iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones, Wireless Over Ear Foldable Headset with Built-in Microphone, FM, Micro SD Card Slot

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

foldable over ear headphones built in fm mic wireless technology headsets with bluetooth 4.1

Turn Up The Volume & Enjoy Your Favorite Music Like Never Before, With These Exquisite Headphones Brought To You By iJoy!

Are you looking for a high-end quality pair of headphones to enjoy your music, movies, and games? Have you tried similar products in the past but were let down by how flimsy they were or by how quickly they stopped working? Would you opt for an earphone set that is durable, heavy duty, and doesn’t cost you a month’s salary?

If so, then this is your lucky day, because I-Joy has just the thing you’re looking for!

Get Your Personal Party Started!

Made of premium quality materials, our headphones are ergonomically designed and perfect for daily use. Play your favorite PC games, sit back and enjoy the music tracks you love, or watch the latest popular movies with unparalleled HQ sound quality in the comfort of your home!

The memory protein earmuffs ensure that they remain steady on your head without hurting your ears, and the adjustable headband promises that they are perfectly fitted. Additionally, the soft, snug pad on the inside of the headband provides full protection and impeccable comfort.

Moreover, the headphones are flexible enough to fit all head shapes, but not too loose so that they keep falling off – talk about many birds with one stone!

Offer A Gift To Remember!

Who wouldn’t appreciate a great set of headphones? Whether for a birthday, Valentine’s Day, or, why not, Mother’s Day, this iJoy headset will make for a valuable, thoughtful and super practical gift for your best friend, your significant other, or even your mom!

4 + 1 Reasons Why This Pair Of Earphones Are A Win-Win Deal!

  • Super soft, memory-protein earmuffs
  • Adjustable headband
  • Snug, easy to fit pad inside of the headband
  • Flexible earmuffs to fit all head shapes and sizes
  • Crystal clear sound

We could go on, but you get the picture; you are about to love your new earphones as soon as you get your hands on them!

Features & Specifications

  • Deep, accurate bass response,Extended frequency range, Rechargeable
  • 5-button control, including Play/pause/answer/hangup,Equalizer,Next track/volume up, Previous track/volume down
  • Ear cups fit around ears to help isolate audio, Foldable design for easy carry, noise canceling design
  • Micro SD card plug-in, built in Radio receiver, Built in Mic for Hands Free calling
  • New: 6 MONTHS!! exchange warranty! If your headset breaks or is damaged for any reason, Pranx will provide you with a FREE replacement!
  • Dimensions: 6 x 5.9 x 3.3 inches
  • Weight: 8.2 ounces

Pros & Cons


Great little headphones going on 3 (updated: 19) months of frequent use. I've had these since Jan 16, 2018, and wanted to wait a while to write about them. I update most of my reviews if my purchases continue working exceptionally well so I expect to be doing that with these even after a year. They are working just fabulously after four months still! My husband had a cheapie $5 bluetooth pair he bought to use when mowing the lawn, so I was able to compare the two and it's obvious some thought went into the making of these -- they're plastic but they're quite sturdy and feel well-made compared to his. Have had no trouble getting them to connect to my iPhone. I treated the charging cord very carefully because I saw some other reviewers had trouble with it coming apart, but sadly even with care, the end that went into the headphones just plain broke off and separated from the wire. I wrote in on here to complain to the company (not even realizing that duh, I could use any one of the micro-usb cords from other devices to charge it) and they were super apologetic and said they would get another one in the mail asap to me. I thought they meant just the cord...lo and behold another whole headphones set showed up! Bless them. That's some customer service right there. I probably still won't use the charging cords since I know they're prone to weakness, but my hubby got free headphones out of the deal and doesn't have to use his uber-cheap pair anymore, haha! Nobody is going to believe me but I actually have a pair of Beats Monster headphones and I like the iJoy better. They don't squeeze my head or smash my ears so viciously, lol, and the sound is quite comparable, in my music tastes anyway. UPDATE 8/21/19 -- still working great, have not noticed any issues or decrease in charge, which I consider a bit freakish for anything over a year! I AM CAREFUL WITH THEM. I don't throw them in a tote bag or across the room or drop them down the stairs, so that probably explains part of why they and a lot of my other things last a long time. I don't use them every single day now, maybe four times a week for a few hours when playing games or watching movies on my Kindle while I don't want to listen to my hubby's boring fishing shows on tv, but it's still going strong. I have no idea where my original charging cord is, I just charge it with one of the multiple Kindle chargers I have sitting around. My hubs' pair also still works and charges great, he mostly uses it when mowing the lawn while also listening to boring fishing podcasts. Weirdo. I'm probably the only one who noticed this but the blue light on it is BRIGHT AS HECK at night in a bedroom when you're an insomniac trying not to wake your significant other while watching youtube. Like seriously the blue light is brighter than my entire phone screen on dim. I had to stick a little piece of electric tape over it and even then I still get a glow. But that's what I get for being a night owl, I guess! Still highly recommend, no complaints.

I’m BUYING 5 more ASAP!!!!!!!!!! OMG these headphones are the truth!!! I listen to music when I clean & the sound is CRISP, LOUD, & CLEAR.... when talking on the phone NO STATIC! They charged in like 15 minutes after taking them out the box and I’m able to clean my 4 bedroom house while listening to the ... leaving my IPHONE X PLUGGED up in the bedroom... I’m definitely excited! I dusted my whole house, washed clothes, cleaned bathrooms all on the 15 minute charge! Now they are charging up. I’m ordering my husband, sons, & daughter some. The real review will come after my husband uses them because he uses headphones day in day out.. so I’ll keep you guys posted! But I love my purchase they are more than worth the price! I’m in love and they are so COMFORTABLE... I dislike anything in my ears, so THESE ARE PERFECT! As soon as my 17 year old heard the music in them he was like buy me some mom... this kid does music and has the beatz by Dre... so uhmmmm yeah the quality is excellent

Works well on iPhone 8Plus. Good quality for the price. I actually was very surprised by these. These are my first wireless headphones. I paired them with my iPhone 8 Plus no issues. For the price you can’t ask for more. They are quite bass-y but in a good way. Clear sound. They are also really lightweight and feel comfortable on the ears, which is good because for some reason headphones can make my ears sore. But these are good!! I use these for Spotify mainly. When getting notifications on my phone, and also the sound from the keyboard clicks will sound (when phone is off vibrate). They are fairly noise-cancelling...when I have these on the conversations in the room are pretty muted. Don’t expect them to be great quality when touching/holding them. However overall they have a good look to them. Overall great for the price. Highly recommend. I am getting another pair for my dad.


You get what you pay for! First and foremost let me say, the sound quality of these headphones are great. That being said, after only a few months of use the headband broke and I had to fix it with duck tape. To be fair, I didn't take the greatest care of the headphones (have a small child who got her hand on them a few times lol) but it is clear the band is where they cheaped out. I would have given them 3 stars, however if it were not for the battery low warning. That gets it a 1 star. When the battery is low, the headphones will scream 'BATTERY IS LOW' every 5 seconds till you charge it. The amount of battery wasted just to use that warning would be more than enough to let someone finish a song, game, or tv show before needing to charge them. These are cheap for a reason. If you don't care about the crappy warning, and dont mind cheaper quality if the sound quality is still good, then these are a decent pair, but be warned.

Regrettable Purchase/ Died after a month of use. Only a month after its arrival , June 8th to July 9th, these headphones stop working. I mean I couldn't even turn them on. I thought that they might have just lost their charge, so I plugged them up. After the first hour I tested them and nothing. I continued to charge them as I worked around the house, still nothing. I left them plugged-up over night and I still couldn't turn them on in the morning. They worked perfectly well for most of the month. They became my travel and workout buddy, so I was shocked when I couldn't turn them back on. I'll try to get in contact with the company to see what i can do. Of course: Return window closed on Jul 8, 2017 and the next day they die. Good News, the seller contacted me back right away and they stood by their product. They apologized for the dysfunctional item and said they would mail out a replacement right away. Bravo to them.

THE WORST. I hate these headphones with the fire of 1,000 burning suns. They look cool and the folding mechanisim is nice but they really missed the mark on some of the other features. I bought the headphones after I lost the headphone adapter for my iphone and couldn't find any new ones that worked. I've used bluetooth headphones in the past and I stand by my theory that the technology just isn't there unless you're willing to spend over $100. The battery life on these headphones is absolute trash. I can't make it through a full work day even if I charge overnight and turn the headphones off when I'm away from my desk or at meetings. The worst part is that there's a robotic voice that comes over the headphones at full volume whenever they have something they want you to hear. Several times a day I hear a voice yell at me "BATTERY LOW! BATTERY LOW!" "CONNNECTING TO BLUETOOTH! CONNECTING TO BLUETOOTH" "INCOMING CALL! INCOMING CALL! INCOMING CALL!". It's loud enough that it startles me and totally throws me off task. It's loud enough that my coworkers joke about how annoying it is. It's loud enough that when the headphones had a meltdown because the battery was dying at 3:30pm a moment ago I took them off and wasted more of my workday to write this review. Unless you like being scolded by an angry robot several times a day or headphones that are never ever ever functioning when you need them steer clear of these.

How to Buy The Best iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones from which you can learn how to get the best iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones.

  • Is it worth buying the iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones?
  • What benefits does the product iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones?
  • What makes the iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones?
  • Why and how do you need the iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the iJoy Matte Finish Bluetooth Headphones to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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