G-TING Pull Out Cabinet Organizer, Under Sink Slide Out Storage Shelf with 2 Tier Sliding Wire Drawer – 12.6W x 16.53D x 12.99H – Request at Least 13 Inch Cabinet Opening

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G-TING Pull Out Cabinet Organizer, Under Sink Slide Out Storage Shelf with 2 Tier Sliding Wire Drawer - 12.6W x 16.53D x 12.99H - Request at Least 13 Inch Cabinet Opening

Simple Trending Pull Out 2-Tier Under Sink Cabinet Organizer, Chrome

Space-Saving Organizer provide versatile storage in compact spaces to keep supplies and essentials neatly stored and gets rid of disorganized clutter.

With its design constructed of durable beautiful perforated metal wire to offers ease of function and a clear view and prevent small items from falling through.

-Lower kitchen cabinets, under sink spaces, bathroom organization. all can be perfectly applied, giving you a tidy home!

-Glides are sized to fit cabinets well. Fit for at least 13 Inch cabinet opening. Make sure there’s about 1/2 inch clearance in wide through the door of the cabinet.

G-TING Pull Out Cabinet Organizer, Under Sink Slide Out Storage Shelf with 2 Tier Sliding Wire Drawer - 12.6W x 16.53D x 12.99H - Request at Least 13 Inch Cabinet Opening

Upgrade Your Kitchen Storage

2-Tier Sliding Storage Basket Design Multi-layer storage drawer for easy management of different items and provides an easy way to access with smoothly slide out which help to resolve clutter and accessibility issues to increase the organize capabilities.

Size Detail(Inch):

Top Basket(W*D*H): 4.92 x 15.75 x 2.36;

Bottom Basket(W*D*H): 11.33 x 16.53 x 2.36;

Distance Between 2 Layer: 9.4 inch;

Total Height: 12.99 inch;

What’s Included?

  • 1 x Top Basket
  • 1 x Bottom Basket
  • 1 x Stackable Connector
  • 2 x Glide Tracks
  • 8 x Screws
  • 1 x Assembly Manual

Product Details

G-TING Pull Out Cabinet Organizer, Under Sink Slide Out Storage Shelf with 2 Tier Sliding Wire Drawer - 12.6W x 16.53D x 12.99H - Request at Least 13 Inch Cabinet Opening

G-TING Pull Out Cabinet Organizer, Under Sink Slide Out Storage Shelf with 2 Tier Sliding Wire Drawer - 12.6W x 16.53D x 12.99H - Request at Least 13 Inch Cabinet Opening

G-TING Pull Out Cabinet Organizer, Under Sink Slide Out Storage Shelf with 2 Tier Sliding Wire Drawer - 12.6W x 16.53D x 12.99H - Request at Least 13 Inch Cabinet Opening

G-TING Pull Out Cabinet Organizer, Under Sink Slide Out Storage Shelf with 2 Tier Sliding Wire Drawer - 12.6W x 16.53D x 12.99H - Request at Least 13 Inch Cabinet Opening

Includes Mounting Template

Insert the card slots on the slide rail into the basket. Reduce the use of screws which make installation easier. It installs in under 30 minutes and the included instructions make installation a breeze!

Effective Fixation

The black rubber part can play a role in fixing the basket. When you push the basket in, you can use the black rubber to fix it so that you do not have to worry about the basket will automatically slide out.

Commercial Quality

Built to last! The highest quality steel and chrome finish gives unparalleled strength and durability for a lifetime of trouble-free use.

Precision Glide System

The vertical rail double ball bearing sliding device can ensure smooth sliding even under the heaviest load.

G-TING Pull Out Cabinet Organizer, Under Sink Slide Out Storage Shelf with 2 Tier Sliding Wire Drawer - 12.6W x 16.53D x 12.99H - Request at Least 13 Inch Cabinet Opening

Muti-function Pull Out Cabinet Organizer

G-TING Pull Out Cabinet Organizer, Under Sink Slide Out Storage Shelf with 2 Tier Sliding Wire Drawer - 12.6W x 16.53D x 12.99H - Request at Least 13 Inch Cabinet Opening

G-TING Pull Out Cabinet Organizer, Under Sink Slide Out Storage Shelf with 2 Tier Sliding Wire Drawer - 12.6W x 16.53D x 12.99H - Request at Least 13 Inch Cabinet Opening G-TING Pull Out Cabinet Organizer, Under Sink Slide Out Storage Shelf with 2 Tier Sliding Wire Drawer - 12.6W x 16.53D x 12.99H - Request at Least 13 Inch Cabinet Opening G-TING Pull Out Cabinet Organizer, Under Sink Slide Out Storage Shelf with 2 Tier Sliding Wire Drawer - 12.6W x 16.53D x 12.99H - Request at Least 13 Inch Cabinet Opening G-TING Pull Out Cabinet Organizer, Under Sink Slide Out Storage Shelf with 2 Tier Sliding Wire Drawer - 12.6W x 16.53D x 12.99H - Request at Least 13 Inch Cabinet Opening G-TING Pull Out Cabinet Organizer, Under Sink Slide Out Storage Shelf with 2 Tier Sliding Wire Drawer - 12.6W x 16.53D x 12.99H - Request at Least 13 Inch Cabinet Opening
2 Tier Pull Out Cabinet Organizer 1 Tier Pull Out Spice Rack Organizer for Cabinet 2 Tier Pull Out Spice Rack Organizer for Cabinet 1 Tier Pull Out Cabinet Organizer 2 Tier Pull Out Cabinet Organizer
Dimensions 12.44″ Width x 21.6″ Depth x 17.2″ Height 9.5″ Width x 10.2″ Depth x 2.8″ Height 8.6″ Width x 10.4″ Depth x 9″ Height 12.44″ Width x 16.54″ Depth x 3.94″ Height 12.6″ Width x 16.53″ Depth x 12.99″ Height
Cabinet Size Requirements Requires At Least a 15” Cabinet Opening Requires At Least a 10.5” Cabinet Opening Requires At Least a 10.5” Cabinet Opening Requires At Least a 14” Cabinet Opening Requires At Least a 13” Cabinet Opening
Finish Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome
Use in Kitchens
Use in Bathrooms
Use in Pantries
Easy to Install

Features & Specifications

  • ✔【SPACE-SAVING ORGANIZER】: Under sink sliding shelf with 2 tier sliding wire drawer, can solve your cabinet storage troubles, enlarge the limited sink space. In addition, our pull out cabinet organizer supports left and right installation, adjustable direction, effectively avoiding water pipes.
  • ✔【MULTIPURPOSE ORGANIZER】: You will never imagine that our sliding shelf has so many uses. In addition to the sink cabinet, it is also suitable for the kitchen, tidying up pots, pans, spice racks. It's suitable for bathrooms and laundry rooms, organizing cleaning supplies, etc. The tray is removable and washable, give you a tidy home.
  • ✔【STABILITY CONSTRUCTION】:The kitchen cabinet sliding-out shelf is engineered with a ball bearing system so the slide out will be smooth. The unique vertical guide rail can provide better load bearing. You can enjoy the tidy cabinets.
  • ✔【EASY TO INSTALL】:Our pull-out home cabinet organizer contains detailed instructions and all of the hardware necessary for easy installation and removal.Simplified cumbersome installation steps, no need to measure, the installation can be completed in a few minutes.The slide rails and the bottom basket are fixed with card slots so they can be disassembled at any time.
  • ✔【SHELF SIZE】:11.33W x 16.53D x 13.23H (inch), fit for at least 13 Inch cabinet opening. Chrome-plated to prevent scratching the surface. Simple and low-key color, can match all styles of cabinets. Suitable for all family styles!
  • Dimensions: ‎12.4 x 16.5 x 13 inches
  • Weight: ‎5.8 pounds

Pros & Cons


Does the job, once you get it installed. Haven't yet installed it, but all parts accounted for and everything seems sturdy enough. It wasn't immediately clear in the listing, but the upper basket can be configured to be on the right or left side. Update. Halfway through installing, meaning I have the front 4 screws in place. Its a bit of a challenge, since my multi tip screwdriver won't fit through the basket bottom rungs to screw it in. My regular Phillips head is working, but its a challenge to get the screw on the screwdriver and all lined up in the hole. Would be easier if you could detach the basket to install the brackets. The back screws should be a touch easier since you can pull the basket out of the way. However that will be further back in the cabinet. Regardless, its going to be perfect for my needs.

Not as good as hoped. Bought this to use under my kitchen sink. It fits nicely. It was difficult to install because the place where the screws go to anchor it down were under the track. This required me to screw in at an angle. There was no option to not screwing it down as the basket part would not slide out properly without being anchored. My 32 oz dish soap did not fit in the lower part of the organizer due to my disposal so it is in the top. This makes the top lean slightly because it is really more weight on the top than probably should be.

Sturdy and well made. Tired of a mess of cleaning supplies under my kitchen sink, I bought this storage unit to get organized. It is sturdy and well built, and fairly easy to install. Once it was screwed to the bottom of my cabinet, I loaded it up and it works like a dream. The glides are smooth so I don't feel like anything will fall off when I pull it out.


Not the best choice! I've purchased and installed 6 similar units that were all the Lynk, which I think are far better than the G-Ting. I only purchased the G-Ting brand because I couldn't find others that would fit in my under sink cabinet. I read in several reviews that these were easy to install, but just from looking at the photographs, I had my doubts. Turns out they are pretty much a PIA to install compared to the Lynk brand pullout shelves. First of all, as several people stated on other reviews, they DO NOT include the necessary screws! Who does that these days?? Then, in order to either mark screw holes or screw in the screws, the bottom shelf must be attached to the railing so that you can get the screws placed correctly. The other option is to precisely measure at least four spots, one in each corner of a rectangle. I might have been able to install the screws with the rack in place if I had bought a longer drill bit and screw bit. Finally, the upper shelf is a little wiggly when installed, if that matters to yo at all. Bottom line - would not recommend this brand unless you have no other choice and are at least a little handy.

Not strong enough for everyday use. Minutes after the installation and I started to put back our cleaning products, the glide tracks already started to bend under their weight. This is working for now. But I really doubt they will last very long. Do I just have more cleaning products than the usual household?

BEWARE Actually 12.25” wide, NOT 11.33”. Item description measurement is INCORRECT. It says shelf is11.33” wide, requires a 12” cabinet opening. Item is ACTUALLY 12.25” wide when assembled, the drawer glides, which must exit the cabinet door with the drawer when it is pulled out, add to the width and it cannot be pulled out from a 12” wide door opening. Extremely disappointed I wasted my time and am now returning this item.

How to Buy The Best G?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of G? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product G from which you can learn how to get the best G.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of G.

  • Is it worth buying the G?
  • What benefits does the product G offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product G?
  • What makes the G to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product G?
  • Why and how do you need the G?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the G. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best G.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best G.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of G, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of G offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of G? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of G? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of G? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of G?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of G, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the G to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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