VTech Upgraded Smart WiFi Baby Monitor VM901, 5-inch 720p Display, 1080p Camera, HD NightVision, Fully Remote Pan Tilt Zoom, 2-Way Talk, Free Smart Phone App, Works with iOS, Android

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product VTech Upgraded Smart WiFi Baby Monitor VM901 before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

VM901 WiFi Baby Monitor works with ios androidAuto switching Direct Mode and Router ModeTrue color

Fully motorized pan tilt and zoom functions – controlled by the Parent Unit or by your smart phone / tablet via the app

Pan tilt zoom camera

1080p CMOS camera

wide angle

night vision

wall mountable

FHD1080p CMOS visual sensor provides the best possible video feed, as well as making features like 120-degree wide-angle, True-Color day light vision and ultra-crisp night vision possible.

See what’s happening at a glance. The integrated CMOS lens ensure HD video streaming in life-like colors, no matter in wide-angle or zooming in.

A high powered infrared LED ensures that you always have a clear image of your baby, even in the night.

Plug & Play. The camera is already paired with the parent unit for local monitoring right out of box. It can be placed on any flat surfaces or wall-mountable with the bracket provided.

The VTech VM901 Wi-Fi Remote Access Video Baby Monitor with 1080p Full HD Pan & Tilt Camera allows you to check in on your little one from virtually anywhere—at home or remotely on your smart device.Implemented a state of the art FHD 1080p CMOS visual sensor and an upgraded 720p display on the parent unit, the monitor system lets you enjoy watching your child in True-Color, wide-angle images under day light, and in HD footage after dark. Plug&Play, the system camera and the provided parent unit are configured for local monitoring out-of-box. And can easily be set up to operate in Router Mode for remote access on your iOS or Andriod device via the free MyVTech Baby 1080p app. With the 120 degrees wide-angle lens built-in, you can expect to see more of the nursery room at any given time. Moreover, the camera pans up to 270 degrees to achieve 360 degrees viewing, tilts up to 152 degrees up and down, and zooms up to 10 times. The two-way talk back feature allows you to comfort your baby from the parent unit or your smart phone. The soothing sounds and lullabies that play right from the camera unit to help baby sleep tight. Plus, the built-in temperature sensor will let you know with an alert if the nursery is getting too hot or too cold so you can adjust the thermostat.

Features & Specifications

  • Upgraded 720p Display. True Color Day Vision. HD Night Vision ** The monitor's parent unit features an upgraded 720p display, provides a crystal clear wide-angle window into your baby's world. The COMS image sensor with professional IR-Cut auto filter provides True-Color, sharp images in day light, and HD footage, 7x more pixels in night vision.
  • Plug&Play. Direct Mode / Router Mode ** This advanced monitor system is configured for local monitoring right out of the box in Direct WiFi Mode. Comes with the MyVTech 1080p app, the system can be easily set up to operate in Router Mode, provides live remote access from your iOS or Andriod smartphone or tablet at no fees or monthly subscriptions.
  • Fully Remote Pan Tilt Zoom ** Enjoy watching your adorable baby in full HD and with up to 4x local and 10x digital zoom. The camera's pan, tilt and zoom functions are fully motorized, lets you to check in on your little one from the parent unit or remotely on your smart device.
  • Built-in Wide-angle Lens ** This model has implemented a state of the art FHD 1080p CMOS visual sensor in order to provide the best possible video feed, as well as making features like our 120-degree wide-angle lens and ultra-crisp night vision possible. And the best of all - there is no need for multiple lenses.
  • 2-Way Talk ** Support local or remote two way talk. Sometimes all your baby needs is to hear the sound of your voice. No matter where you are.
  • Motion and Temperature Alerts ** This wifi smart baby monitor allows you to be aware of motion or temperature changes instantly with notifications to both the parent unit and your mobile device.
  • Soothing Sounds and Lullabies ** Gently lull your baby to sleep with 5 calming melodies and 4 sets of ambient sound, including white noise and a trickling stream.
  • Dimensions: ‎7 x 1 x 4 inches
  • Weight: ‎2.01 pounds

Pros & Cons


Review 1 Year After Purchase. This monitor worked great for the first year. Picture quality and sound is perfect, my daughter loves the music feature and by 13 months has learned how to turn it on herself so it is very user friendly. My only complaint is that the camera quality has seemingly degraded after using the unit for a little over a year now. The pictures literally shakes inexplicably since the unit has never fallen or even been moved since we first mounted it. It could be a glitch with my particular unit. Based on my experience to this point, I would give this product another shot when baby #3 roles around.

Extra functionality not worth it. As a first time mom, I thought I needed a good camera monitor. What I quickly found out was that the camera is more work than it’s worth. It quickly drains the battery. This thing won’t stay charged for even one night without being plugged in. It also beeps very loudly when it momentarily loses wifi connection or is about to die, which means if you are using it while you sleep, it’s probably going to wake you up more than your baby will. The camera quality is not good enough to be able to really check on the baby, so it’s not functional. Just use an old school audio-only monitor and you’ll probably get more out of it. The only thing I could see this being good for is if you have a babysitter that you want to keep an eye on from your phone.

Better than most, range is great, battery is not, charging is unintelligent. The good: This has a nice big screen and is pretty reliable. It works over 100 feet away through walls in real world conditions and the alerts are good. The bad: The smartphone app has to be rebooted a lot to connect to video. I will often get an alert and be unable to check it. I have had this for years now... why can't they fix it. The why: Why doesn't this thing charge on usb! Its 5V DC 1amp! its crying for it with how short the battery lasts. It finally bothered me enough that I just found an old power supply with the same jack cut it off and spliced it to a usb cable so i can plug it into a battery bank.

Great Camera, horrid battery life. This baby monitor has a lot of different things to it, has white noise, it can record, it moves, has an app and an in person monitor. All of that is great! What’s not great is battery life.. it has none. This thing lasts about 5/6 hours and that’s it.

Not all it’s hyped up to be. This camera was my everything once we put our little one in her own room. Over 2 months of use it has become my worst nightmare. Always pixelated, randomly resets in the night, and forget about trying to use the main monitor if it’s not plugged in, the battery dies so quickly. Very disappointed in the quality of this product.

First Baby Friend Needs This. My Marine buddy just had a baby after reading reviews I got it immediately. I'm sure he and his wife will LL find this useful man I needed this in 2000 yes my son D'Koda was born then and what we had then was dinosaur compared to now. Thank you


It’s…. Okay. I bought a Vava baby monitor for my son 2 years prior to buying this one but needed a new one for my new baby. So I’m comparing a lot of the features to the Vava……. It’s okay for the price. Night vision, sound quality, etc… it’s all just basic/meets minimum requirements. If your looking to save money compared to other monitors this is it. I guess the main reason I bought it/ like it is I can use my phone as a monitor screen as well.

Stopped receiving signal. Parent unit simply stopped receiving signal from the baby unit, even when putting them close together. I re started the parent unit to factory settings, then paired with the baby unit, but still could not make the baby unit send any signal. Just when I needed it the most (vacations). Terrible product. Called technical support and they told me they couldn’t help, they asked me to send out a contact form, no response since then (January 10th).

Excellent camera for monitoring an elderly parent. Poor baby unit. 7-Oct-2022 Update: Less than 2 months since the purchase of the camera and the baby unit stopped working (no signal to the monitor). Tried all troubleshooting: initially following all product instructions and online manuals, then calling Vtech (no 24hr support - disappointing), then, spoke with the Amazon team (amazing and courteous) . Unfortunately - no resolution. Very disappointed, as the motion detection option was working well (as described below). Despite my frustrations - kudos to the Amazon team! They really tried to help me and I am very, very grateful! I was already using a VAVA babycam for monitoring my elderly parent, who is after a stroke and very unstable when getting out of bed. The VAVA camera is great, but does not have motion detection (battery life is better than VTech) and the ability to see the whole room. For the purposes that I need, the advantages of the VTech camera are that it has much better zoom in/out capabilities (one can see the whole room), it has motion detection (triggers three beeps that are loud enough to wake me up) and it has the Wi-Fi connectivity, which allows monitoring when I am away from the house. Another plus, which could be minor for some, but not in the case of my parent who is very sensitive to any lights in the dark, the status light on the camera can be turned off from the options in the display unit; in a dark room, the camera does not emit any lights and yet has excellent night-vision and detection. The only shortfalls are the inability to purchase separately an additional camera and the battery life (if fully charged, the display will not last all night). Despite the shortfalls, the camera is excellent for monitoring an elderly parent. Thank you, VTech!

It’s ok. Kept looking for a great camera as I work from home with a toddler and I like that you can move the camera around to see the whole room but I hate that the connection sucks sometimes even if I am only really using this 10 feet away.. the screen is nice and big and that is a plus but the battery life sucks and I always have to bring the charge from my room to my office when I use it. It’s a solid 3 out of 5 in my book and for the price it’s ok. I do have to say I like that you can download the app and use your phone and the monitor that is a plus!

Screen/ Monitor battery life very low. Its really good. Shows very clearly and has wide angle range. But the battery life of the monitor is hardly 1 hour before it shows red sign for recharge so it always needs to be near a socket. Also the camera always needs to be plugged in. Not wireless

Disappointed. The camera itself is actually excellent, the Parent Unit is total crap and the app sometimes has to be closed and reopened multiple times before it can make the connection. My biggest complaints are: 1. Parent Unit battery is the worst ever, it can barely make it through a 2 hour nap 2. It takes a solid minute or two for the Parent Unit to boot up and find and connect to the camera, regardless of the connection mode, if it can find it at all! - too many times I am only about 12 feet away in the room next door to baby's and the Parent Unit can't find the camera 3. Range is the worst on the market. The Parent Unit loses signal often (regardless of connection type), and the alert for this honestly wakes me up more than the baby does. The greatest possible distance within the house from the camera is only about 60 ft so the fact that we're having connection issues at all is absurd. Our wifi router is directly above baby's room where the camera is...so maybe 8 feet away through the floor. No other devices we own have any issue with the position/signal to the router. 4. Picture quality WOULD be excellent if the signal strength didn't suck so bad, so sometimes it's clear and sometimes it's heavily pixelated and jumpy 5. Temperature reading is regularly 3-5 degrees higher than the true temperature (probably because the thermometer is too close to the unit and cannot really be adjusted.

How to Buy The Best VTech Upgraded Smart WiFi Baby Monitor VM901?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of VTech Upgraded Smart WiFi Baby Monitor VM901? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product VTech Upgraded Smart WiFi Baby Monitor VM901 from which you can learn how to get the best VTech Upgraded Smart WiFi Baby Monitor VM901.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of VTech Upgraded Smart WiFi Baby Monitor VM901.

  • Is it worth buying the VTech Upgraded Smart WiFi Baby Monitor VM901?
  • What benefits does the product VTech Upgraded Smart WiFi Baby Monitor VM901 offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product VTech Upgraded Smart WiFi Baby Monitor VM901?
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  • Where can you get information as this on the product VTech Upgraded Smart WiFi Baby Monitor VM901?
  • Why and how do you need the VTech Upgraded Smart WiFi Baby Monitor VM901?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the VTech Upgraded Smart WiFi Baby Monitor VM901. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best VTech Upgraded Smart WiFi Baby Monitor VM901.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best VTech Upgraded Smart WiFi Baby Monitor VM901.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


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Customer Ratings

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Customer Reviews

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In general, this is a pretty good product and is worth buying. Many real life customers have highly rated it, topping it on the best sellers list of Video Monitors.

We highly recommend the VTech Upgraded Smart WiFi Baby Monitor VM901 to you.

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