Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer

One Knob, One Load, All Clean!

Sterilize + Dry + Store everything

Penetrating steam at a higher temperature than your dishwasher. This 3-in-1 device delivers powerful steam-powered machine with hot air-drying technology to keep your baby bottles, breast pump pieces, pacifiers, teethers, and plastic toys clean, dry, and smelling fresh!

When feeding with a baby bottle, it’s difficult to keep bottles clean and safe, even if washed thoroughly after every use. Clean with penetrating steam that is hotter than your dishwasher and dry safely with hot air.

Main Features

  • Spacious 3-in-1 Baby Bottle Sterilizer
  • Easy One-Dial Control Design
  • Kill 99.9% in 8 Minutes
  • Over 12 Hours of storage function keeping your object nice and dry
  • Automatic Drying and Power Off Functions
  • Large Capacity: Fits up to 10 Standard size bottles
  • Made of BPA-Free material

Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer

Creative One-Dial Control

Forget the complex instruction. We design this one-dial timer for you, easy to use and to see progress. One-dial has 3 functions, including sterilize, dry and extra dry. You also can use our machine to dry your bottle without adding water.

Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer

Bigger, Brighter, Better.

Clean up to 11 bottles and accessories at a time in the large capacity sterilizer. The tall basket, accessory tray, and lid are removable, so you can stack the dryer in three configurations, depending on what you need to clean. It also delivers practical storage to keep your newly bottles sterile lurking in the air. Simply keep the lid on for over 12 hours of the storage.

Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer

Quick Start Guide:

Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer

Step 1:

Pour 100ml water into the heating plate.

Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer

Step 2:

Place the items to be sterilized and dried into basket.

Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer

Step 3:

Rotate the dial clockwise to ‘Sterilize and Dry’. This progress will last for 45 minutes.

Tips: Rotate the dial clockwise to ‘Sterilize and Extra Dry’ if you need to sterilize and dry more items. This process will last for 65 minutes.

Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer

Sanitizing As Easy As 1-2-3

Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer

Add 100ml filtered water

Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer

Place the items

Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer

Rotate the dial to function

Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer

Healthy kids, happy families.

Feed your baby with peace of mind, knowing your bottles and accessories are sanitized and dried in a sterile, chemical-free environment. Like all Papablic products, the 3-in-1 Baby Bottle Sterilizer is backed by a limited lifetime guarantee and was specifically designed with your happy family in mind.

This 3-in-1 device delivers powerful steam-powered machine with hot air drying technology to keep your baby bottles, breast pump pieces, pacifiers, teethers, and plastic toys clean, dry, and smelling fresh! Papablic is a family business that is committed to supporting the bond between babies and parents. When feeding with a baby bottle, it can be difficult to keep bottles clean and 100% safe, even if washed thoroughly after every use. The machine with penetrating steam that is hotter than your dishwasher and dry the safe way with hot air. Clean up to ten bottles and accessories in the large capacity machine at a time. The tall basket, accessory tray, and lid are all removable so that you can stack the dryer in three different configurations, depending on what you need to clean. It also delivers practical storage to keep your newly baby bottles safe lurking in the air. Simply keep the lid on for over 12 hours of the storage. Feed your baby with peace of mind knowing that your bottles and accessories are thoroughly safe and dried. Like all Papablic products, the 3-in-1 Baby Bottle Sterilizer is backed by a 100% guarantee and was specifically designed with your happy family in mind.

Features & Specifications

  • COMPLETE CLEAN: Penetrating steam at a higher temperature than your dishwasher for reliable sanitization.
  • 3-IN-1 DESIGN: With one twist of a dial, you can sterilize with steam, dry completely with hot air, and deodorize to clean from start to finish.
  • LARGE CAPACITY: Set-up the sanitizer with three different stacking options to clean up to 11 bottles and accessories like teethers, pacifiers, and plastic toys at once.
  • CLEAN STORAGE: Keep sanitized bottles and accessories safe for over 12 hours.
  • EASY TO USE: The ergonomic shape makes it easy to carry the machine and take it apart for occasional cleaning, plus it features an intuitive timer design and safe auto shut off.
  • Dimensions: ‎3 x 4 x 3 inches
  • Weight: ‎4 pounds

Pros & Cons


Great customer service. I bought this sterilizer 2 months before my due date. Had some issues with the steam heating system a few weeks after my baby was born and could no longer return it to amazon b/c it was pass the return date they gave me. Therefore, I contacted Papablic directly and told them about my defective unit. They got back to me the same day I sent the email and also requested to show proof of purchase and a picture of the defect. Ryan from customer service reply back within minutes and advise that I was getting a replacement within 2 days. I received the units in 2 days as promised. I Have no complaints the machine works pretty well and if necessary the customer service is excellent.

Well made, easy to use, easy to clean, great value. New dad here. (less then 2 weeks) I’m no fool, I watched hidden killers of the Victorian home. Baby bottles are convenient but they can kill. Bioling your gear for 10 min wears on it hard, and takes a lot of time and energy. Custom bottle sterilizers are single use and are expensive. The Papablic comes with packaging that makes the iPhone look like a piece of junk. Clear easy to use instructions right on the box tell you exactly what to do. 100ml of stilled water on the plate at the bottom, load it up with the goods and let it rip. Stuff comes out DRY and sterile. Don’t think this is just for baby either, I’m sterilizing my plastic water cups, mouth guards, you name it. This is going to be in use long after baby is on solid food. Cleanup is amazing. 80ml white vinegar and 20ml distilled water on the plate, drain it and you are on to your next batch. Finally the price, you can’t beat it. So, I rinse my bottles after use, wash with warm soapy water, rinse again then into the Papablic and this Papa is sleeping soundly (well not really I have a newborn) but at least I kniw she is safe from bacteria. One last thing, if you think I am on the take you are wrong. I bought this on my own, and I love it so much I wrote this review. Get one and you will know what I mean.

Affordable, large capacity, DRYING option. I hesitated for a long time before purchasing a sterilizer. My main concern was to buy a sterilizer that would also have a drying capability, but also buying a sterilizer that would be affordable. The instructions are clear and easy to read, my sterilizer was ready to use in a couple of minutes. Please keep in mind that you will have to run your sterilizer through a couple of empty cycles before the first use, so plan for 2 to 3hours after setting it up before you are actually able to use it. I have used this sterilizer several times a day every day for a couple of months. I use it to sterilize evenflo bottles, MAM bottles and pump parts. As you can see in the picture I have attached, you can easily fit 4 5oz evenflo bottles and 2 5oz MAM bottles. My only regret would be that breastpumps and bottles come with numerous "little parts" that need to be placed in the small basket, which require me to sometimes run the sterilizer several times in a row to clean everything. I used filtered water, but the base needs to be clean rather frequently (I try to do it once a week) with a vinegar solution. It does not take too much counter space. A few "tips": * all the parts must be prewashed before going into the sterilizer. I use a large clean bowl that I fill with warm soapy water, soack all the pieces then rinse them well before placing each of them in the sterilizer. * I fill the base first, then place the large basket that I fill with the bottles, then place the small basket on top and fill that up. If you fill the base last, the bottles in the basket fall all over the place. * The sterilizer itself does not get excessively hot, but the steam coming from the top travels quite far so make sure it is out of reach from children and pets while in use. Leave it enough time to cool before you empty it. * the pieces are not always perfectly dry, you might need to lay the pieces to dry some more after running a cycle (that has happened to me about 1 out of every 7 to 8 uses)


Does anyone have same problem as mine? I read good reviews and bought this back in December. My baby was born 2 weeks ago and just started using it. I have been using it about 3-4 times daily for the past 9 days, and I really dont know what to do about the brown stain on the heating plate. The instruction manual says to pour white vinegar and water until the limescale has dissolved. My second photo was taken after I left the solution in the heating pad for an hour. The manual says the dryer should be descaled at least once a week. Ummm...I do this once a day and it still looks like this. And the stain is permanent. I dont know if this is safe to use for my newborn at this point. What a disappointment.

Arrived Used. I purchased this based on high reviews on Amazon and was looking forward to receiving it especially with the covid19 stuff going on. When the product arrived, I noticed the plastic covers had some holes, not secured. I wiped everything down with a clorox wipe but as I was going around I noticed yellow stains in the bottom compartment and the plate was all kinds of colors I thought ok maybe that's how it comes but then when I got to the top there were other stains and scratches all over as if this had been used and returned. I am convinced this was used. The parts were loose and was flying around in the box making rattling noises. At a time like this and being almost 9 months pregnant this is the last thing I want to use for my baby. We are returning and hopefully our next shipment will be new. I will then be able to review the product based on the product and not the seller's experience.

Not for 11 bottles and not suitable for Dr. Brown 8 oz bottles. The product states is capable of sterilizing up to 11 bottles, but when you receive the item you can clearly see only 6 baby bottle sockets. If you put more bottles (and you can) they won't be sitting in the sockets and they won't receive the full steam directly inside which may cause improper sterilization. Also the unit cannot hold Dr. Brown 8 oz bottles, the lid doesn't close properly if you put these bottles as they are slight taller than the unit and the steam will escape out and won't be concentrated in the items you are trying to sterilize, which again will cause an improper sterilization. If you plan to use small bottles and up to 6, then this unit is great, but if you are trying to sterilize more bottles or you are using Dr. Brown 8 oz bottles, then go for another brand that offers taller steam unit.

How to Buy The Best Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer from which you can learn how to get the best Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer.

  • Is it worth buying the Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer?
  • What benefits does the product Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer?
  • What makes the Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer?
  • Why and how do you need the Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Papablic Baby Bottle Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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