Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage, Large Hanging Door Organizer for Cosmetics, Toys and Sundries…

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Univivi 6 - Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage, Large Hanging Door Organizer for Cosmetics, Toys and Sundries…Univivi 6 - Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage, Large Hanging Door Organizer for Cosmetics, Toys and Sundries…

Product Details:

2 Upgraded Version Hooks

Ventilative Windows

Bottom Support

3 Clear PVC Pockets

5 Big Capacity Compartments

2 Metal Rings

Univivi 6 - Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage, Large Hanging Door Organizer for Cosmetics, Toys and Sundries…

Univivi 6 - Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage, Large Hanging Door Organizer for Cosmetics, Toys and Sundries…

Univivi 6 - Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage, Large Hanging Door Organizer for Cosmetics, Toys and Sundries…

Upgraded Version Hooks

Universal solid hooks fit with most of doors and fix tight in position

Ventilative Windows

The ventilative windows keep items dry and see through for easy picking

Bottom Support

Every compartment has bottom support for great loading weight

Univivi 6 - Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage, Large Hanging Door Organizer for Cosmetics, Toys and Sundries…

Univivi 6 - Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage, Large Hanging Door Organizer for Cosmetics, Toys and Sundries…

Univivi 6 - Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage, Large Hanging Door Organizer for Cosmetics, Toys and Sundries…

Clear PVC Pockets

3 Clear PVC pockets friendly for small items storage

Big Capacity Compartments

All compartments have support cardboard in bottom, front and two sides, always keep good shape for big capacity

Metal Rings

The metal ring can support loading weight and last for lifetime use.

Univivi 6 - Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage, Large Hanging Door Organizer for Cosmetics, Toys and Sundries… Univivi 6 - Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage, Large Hanging Door Organizer for Cosmetics, Toys and Sundries… Univivi 6 - Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage, Large Hanging Door Organizer for Cosmetics, Toys and Sundries… Univivi 6 - Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage, Large Hanging Door Organizer for Cosmetics, Toys and Sundries…
5 Layers – Grey 5 Layers – Blue 6 Layers – Beige 6 Layer – Grey
Color Grey Blue Beige Grey
Layer 5 5 6 6
Size:LxWxH 14.76 x 5.5 x 7.08 inch 14.76 x 5.5 x 49.60 inch 5.5 x 16 x 59 inch 15.74 x 5.50 x 59.05 inch

Features & Specifications

  • Non-woven fabric
  • 【 Door Storage Large Capacity】Door hanging organizers size is 15.74" (L) x 5.50" (W) x 59.05" (H). It is larger than the general traditional door hanging storage, it has 5 layers big pocket + 3 PVC plastic clear pocket, easy to find items, and the distance between each layer of pockets is 3.14" to facilitate the entry and exit of items.
  • 【High-Quality & Durable Material】Over the door storage made of breathable non-woven fabric, non-toxic, odorless, precise stitching, durable. There is a removable cardboard at the bottom of each layer of the door hanging storage, it can bear more weight.
  • 【Easy to Install and Use]】Door organizer with two adjustable thicken metal hooks, to facilitate assembly and use (suitable for 1.77 inch standard door) The behind the door organizer can maintain its shape, and the hook can still fit the door very well without scratching the door trim or paint.
  • 【Wide Range of Functions]】Door hanging organizers and storage can meet your storage needs, maximize the use of space and add extra space. Hanging organizer can neatly store and sort socks, skin care products, toiletries, towels, bottles, toys, snacks.
  • 【100% Satisfaction Guarantee】 Customer satisfaction is the greatest motivation to obtain higher quality products. If the behind door storage has quality problems, we will provide a 60-day free replacement guarantee for our valued customers.
  • Weight: 2.42 pounds

Pros & Cons


So much room, so little space! I was looking for a cheap and decent door organizer, because I recently moved and didn't have much storage to store my stuff. I decided to give this a try because of the price. And I am liking the first impression. The package was not too big, and this thing is foldable. You can use it by unfolding it and then add the cardboard like pads to the bottom of each slot. It comes with 5 pockets, so there is plenty of room and does not feel too cramped. I put it in my storage room, and it fits in seamlessly.

nursery hanger? no... SPRAY PAINT HANGER. My craft table is... exploding... I have been using a door hanger for shoes for the past two years, but the weight of all my paint cans is just wrecking it. That and it being plastic, parts of it are cracking and breaking. This one however, this is STURDY. The fabric and the stitching are very dense, and they are holding up my tape rolls and cans of spray paint gorgeously! I'm thinking it would make a good caddy for the gardening tools outside one of our cabinets too!

Nice and organized! I’ve been struggling to organize this space for nearly ten years. This door had a tie rack attached to it when I moved in. I use it to hang all my scarves and lightweight bags. But it’s become a pain as the scarves will often block the door latch as I close it, or something will fall off the rack while I try to grab another thing. One of those minor but regular annoyances in life lol. This organizer solved the problem! I’m really short, so I chose to flip the hooks backwards and hang it from the tie rack for easier reach. It holds everything neatly, including the little running belts and waist bags I use often. Very happy!


Flimsy and Questionable. The product came with all parts intact, however its deep pockets make it bend and bulge away from the door. This makes me fear stuff falling out or the product warping quickly. This is just from diapers and a few teething toys for baby, nothing crazy heavy. So I’ll be adding Velcro to hold it to the door better. The metal hooks make it harder to close the door fully unless I shove it. Edit: so one cubby broke on it after 3 months. The cubby that broke was one that held diapers. It’s a flimsy organizer and now I regret buying this thing

Great Idea, Not So Great Execution. This holds a ton of stuff. The capacity is great, however there are issues with the design. I gave this three stars for two main reasons: first, the metal door hanger spring is too large and makes it difficult at best to close a door. To remedy that issue, I'm going to replace those with a low profile set that fits the door thickness correctly. Second, when the cubbies are loaded with stuff, they tend to not sit flat whatsoever. It will not sit flat against the door when full and the cubbies tilt forward, thus making the fabric they're attached to bow out away from the door. I may repurpose some command hooks to keep them down. I'm way past the return window for this item, otherwise it would have been sent back months ago.

Deceiving product image. In the picture (and I know they have to make it look it’s best), it shows all the shelving units straight and sturdy even with products inside but that’s not the case. The shelves flop over on top of each other and doesn’t look that great. It does its job of holding products and keeping things organized in our nursery but since it folds over, products tend to fall within the basket and looks a mess.

How to Buy The Best Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage from which you can learn how to get the best Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage.

  • Is it worth buying the Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage?
  • What benefits does the product Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage?
  • What makes the Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage?
  • Why and how do you need the Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Univivi 6 – Layer Fabric Over the Door Organizer Gray Foldable Door Organizers Nursery Closet Storage to you.

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