[240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

3 oz 100 5 oz 100 7 oz 100 9 oz 80 Count
3 oz. 5 oz. 7 oz. 9 oz.
Count 100 100 100 80
Height 2 ¼ Inches 2 ⅝ Inches 3 ½ Inches 3 ⅞ Inches
Top Diameter 2 ½ Inches 2 ⅝ Inches 2 ¾ Inches 3 Inches
Bottom Diameter 1 ⅝ Inches 1 ¾ Inches 1 ¾ Inches 1 ¾ Inches
3 oz 500 5 oz 500 7 oz 500 9 oz 500
3 oz. 5 oz. 7 oz. 9 oz.
Count 500 500 500 500
Height 2 ¼ Inches 2 ⅝ Inches 3 ½ Inches 3 ⅞ Inches
Top Diameter 2 ½ Inches 2 ⅝ Inches 2 ¾ Inches 3 Inches
Bottom Diameter 1 ⅝ Inches 1 ¾ Inches 1 ¾ Inches 1 ¾ Inches
3 oz  2000 5 oz 2000 7 oz 2000 9 oz 2000 240 12 oz revised 16 oz 240
3 oz. 5 oz. 7 oz. 9 oz. 12 oz. 16 oz.
Count 2000 2000 2000 2000 240 240
HGeight 2 ¼ Inches 2 ⅝ Inches 3 ½ Inches 3 ⅞ Inches 4 Inches 4 ⅝ Inches
Top Diameter 2 ½ Inches 2 ⅝ Inches 2 ¾ Inches 3 Inches 3 ½ Inches 3 ¾ Inches
Bottom Diameter 1 ⅝ Inches 1 ¾ Inches 1 ¾ Inches 1 ¾ Inches 2 ¼ Inches 2 ½ Inches
9 oz 10 oz 12 oz 16 oz 20 oz 24 oz
9 oz. 10 oz. 12 oz. 16 oz. 20 oz. 24 oz.
Count 100 100 100 100 100 100
Height 3 ¼ Inches 4 Inches 4 Inches 4 ¾ Inches 5 ½ Inches 6 Inches
Top Diameter 3 ¾ Inches 3 Inches 4 Inches 3 ⅞ Inches 3 ¾ Inches 4 Inches
Bottom Diameter 2 ¼ Inches 2 Inches 2 ¼ Inches 2 ⅜ Inches 2 ⅜ Inches 2 ½ Inches
50 12 oz with flat  lids 50 16 oz with flat lids 50 20 oz with flat lids 50 24 oz with flat lids
12 oz. 16 oz. 20 oz. 24 oz.
Count 50 50 50 50
Height 4 Inches 4 ¾ Inches 5 ½ Inches 6 Inches
Top Diameter 4 Inches 3 ⅞ Inches 3 ¾ Inches 4 Inches
Bottom Diameter 2 ¼ Inches 2 ⅜ Inches 2 ⅜ Inches 2 ½ Inches
100 10 oz with lfat lids 100 12 oz wit hflat lids 100 16 oz with flat lids 100 20 oz with flat lids 100 24 oz with flat lids
10 oz. 12 oz. 16 oz. 20 oz. 24 oz.
Count 100 100 100 100 100
Height 4 Inches 4 Inches 4 ¾ Inches 5 ½ Inches 6 Inches
Top Diameter 3 Inches 4 Inches 3 ⅞ Inches 3 ¾ Inches 4 Inches
Bottom Diameter 2 Inches 2 ¼ Inches 2 ⅜ Inches 2 ⅜ Inches 2 ½ Inches
9 oz 50 Count assorted colors party cups 240 9 oz assorted party cups 12 oz 40 assorted party cups 12 oz 240 assorted party cups 16 oz 240 assorted party cups
9 oz. 9 oz. 12 oz. 12 oz. 16 oz.
Count 50 Count 240 Count 40 Count 240 Count 240 Count
Color Assorted Colors Assorted Colors Assorted Colors Assorted Colors Assorted Colors

Features & Specifications

  • Comfy Package's 12 oz. [240 Value Pack] durable clear polypropylene (PP) BPA-free plastic cups are a classic for your everyday drinking.
  • Waved wall rim adds grip in hand and prevents it from slipping and spilling.
  • The rolled rim at the top of each cup provides rigidity to the cup while ensuring comfortable sipping.
  • Made of break-resistant recyclable polypropylene plastic, it's an economical, yet durable, option for everyday use.
  • The cup's crystal clear wall ensures fast content identification. Whether your content is iced tea or sparkling sodas, you'll appreciate knowing what's in the cup, with a glance.
  • Dimensions: 3.5"W x 4"H
  • Weight: 3.14 pounds

Pros & Cons


Sweet deal. I ordered this for the office I work to use as water cups. They are great, not too small or too large, just right. I also just started a food truck business this month and we sell natural flavored waters like Horchata, limeade, Jamaica (hibiscus tea beverage) in addition to coffee and hot chocolate and am considering using these products for my own business. Great deal, good quality and so easy to order with no unpleasant surprises when delivered. Thank you!

Great buy. Great cups for the price I wasn’t paid to give a review I actually buy disposable dishes Bcuz my kids hate doing dishes And I’m not gonna cook and clean dishes

Great price for a great plastic cup! Great plastic cups at a great price! These were so cheap, I wasn't sure what to expect of their quality, but they far exceeded my expectations. And they look great too, nice and clear, not cloudy.


Leaky cups, holes in cups, really poor manufacturing. Our household uses a lot of plastic cups. When our recent brand changed, we looked for a replacement brand. I found these Comfy Package cups on Amazon and decided to give them a try. Overall, I'm disappointed in these cups. Comfy Package plastic cups hold 12 ounces of liquid. We have used them for Carnation Instant Breakfast, chocolate milk, cold water, and Gentleman Jack beverages. The cups are made of #5 plastic Polypropylene (PP). There are 240 cups in the package. The cups have a wavy design that allows you to grip the cup without dropping it. I am not sure why these cups have so many problems. We have used 65 of the cups so far and most of them have had problems. Thirteen of the cups had pin sized holes in the bottom so they leaked liquids when using them. It looks as though there was some plastic separation during the manufacturing process. Another twenty eight cups have developed splits along the bottom edge of the cup causing the cup to leak. We've already had forty one cups out of sixty five with problems so I would say it's a manufacturing problem. We are switching to a different brand of plastic cups and the rest of these will go in the trash. I love the size of these cups, the way they feel in your hand, and how thick the plastic walls are. However there are just too many problems with these cups to make them worth using. I would not purchase this brand again.

Different than some. Smaller than the SOLO brand even tho they both are labeled 12oz. These are not wider either. The walls of the cup are softer, pliable, thinner. I'm not sure if this is good or not, but I would not "buy again" I'm not blaming the seller, it was I who selected the item.

Not a true 12oz cup. Smaller than I usually buy at a mortar and bricks store. Not a true 12 oz. Disappointing.

How to Buy The Best [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups from which you can learn how to get the best [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups.

  • Is it worth buying the [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups?
  • What benefits does the product [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups?
  • What makes the [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups?
  • Why and how do you need the [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the [240 Pack – 12 oz.] Clear Disposable Plastic Cups – Cold Party Drinking Cups to you.

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