DELEXI All-in-one at home Waxing Kit for a starter | For Brows, Bikini, Legs, & More | 5-Pack Hard Wax Beads + Silicone Wax Kit Accessories

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product DELEXI All before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

waxing kit, wax kit, wax warmer for hair removal, waxing kit for women, wax machine, waxing, DELEXIhard wax beads, wax beads for hair removal, waxing beads, wax beads, face wax, hair removal waxDELEXI All-in-one at home Waxing Kit for a starter | For Brows, Bikini, Legs, & More | 5-Pack Hard Wax Beads + Silicone Wax Kit Accessorieshome waxing kit for women, leg waxing kit for women, at home waxing kit for women, body wax kitDELEXI All-in-one at home Waxing Kit for a starter | For Brows, Bikini, Legs, & More | 5-Pack Hard Wax Beads + Silicone Wax Kit AccessoriesDELEXI All-in-one at home Waxing Kit for a starter | For Brows, Bikini, Legs, & More | 5-Pack Hard Wax Beads + Silicone Wax Kit AccessoriesDELEXI All-in-one at home Waxing Kit for a starter | For Brows, Bikini, Legs, & More | 5-Pack Hard Wax Beads + Silicone Wax Kit Accessories

Features & Specifications

  • Save money, time and energy! No more expensive salon appointments every month; you have everything you need with the DELEXI waxing to efficiently remove unwanted hair on your whole body like the bikini area, Brazilian, underarms, legs, eyebrows, chest, back, and mustache!
  • Innovation Patent for easy-to-clean silicone waxing kit: Wax Warmer Silicone Bowl new design and Silicone Clean Collars plus the silicone mat, It helps you not to spill the melted wax on the warmer or other surfaces. All pieces are heat safe, and none Stick.
  • No more pain, no more irritation, no more inflammations! Our formulated wax in France has a smoother application to minimize irritation with natural ingredients and is safe for all skin types. Prep and soothe your skin with our pre & post sprays!
  • Everything you need for waxing you’ll receive: Wax machine, Wax Warmer Silicone Bowl, Silicone Clean Collars, Non-Stick Wax Spatulas for body & eyebrows, Silicone Mat, 5 premium hard wax beads, Before & after the wax, nose wax kit includes Nose Wax Sticks Applicators, Mustache Stickers and Curved Facial Hair Scissors, 6 Latex Gloves. 20 Wooden Applicators for body and eyebrows plus a bonus guidebook.
  • The Greatest Gift: Need some unique gift ideas for Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, or perhaps just birthday gifts for women and men in your life? Our waxing kits are made for every occasion.
  • 24h Customer support! Our hard wax kit for hair removal by a support team answers all your inquiries within 24 hours. Please get in touch with us directly via Amazon buyer-Seller messaging service.

Pros & Cons


GREAT PRODUCT!!! I used the sensitive skin beads for the nose and it worked very good ! Also heats up pretty quick and is super simple to use . I used the sensitive skin beads for my whole face as well it worked very well !

Good quality….comes with everything! I have been going for years to get a wax. Finally I received the Delexi as a gift from my sister, and I am sooo pleased!! I can wax privately and mostly it’s so convenient!!!! Easy to use! And let’s not forget cost. This is my first time using a home wax kit. So I don’t have that to compare. But I will say this delexi kit is so easy to use. The beans that came with it are great so far! So I’ll definitely restock. Really there’s nothing I can say I don’t like about this kit!!! Get this kit. You won’t regrets it!!!

Everything you need. I love the silicone easy clean set up, it comes with everything to get you started. It has enough stuff to sample and try their wax beads to figure which works best for you. The tools, game changer!

Really you don't need all this. This was my first wax kit ,so I wanted the whole shabang,I'm thinking easy to clean ,well the plastic lid has no cover so it will get wax on it ,,I personally did not like the silicone applicator's they didn't apply smooth,I loved the nose applicator,which I would not have purchased alone had I not had them to try ,but get a basic warmer ,big bag of beads ,the wood applicators and the nose ,a spray bottle of alcohol and water to use before,powder ,then apply warm wax ,the post wax spray felt nice I would definitely purchase a larger bottle,also the bags that come with this are so tiny you will go through them so fast.

This is great for beginners and veterans to waxing. The only thing I didn’t like was how small the actual pot is, but I am just using this for myself, and not a business.

Great amount for a good price. I was looking for a waxing kit at home and this one comes with everything you need and fits nicely in a small space. I love that there is 5 kinds of wax to use for different areas of the body. Plus you get the treatment sprays, and even a mat to help with any mess. It has everything you would need to get the whole body looking smooth and hair free.


Into self-harm? Then this is for you... First off, I'll be 1000% honest and say...I AM NOT A WAXING EXPERT (though I imagine that the majority of us are in the same boat). HOWEVER, I'm not new to waxing either. I understand that the wax should be reasonably hot, that it should be applied in the direction of the hair growth, and that you pull in the opposite direction (as fast as you can). It's a simple concept, right? Well, let me share my experience... I received this kit promptly and was pleasantly surprised by all of the accessories that came with it. It seemingly included everything you could possibly need for a great at-home wax. I figured I'd start with a simple eyebrow wax, followed by a facial wax, and finish with an adventurous nose hair wax. I plugged it up and added the wax beads, and turned the knob to medium. The wax melted completely in about 15 minutes (which was a tad longer than expected but definitely not a deal-breaker). I applied wax to the bottom/inner part of the eyebrow. When no longer sticky, I gave it a yank...and...removed 3 hairs. Thinking that maybe the wax wasn't hot enough, I turned the knob to high and gave it another few minutes. Applied again...another yank...and 4ish hairs this time. Long story short, I had to apply wax to just the underside of my brows 5 times each (this does not include the top of the brows). Similar situation with my face...I had to apply over and over and over and over again, and still had to pluck a bunch of remaining strays afterwards. What about my nose hair, you ask? What a joke! I applied wax to the applicator and shoved it in my nostrils. After 1-2 minutes, gave it a yank...and ALMOST NOTHING! I tried a second time, and had the same experience...and decided it just wasn't worth the pain. Why put myself though this torture? I dug out the wax remnants and shaved with my nose hair trimmer instead, like I've done for years. Annoyed, I put everything back in the box and gave up. The next day, after much deliberation, I decided to give it one more try before initiating a return. Where, you ask? Below the equator. I used the bikini wax beads, and turned the pot to high. When melted, and the consistency of honey, I applied the wax and nearly scalded my skin completely off. I will admit, this is totally my fault - I did not test the wax on my wrist first, like I should have. I just assumed that, because it was on the same temperature as the day before, that it would be fine. But alas, I was wrong! Here I am, with my treats on fire, contemplating my next move. Should I give it a yank? Or maybe soak in hot bath water to soften it? Maybe work in some coconut oil and hope for the best? Being that I was on the home stretch and nearing the end of this nightmare, I figured the quickest thing to do would be to pull it. One deep breath, one final yank...and you guessed it...I removed very little hair and was left with a red, burned, swollen patch of skin. And on top of that, I had to shave everything else to get rid of the reverse mohawk look. That was it folks...back in the box she went! From this day forward, I'll always be waxed professionally - I don't care if I have to work the streets to afford it!

Good idea but. Good idea but I will prefer a digital display instead of the dial. In my case, it didn't heat up as I hoped, it gets a while to heat up and after a couple of use the machine I received started to not turn on immediately, also I suspect the one I received was an open box defective package but I'm not sure so. ‍♀️

The lid came cracked, not a pretty sight or very professional. Disliked the cracked lid Overall okay Good wax Subtle kit

Opened. Package came open as if had been used already wax was opened box came w one piece of tape and items busting out of box seemed unsafe to use . Unfortunate because I really wanted to use this or try this

Bottles filled with water. The media could not be loaded. Was looking for a great product with the basics to start out. Silicone lid and bowl are smashed and not reforming to its normal shape. Pre and post wax sprays are literally water. Bottles and labels are so old they can hardly be read

Beware! I was sent a used product... The product package sealing label was cut open BEFORE I recieved it. I figured maybe that was some sort of mistake. So I opened the box completely to find that the product had been used already. There was melted wax still in the silicone bowl. I purchased 2 of these, still waiting on the other one to arrive. Hopefully, that one isn't used. Gross!

How to Buy The Best DELEXI All?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of DELEXI All? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product DELEXI All from which you can learn how to get the best DELEXI All.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of DELEXI All.

  • Is it worth buying the DELEXI All?
  • What benefits does the product DELEXI All offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product DELEXI All?
  • What makes the DELEXI All to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product DELEXI All?
  • Why and how do you need the DELEXI All?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the DELEXI All. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best DELEXI All.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best DELEXI All.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of DELEXI All, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of DELEXI All offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of DELEXI All? Do you like it?


How good is the product of DELEXI All? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of DELEXI All? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

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Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of DELEXI All, no matter it is good or bad?


In general, this is a pretty good product and is worth buying. Many real life customers have highly rated it, topping it on the best sellers list of Hair-Waxing-Kits.

We highly recommend the DELEXI All to you.

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