Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Hayvenhurst RFID BLOCKING Wallets


Breathe easy because your cards will be shielded by the body of this wallet protecting them from even the most powerful RFID Chip Readers.

Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Wallets


All Hayvenhurst Wallets are manufactured from the highest-grade materials available. Be confident in your wallet, no matter where life takes you.

Hayvenhurst Minimalist wallets

Hayvenhurst wallets

Hayvenhurst Wallets

Hayvenhurst Minimalist wallets


Holds 1-12 cards without stretching out. The slim wallet is ideal for carrying business cards, credit and debit cards, bills etc. The outside notch allows you to push out the cards easily.


Given its sleek design & quality aluminum construction, this RFID blocking metal wallet is a popular wallet for both women & men. They make great gift ideas for the minimalists in your life!


With a push of your finger, you will have easy access to every card within our wallet. Hold anywhere from 1-12 cards at any time.


The money clip allows you to secure several bills to the outside of your wallet in a traditional money clip form. The proprietary metal clip is designed for enhanced security and reliability.

Features & Specifications

  • EASY CARD ACCESS: With a push of your finger, you will have easy access to every card within our wallet. Hold anywhere from 1-12 cards at any time.
  • RFID BLOCKING: Breathe easy because your cards will be shielded by the body of this wallet protecting them from even the most powerful RFID Chip Readers.
  • HIGH QUALITY MATERIALS - All Hayvenhurst Wallets are manufactured from the highest grade materials available. Be confident in our wallet, no matter where life takes you.
  • INTEGRATED MONEY CLIP – The money clip allows you to secure several bills to the outside of your wallet in a traditional money clip form. The proprietary metal clip is designed for enhanced security and reliability.
  • GREAT GIFT: Given its sleek design & quality aluminum construction, this RFID blocking metal wallet is a popular wallet for both women & men. They make great gift ideas for the minimalists in your life!

Pros & Cons


Ridge Wallet but Reasonably Priced. If you're looking at this, like I was before I purchased it, and thinking it looks exactly like the $110 Ridge Wallet your favorite YouTuber may have advertised, you're not wrong. I haven't held the actual Ridge Wallet, but based on appearance it's identical. Construction seems solid and simple: it's two metal plates, credit-card-sized, held tightly together by elastic fabric bands, with a money clip on one of the sides. I easily fit seven cards in it, and it seems like it could hold more (it advertises up to twelve, but I don't have that many to test). The whole wallet is the size of a credit card, so if you put cash in the clip just folded in half, it will stick out over the edges of the wallet. I've started folding my bills in thirds to remedy this. Considering the price, and the price of similar products, definitely worth it.

No more bent cards and broken chips. After having my debit card replaced for the third time, I finally realized that my old wallet was bending the my cards. I knew I needed a new wallet that would keep them flat like this but I didn't want to break the bank on the name brand ones. I don't know how well the RFID blocking is because I don't have anyway of testing it but so far I've had no issues with the wallet. It does get a little difficult to get just one card out when you get more than 6 in there but not too bad. It feels weird in your pocket as well if you're used to a normal wallet. Clip seems to do a good job at keeping bill in place without any damage. Overall, no complaints from me yet.

Compact but tough to pull cards. I've had this wallet for a few months and I'd say overall I like it but it has pros and cons. I like the compactness of it and the card capacity. I dislike how it feels in my pocket. The issue here is the compact nature means it moves around a decent bit in my pocket. My other issue is that it can be a pain at times to get the cards out unless it's one of the end cards.

Great purchase. SLIM, AFFORDABLE. Just one critique. Given the price point of this item and the amount of cards they you could fit while still being compact and durable makes this a perfect item especially for people who just carry cards and not much else. The sleek design amongst being the size of your cards makes this a great purchase. One of the things that I didn't like was probably the mechanism of taking out cards (which you'd have to use your thumb or finger to push out the cards which instead of pushing one or two) it pushes all them out having to open it like a tiny purse, which maybe this is personal preference but which they would have it as a mechanism that would demonstrate each card individually to show which one your grabbing out rather than pushing the entire deck out.

Game changer. I was skeptical of having this style wallet. I spent a lot of time trying to decide which model and brand to go with. I ended up choosing this one and I have been very pleased. Durable and keeps elasticity even when I trim down the card count for a night out. I recommend this product

I like it. Recommend it. I like it because it’s easy to get your cards out but they won’t just slip out on their own


Interesting concept for a wallet - Takes getting used to. At first I really liked the concept of minimizing my wallet. My expectations were pretty high. I have about 12-14 credit cards, debit cards, gift cards, insurance cards, drivers license, a few bills, etc. I thought my leather wallet was just too thick. After setting up this Hayvenhurst wallet, I found that the thickness was not reduced very much, even though I did leave out a couple items from my old wallet. The overall dimensions were reduced which was still a plus. There are a few things you will need to get used to when using this wallet. Using a wallet like this tends to force you to seriously evaluate what you really need to carry and eliminate the unnecessary, which I did. This might actually help me. Another issue for me is when I need to lie about whether I have cash, this wallet makes it difficult since the cash is held under the external clip. Very visible when you pull out the wallet. I don't carry much cash anyway, but maybe this will discourage others from carrying much cash also. I try to keep receipts from purchases, that I usually inserted in my old wallet until I get home. With this wallet, there is no place to keep receipts other than folding them and inserting under the money clip. I have done this and this might work for me. Overall, this wallet will force the user to be more conscientious about wallets and how they are used and what is absolutely needed to be carried. I will continue to use this wallet and try to get used to it. Over time, I think it will probably work for me.

Great minimalist wallet, nonexistent support or warranty. After seeing a lot of reviews for the Ridge wallet, I was very curious, but turned off by their $100 price tag. Then I came across this Hayvenhurst wallet. It looks (and I would imagine, is) identical to the Ridge, and is only $20 (more or less, you can find it for $15 on a good day). A couple things to point out; the negative reviews as far as scratching up cards or being too tight are coming from people who don’t seem to understand a breaking in period, and are too impatient or unable to realize this is different than a standard wallet. It is a card/money clip essentially, and takes a little getting used to, but for me is well worth it. I have a credit card with minimally raised numbers, so this has been a non issue for me, but I leave my ID and this card on the front and back, and I only carry about five cards. There is a breaking in period as mentioned before, but if you position your most needed cards in front and back, is very easy to access. After the breaking in period, cards get easier to access, but still hold in solid. This took a month or less, which tells me people complaining about this probably tried it for a day, then busted out their pitchforks and started complaining. For me, this is a front pocket wallet. The money clip doesn’t make for the most comfortable back pocket, but it’s a non issue. I also appreciate the fact that the design protects against cracking or bending of your cards, compared to a traditional wallet. There’s a lot to love here. So why three stars? The elastic on the bottom started to fray and wear after just a couple months, and got a huge hole in it after 3-4. To their credit, the side elastics are fine and perfect, and even after breaking in to allow easier access, are structurally flawless. But the bottom elastic would give any day now, and losing my cards would be a problem should this occur. Support is not existent from this company. As in, I saw no contact, no replacement parts, no warranty, nothing. You pay $15-25 for this wallet, fine, but this also really sucks. Maybe I got a bad elastic? Can’t be too sure, but I bought a replacement because it’s cheap. You could literally buy the same product from any other vendor on Amazon, and it couldn’t be worse (support or design wise) than this one. Should it have bad elastic again, I’ll probably drop the $100 on a ridge, as they have lifetime warranty, and will replace any faulty parts. TL:DR version: this is great to see if this wallet style is for you, and won’t break the bank. But the same could be said about any similar price and designed wallet on Amazon. Support and warranty is non-existent, so if it breaks or has issues, and you like the design, buy from Ridge.

Be ready to be poked. Cool concept but be ready to be hurt by it from time to time. Sharp edges/corners will hurt if seat on it (back pockets)

SHARP EDGES. My biggest complaint is the edges of the carbon fiber panels were still very sharp. I had to take some 220g sandpaper and break all the edges

Thicker than expected. Great wallet, but very thick. The two pieces of metal on each side are the equivalent of 4-5 cards them selves each. I would suggest using thinner metal for each side to keep the size down.

It destroys bills. It is good if you need a license, health insurance, and a credit card. You might as well throw away the bill fold.

How to Buy The Best Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip from which you can learn how to get the best Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip.

  • Is it worth buying the Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip?
  • What benefits does the product Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip?
  • What makes the Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip?
  • Why and how do you need the Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


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How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


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How good is the product of Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

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Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip, no matter it is good or bad?


In general, this is a pretty good product and is worth buying. Many real life customers have highly rated it, topping it on the best sellers list of amazon-fashion.

We highly recommend the Hayvenhurst Slim Minimalist Front Pocket RFID Blocking Metal Wallets for Men with Money Clip to you.

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