UG-01 Wireless Gaming Headset

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product UG before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

2.4Ghz wireless Bluetooth headphonesUG-01 wireless gaming headset

2.4Ghz wireless

Dynamic Driver unit

Retrachable mic

2.4Ghz Wireless Connection

Come with 2.4Ghz USB-A dongle, which provided ultra Low latency transmission. Enjoy real-time gaming experience.

3D Stereo Sound Quality

Drove by dual 40mm dynamic EQ units, UG-01 wireless headset produce Gaming-grade 3D stereo surround sound quality.

Stretchable Noise-cancelling Microphone

Please be informed that the microphone might be unavailable when connected to your switch via Bluetooth. If you want to use the microphone, please connect the headset to your Switch via USB dongle.

Ergonomic design

25 hours playtime

What's in the package

Comfort to fit

Light-weight. Soft and breathable earmuff, adjustable headband make you comfortable to fit for long-time gaming.

Up to 25 Hours Playtime

UG-01 wireless gaming headset supports you to play games for up to 25 hours wirelessly. Never worry about battery shortage.

What’s in the package

Wireless gaming headset *1

2.4Ghz USB-A dongle *1

User manual *1

Charging cable *1

3.5mm audio cable *1

Multiple compatibility

Multi-Platform Compatibility(2.4Ghz wireless & Bluetooth 5.0 & 3.5MM Cable)

1. 2.4 GHz Wireless Connection: Plug the USB transmitter into your devices (PC, laptops, PS4/ PS5), It will connect to the headset automatically. The light on the transmitter will turn cyan from red after being connected.

2. Bluetooth 5.0 Connection: UG-01 adopting extra Bluetooth 5.0 Module for Cellphones, Tablets. If you want to connect your phone or tablet through Bluetooth, Please make sure the transmitter is unplugged.

3. 3.5MM Audio Cable Connection: You can use the 3.5MM audio cable (included in the package) to connect with your device.


Q: The microphone could not work while connecting with Switch?

A: Please be informed that the microphone might be unavailable when connected to your switch via Bluetooth. If you want to use the microphone, please connect the headset to your Switch via USB dongle.

Q: Does it work with Xbox one?

A: Only compatible Xbox one series by using 3.5mm audio cable.

Q: Does it work with Switch wirelessly?

A: Yes, but you need an extra USB-C to USB adapter(not included).

Q: Do i need any driver for the transmitter?

A: No, Plug and Play. It will connect to the headset automatically.

Features & Specifications

  • 【2.4Ghz Ultra-Low Latency Connection】 UG-01 wireless gaming headset adopts advanced 2.4Ghz wireless connection technology, comes with a USB dongle that provides stable and ultra-low latency transmission within, which means that you won't feel any lag while playing games or chatting with your friends.
  • 【Soft Protein Leather for All-Day Comfort】 Earmuff and headband are made of premium leather, which is soft and breathable. These Bluetooth gaming headphones are also foldable, headband adjustable, 230g lightweight. All these ergonomic design aims to provide you with a comfortable wearing experience during your gaming or music time.
  • 【Immersive Gaming Sound Quality】 Drove by a 40mm high definition speaker unit, UG-01 wireless gaming headsets deliver superior 3D surround gaming sound quality. Besides, Adopting Dynamic EQ technology, these gaming headphones ensure that no session or signal is lost while adjusting the volume. You can keep yourself lost in your games.
  • 【Stretchable Noise-cancelling Microphone】 These wireless gaming headsets are equipped with a noise-canceling microphone, which will block out 80% of background noise. Ensuring that you could be clearly heard at the other end. The microphone is stretchable. There is also a mute button on the headset. Please be informed that the microphone might be unavailable when connected to your switch via Bluetooth. If you want to use the microphone, please connect the headset to your Switch via USB dongle.
  • 【Multi-platform Compatibility】2.4GHz dongle is compatible with PS5, PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC, Laptop. Bluetooth 5.0 is compatible with Android, IOS, Cellphones. 3.5MM audio cable is compatible with Xbox One, Xbox series, PC, Laptop. 3 optional modes are compatible with most of your devices, you can use the 2.4Ghz dongle for your gaming device to play games, Bluetooth 5.0 for cellphones to listen to music, 3.5mm AUX cable for the Xbox series. Truly all-in-one gaming headphones.
  • Weight: 8.1 ounces

Pros & Cons


Capable wireless gaming headset. The media could not be loaded. this gaming headset was purchased at the request of my daughter whom wanted something to enhance sound during game play. Upon arrival I tried these out myself and I must say these produce some really good sound. I mean a wireless headset that sounds like this and set at a very budget friendly price point is difficult to find but here we are. The initial set up to get them up and running went along very smooth and the instructions provided were very detailed and easy to follow along on. A comfortable fit that can also be adjusted which is nice for some of those that need a set for prolonged gaming. The mic carries your voice without any delay and helps it to come in and nice and clear to anyone listening. The battery is rather long winded and can carry you through quite awhile on just a single charge. All together all the things we were looking for in a headset including decent quality for the price exceeded expectations. The entire set is made really well and i do anticipate it will last awhile.

Awesome. These headsets are very good on sound quality, range, connectivity, and ergonomics. A little uncomfortable to wear after some time but all headsets have this problem. It's not a big deal tough.

This Headset is a Game-Changer. I had purchased this product a couple weeks ago, and I can honestly say it is the best headset I've had so far. I will be outlining the core aspects to show the great specifics. Bluetooth: This is my first headset that I've bought that has Bluetooth, and I can say without a doubt it is very useful. The range of the Bluetooth is pretty far, I can't say for certain, but it is more than enough for me to walk around my whole house without losing connectivity, and that is honestly all you need. I highly recommend it just for the Bluetooth aspects of it Sound Quality: The sound quality specifically is great. It has great bass, and it is very clear to understand specific sounds, each side of the headset provides a clear specific sound that is made for videos which you will see if you ever listen to rotating sound or multiple sounds on each side of the headphone. The actual quality is very nice as well, I bought this headset when mine broke, and I can say it is a great replacement, the sound quality is better than my $100 headset. Noise Cancelling: The noise cancelling is without a doubt, the best I've ever had and phenomenal. Since it is the summertime, I have a fan in my room, and when the fan is on normally I cannot hear anything else in my room. With the headset on, this completely changes. Even with nothing playing, It already dampens the very loud fan in my ear, but this really changes when I put some audio on. Honestly, If not for the breeze, when I put on the volume, I cannot tell whether the fan is on or not. I particularly enjoy it when sleeping at nice since I can put on nice noises while trying to fall asleep. Special Features: There are a couple of other features that I found very useful. Firstly, the mic is great. The mic quality is fine in terms of quality. It is very useful for both people who have an external mic or those who have to use this mic. For external mics, the mic extends inwards which becomes very useful and non-intrusive. For those who use this mic, it extends and bends so you can put it close to your mouth creating loud sounds. One thing I love about the mic is the noise cancelling. It is very similar to noise suppression in discord. Referring back, the mic does not catch my fan even when it is directly blowing in my face. I find this mic very useful when I'm talking and walking around my house. Another useful feature is the headset volume changer. I find this very useful for adjusting total volume when accessing the volume button is inconvenient. For example, I am using it right now when my YouTube video becomes too loud. It is also useful for sites that use pop-ups that pop when I try to click the volume button. Final Thoughts: Overall, this headset is amazing if you need a Bluetooth headset for casual or gaming needs. It has a ton of useful features and is very convenient when needed. I do not regret buying this especially for the very affordable, even cheap price for such good features.

A Great Headset! I bought this headset because I got tired of the cord on my Razer headset. This headset has the same sound quality and sits more comfortably over my ears. Definitely recommend!

Fits my head perfectly. I was honestly surprised it fit over my ears without a hitch, my favorite feature (ive not got a big head). Volume adjustment is super handy and the retractable adjustable mic is a plus. Really pleased after testing 5 other headsets to end up with this one.

Pairs excellently with my PS4. Comfortable with crisp sound and bass. Love these. Great sound and bass. Pairs excellently with my PS4 . Very comfortable without being bulky. Microphone can be retracted if not in use and quickly deployed if needed. Great value


Bluetooth doesn't connect to pc for gaming. put in hrs, trying to connect it multiple ways for my pc and gaming. it never worked. never made sound nor caught sound on the mic.

Keep your money. Had headset for 2 weeks and the microphone quit working.

Disappointing... These headphones just didn't do it for me. Didn't feel right out of the box. Immediately felt so cheap and felt like it could broken in one drop. Super creaky just handling it. In terms of sound quality, meh. Sounds like $10 headphones. Will give it to them that the price point for wireless and Bluetooth is nice, but compromised pretty much everywhere else. Mic quality is awful. Cool that it has a light and can be retracted but function over form. Not for me

My voice sounded muffled, confusing to set input and output for the headset. I was told my voice sounded muffled, the mic didn’t pick up background sounds like my air conditioner in the back of my room so that was good. It was the main reason why I made the purchase. But after while being on a discord call I was unable to hear sounds from a different window. I had to change the output in order to hear but I soon realized that I could hear the people on the call. The headset overall had two different settings for input and three settings for output. I was so confused. I might try plugging in the wires to my pc but I really prefer the wireless option. On a good note the range is good when I hooked it up with my phone on Bluetooth.

Lacking Helpful Instructions/information. Bought these for my son so he could play his Switch on the tv and wanted him further away from the actual tv. The information says that it works with Switch, so I bough them. Once I got the instructions, they do not mention the Switch at all. We were able to get them connected for audio but were not able to use the microphone. I had to scour the internet to find that you in fact cannot use the wireless microphone function while using the docking station for the Switch. If I had found that information sooner, I would have not purchased them. Overall product is great, just wish the uses information was more complete!

it started good but stoped working day 5. only had for a week it does not work anymore very upset

How to Buy The Best UG?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of UG? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product UG from which you can learn how to get the best UG.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of UG.

  • Is it worth buying the UG?
  • What benefits does the product UG offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product UG?
  • What makes the UG to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product UG?
  • Why and how do you need the UG?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the UG. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best UG.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best UG.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of UG, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of UG offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of UG? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of UG? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of UG? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of UG?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of UG, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the UG to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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