Baby Monitor with Remote Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera|Keep Babies Safe with 3.5” Large Screen, Night Vision, Talk Back, Room Temperature, Lullabies, 960ft Range

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Baby Monitor with Remote Pan before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Baby Monitor with Remote Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera|Keep Babies Safe with 3.5” Large Screen, Night Vision, Talk Back, Room Temperature, Lullabies, 960ft RangeBaby Monitor with Remote Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera|Keep Babies Safe with 3.5” Large Screen, Night Vision, Talk Back, Room Temperature, Lullabies, 960ft Range

Baby Monitor with Remote Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera|Keep Babies Safe with 3.5” Large Screen, Night Vision, Talk Back, Room Temperature, Lullabies, 960ft Range

GoodBaby – Smart Made Simple

GoodBaby Baby Monitors feature high quality baby monitoring technology to provide parents peace of mind and an excellent user experience. The portable parent unit can move around with you, enabling you to hear, see or talk to your baby no matter where you are in the house. Comfort your baby with the sound of your own voice by using the two-way talk back system.

GoodBaby SM35PTZ Video Baby Monitors

Our team of experts set out to design and create a baby video monitor that addresses the needs of modern parents. Through relentless development, plenty of research and listening to the concerns of new parents, we now present an essential parenting tool – the GoodBaby SM35PTZ baby monitor. With a long-lasting 1200mAh battery, the highest so far, and a larger 3.5” large screen you will see everything in unprecedented clarity.

  • Invisible IR night vision
  • Alarm function
  • Two-way talk
  • Remote temperature display
  • Sleek compact design for portability
  • Expandable up to 4 cameras
  • Screen Off, Audio Only Mode (saves 50% battery)
  • Remote Camera Pan-Tilt-Zoom

Baby Monitor with Remote Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera|Keep Babies Safe with 3.5” Large Screen, Night Vision, Talk Back, Room Temperature, Lullabies, 960ft Range

Baby Monitor with Remote Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera|Keep Babies Safe with 3.5” Large Screen, Night Vision, Talk Back, Room Temperature, Lullabies, 960ft Range

Baby Monitor with Remote Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera|Keep Babies Safe with 3.5” Large Screen, Night Vision, Talk Back, Room Temperature, Lullabies, 960ft Range

Audio and Video Monitoring

With 4-Level Sound Volume & LED Indicators Pioneer Monitor Solution: 4 volume levels for real-time care, set a high volume to hear your newborn coughing, or to easily awaken parents who are heavy sleepers; reduce it to a low volume to just capture the crying of your baby.

Remote Camera Pan-Tilt-Zoom

GoodBaby baby monitor camera features 2X zoom as well as an remote pan-tilt camera scan of you baby’s nursery which enables you to reach out to your baby instantly, no waiting around for any app or setup.

Feeding Clock to Remind Parents

In the parent monitor, you could set up a clock to remind yourself to do something like feeding, diaper or others. It could be set at 2hrs, 4hrs or 6hrs. And don’t worry it would wake the baby up, the baby unit wouldn’t make any noise.

Baby Monitor with Remote Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera|Keep Babies Safe with 3.5” Large Screen, Night Vision, Talk Back, Room Temperature, Lullabies, 960ft Range

Baby Monitor with Remote Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera|Keep Babies Safe with 3.5” Large Screen, Night Vision, Talk Back, Room Temperature, Lullabies, 960ft Range

Baby Monitor with Remote Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera|Keep Babies Safe with 3.5” Large Screen, Night Vision, Talk Back, Room Temperature, Lullabies, 960ft Range

2.4GHz Digital Wireless Transmission

Compared with WiFi and APP required model baby monitor, this baby monitor makes it no way for someone to hack and connect into your WiFi and APP to see your baby. It is the best way to protect your privacy and your baby’s safety

Long Transmission Range

Enhanced Long 480ft-960ft Transmission Range: Parents can get stable videos anytime, no matter if you’re in the next room, kitchen downstairs, or yard outside. Note: Supports 960ft max. in an open area

Connect Up To 4 Cameras

Get full room coverage by adding up to 4 cameras in alternate screen mode.

Note: Additional cameras not included

Features & Specifications

  • 3.5 Inch Large Display & 2.4GHz Wireless Digital Transmission: Provides high definition and stable streaming, secure interference-free connection and crystal clear digital vision & sound. Our baby monitor provides you with clear real-time video and audio of your unattended baby.
  • Long Distance Transmission & Infrared Night Vision: Long distance max to 960ft in empty area. It enables you to take the screen to upstairs/downstairs, bedroom, kitchen, garden or yard. Built-in 4 IR LED lights for night vision with infrared light. You can see your baby’s face and details clearly even in darkness. Day and night, never miss a moment to get along with your baby.
  • Two Way Talk Communication & Temperature Monitoring: This video baby monitor has advanced microphone and speaker for clear two-way audio conversations. Allows you to talk back promptly or play lullabies to soothe baby when she is crying. And it can monitor the room temperature of your baby all day long. Remote in-room temperature display lets you know your baby is comfortable.
  • Whole-Room Coverage &Timing Feed Reminding: Pan the camera 355 Degree to see corner-to corner and tilt 90 Degree to see floor to ceiling. You can access the set up menu,select “feeding” option to choose OFF, 2H, 4H or 6H. This function remind you to feed your lovely baby.
  • Four Cameras Expand ability& High Capacity Battery: Up to four cameras can be added to this baby monitor. You can use additional cameras in different rooms, saving your money and giving you ability to simultaneously monitor the second child, the aged, the pet or other you care about. The high capacity battery can last 12 hours in ECO mode.
  • Dimensions: 4.21 x 5.51 x 7.32 inches
  • Weight: 1.39 pounds

Pros & Cons


Great Picture. I am torn with this baby monitor. I love that I can toggle the view in all directions. I love that the camera itself has its own dedicated power supply to an outlet. I have only needed to charge the monitor a few times. I use it nearly everyday. I can speak to my baby from my end. I haven't used the music function so I can't comment about that. But it is advertised at 480ft-960ft Transmission Range. I live in a 72 ft. long mobile home, baby on one end, I am on the other and it is constantly loosing signal. I literally watch the signal bar go to a red X. I don't know if there is something interfering with the signal or what. Only other devices around are phones, computer and tv and internet. I wish I could find out why is keeps breaking in and out of staying connected because the picture and sound are simply perfect. It really is the best thing I have found without having to connect to WIFI and downloading other apps. UPDATE January 2021 I purchased a different model through same company. This one is working much better and I haven't had any interference. GOODBABY Real 720P 5" HD Display Video Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio, Remote Pan&Tilt&Zoom, Two-Way Talk,Temperature Monitor, Night Vision, Lullaby Player, 960ft Range. A little bit more but well worth it.

THE BEST monitor I have ever used!! Ok so honestly- I have 3 children and have tried literally EVERY high end monitor out there.. spent $200 on them only to have issues.. this is BY FAR the best monitor I have ever used. The price is SO good and the picture is really clear. I took a chance on it just to have when my little guy slept because his sister still uses the other one we have.. and since I bought that one years ago- they didn’t have the second camera option anymore for that model.. I would have bought a few of these over the additional camera convenience. I hope they come back in stock because I want to buy another just to keep at our beach condo!!! AMAZING product- great buy- take it from me- worth every penny and even then- it’s a steal!!

VERY User-Friendly! Awesome Picture Quality!! RECOMMENDED!!! I gave this awesome item to my baby sister for her baby shower gift!!! She had her baby about a week ago. This review was written by her: This baby monitor is amazing! It has very clear in either day or night....the night time vision is so are able to see everything....which is not the case with some baby monitors! It is EXTREMELY user-friendly and easy to navigate through different settings and options There are not an overwhelming amount of buttons which makes choosing the option/setting you are looking for SO much easier. There is even an option to play lullaby music for your little one....Love it!!! Set up is extremely easy as all you have to do is put the cord in and you are all set. HOORAY!!!. This monitor comes with a detailed user manual that includes pictures if you need help navigating. It came very nicely packaged and organized inside the box. The sound quality on both the parent unit and baby unit end is FABULOUS and the range of motion is wonderful for when my baby girl moves around in her crib. The cord was nice and long which was very helpful as we only have 2 outlets in her bedroom. The temperature option was a MAJOR plus and comfort for me! I highly recommend this monitor for both new and veteran moms!!! AWESOME PRODUCT!!!♥️♥️


Watch out!!!!! I LOVED this monitor so much I bought an extra camera and was considering buying more. Until today. I turned on the monitor and realized I was looking into someone else's home. Who can see into mine? And see our children in their beds? One of the cameras was working correctly, the other was picking up someone else's signal entirely. I unplugged both cameras, and that broke the other connection as well. Creepy to say the least. Who's been watching us? Is there any way to make these safe and secure? I doubt it. The saga continues.... I wrote to the company months ago and asked them about this issue. No response. Yesterday they wrote to me. They claimed that their equipment is now being manufactured at a new place and is much better. They offered me $20.00 to take down my negative review. I wrote back and again asked them about the security issue. They wrote back- ignored my question, and offered me $30.00 to remove my review. I wrote back again, asking them again if there is a way to make the monitors secure. They wrote back again- still ignoring the question- and offered me a full refund if I take down this review. I asked them why they refuse to answer my response.

Just stopped working. I thought this was a good product but I just received and unboxed it yesterday and it's already flashing "waiting for connection" every few seconds. I plan on canceling my order for the add-on camera. UPDATE... this review was based on my replacement because the first camera and monitor I ordered did the same thing. The replacement camera and monitor have now stopped working. You're welcome.

Loses connection - sellers don't care. We had this monitor for 3 months and it worked for the first 10 weeks or so. THen all of a sudden started "losing connection" and the monitor would lose connection to the camera. We could be in the same room as the camera and the monitor would lose connection. We live in a smaller 1300 square foot house, based on the specs, the monitor should be connected for the full length of our home. At first it was, but all of a sudden it just stops working. And of course, that happens right in the middle of naps when I want to be watching my baby the most. Really disappointing. Received an email today (11.24.20) with the sellers expressing their sadness about our review. They offered me $20 refund if I would delete my review. This is horrible. They should be offering to fix the product they sold. A $20 refund doesn't help me ensure my child is safe when asleep. A partial refund doesn't make the product work better. A partial refund just proves the seller is more worried about great reviews and selling more broken products than offering a product that helps keep my family safe.

How to Buy The Best Baby Monitor with Remote Pan?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Baby Monitor with Remote Pan? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Baby Monitor with Remote Pan from which you can learn how to get the best Baby Monitor with Remote Pan.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Baby Monitor with Remote Pan.

  • Is it worth buying the Baby Monitor with Remote Pan?
  • What benefits does the product Baby Monitor with Remote Pan offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Baby Monitor with Remote Pan?
  • What makes the Baby Monitor with Remote Pan to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Baby Monitor with Remote Pan?
  • Why and how do you need the Baby Monitor with Remote Pan?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Baby Monitor with Remote Pan. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Baby Monitor with Remote Pan.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Baby Monitor with Remote Pan.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Baby Monitor with Remote Pan, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Baby Monitor with Remote Pan offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Baby Monitor with Remote Pan? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Baby Monitor with Remote Pan? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Baby Monitor with Remote Pan? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Baby Monitor with Remote Pan?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Baby Monitor with Remote Pan, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Baby Monitor with Remote Pan to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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