YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

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YOOVEE Baby Play Mat, A Place to Grow Together

A play mat for baby can be a good assistant for parents to take care of babies. The Baby Care Play Mat provides a safe and hygienic place for babies and children to play. The cushioned playmat protects against hard falls when kids do what they do best: crawl, tumble, and topple over when learning to sit and stand.

At the same time, this infant play mat elevates your nursery, play room, or living room with beautiful modern designs.

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BPA-Free, Safe to Kids

YOOVEE foam play mat made of world’s class safe XPE material, entirely non-toxic, no smell. In addition, our kids play mat contain no formaldehyde, no heavy metals including lead and mercury and no BPA.

Soft, Comfortable and Reduce Noise

This kids play mat density foam is 0.4 inch thick and soft to the touch for a cushion and comfort. Which is more apporiate for baby’s crawling and playtime. The dense material also helps to reduce noise–great for busy play areas, clanking and dropping toys!

Water-Proof Foam Play Mat

The baby floor mat surface has a laminated film, it not only waterproof and protecte pattern color will never fall off, also makes cleaning easier, moisture-proof, insulation, milk stains, urine stains do not infiltration, gently wipe, clean as new.

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Anti -Slip Design Baby Playmat

The surface of the crawling baby mat has a non slip pattern design, which can provide greater grip to help infants learn to crawl and walk. Peace of mind with every little step.

Reversible Double-Sided Pattern

YOOVEE play mats for infants has high brightness and low saturation color to alleviate visual fatigue for healthy development of baby’s eyes. Double sides with cute patterns, which help arouse your baby’s curiosity, stimulate the baby’s real vision growth, intellectual growth.

Extra Large and Easy Folding baby floor mat

Expand Size: 76″ x 57″ x 0.4″ in

Folded size: 35″ ×15.7″ ×5.9″ in

Lightweight design is perfect to take it anywhere! Protecting your child from dirty carpets and floors. Easy Folding in Two Steps, space-saving for your home.

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Baby Playpen Baby Carrier Large Play Mat Kids Punching Bag
Feature Foldable 14 Panel with Hip Seat 0.6 inch Thicker Height Adjustable
Type Plastic Cotton XPE foam PU leather
Minimum Age Recommended 1 year old Newborn 1 year old 3 year old

Features & Specifications

  • 【Baby's Safety Is The Priority】YOOVEE Baby play mat is made of non toxic, tasteless high density XPE foam. The cute patterns on crawling playmat are printed with vegetable oil ink, feature BPA free, non-toxic, no-fading, no chemical odor, comfortable and safe for infant tummy time and baby crawling.
  • 【Reversible & Foldable Playmat】The baby playmat has double sides patterns with colorful and cute cartoon animals can stimulate the baby's real vision growth, intellectual growth. Unlike others baby play mats with many pieces assembled, YOOVEE is a whole durable single piece which is foldable and easy to pack to save the room with the playing mat case.
  • 【Waterproof & Easy To Clean】The surface of YOOVEE crawling mat is 100% water-resistant, water will not soak the mat, from chocolate to cake, milk and water, what you need is only a wet towel to make it clean again! Make your life more easier.
  • 【Versatile Crawling Mat】The mat for baby can be used in different scenarios. Multiple uses of mats, not only can use as Yoga mat,but also can use as the normal cushion like picnic blanket. Family can enjoy a happy union time.
  • 【Perfect Baby Gift】Packed in a high quality storage bag, which is a perfect gift for birthday, holiday and baby shower! Professional and friendly After-sales service ensures long-lasting enjoyment of the baby playmat.
  • Dimensions: ‎29 x 16 x 4.5 inches
  • Weight: ‎3.79 pounds

Pros & Cons


MUST HAVE. WE USE THIS EVERYDAY SINCE WE’VE BOUGHT IT. This is the best thing I came across. It’s easy to clean light weight and portable. It folds accordion style and that makes it so easy. It’s cushion enough so our baby doesn’t get hurt. I bought this because we rent a condo and I don’t like the baby directly on the rug. It’s big enough to give him a lot of room to roll around. I would buy it again in a heartbeat.

IT'S HUGE! Very soft, but holds up well. My son loves the design of it, very distracting for a 1 year old. It is huge though, luckily we just got a huge playpen for the baby. The mat is still slightly larger than the pen so I keep 1 side folded down. Easy to clean, and lightweight. THE DONT TELL YOU IT COMES IN A NEAT BAG ALL ZIPPED UP, BUT IT DOES ❤️ All in all, this is a buy, thumbs up, approved.

Great buy! But suspect on the warnings. Its a great playmat s far, I love it and so does my son. I will say the warnings do not go with what you can do. Like it says for babies to chew but the warning says not to let the baby do that, it says you can take it outside but the warning says not to put it in the sun, its confusing but I use in my living room and all in all its great to use in the house and its a large mat so my baby has a lot of space. It hasn't gotten dirty yet so I can't speak to it being cleaned easily.

Be careful! Huge choking hazard. The plastic film covering the mat- that the design is printed on, peels off easily. Huge choking hazard for any child.

Easy to use an store! It folds up and comes up with a carrying case which is very convenient! You can also use this mat outside too! It could be little thicker but it does the job!

Best purchase of the month. The best way for babies to develop critical movement and coordination is by hanging out on the floor. I had another really cool mat made of cloth that served my baby pretty well. But I noticed my baby wasn’t rolling or army crawling as much as he should… that’s when I decided to buy this product and in only a couple of weeks I see significant improvements. The mat has a texture that helps him have better grip and he is able to move much more freely. This mat is very practical, easy to put away, and the benefits for my baby are invaluable. Buy it. You won’t regret it.


Near perfect mat except for one major issue. When bought this mat in February, we absolutely LOVED it. It is spacious and provides a soft surface for our adventurous baby to play on. However the lining has started to come away from the mat and our daughter has started ripping at it, making it unsafe. The instructions it came with said not to use harsh cleaners on it and I haven’t, only soap and water as instructed, so I have no idea why this is happening. We’re disappointed because we have really loved this mat until now. We use it literally every day, and this would have easily been a 5 star review if it weren’t for this glaring issue.

It ripped at the seam :(. I’ve used this as of recent, although my purchase was in June (im a “plan ahead person”). I don’t know how, or why, but I opened it and there is a rip on the seam. My 18 month old couldn’t do it. My husband nor I did it. It was be from regular use (about 3 months maybe every 3-4 days). It’s nice otherwise.

Got it used. I bought it “like new “, with $10 difference in the price I thought it is an open box , but it is not not even like new , it is so used. With stains …somebody spit some juice and nobody even wiped it off before sending me …returning

Not so soft. It’s cute but it is not as soft and thick as I hoped for. I think the price doesn’t match quality. I like it and I will mostly use outdoor since it is not so easy to fold and not so soft so I’ll buy another one for indoor

Returned it. It was too thin. I didn't feel it was safe for my babies were they to topple over as they learn to sit-up on their own. Design was nice and carry case was convenient. Just not enough padding.

It is ok but could be better. I used this playmat for 6 months now. The quality is not very well, I wish I could return it. I bought another playmat from babycare that quality is much better.

How to Buy The Best YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use from which you can learn how to get the best YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use.

  • Is it worth buying the YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use?
  • What benefits does the product YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use?
  • What makes the YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use?
  • Why and how do you need the YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the YOOVEE Baby Folding mat Play mat Extra Large Foam playmat Crawl mat Reversible Waterproof Portable Double Sides Kids Baby Toddler Outdoor or Indoor Use to you.

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