Insignia 50-inch 4K QLED Smart Fire TV

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Insignia 50 before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Insignia 4K QLED Fire TV F50 Series

Access thousands of shows with Fire TV

Watch over 1 million streaming movies and TV episodes with access to thousands of channels, apps and Alexa skills, including Prime Video, Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, YouTube, Apple TV+, Disney+, ESPN+, Sling TV, Paramount+, and other services right from this TV.

Dolby Vision


DTS Virtual-X Sound

Dolby Vision

Feast your eyes on ultravivid picture quality. Dolby Vision transforms your TV experience with incredible brightness, contrast, and more accurate colors that brings entertainment to life like never before.

QLED Screen

Quantum dot technology enhances performance, delivering better brightness and wider color volume. This provides exceptionally vivid and lifelike picture performance.

DTS Virtual-X Sound

An immersive sound format creates a three-dimensional sound experience with your speaker system.

Smart TV

Smart TV

4k TV

4k TV

Control your TV

Use the included Voice Remote with Alexa to easily control TV functions like power, volume, navigation, playback, and input switching—plus, easily launch into Prime Video, and Netflix with quick access buttons.

Find new favorites

Want to watch something new? Press the microphone button and say, “Find dramas,” and Alexa will show you search results from a universal catalog of hundreds of integrated apps and channels.

Control your smart home

Enhance your entertainment experience by easily controlling your smart home devices with Alexa. Simply use your voice to do things like adjust the lights, set the temperature, and lock the door, and ease right into movie night.

Get more out of Alexa

Go beyond streaming with access to tens of thousands of Alexa skills. Want to order pizza? Check the score? Play a game? Alexa can do that too!

Insignia 4K Fire TV F30 Series Insignia 4K QLED Fire TV F50 Series
Insignia 4K Fire TV F30 Series Insignia 4K QLED Fire TV F50 Series
Screen Size 43″, 50″, 55″, 58″, 65″, 70″, 75″ 50″, 55″, 65″, 70″
Display Type LED QLED (Quantum Dot Technology)
Backlight Type Direct Lit (lights on edges & behind the screen for more light uniformity than edge lit) Direct Lit (lights on edges & behind the screen for more light uniformity than edge lit)
Audio Support DTS Studio Sound DTS Virtual:X
HDR (formats) Yes (HDR 10) Yes (Dolby Vision, HDR 10)
Smart Platform Fire TV Built-in Fire TV Built-in
Remote Type Voice Remote with Alexa Voice Remote with Alexa
Total HDMI Ports 3 Total (1 eARC/ARC) 4 total (1 eARC/ARC)
Connectivity Wifi or Ethernet Wifi or Ethernet
Other Ports & Connections Audio out/headphone jack, digital optical out, USB, Ethernet, composite, Antenna/cable Audio out/headphone jack, digital optical out, USB, Ethernet, composite, Antenna/cable

Features & Specifications

  • QLED Screen: Quantum Dot technology produces heavily saturated and precisely defined colors, granting you vivid pictures with intense colors.
  • 4K Ultra HD (2160p resolution): Enjoy breathtaking HDR10 4K movies and TV shows at 4 times the resolution of Full HD, and upscale your current content to Ultra HD-level picture quality.
  • Alexa voice control: The Alexa Voice Remote lets you easily control your entertainment, search across apps, switch inputs, and more using just your voice. Press and hold the voice button and ask Alexa to easily find, launch, and control content, and even switch to cable.
  • Access thousands of shows with Fire TV: Watch over 1 million streaming movies and TV episodes with access to thousands of channels, apps and Alexa skills, including Prime Video, Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, YouTube, Apple TV+, Disney+, ESPN+, Sling TV, Paramount+, and other services right from this TV.*
  • Narrow bezel:Sleek design elevates your entertainment experience by centering your focus on the screen.

Pros & Cons


Great TV for the Price. Good Apps, 60Hz Refresh, Bluetooth Supported, AirPlay, Snappy Response. First off, I asked 2 questions about the product and Best Buy responded incorrectly to both questions, but I bought this TV anyway. I can not answer my own questions above, so let me clarify: Does this model support WiFi 6? The correct answer is NO it does NOT, but it is backwards compatible with normal WiFi 802.11 abg. Does this model support connecting Bluetooth peripherals (speakers, headphones, etc)? YES. This TV has native Bluetooth support built in. There is no need to attach a Bluetooth USB dongle to the only USB connector. Connected to BT headphones and speakers with no issues. Review: I bought this TV for under $500 and I can not imagine a better TV for the money. Pros: What I like Inexpensive - QLED TV for under $500 on sale. BIG - I remember buying an Hitachi 50" 1080 HD TV for about $2200 back in the day. Big and inexpensive. Clarity - Extremely clear picture at 4K with native 4K source. Still looks great with 1080p source. Color - Very rich color. Needs toned down a touch out of box. Brightness and Contrast - Great , but also needs adjusted out of box. Remote and Interface - Snappy and very responsive. Interface gets a big improvement after update. AirPlay - Seems to work well casting from my iPhone to the TV with most apps. Apps - Many choices from VPNs to entertainment. There is a good selection available for download and most seem to work well. Inputs - 4 HDMI (1 w/arc support), 1 USB, 1 Coaxial, 1 Composite Video and Audio, 1 Ethernet Output - 1 Optical Audio, Headphone Jack Bluetooth - Supports Bluetooth peripherals (Headphones, Game Controllers, Etc.) Cons: What I don't like. Refresh Rate - I really would prefer 120Hz refresh rate. Fast action is still blurry at 4K without it. Stand - Is not adjustable in any way. Once attached, the legs are what they are. Remote - Feels small and a bit cheap. Not mappable. Big - May be too large for some spaces. Packaging - The packaging is not quite as protective as some competitors. May want to opt for pickup from Best Buy instead of shipping.

Great for the money. Caught this on sale for $579. Best I've seen for under $1000. Setup was easy. Excellent picture quality for QLED. Just a suggestion. If you're watching a 4K show, switch picture setting to dynamic. For anything else, natural works best.

Outstanding. Bought on sale after Christmas for $399 ($250 off). Wow, what a deal. The QLED screen is comparable to LED TV's three or four times the price of this one. And with Fire TV built in, there is really no justification to sqander my hard-earned money on a brand-name TV. Easily connected to my Amazon Echo Speakers and subwoofer for great sound. No qualms.


Great TV, but buy it through Best Buy; don't buy it through Amazon. I'm giving this a 1-star review for buying it at Amazon. Don't make that mistake. Buy it either online or in-store at Best Buy. Insignia is a Best Buy store brand manufactured for them by actual TV makers. I read somewhere that this is a Toshiba, but either way, it's a great TV. I DO recommend buying this TV. It's bright, it's sharp, and the colors are great. At 60Hz refresh, I don't notice any problems with it AT ALL. The Smart TV features of it are GREAT, and the voice remote works perfectly. I ordered the voice remote to take me to the app store, and it did. I downloaded and installed the Plex client app, and it worked perfectly with my Plex media server. HULU worked great, Amazon Prime video worked great, and other media such as Comedy Central and ABC News worked great. Pretty much everything about this TV "just works" and worked perfectly. Even the sound is really good, and I hate built-in sound on TV's. This one sounds great. I'm SUPER happy with it. BUT. . .I got it on early Black Friday sale, placing the order here, and picking it up same-day at my local Best Buy. 13 days later I came back here to leave a great review for it and see it is now $50 less. The page for it says "Seller: Best Buy". I called Best Buy for a price adjustment. Their policy is: "If we lower our in-store, online or app price during the return and exchange period, we will match our lower price, upon request." (Their return and exchange period is 15 days.) Best Buy looked into it and said I'd have to get a price adjustment from Amazon. I called Amazon and they insisted I'd have to get a price adjustment from Best Buy. I went online to Best Buy and went to a support chat with a representative and explained the problem. They looked into it, took my order number (the invoice has both Amazon and Best Buy order numbers on it) and they concluded I'd have to go through Amazon. During the chat I called Amazon again and they insisted I'd have to go through Best Buy. I explained to Amazon I could just return it and go re-buy it. They said "If you want to do that you can do that." —So I told them to process a return, and they said "You'll have to do that through Best Buy." So I went to Best Buy with printed copies of my invoice and the new price listing at Amazon, and they looked into it. Their computer system will not let them re-open a sale made through Amazon, so short of returning my TV and buying it again, they offered me a $50 in-store-credit, which I accepted no problem. (So yay Best Buy for working to solve the problem.) But the lesson learned here is to not get caught in the limbo-purgatory between Best Buy as a third-party-seller through Amazon. Just order directly from Best Buy, or all your typical consumer protections go out the window.

Nice and bright, good color but picture just not right. Second attempt at a budget TV. Recently returned a Amazon Fire TV 4 because of poor 4k upscaling and buzzing from optical port. This one was a bit more (heck $599.99 list price) and QLED it had to be better right? Well yes and no, it is surprisingly bright. I had to turn down backlighting. Reds are a bit much out of the box but after some tuning were acceptable. Still 4k upscaling (source YouTube TV) is not acceptable. Some scenes just look blocky and pixelated. Thought maybe it was the source so I rewatched the same scenes on my 65 inch Samsung TU-8000 and the pixelization wasn't there (or on my old LG Plasma) and even though it's not QLED the picture just looked better. Maybe Samsung just does a better job with upscaling IDK. Going to play with the settings some more but it most likely will be returned as well. Will have to poney up the additional $100 for the Samsung AU8000 I guess. Update: returned for the Samsung

Dead pixels! Do not buy! Possibly my worst Amazon purchase! Came with rows and rows of dead pixels down one entire side of the screen. The reviews that you see of folks complaining of dead pixels are not one offs, they are a sign of persistent problem with this make of TV. The more you dig into reviews both here and on the Best Buy website the more you find that this is a very common problem with this model. Because the seller is Best Buy returns are not easy or quick like with many Amazon returns. I also bought the mount at the same time, but with having to return the TV due to it being defective and the mount not fitting other TVs I had to return it. And Best Buy has CHARGED me to return it. Insignia is a Best Buy owned brand, their tv was defective and is consistently defective and they charged me to return something that only works with that TV. I just can’t believe how poor the customer service has been. I expect so much better. I’m not even going to get into the shipping issues and Best Buy giving me only one tracking number for both items, only to find out later after freaking out that someone had stolen the TV when it was delivered that they were two separate packages.

How to Buy The Best Insignia 50?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Insignia 50? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Insignia 50 from which you can learn how to get the best Insignia 50.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Insignia 50.

  • Is it worth buying the Insignia 50?
  • What benefits does the product Insignia 50 offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Insignia 50?
  • What makes the Insignia 50 to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Insignia 50?
  • Why and how do you need the Insignia 50?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Insignia 50. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Insignia 50.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Insignia 50.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Insignia 50, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Insignia 50 offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Insignia 50? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Insignia 50? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Insignia 50? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Insignia 50?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Insignia 50, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Insignia 50 to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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