AUVON Device

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product AUVON Device before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

tens devicetens unittens unit muscle stimulatortenstenstens unit for pain relief

AUVON Device AUVON Device 123 patches AUVON Device electrodes
4 Outputs Handheld TENS Unit Dual Channel 3 IN 1 TENS Unit Dual Channel Touchscreen TENS Unit 20 Pcs Multiple Sizes Pads 24 Pcs 2″X4″ TENS Unit Pads 20 Pcs 2″X2″ TENS Unit Pads
Modes 24 24 24 / / /
Outputs 4 2 2 / / /
2” x 2” Pads 8 12 8 12 / 20
2” x 4” Pads / / 2 4 24 /
1.3″ Round Pads / / / 4 / /
Device 510K / / /
Pads 510K

Features & Specifications

  • Pain Relief Machine. The rechargeable electric muscle massager can stimulate the sensory nerves and muscles, activate specific natural pain gate mechanism, relax your body and have pain management anytime you feel the need.
  • Up to 20 Modes. Pre-set modes offer you hammering, kneading, shiatsu and more choices to help relieve pain associated with aching and fatigue muscles in the shoulder, low back, knee from exercise, normal household or work activities.
  • Independent Mode Control. You can set separate modes and intensities for channel A and channel B. For example, you could choose Acupuncture mode in channel A with an intensity level of 5 for your shoulder. While in channel B, the Tapping mode is being run with the intensity set to level 12 on your lower back as a back electric stimulator.
  • Industry-Leading TENS Pads. The included electrode pads can provide excellent self-stick performance for up to 45 uses. The shaped 2" TENS electrodes are recommended for more compact pain areas like the knees or elbows. Meanwhile, the bigger 2"x4" reusable patches are perfect for larger areas such as the back for TENS pain relief.
  • What You Receive: 1 x Dual Channel TENS Machine, 4 x 2" Square Electrode Pads, 4 x Large Rectangle 2"x4" Pads, 2 x Lead Wires, 1 x USB cable, 1 x USB Charger,1 x User Manual, 1 x Pad Holder, 1 x Pouch, our 12-month warranty and friendly customer service. (4pcs 2x2 pads are in a pack while 2pcs 2x4 pads are in a pack. Please open the sealed bag firstly and unfold each pads pack before counting the pads quantity.)

Pros & Cons


A powerful and effective device for my sciatica. But tips learned with its use. A remarkable device for my sciatica (lower back and thigh pain). From the first use, pain was greatly diminished. Very flexible and easy to use. A very powerful unit and one I absolutely recommend. I however have learned several lessons from 3 weeks of use. They are: • Read the manual fully before using. I only read enough to get started and had an accidental incident (described below). • Start with the lowest settings. I found an intensity of 3 or 4 (out of up to 20) to be what was most effective at reducing pain. Higher intensity settings were painful and did little more to reduce pain long-term. • For larger muscle groups, use larger 2”X4” pads. Smaller pads give a sharper stimulation and don’t impact the entire muscle group. The smaller 2”X2” pads are fine for smaller, thin muscle groups. • Pre-warm pads. Placing them on without doing so, feels like an ice pack being slapped onto your muscle, causing it to tense up. • Pads really adhere to the skin. With the initial use, they removed all leg hair that they were placed over. Removing them was quite uncomfortable (like being waxed). I’d recommend shaving any hairy area the pads will be placed on (the hair will be gone either way). • NEVER…I repeat NEVER connect a pad you’re wearing to the device without verifying the on/off switch is in the off position! I had one pad lead disconnect to the unit. I thought the unit had auto shut off. I didn’t verify it was in the off position and went to plug the lead back in. It was like being hit with a bolt of lightning or kicked by a mule! The capacitor must have built up a charge and let it all go into my leg when the connection was made. I surely will not make that mistake again! • In bed I found myself falling asleep after a few minutes of stimulation. Although it says not to sleep with the stim going, it was the only thing that allowed me to fall asleep. If used this way, shorten the timer to 10 minutes or less as the leads can disconnect with movement.

Drug-free muscle recovery and pain relief device! These devices are non-invasive and works by sending electrical pulses through the skin to stimulate nerve pathways that can reduce or stop pain. They offer a variety of pressure and stimulation modes, and the electrode pads can be placed on various parts of the body where pain and muscle relief may be necessary, including one's legs, back, shoulders, arms, muscles, and joints. Some concerns that users should be aware of before purchasing TENS units include the possibility of experiencing allergic reactions to the electrode pads, uncomfortable sensations after using the device due to the electrical stimulation, and interference with implanted devices like pacemakers and defibrillators. I deal with and experience chronic pain myself on a daily basis (which can worsen due to constant weather changes, cold weather, rain, etc.), and find that adding the use of a TENS unit along with physical activity, such as stretching and walking, helps to improve and relieve any pain I may be experiencing depending on how intense the pain could be and where it is located. The adhesion of the pads could adhere better, but I found that cleaning the area with alcohol pads prior to sticking them on your skin helps. The modes could also use some form of description along with the icons to explain what each mode does, but the manual has info on what modes work best on different parts of the body (such as mode 5 and 7 working best on knees where I experience chronic pain the most).

Get one!! This thing really works!! You’ll learn to use it… at settings that serve you best with trial and error! Diffferent parts of your body want different strengths. I would suggest getting extra pads at same time. We love the longer ones. The adhesion doesnt last all that long. The rechargeable battery lasts forever! We use it probably 4-6 times a week ( between 2 of us)and it goes for weeks on one charge!!be sure to go with The wireless ! ( no plug in to use) don’t hesitate to buy this!!

A blessing. I got this when it was on a halfway decent sale after hemming and hawing about it for awhile. I have chronic pain and PCOS+Endo so my periods were a nightmare. I finally broke down and bought this and I will never ever ever go without it for those painful times of the month. Works great, has a fantastic battery life even after intense use, charges fast. MY only complaint it that it turns off after the time is up but all in all fantastic A+ Packaging is as described, product looks as advertised. I wasn't compensated in any way for this purchase, just an honest to god review

Little bugger is strong. I literally ordered this thing today and got it same day. I’ve been having issues with my muscles being so tight in my neck that the chiropractor couldn’t even adjust my neck when he suggested getting attends unit I did some searching and just happened to come upon this one and said screw it I’ll try it Now I am 100% in love. It turned on right out of the box I was able to try it out and I could not believe the different options that were available on this little tiny iPod size screen. This thing can really put out some power. I don’t need that much, so I just keep it on the very first Setting , but I would recommend this to anyone.

Excellent product! I am very happy with my purchase! I am currently suffering with a herniated disc in my lower back. The earliest appointment I can get with my ortho is 3 weeks away. I don't like to take medication so I was looking for something to take the edge off the excruciating pain and this tens machine was the answer! I have been using it practically around the clock for the past several days and it has been extremely helpful. There are multiple settings and intensities. I like that it is rechargeable and the charge lasts a really long time. The sticky pads stay put and the unit itself is small and lightweight - perfect to stick in your pocket. At this price point, I really wasn't expecting greatness but this has proven to be an exceptional purchase. Do not hesitate to buy!!!


Basic unit-. Very basic unit that worked fairly well. I’ve had better units in the past. The programs just alternate the set ups (tapping and rhythmic motion) with just another name. I would have loved to just have ONE rhythmic stimulation- and one with a long and short one. Price was good (for a VERY basic unit), most programs are pretty much the same. Adhesive on pads left me with an irritation and a rash which felt like a burn. Another PLUS would be to have a small (travel) carrying case instead of a drawstring bag and have a clip on the back of the unit to attach to a pocket or somewhere on your clothes while using it.

Ok for pain… sent pads that don’t work. The machine is ok for pain relief… but 3 of the pads I was sent do not work at all and that’s disappointing.

Time will tell-Update. I haven’t had this for long. Physical therapy recommended. She said it varies with patients. With some clients swearing tens machines help, and the others saying they got nothing from it. I’m using for primarily my pelvic floor right now. I have multiple sclerosis which has led to neurogenic bowel and bladder. This causes incontinence issues and pain. I do regular pt to help with massage routines. A tens machine is an additional way to help the muscles. If it proves helpful I will also use on my knees, and lower back to help pain and weakness. I’ve started with using the smaller square pads on the mid and lower abdominal area to help pelvic floor issues. I definitely feel it and can’t really tolerate past 1 bar strength setting! When finished with only 10 minutes I fell like I have mild period pain. It’s not giving pain relief so far but inducing it. However my muscles are tight and non functional almost. I think it is doing as it should and stimulating the muscles in that area. Not my fave thing to use cause it’s kinda uncomfortable honestly. Not like a nice massage. Like pins and needles sticking and shocking you! If you want to try, then I suggest start low and slow. Level one bar for 10 min. Pick the most soothing setting that feels comfortable for you. Time will tell if it helps my pelvic floor issues causing urinary pain with incontinence along with bowel disfunction. I will be in talks with my pt while I use it daily. I will try to remember to come back with an update on the progress. If it’s really working then the rating ⭐️will go up! 3 stars for now as I’m unsure. Machine does work and so far no functional issues. Easy to use too! Not a bad price and worth trying. Prayers for all you suffering with pain❤️ Update: Well the machine started acting funny and not working right after only about a week or so. Had to return. Purchased the Tec Bean one instead which is the brand my physical therapist uses. The Tec Bean seems to be a better unit however the pads don’t stick for long. I bought some special gel to place on the pads to help and it seems to work. Hopefully the Tec Bean unit will keep working. I’ve been able over time to tolerate higher levels. I think it is actually helping my chronic bladder pain some. I’ve noticed a decline in bladder pain recently and being able to skip my afternoon bladder pain med (hydroxyzine). I may start using on my lower back soon. I’m hopeful it does help. Just a matter of finding a viable unit. I recommend Tec Bean so far. Will update again, if I remember! Continued prayer for the suffering

Returned. Returned it as it wasn’t what I was looking for

THE CORD THAT PLUGS IN TO THE PAD FIT POORLY. The unit is ok. i give the cord that plugs into the pads a 1 STAR. they are always coming out, not a tight fit at all. Very annoying!

Adhesion/ sticky pads only worked for 2-3 uses. The product is great overall. My issue is with the sticky pads only stick for 2-3 uses. Package comes with one replacement set but it’s not enough if you want to use this every day/regularly.

How to Buy The Best AUVON Device?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of AUVON Device? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product AUVON Device from which you can learn how to get the best AUVON Device.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of AUVON Device.

  • Is it worth buying the AUVON Device?
  • What benefits does the product AUVON Device offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product AUVON Device?
  • What makes the AUVON Device to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product AUVON Device?
  • Why and how do you need the AUVON Device?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the AUVON Device. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best AUVON Device.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best AUVON Device.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of AUVON Device, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of AUVON Device offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of AUVON Device? Do you like it?


How good is the product of AUVON Device? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of AUVON Device? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

How is the average rating for the product of AUVON Device?

Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of AUVON Device, no matter it is good or bad?


On the whole, this is a pretty nice product that earns many praises from real life customers, being listed as one of the best sellers of Muscle-Stimulators-Accessories.

We highly recommend the AUVON Device to you.

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