Save on NBA 2K22 75th Anniversary by 2K

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Save on NBA 2K22 75th Anniversary by 2K before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Step Your Game UpAll Aboard The CruiseHidden TalentsMyWNBANew Seasons

This edition also includes NBA 2K22 for Xbox Series X|S – A New Generation NBA 2K Experience.

NBA 2K22 puts the entire basketball universe in your hands. PLAY NOW in real NBA and WNBA environments against authentic teams and players. Build your own dream team in MyTEAM with today’s stars and yesterday’s legends. Live out your own pro journey in MyCAREER and experience your personal rise to the NBA. Flex your management skills as a powerful Executive in MyGM and MyLEAGUE. Anyone, anywhere can hoop in NBA 2K22.

The NBA 2K22 NBA 75th Anniversary Edition includes:

STEP YOUR GAME UP – New tactical offense meets an overhauled defense for a more competitive and immersive NBA 2K22. Add skill-based dribbling, shooting, dunking, and alley-oops to your bag of moves, and counter them with ferocious new blocks and contests on the other end of the court.

ALL ABOARD THE CRUISE – Set sail for the high seas in the all-new 2K22 Neighborhood, made for PlayStation®4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Create your perfect MyPLAYER, level up for rewards, and express yourself through both your game and your style.

YOUR DREAM TEAM – Collect, craft, and hoop in the ultimate NBA fantasy competition: NBA 2K22 MyTEAM. Build your dream lineup of NBA stars and legends across any era, and explore game-changing evolutions to the MyTEAM experience – each addition introduced Season after Season.

NEW SEASONS, NEW DISCOVERIES – In NBA 2K22, every Season brings fresh opportunities to reap new rewards. Whether in MyTEAM or MyCAREER, compete against the best and discover what amazing rewards each new Season has in store.

GET IN THE REAL GAME – Play as your favorite NBA and WNBA teams and stars, and experience the authenticity of professional basketball at the highest levels. With best-in-class visual presentation and player AI, up-to-date rosters and historic teams, and much more, the game has never felt more real and complete than it does in NBA 2K. Feel the energy of the crowd, the intensity of the competition, and the endless entertainment of one of the most immersive sports product in gaming today.

PURSUE YOUR PRO DREAM – Step into the shoes of an aspiring baller in MyCAREER, and carve your own path to the National Basketball Association in a Hollywood-esque hooper’s journey. Meet off-the-court friends and on-the-court foes, as your rise to the top takes different twists and turns – some based on the decisions you make for yourself. Will you make your name in College or develop your game professionally in the NBA G League – or both? Or will you confidently take your game directly to the NBA? It’s entirely your story.

BE PART OF A HUGE HOOPS COMMUNITY – Whether in the City (for PlayStationⓇ5 and Xbox Series X|S) or in the Neighborhood (for PlayStationⓇ4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC), live out your basketball life in the biggest and most vibrant hoops community in the world. With your MyPLAYER, put in the work, rep up, and dominate the courts. You can train in the Gatorade Training Facility, pick up the latest gear at SWAG’S, and compete throughout the year in diverse Events. Be the baller you want to be in NBA 2K’s own basketball hub.

BUILD YOUR OWN DREAM TEAM – Create the ultimate fantasy roster of today’s NBA stars and yesterday’s legends in MyTEAM. An ever-rewarding experience of collection and competition, MyTEAM combines the excitement of discovering and obtaining your favorite player cards and the intensity of taking on the best rosters the MyTEAM community has to offer. Play, earn, craft, and compete through challenges, tournaments, and much more.

TAKE CONTROL OVER EVERYTHING – Take control as General Manager – or oversee the entire league from the very top as Commissioner – in the most comprehensive management simulation experience: MyNBA and MyWNBA (MyGM and MyLEAGUE for PlayStationⓇ4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC). Make team, personnel, and other big-time decisions that will determine the success of a team on its way to a dynasty, and experiment with new rules, competition formats, and other league-wide decisions that will shape the sport in remarkable ways.

EXPERIENCE THE LATEST AND GREATEST – There’s always something new to come back to in NBA 2K: the latest NBA/WNBA rosters and Player Ratings, new Challenges and player cards in MyTEAM, the freshest gear and basketball Events in the City/Neighborhood, and much more. With ever-expanding content and one of the most passionate hoops communities, basketball never stops in NBA 2K.

EVERYTHING IS GAME – The NBA 2K experience offers more than just the sport of basketball; it is hoops culture and everything around it. Discover up-and-coming music artists in an ever-expanding 2K Beats game soundtrack. Flaunt the latest trends in streetwear and hoops fashion with your MyPLAYER. Design your own sneakers, uniforms, and branding for your custom teams. In NBA 2K, Everything is Game.

Features & Specifications

  • A WORLD OF BASKETBALL: NBA 2K22 puts the entire basketball universe in your hands. PLAY NOW in real NBA and WNBA environments against authentic teams and players.
  • Build your own dream team in MyTEAM with today’s stars and yesterday’s legends.
  • Live out your own pro journey in MyCAREER and experience your personal rise to the NBA.
  • Flex your management skills as a powerful Executive in MyGM and MyLEAGUE.
  • Dimensions: 5.31 x 0.59 x 6.89 inches; 2.4 Ounces
  • Weight: 2.39 ounces

Pros & Cons


My all time favorite 2k since 2k16. This 2k is my all time favorite Since Nba2k16.

Great game. Son loves

Excellent. It is awesome

NBA2K IS THE BEST 💪🏿💪🏿. Love this game best basketball game ever and the 75th anniversary edition gave me a lot of VC coins and much more! Recommen you by this game.

NBA2K22. NBA2k22 Awesome! You get current gen and next gen all in one. A must have if you love hoops.

Amazing game. Awesome game!! Awesome graphics.


Beware of entering codes; they entered codes for both Gen console that makes game unstable. The game itself is a better version of past ones, however, in the game there seems to be codes for both gen consoles (maybe to get you to buy next Gen [if they were even available] ) and entering these codes makes the game unstable. For me, the game constantly crashes when attempting to enter cards into the Exchange in MyTeam.

Missing the actual disc. I’m sure my son would’ve enjoyed playing this game however once he actually opened it the game the disc wasn’t in it.

I WILL NEVER AGAIN ! The game didn't even come with a promotional code that works for all the extra stuff your supposed to get ! 100 dollars down the drain ! Soooo unsatisfied!

Trash. Don’t waste your money. Save your money seriously

garbage. garbage

How to Buy The Best Save on NBA 2K22 75th Anniversary by 2K?

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Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Save on NBA 2K22 75th Anniversary by 2K to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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