DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes, Smoothies, Baking (16 Ounce)

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Matcha green teadrinkDRINKMATCHA green teaMatcha Green TeaMatcha Green Tea

Features & Specifications

  • DELICIOUS AND NUTRITIOUS TEA: 16 oz Tin Can of DrinkMatcha Organic Green Tea Powder is naturally packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and EGCG's.
  • 100% USDA CERTIFIED ORGANIC - AllDrinkMatcha teas are USDA Certified Organic. Our farms have been inspected and meet the stringent USDA Organic rules and requirements.
  • LAB TESTED FOR LEAD AND HEAVY METALS: Each batch is also tested for Lead and heavy metals by third party labs to ensure purity.
  • CERTIFIED BPA-FREE PACKAGING - All DrinkMatcha Matcha tea packaging is Certified BPA-FREE. We are the only Matcha tea company to package our teas in certified BPA-Free packaging
  • 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -DrinkMatcha stands behind every product it makes. We are confident that you will love our products and offer a 100 Percent Money Back Guarantee.
  • Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 4.5 inches
  • Weight: 4 ounces

Pros & Cons


10/10. Best accidental laxitive experience of my life. So first of all, the people complaining about lumps are dumb and don't understand surface tension. You can combat lumps by adding a small ammount of liquid to your matcha and mix it all together before adding the rest, like they do in tea ceremonies (you don't need a whisk but it's helpful). Or if you're lazy like me, just use a blender bottle. It mixes a lot faster than protein powder and with less effort. A word of caution: take the dosage recommendations seriously. It said not to exceed half a teaspoon per cup of liquid. I put in easily twice that because I am a matcha fiend and wanted to actually taste it in my almond milk. I also added a few heaping spoonfuls of Lakanto monk fruit extract and erythritol to make a pretty respectable cold latte that tasted exactly like the ones I used to get from Korean coffee shops. I thought I could hang and that the dosage was more of a guidline. I didn't know how wrong I was. About 30 minutes after my first latte and halfway through my second one (which had over a tablespoon, doubled from the previous latte), I start to feel suddenly and provressively ill. I go to the bathroom and proceed to take one of the biggest, most violent dumps of my entire life. The matcha issued an evacuation order and my body acquiesced with enthusiasm. Off and on. For the next 3 hours. It was like a gentler, shorter version of downing an entire bottle of magnesium citrate. This was my bad though, and of no fault to the manufacturer that I can't follow directions to save my ass, literally in this case. Honestly I felt a lot better after The Great Purge, seems like some nasty stuff that was hanging around in my gut was forcibly evicted. Plus the matcha itself is insanely tasty, to the point where going overboard and dosing myself was totally worth it. I'll be using it a lot in future confectionery endevors, as well as keep drinking it (though in more conservative doses from now on). The moral if the story is proceed with caution, unless that is you want to detox yourself straight to hell.

Best tea ever. The media could not be loaded. This is an amazing product. I love this matcha green tea! The container is convenient because you can just quickly scoop some out of the jar! This is a great metabolism and energy booster. If you guys have any questions please let me know. This is just so great for lattes, smoothies or just simply have it with hot or cold water :-)

Very Tasty. I always like my hot steeped green tea a little stronger, but when I brew it longer it tends to get bitter. I don't have to worry about it at all with this matcha powder. You can make it as strong or weak as you want depending on how much powder you use, and there wasn't a hint of bitterness at all. I used a rounded teaspoon in my big mug, which is approximately the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. For a lighter cup I just use honey, but if I want it creamier I use sugar and a little bit of half & half, and then use a cool little bamboo whisk I got specifically for stirring up matcha. I'm sure you could stir it with a spoon but the whisk actually kind of "fluffs" it up a bit and gets it almost like the consistency of hot cocoa. It tastes amazing! For around $19 the 16oz can is bigger than I thought it would be. It comes with a little scoop inside, too. I haven't tried it as a cold drink yet, but I am looking forward to mixing some into some vanilla ice cream, because I love green tea ice cream. I went with this brand because it has a lot of positive customer reviews and I'm glad I did; I will definitely buy this one again next time! Also, the can informs me that there's "no Fukashima radiation" in it, that seems like a plus.

So Much Love For This Matcha Green Tea. The media could not be loaded. This might be some of the best Matcha green tea I have ever had! The taste is very smooth and flavorful and doesn't take a lot of tea to get that flavor either. I have tried other green teas where it takes a tone of tea to get any flavor or the tea itself is bitter and harsh. But with this tea a little goes a long way and this order will last you. Love the resealable air tight tin it comes in to keep my tea fresh as well. Pick this up now if you area Match tea lover and if your not try it anyway I think this will change your mind .

Versatile. I love that the packaging is a canister. I previously had a bag if this tea and every time I take some out I got it all over my hand. This can keeps that from happening. This one did not come with a scoop, but not a big deal. The tea is really good for you and can be used in so many different ways. I love it! This is a remunerated review and my honest opinion.

Pure with zero additives. It comes with a scoop. Bonus. I'm a die hard fan. My morning routine includes a berry smoothly with Matcha so I needed a good supply for a budget. I shopped around and tried a few. I have found my favorite. The can is huge and you only need a little so it lasts if you keep it clean and dry. This is pure and fine so don't spill it or it makes a mess. (On the side: this fine green dust would probably make great finger print powder for detecting!)


Better in shakes than by itself. I’m a big fan of matcha (hot or iced) and I tend to buy different brands so I can find my favorite ones to recommend. The powder takes a veryyyy long time to break down. There’s a lot of clumps even after diligently mixing for minutes. If you’re someone who can’t stand the texture of pulp in orange juice, don’t get this matcha powder. If you are going to throw a scoop or 2 in a blender, that would be ideal for this mix. The taste is okay and it is not very fresh. It does come with a scooper which is nice. Also, be careful when opening the container because the green powder tends to poof out & get all over the counter & your clothes!!

It has the same standard taste but its a darker ... It has the same standard taste but its a darker color than im used to. Also it needs really hot water to be mixed in well so I cant use it in my soy lattes. Other than that, you get a lot for how much you spend and it'll last awhile before needing to buy another batch.

This stuff lasts a long time. Ok, as straight matcha drinks, this stuff isn't the best. Bitter and metallic tasting. However, if you find yourself committed to consuming this huge tin, then use it in shakes exclusively. You'll barely notice it then. And at the value, that's fine with me. We've had this stuff now over a year and it's still good enough for our use. The color is darkening, but still palatable. What's offensive Amazon thought police? Please, tell us!

They sent MOLD to my house! The media could not be loaded. They sent mold to my house!! My husband has really bad allergies and my son has history of asthma! This is crazy! The first smell to great me after opening the box was a moldy smell... then ... I saw mold all over the card. The whole cardboard is sticky with mold.... Why? Why? I have peoples with respiratory issues in my family! I would give zero star if I coukd because there is no excuse for this. This is a health hazard!

Serious problem with processing, not authentic Matcha-waste product of Summer harvest. While it is true that Matcha (called Mocha in Chinese), came from China and was transplanted in Japan during the Song Dynasty, 900 years ago, along with its processing and know how, However, it is also true that China lost the art of processing Matcha many centuries ago. This Drink Matcha is processed from tea sourced in Fujian, China, which I have visited regularly over the past 16 years. The Anxi region of Fujian is famous for its green tea, which has a wonderful aroma and fragrant taste. However, this Drink Matcha is really a subpar and an inferior product. I tried to return it after I first purchased it, and was informed by Amazon that this product was not returnable or refundable. If processed correctly, the Matcha will be fragrant and bright green in color. This Matcha DNA brand is a dull brownish green, and does not have a fragrant smell to it, which means that it wasn't processed correctly. The Spring tea harvest is the most valuable and fragrant of the whole year. Tea is harvested throughout the year, however, this is just to maintain the tea plant, and tea harvested during the Summer isn't worth much of anything. Apparently someone got the brilliant idea to use the Summer tea harvest, which is pretty much a waste product and to grind it into Matcha and to market the heck out of it, to uninformed Americans on a Matcha health fad. Well, the end product doesn't fool anyone who is familiar with what Matcha is supposed to look like and taste like. Simply put, it really taste awful and would be truly embarrassing if it were served to guests...This is not to say that China doesn't have good tea, it really does, but this is obviously made from an inferior or waste product of the Chinese tea harvest. Something that cannot be sold on the Chinese market, an inferior waste product that is ground up and sold to unsuspecting Americans, who probably don't know the difference, and can't figure out what the difference is either. This product while claiming to be better and safer than the Japanese processed Matcha, apparently has some very serious missing steps in the processing. There's something missing from the know how as well as being an inferior grade and product, that would make a shameful reflection on earnest good quality green teas from China. I tried this Matcha DNA product because I wanted to give Chinese green tea growers and harvesters the benefit of the doubt, to produce a superior product, at a fraction of the price, to show real quality and value. I was sadly and unfortunately mis-taken and mis-led by the fancy and beautiful marketing and packaging surrounding this obviously inferior, terrible tasting product. The only thing I can say, is that I hope the proprietors behind this Matcha DNA drink it themselves, and understand and suffer through from the awful taste and quality, instead of ripping people's money off. The only good thing about this product is the re-usable tin can and scoop, which I will dump out the horrible Matcha DNA and refill with a good quality Matcha....I'm not exaggerating how inferior this product is, despite the favorable reviews, the Amazon's Choice. In my opinion the reviews are unfortunately largely from uninformed novice drinkers of Matcha, who do not understand what the standard Match is supposed to smell, taste and look like. However, I just don't think this product will last on the market, because it simply isn't authentic Matcha...which has many procedures and proper steps in the processing to become real Matcha...

Did not live up to my expectations. After all the great reviews for this product I expected more. The packaging was very nice and the matcha was very fresh however the flavor was lacking for me. I prefer the matcha I get from our local Asian market. The flavor is mild but the powder does blend easily. Overall, glad I caught this one sale and def would not by again for the regular price or sale price

How to Buy The Best DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes from which you can learn how to get the best DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes.

  • Is it worth buying the DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes?
  • What benefits does the product DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes?
  • What makes the DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes?
  • Why and how do you need the DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the DrinkMatcha Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 LB 100% Pure Matcha by MATCHA DNA | Nothing Added | Perfect for Lattes to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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