Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch, Noise Canceling Headphones with Microphone, 3.5mm Audio Jack, Auto-Adjust Headband, RGB Light, Lightweight Wired Gaming Headphones

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch, Noise Canceling Headphones with Microphone, 3.5mm Audio Jack, Auto-Adjust Headband, RGB Light, Lightweight Wired Gaming HeadphonesGaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch, Noise Canceling Headphones with Microphone, 3.5mm Audio Jack, Auto-Adjust Headband, RGB Light, Lightweight Wired Gaming Headphones

GM-12 Pro Gaming Headset – Black

Compatible with PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One Controller (Adapter not included), Laptop, Mac, Switch, Mobile


1. Driver Diameter: 50mm

2. Impedance: 32± 15%Ω

3. Sensitivity: 102 ± 3dB

4. Frequency range: 20Hz-20KHz

5. Mic Sensitivity: -42± 3dB

6. Headset Jack: 3.5mm + USB

7. Cable length: 6.23ft ± 0.15

Package Contents:

  • 1* GM-12 pro gaming headset
  • 1* 1-to-2 3.5mm audio jack splitter cable
  • 1* 4.92ft USB extension cable adapter
  • 1* Operating Instruction




Large & Soft Earmuffs

Premium leatherette for long-lasting softness. The inner size of the earmuffs is large enough (inner size: 3*1.8 inches outer size: 4.5*3.5 inches) to provide long-lasting gaming comfort without pinching the ears.

In-line Control

In-line controls with volume +/- on the front and one-key mute on the side. You can quickly adjust the sound and mic settings without interrupting the game, offering you a better gaming experience. 3.5mm audio plug, with the splitter inside package for PC. While USB plug is for LED lights.

Ultra-Durable Long Nylon Cable

The braided cable made with durable nylon material is very stout and tangle resistant. 67 inches length gives you free play.

Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch, Noise Canceling Headphones with Microphone, 3.5mm Audio Jack, Auto-Adjust Headband, RGB Light, Lightweight Wired Gaming HeadphonesGaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch, Noise Canceling Headphones with Microphone, 3.5mm Audio Jack, Auto-Adjust Headband, RGB Light, Lightweight Wired Gaming Headphones

Features & Specifications

  • 【The ideal gaming headset - Top Comfort】: The ideal gaming headset must be comfortable to wear for long periods of time. Lightweight frame, double reduce pressure headband with soft protein leather ear cups, so much more comfortable than other gaming headphones, the smaller burden keeps long time gaming.
  • 【The exceptional gaming headset -- Immersive Gaming Experience】: 50mm high-density audio drivers with 7.1 surround sound with deep bass. The immersive audio provides you with a distinct gameplay advantage and fantastic movie-like viewing experience.
  • 【The most essential assistive tech -- Noise-canceling Mic】: Sensitive, clear, noise-canceling, non-static when recording, 120° adjustable, long and flexible. This gaming microphone is the amazing essential microphone for gaming.
  • 【The most sincere promise -- Excellent Durability】: Alloy steel headband, long-lasting case, braided cable and other materials have all been thoroughly tested for durability. We have confidence to stand behind our product by providing an unconditional guarantee which comes with free replacement.
  • 【The most versatile --Multi-console Compatibility】: Supporting all the major platforms, the headset can be used on major platforms, including: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox series S, Xbox series X, Laptop, Mac, Switch and so much more. One gaming headset is all you need.
  • Dimensions: 7.8 x 4.1 x 7.7 inches
  • Weight: 9 ounces

Pros & Cons


Great quality. Most people probably purchase these type headsets for just gaming but we actually got these headphones for home school. We wanted something that allowed my son to be able to muffle the household sounds and be able to listen to his virtual school videos (also without disturbing anyone else). He can participate in his zoom classrooms without so much background noise interference since this one has a nice microphone. My son liked the look of the headset and I liked the price. My son also said that they were very comfortable on his head. He used to complain that our old pair squeezed his head too much and gave him a headache but he hardly notices that these are on his head. Thank you for making such a nice headset that doesn't break the bank!

Pleasantly Surprised. The media could not be loaded. I ordered this headset for my kids and I was pleasantly surprised by the quality. They are great! I stole them for myself. The ear pads are comfortable and​ big​. ​T​he outside has LEDs that glow and pulse in rainbow colors and​even​ an LED at the end of the microphone!​​ ​ ​The box came shipped from Amazon directly so there was no extra Amazon box. I really like the use of less materials. The headphones were easy to figure out and I use​d​ them ​right away.

Solid headset for the money. The media could not be loaded. This headset feels a sturdier and better constructed than some other cheaper ones I’ve owned. Sound quality and mic quality both seem great so far (used several times for gaming and communication over Xbox). Not really any external noise cancelling benefit that I can detect, but very clear sound while playing. Comfortable to wear, also, doesn’t hug too tightly and easy to adjust. My kids love the pulsing, color changing lights when plugged into USB. Overall a good, solid headset for the price point.

Easy set up high quality headset. The biggest upside for this headset is the comfort. The upper band adjusts to your head and has plenty of cushion for longer gaming sessions. The sound you get is clear and defined. The mic works very well in group gaming events. The cord is decently long but plenty to suit my needs. The rgb colors come on once you plug In the usb that is part of the audio cord. I used this on a gaming pc and it worked very well. For the price this is a great headset with tons of upside.

Perfect for my set up. I was looking for something that matched my setup- multi-colored. As you can see on the pictures these go so well with my keyboard! They sound soooo good and I love that the mic can be adjusted instead of just being plastic like most headsets have. And they are so comfortable. My last pair was stiff and hard but the padding on these feel like a cloud. The side of the headphones change multi-colors around so it’s not just that light up multi-color all the time. The cord has the remote on it to turn the mic on or off which I love. So you can choose when to talk with just that and not have to do it manually or on your keyboard. It’s honestly very comfortable, looks amazing as you can see, and it makes gaming much easier and more enjoyable.

Excellent Sound and Comfort. I bought this headset to replace my current gaming headset and it is a great improvement. The sound quality is great, it blocks outside noises, and it has a nice switch with on/off and volume selection. The microphone is easy to adjust and it does not pick up room noise like my other headset. The design is very nice and looks great with the lights, and the cushions are very comfortable.

How to Buy The Best Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch from which you can learn how to get the best Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch.

  • Is it worth buying the Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch?
  • What benefits does the product Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch?
  • What makes the Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch?
  • Why and how do you need the Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Gaming Headset for Xbox One Series X/S PS4 PS5 PC Switch to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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