Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows, U Shaped Full Body Maternity Pillow with Removable Cover – Support for Back, Legs, Belly, Hips for Pregnant Women, 57 Inch Pregnancy Pillows for Sleeping, Grey

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows, U Shaped Full Body Maternity Pillow with Removable Cover - Support for Back, Legs, Belly, Hips for Pregnant Women, 57 Inch Pregnancy Pillows for Sleeping, Grey

Why Choose Momcozy Full Body Pregnancy Pillows?

Unique U-shape Design Provides Full Body Support

Momcozy maternity pillow is specifically designed to accommodate the contours of the pregnant body. The perfect mix of U-shaped pillow and C-shaped pillow provides support for every part of your body including your bump, knees, hips, back, neck, head, makes you feel comfortable when you sleep.

All-in-One and Widely-Use Pillow

This body pillow allows manipulating the shape to your liking. You can sleep with it, sit up with it supporting your swollen feet, use it to give your back extra support while reading. Even after you give birth, our pillow will support your baby during bottle-feeding.

More Than Just A Pillow For Pregnant Women

This full body pillow is perfect for anyone needing more support, recovering from surgery, or tired of having to use separate pillows to support their head, neck, legs, and back

Help You To Say Goodbye To Aches And Pains!

Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows, U Shaped Full Body Maternity Pillow with Removable Cover - Support for Back, Legs, Belly, Hips for Pregnant Women, 57 Inch Pregnancy Pillows for Sleeping, Grey

Momcozy Pregnancy Body Pillow conforms to the shape of your body, which helps align your spine in a more normal way and relieves back pain and stress. This causes you to breathe easier, promotes better circulation, and aids in muscles relaxation.

It also helps elevate your leg to improve blood circulation, relieve pregnancy swelling.

Our pillow provides support to different spots on body

Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows, U Shaped Full Body Maternity Pillow with Removable Cover - Support for Back, Legs, Belly, Hips for Pregnant Women, 57 Inch Pregnancy Pillows for Sleeping, Grey

Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows, U Shaped Full Body Maternity Pillow with Removable Cover - Support for Back, Legs, Belly, Hips for Pregnant Women, 57 Inch Pregnancy Pillows for Sleeping, Grey

Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows, U Shaped Full Body Maternity Pillow with Removable Cover - Support for Back, Legs, Belly, Hips for Pregnant Women, 57 Inch Pregnancy Pillows for Sleeping, Grey

Support to Belly

Support to Leg

Support to Head

Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows, U Shaped Full Body Maternity Pillow with Removable Cover - Support for Back, Legs, Belly, Hips for Pregnant Women, 57 Inch Pregnancy Pillows for Sleeping, Grey

Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows, U Shaped Full Body Maternity Pillow with Removable Cover - Support for Back, Legs, Belly, Hips for Pregnant Women, 57 Inch Pregnancy Pillows for Sleeping, Grey

Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows, U Shaped Full Body Maternity Pillow with Removable Cover - Support for Back, Legs, Belly, Hips for Pregnant Women, 57 Inch Pregnancy Pillows for Sleeping, Grey

Unique Design Pillow Wrap Around Your Entire Body

Unlike some body pillows that are meant to be wrapped around in one direction, this pillow hugs your entire body and conforms to both sides, from back to belly, for ultimate comfort.

Super Comfortable and Durable

Momcozy pregnancy pillow is filled with a polyfill blend that is designed to provide soft comfort with increased support density as you apply weight to it. And we double-stitched this pillow all the way around for extra durability.

Removable and Machine-Washable Zipper Cover

Our maternity pillow cover is removable and machine washable. it will still be comfy even after 365+ washes.

Tips: Please pat the pillow and let it expand for at least 48 hours to make it fluffy enough before using.

Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows, U Shaped Full Body Maternity Pillow with Removable Cover - Support for Back, Legs, Belly, Hips for Pregnant Women, 57 Inch Pregnancy Pillows for Sleeping, Grey

Momcozy pregnancy pillow is a gold recipient of the prestigious Mom’s Choice Awards.

Momcozy is a fast-growing brand focusing on baby feeding and breastfeeding mom nursing. We innovate and offer high-quality mom & baby products in the global market to provide comfort and meet needs. Most members of our team are mothers with children. We never develop any product that we do not use personally at home with our own children.

Around the world, parents, educators, retailers and members of the media trust the MCA Honoring Excellence seal when selecting quality products and services for families and children.

Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows, U Shaped Full Body Maternity Pillow with Removable Cover - Support for Back, Legs, Belly, Hips for Pregnant Women, 57 Inch Pregnancy Pillows for Sleeping, Grey Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows, U Shaped Full Body Maternity Pillow with Removable Cover - Support for Back, Legs, Belly, Hips for Pregnant Women, 57 Inch Pregnancy Pillows for Sleeping, Grey Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows, U Shaped Full Body Maternity Pillow with Removable Cover - Support for Back, Legs, Belly, Hips for Pregnant Women, 57 Inch Pregnancy Pillows for Sleeping, Grey Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows, U Shaped Full Body Maternity Pillow with Removable Cover - Support for Back, Legs, Belly, Hips for Pregnant Women, 57 Inch Pregnancy Pillows for Sleeping, Grey Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows, U Shaped Full Body Maternity Pillow with Removable Cover - Support for Back, Legs, Belly, Hips for Pregnant Women, 57 Inch Pregnancy Pillows for Sleeping, Grey
Pregnancy Pillow U Shaped Pregnancy Pillow Cover Pregnancy Pillow J Shaped Momcozy Maternity Leggings Over The Belly Momcozy Maternity Pants
Shape U Shaped U Shaped J Shaped
Material Jersey Knit Cotton Jersey Fabric Jersey Fabric 94% Nylon, 6% Spandex 95% Cotton, 5% Spandex
Feture Full Body Support, Soft & Skin-friendly Replacement Pillow Cover, Cool for Summer Body Support, Cool & Portable, Space-saving

Features & Specifications

  • Velvet
  • Ergonomic Design- Momcozy full body pillow designs to replace the needs of multiple bed pillows, it hugs your entire body and conforms to both sides, perfectly support the head, back, belly, sides, knees, hip, and feet.
  • Deeply Sleep With Momcozy Maternity Pillow - Our pregnancy body pillow helps improve blood circulation all night long and releases your body pressure, effectively relieves back sore and leg swelling. Providing exceptional comfort, pain relief, and quality rest for expecting mothers.
  • Makes You Feel Like Sleeping In A Cloud Every Night - Our body pillow for pregnancy is filled with long silk cotton, provides the perfect balance between comfort and support for your full body. It is durable enough to keep its shape after weight is placed on it night after night.
  • Multi-Purpose Use - Momcozy u shaped pregnancy pillow is quite flexible so that you can change it in various positions, such as nursing, watching TV, or reading, or change the places on your body you want to support.
  • Not Just A Pregnancy Pillow - Our body pillow fits both side and back sleepers. You don't need to be pregnant to use it! It helps with the discomfort associated with pregnancy, sciatica, fibromyalgia, gastric reflux, back pain, ankle pain, and more.
  • Dimensions: ‎57 x 28 x 7 inches
  • Weight: ‎6 pounds

Pros & Cons


Very satisfied with the size! I have tried many pregnant pillows and most of them are not as big as pictured. This is the only one I have tried that is actually big enough for me to climb in. This one is actually big! The touch is very soft and it's very comfortable to sleep in it. The design is very special. There is almost no wrong way to use it. Every position is comfortable and cozy. Love this product. Thank you for reading my review.

Great for bad backs! This shouldn't be labelled as a pregnancy pillow. Glad I got it! Love this body pillow! Not pregnant but have a very painful lower back from an old injury. This supports my back and arms as I am a side sleeper. It's like being in a cocoon. As a plus it keeps my back warm while sleeping. I like the bendable leg portion as I can bend it to put between my knees or keep it straight when sitting up and reading in bed. Also when I need to get out of bed,I just flip the leg part over the bed and get out. When sitting up in bed, I pull the pillow up higher and it supports my neck as well as back. So glad I bought this and it is a great price!

LOVE this pillow, very comfortable! I am currently 28 weeks with my second pregnancy. My baby is sitting low, I am the size I was at 31 weeks with my first child, and sleep has been very uncomfortable. I have been sleeping sitting up with a crap ton of pillows because that is the only thing that is working. I finally decided to to purchase a pillow and in my search I realized there are two different styles, u and c shape. I went with this one because it said that it was a mix of u and c shape and I am more than happy with my choice! I had the BEST sleep yet since I’ve been pregnant. It takes me a while to sleep but laying on this bad boy I passed out within seconds. My toddler even loves it. She likes to use it as a chair/mini bed to lounge in.


No Support - Sleeps HOT! I bought two of these on 06/14/2021. I thought they will be great. Upon arrival, they came in like plastic rice bags that were taped shut. Somewhat like contraband smuggled in from Mexico or the south. I then proceeded to unpackage the item which is wrapped in a vacuum seal layer and a plastic trash bag. I let it sit out for the day and noticed that the "fluff" did not improved. I then decided to massage the fillings, hoping they become firmer. At night I tried it out and it slept hot. After about an hour, I threw it on the floor and went back to my 4 foot body pillows. TLDR * Not firm and lumpy * Sleeps hot

Smaller than pictured. It's fluffy, soft and comfortable. The only thing uncomfortable about this item is that it is way smaller than pictured. I don't fit in this at all. So therefore the neck and shoulder support is useless to me. It's either I use that or I sleep ontop of it and can use the rest of the pillow for leg and back support. I spent a lot of time looking at pregnancy pillows and body pillows , so im really disappointed with how small this is. Update: I've slept with this for a few nights and I have to lower this to 1 stars. It would be a great option had I been way shorter and could actually fit my shoulder under this while being in the hole of the pillow being able to use the other support options it offers. I am 5"6 and this is not a great fit for me at all.

False advertising. 57 inches long it is not - maybe if you yank out the curve at the bottom... I got this pillow because I wanted a longer one (many are advertised as 53 inch.) to my surprise it's even shorter than that! It actually runs about 50 inch in length. It also is not very fluffy. Not sure why all these images promote a fluffy, firm looking product, but this isn't it! Is it decent? Yeah. It's soft enough and will likely last a few good weeks or months. Washing the pillow itself (and case separately) and air fluffing it made it a bit more plumped up so if you can pull that off I would. It's a plush cover, that's nice, and overall I like the shape. I'm not pregnant, just in need of some extra support when I sleep so it does a basic job of that. Ships in vacuum sealed bag from Tokyo, so expect wrinkles and such if you can't wash it. Finally, I'm too sick and tired to return it so there's that...

How to Buy The Best Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows from which you can learn how to get the best Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows.

  • Is it worth buying the Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows?
  • What benefits does the product Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows?
  • What makes the Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows?
  • Why and how do you need the Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Momcozy Pregnancy Pillows to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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