sleeve already so far cause they got soft and did not hold up my friend was drinking and cup practically soften up and hard to hold just sent picture where its soft and it goes thru the seam ty for reading this

Not too sturdy. These are not very sturdy but they get the job done. I use these at home and so expect to be able to use them more than once. Well, after one use the coffee can sort of bleed through the connected parts of the paper that composes the cup. So you have coffee stains in crevices that other paper coffee cups might not have. I enjoy the ribbed wraparound design and that keeps your coffee or tea from burning your hands as you carry it, but I could see thinning of the bottom of the cup after stirring the sugar into my tea! It’s just not as sturdy as I thought it would be or as it looks.

LEAKS THROUGH. The cups I usually buy were out so I opted for these cause they looked cool but I noticed on my first cup it was leaving rings on whatever surface. Thought it was just the one but nope , they all leaked through the bottom. So now I have a bunch of cups I can’t use ….. BUT they look and feel cool .

Sturdy. Very hard to pull apart, I like the size it holds more liquid.

They stick together. I noticed someone asked about them sticking together. Some of them do, and when they do you end up destroying at least one of them. Kind of offsets the low price.

How to Buy The Best Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat! from which you can learn how to get the best Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!.

  • Is it worth buying the Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!?
  • What benefits does the product Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat! offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!?
  • What makes the Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat! to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!?
  • Why and how do you need the Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat! offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat!, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Disposable Coffee Cups with Lids and Straws – 16 oz (90 Set) Togo Hot Paper Coffee Cup with Lid To Go for Beverages Espresso Tea Insulated Reusable Cold Drinks Ripple Cups Protect Fingers From Heat! to you.

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