Far Cry 6

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Far Cry 6 before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Overthrow the dictator, Anton Castillo and his son, DiegoCommandeer a tank in an urban playgroundExplore an entire island nationPlan your next strike from hidden guerrilla locationsLeverage creative weapons to take down Anton's regime


Features & Specifications

  • Play as Dani Rojas, a local Yaran, as you fight alongside a modern-day guerrilla revolution to liberate Yara
  • Fight against Castillo’s regime in the most expansive Far Cry to date, through jungles, beaches, and Esperanza, the capital city of Yara
  • Employ an arsenal of resolver weapons, backpacks, and vehicles to take down Castillo’s ruthless regime.
  • Dimensions: 6.69 x 5.31 x 0.59 inches; 2.88 Ounces
  • Weight: 2.88 ounces

Pros & Cons


More/less of the same -that's why I bought it! Lots of similarities to the other versions - did anyone really expect a huge difference? Set in a mythical Cuba-type country, all characters are Hispanic - the whining about "it's about bad white people and if you're brown you're a hero - it's a racist exercise" is just so much BS. Yah, plenty of politics in it - fascist, murderous dictator and rebellious folks trying to overthrow whatever he's doing. I guess if you're pro-fascist/dictator, then you think this is not for you, hurt fee-fees and all. Is everyone violent and willing to kill anyone/everyone in sight? Well, that's the point of the game - like most all games like this. If this kind of stuff actually spurs you to behaviors in real life, you've got some other problems. To me, all the video games are like porn films - maybe you like the story and the setups and the characters played, or maybe you just want to get to the action - you can really choose either way, skipping the monologues/dialogues and stuff. Who cares? I can watch movies for dialogue/character development/morality plays; other see that as an integral part of the experience. Goodonya', either way. Graphics good (I'm on PS4 and had about 20 seconds of glitches over about 30 hours of game play, and one single crash cleared up by restart), controls similar/same. They changed a few things - building something rounding up followers to help/populate (I haven't even don't that yet), how you can attain weapons, sending groups on missions, menus, et al. I'm sure they either responded to public comments, or in-house thoughts that things can be tweaked, or some changes just for the sake of changes. Of course not everyone likes that. Adding horses, some other stuff, all OK with me - but at it's core, it's still the Ubisoft FarCry game. My favorite part - and that's why I like this series - the HUGE world to roam freely around. You can follow the characters and assignments, or you can rove around and explore/wreak havoc. Of course it's all derivative, but each game company has their vibe within their own games. You want something entirely different - duh - don't look here. It's more, and more of it, slightly different, of the same. I'm liking it, and burn up plenty of time playing - that's the point.

Viva la Revolucion. Fans of Far Cry 4 and 5 -- as well as fans of fast-paced open-world action/adventure games -- will find PLENTY to like in this latest installment in the beloved series. This time the action takes place in the tropical land of Yara -- think Cuba -- where an evil dictator, beautifully played by Giancarlo Esposito of Breaking Bad fame, rules with an iron hand. Your character is the guerilla fighter Dani Rojas -- and I highly recommend that you choose the female avatar, as the actress filling the role is very beautiful and charismatic. This time around, you have "amigos" to back you up -- bloodthirsty critters like Guapo the crocodile, a dachsund without hind legs named Chorizo, Boom Boom the dog, and others. Some excel at stealth, others at carnage. Weapons include a full array of armaments from machine guns and rifles to grenade launchers and pistols. You will also equip yourself with a "Supremo," a backpack with various capabilities, like firing explosive rockets that can take down a helicopter or launching an EMP strike to disable tanks or electronic equipment. In addition to the popular wingsuit and parachute, you also have grapple gear that lets you climb to new heights at properly equipped sites around the island. Then there's the gameplay, which enables you to indulge your preference for stealth or straight-on assault mode. In addition to the main story missions, there are many enjoyable "Yaran Story" adventures, most of which are wacky, almost all of which are enjoyable. In fact, even after beating the main story and taking down the dictator, there is still plenty to do in Yara. After an update last week, I was pleased to encounter a new Yaran Story inspired by the Strange Things TV series. Yes, it seems Yara has a portal to the shadow world also, and Dani must rescue Chorizo from the monsters in this dark realm! Earlier in the game, Danny Trejo appeared in another product-placement Yaran Story touting his taco-making skills. So commercialism encroaches further into the realm of video games, but at least the Trejo and Strange Things missions are fun to play. About the only negative I can cite in this latest Far Cry epic is some confusing UI stuff that makes it hard to change grenade types, for example. I had to find an online walkthrough to show me how to do this, but the game does have a tutorial mode at the main menu that may help players learn the lay of the land. The long and short of it is, this is another great Far Cry game, and now that Amazon is selling it for $25, the purchase is a no-brainer. Highly recommended!

Long playing time. A lot of recent FPS games are short stories that are pretty ver too quickly. This iteration of Far Cry, is a long game that seems to evolve as you play it. The scenery is lovely, and the graphics first rate. Sadly the game has glitches and blue screens once in a while and let’s you report the glitch. Sometimes, the character falls through the “Earth” and is transported to weird locations in the game’s world which is always fun. Long wait times for red pawn if character dies. Otherwise this game was a blast. Lots of side quests to make 100% complete time about 60 hours. Many “quests”, are not easy due to poor mission objectives being listed but online documentation has helped out. Lots of fun, for adult audiences due to depictions of violence, drug use, (depicted) animal abuse, human trafficking…

Great game awesome on ps4 pro. I was skeptical about getting farcry 6 cause negative reviews. But game is actually pretty good and it takes some time to get used cause new stuff. But for $14.99 it's totally work it. The scenery is very beautiful very detailed. I been playing on ps4 pro with zero issues. Give it chance and don't base past far crys off it cause there's ton of stuff changed.

Big fan of the farm cry series. While I feel that far cry 4 and 5 were better games from a story telling standpoint, this is a great game with not as many bugs as other games. Love it

There gameplay was meh. Amazon did an amazing job delivering on time. Gameplay was mediocre at best. I highly anticipated this game and was kinda disappointed.


Such a disappointment. Easily the worst Far Cry I have played and that includes Primal. They were on to something with 5 and New Dawn. The story for this was great, but the game play itself so far has been terrible. It’s like they are trying to be a Far Cry/Badlands hybrid and it does not work. At all. I’m pretty upset I wasted $60 and and had such high hopes for this game. I don’t even want to finish and I’ve only been playing for a few hours.

Major demotion from Far Cry 5. I was hoping that they would stay with the same gameplay as far cry 5. In this game you are unable to pick up enemy weapons, and they changed to a character grading system where (for example) if you are a 2 you shouldn’t even try to go up against an 8. My recommendation to Ubisoft switch back to the old weapons system and get rid of this horrible character grading system. I was expecting farcry 5 type gameplay in a different map and was wildly disappointed.

Beautiful and BORING. UPDATE BELOW: You will get used to this game. It’s nowhere near as fun and creative as 5 or Primal. It’s very boring from the start. Enemies are endless, takes 15-30 shots for each, and there is virtually no stealth. All the brilliance of 5 is eliminated. Accents are annoying. It’s like FC4. You get used to it. Every time I play I just keep thinking that I’d rather be playing 5. Everything is annoying and arbitrary. Just give me some good weapons and let me go to town. AI is terrible. Lots of glitches. For a guerrilla fighter you have no stealth at all. Just very disappointing. Play 5 until this drops to $30 UPDATE: Bottom line - Far cry 5 will never be topped. You get used to this game but the storyline builds up to NOTHING. The writers put in all this great drama with the father/son dynamic and none of it is seen through. There are ten better ways to end this story, but again, you get used to the garbage after a while. You might even call it fun for what it is. I’ve added one star because there’s a flying copter. The copter is legit fun. And the One good song on the radio. If you can handle the fifty other horrible songs you will find one brilliant melody called La Rubia. The cock fighting is disgusting and frankly surprising considering the woke aspect to this game. It’s around $30 now so go for it.

Respawn rate, detection from AI and no manual save ruins the game. So let me start by saying I'm a diehard fan of the Farcry series. I've played each and every one and enjoyed them all. Until this one. There are some serious flaws that simply ruin the formula that worked so well. It feels like a game pumped out just to make money. The code monkeys who built it really missed on this one. 1. The respawn rate of enemies means that any area that isn't specifically with a mission is basically impossible to clear and they just keep coming back. I haven't run into the same problem yet at bases but I also am not through the game. 2. No manual save is just lazy. This means if you die or want to restart a mission you can be transported clear across the map and have to make your way all the back to where you were. I've stopped playing several times because I just didn't want to go clear across the map again. This is stupid and lazy of the devs. Everyone knows a manual save makes sense unless the game is very intentionally designed without them and in that case the auto save points need to be very carefully thought out. 3. Detection rate from the AI is extreme. It's almost impossible to take anywhere in stealth mode. And if you try you'll have to do it again and again and then we run into the manual save problem. In the end, what made ALL of the farcry games so fun was to do things in stealth. Picking off enemies, hiding bodes, cutting alarms and all trying not to get caught. But all of the above makes it nearly impossible. And because of that the game is just a button masher, which is exactly what the series isn't meant to be. It almost feels like they didn't really game test this one very much. Not surprising since these code monkeys put out crap all the time but I had better hopes for this series. Swing and a miss guys, swing and a miss.

Doesn't work. Says PS5 upgrade available on box, but does not work on PS5.

A visual stunner (and that's about it). SO disappointed in this one. I've been a Far Cry player since the original and this one, while an absolutely breathtaking visual game, is lame AF. The gameplay is horrid, at best. The game locks up every 5-10 minutes (patch applied), enemies are stupid and easy to kill, you have immediate access to EVERYTHING and there is just nothing driving the game. The story is weak and I just can't get excited about the characters at all. I gave up playing after about 10 hours...

How to Buy The Best Far Cry 6?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Far Cry 6? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Far Cry 6 from which you can learn how to get the best Far Cry 6.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Far Cry 6.

  • Is it worth buying the Far Cry 6?
  • What benefits does the product Far Cry 6 offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Far Cry 6?
  • What makes the Far Cry 6 to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Far Cry 6?
  • Why and how do you need the Far Cry 6?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Far Cry 6. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Far Cry 6.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Far Cry 6.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Far Cry 6, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Far Cry 6 offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Far Cry 6? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Far Cry 6? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Far Cry 6? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Far Cry 6?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Far Cry 6, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Far Cry 6 to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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