VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener, 100% Pure Titanium Flat Iron for One Pass to Achieve a Sleek Look, Curls Beautifully & Straightens Well – 1 inch

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

titanium flat irontitanium flat iron

titanium flat iron

titanium flat iron

titanium flat iron

100% Titanium with Argan Oil

The titanium plates absorb heat pretty fast and distribute it evenly across the plates. Even if you have stubborn kinky locks, this flat iron for black hair will make it look smooth and attractive. The argan oil and titanium help to deodorize and sterilize natural hair strands, freeing them from bacteria and bad odor. We believe that styling your hair should not only make you look good but make you feel good too!

Invisible LCD Digital Display

Simply press the center button hold for a couple seconds and this flat iron will shut off/on. The temperature digital number of this professional flat iron shows only after turned on, 11 levels from 265℉ to 450℉ for all hair types. The LCD digital display flashes and keeps light when reaches desired level, it helps you aware how hot the setting is.

8-Point 3D Floating Plates

This flat iron is designed with curved housing design with a non-slip, velvety finish, and combined with 8-point floating plates results in perfect plate alignment and styling tension – meaning the real “No Hair Tugging” come true, just use the product smoothly and keep your hair natural as usual after styling, no more mess and welcome beauty.

titanium flat iron

titanium flat iron

titanium flat iron

Beat Frizz with Negative Ions

There’s nothing worse than straightening your hair, only to have it frizz up when you walk outside! Frizz and flyaways are a result of positive ion buildup in your hair follicles. Negative ions neutralize this buildup and eliminate frizz and static. The VANESSA IONIC PTC Heat Technology conditions hair as you style, sealing in moisture and smoothing the cuticle, for softer, healthier strands.

Heats Up to 450℉ in 15s

This flat iron with advanced PTC Heating Technology, just take only 15 seconds to heat up, and fast heat recovery for styling efficiency with no damaging hot spots. And the Heat Balance Micro-Sensors will regulate the temperature & evenly distribute heat, so fewer passes are needed on your precious hair.

Safe Protection with Anti-Scald

VANESSA patented V-shape flame-retardant plastic frame and the special heat resistant material with buffer design near the heating plates protect you from every angle. Other important features like Dual Voltage, 360° Swivel Cord and 60 Min Auto Shutoff are included with this flat iron.

titanium flat iron

titanium flat iron

titanium flat iron

titanium flat iron

VANESSA: As Featured In…

We’re proud to be able to say that our products have been featured in Scary Mommy, POPSUGAR Magazine, StyleCaster Magazine, and many more throughout 2021.

Made From Highest Quality Materials

We promise that the life cycle of our products is more than 3 years! If U don’t end up liking it you can always return it!

The Best Black-Owned Beauty Brand

VANESSA Beauty, founded by industry veteran Vanessa Angel, is all about creating a hair tool range that is “forward thinking, radical and uncompromising.”

titanium flat iron titanium flat iron flat iron
1 Inch Titanium Plate 2 Inch Titanium Plate Others
Materials 100% Pure Titanium 100% Pure Titanium Cheap and Harmful
Safety Safe Protection with Anti-Scald Safe Protection with Anti-Scald No Safety Features
Cord 360° 97 inch Swivel Cord 360° 97 inch Swivel Cord No Swivel Cord
Time-saving 15s Fast Heating 15s Fast Heating 60s Slower Heating
Voltage Dual Voltage Worldwide Use Dual Voltage Worldwide Use No Dual Voltage

Features & Specifications

  • THE WORLD'S LONGEST PLATE -- The Titanium Plate with Argan Oil of This Titanium Flat Iron Hair Straightener and Curler provides faster straightening and increased shine while high levels of negative ions produce silky, smooth and conditioned hair. This Damage-free Titanium Flat Iron Hair Straightener and Curler helps retain moisture and enhances your hair long-term.
  • DURABLE AND HANDY -- VANESSA Professional Titanium Flat Iron Hair Straightener and Curler uses sturdy materials with a durable design. The Important convenience features of This Titanium Flat Iron Hair Straightener and Curler as well as good for storage like Dual Voltage and Automatic Shutoff are included with This Flat Iron Hair Straightener and Curler.
  • FOR ALL HAIR TYPE -- The Invisible Screen of This Titanium Flat Iron Hair Straightener and Curler shows only after turned on helps you set desired temperature, different temperature settings(265℉-450℉) of This Titanium Flat Iron Hair Straightener and Curler for all hair types, it leaves your hair looking polished and healthy after you find the proper heat setting for your hair.
  • SUPER EASY TO USE -- The Human-factor Engineering Designed Shape of This Flat Iron Hair Straightener and Curler helps you relax your arm when you styling your hair, Mirror Face Titanium Plate of This Flat Iron Hair Straightener and Curler would release negative ions when heating up to moisten your hair and transform frizzy, dull hair into gorgeous shiny and sleek looking.
  • 2 IN 1 FLAT IRON -- Get silky-smooth straight or bouncy dreamy curls in just one tool! This Titanium Flat Iron Hair Straightener and Curler works perfectly as a professional Flat Iron Hair Straightener. Meanwhile This Hair Straightener Flat Iron can be used as a Curling Iron. This Flat Iron Hair Straightener and Curler meeting your different needs of straightening or curling your hair.

Pros & Cons


straightens, curls, and smooths. My 15 yr old remington hair straightener finally stopped turning on and even though i could buy the same one, as it is still sold, i took a chance on this Vanessa brand. Honestly i was not expecting that the hair straightener could do any different from my old one. I have hair that is thick, straight when soaked, and curls into ringlets when it starts to dry. Any time ive tried completely straightening it, my hair will curl up a bit anyway once i go outside. This hair straightener actually kept my hair straight without product ( i dont care if it's damaging to use without product, i dont want to add anything in my hair beyond washing and conditioning) and kept it straight til the next wash. I use the lowest heat setting to accomplish this too! It does a fine job of curling as well- my go to is curl, twist the curl into a tighter rope like form, then clamp with the hair straightener down the length of the tightened curl (not dragging, briefly clamping and opening the straightener before moving down) then i spritz with a misting spray bottle that has a couple of squirts of my conditioner diluted with water in it. This helps me keep my curls clustered so they don't dry into a frizzy mess and helps make my curls look tidier. I typically do this on day 2+ post-wash since day 1 is natural curls that get tangled when i sleep. This may not do much for you if your hair doesn't naturally curl. I like it and I'm glad its affordable, unlike most hair straighteners of any decent quality.

I’m still deciding. So far I’ve only used it to straighten my hair. I’m not crazy about the temperature controls. My hair is thin and I have a lot of it and it’s wavy (And a mind of its own.) I know I need to use the lower settings, but the lower settings did not straighten my hair in one pass. I don’t want to go higher than 355° because I don’t want to damage my hair. One thing I definitely do not like about this is that when I run it down my hair it’s not a smooth motion. I feel a little bit of hesitancy, which I don’t like. I’m holding onto my older straightener which is a Zoe and has been very good to me. However, it’s a little pricier than I want to pay right now. I’ll keep it as a back up though. I haven’t decided yet whether I’m going to keep the Vanessa straightener or return it.

Must have. This flat iron does exactly what it says. I've spent over $100 on similar flat irons in the past and they don't hold up to this one. I have thick wavy/curly hair and after one use my hair is straight. It doesn't pull out get stuck in iron like my old one. I would definitely recommend this to those with all hair types. My daughter has thick coarse hair and it works great on hers as well. The key is finding a good heat protecting spray.

No regrets! I absolutely love this flat iron. The digital temperature control takes the guess work how hot your iron is. The handle has a slight bend which makes curling much easier than straight flat irons. The heating plates glide easily through my hair even when using hair spray prior to use. It is hands down, better than the ceramic flat iron I've used in the past. I have no regrets making the switch.

Works great! Had this for a couple weeks now and it works great! I’m not sure if it has an auto shit off though as I’ve left it on the other day for over an hour and it was still on. Otherwise it works great and no issues. Good deal for the price.

Good Results. This product heats quickly and I like that the temperature is adjustable. This is the first time I have used a flat iron hair straightener and is very pleased with the results I'm getting.


Good enough. The flat iron gets really hot but it is not good on natural African American hair. It is ok if you have relaxed hair.

Very poor temp control. This flat iron has terrible temperature increments, which made it impossible to use on my hair. Most flat irons let you go in 5 or 10 degree increments. The only options on this one are 350, 370, 385, 410 and 450. The leap from 385 to 410 is frustrating because I generally use mine at 400. Just beware if you use anything in between. Won't be using it.

Average. Average pair of flat irons. I wish they had a button to keep them locked in the closed positions for storage and traveling

Works like all the others. I have a cheaper flat iron. Bought this one because it was supposed to straight my hair in one pass. With beautiful shine. Turns out it just costs more then my other. That’s all

Stopped working! I really liked this product but it stopped working after 1 year!

Careful when traveling. Bought this for my granddaughter and it worked great when she got it. We went on a trip to France and she brought it with her. We used the appropriate converter for it but halfway through the trip, it bit the dust due to the issues of the converter. It wasn't the converter fault because other straighteners and dryers we brought worked fine. It just didn't like being in Europe I guess. Too bad. Otherwise it's a good straightener just didn't last very long.

How to Buy The Best VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener from which you can learn how to get the best VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener.

  • Is it worth buying the VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener?
  • What benefits does the product VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener?
  • What makes the VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener?
  • Why and how do you need the VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the VANESSA PRO Flat Iron Hair Straightener to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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