LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Bamboo Fitted Sheet

Bamboo Fitted Sheet

Bamboo Fitted Sheet

Bamboo Fitted Sheet

Sustainable Vegan Silk

Our bedsheets are sustainable as no silkworms were harmed in the making of this softer silk fabric, and it’s also vegan.

Regulates Heat

Like us, sheets need to breathe. Our sheets do their part helping to regulate body temperature with their breathable cooling feature.

Soft Sateen Weave

Some of the softest sheets you’ll ever feel even when compared to the softest cotton. It’s not just the fabric we use or the weave, but also factors like thickness, twist, density, etc.

Bamboo Fitted Sheet

Linenwalas bamboo fitted sheets are made from naturally organic bamboo which makes them the softest and best sheets around. Recommended for hot sleepers and people with sensitive skin. Naturally thermoregulating & cool, getting better with subsequent washes.

Bamboo Fitted Sheet

Bamboo Fitted Sheet

Bamboo Fitted Sheet

Easy to Care

Linenwalas bamboo sheets are handcrafted, which means that even after several washes, you enjoy a snug fit. These sheets have been ethically made in India.

Super Breathable

Linenwalas Bamboo Fitted Sheets are more breathable. This Hotel Class Bedding collection will bring luxury to your bedroom and a comfortable night’s happy, blissful sleep.

Pet Friendly

Real bamboo is expensive but still durable. We are one of the oldest manufacturers of bamboo and have clients with pets. They too love our sheets!

Bamboo_Sheets Set

Colors In Bamboo Bedding

Linenwalas bamboo fitted sheets come in 16 different colors – Aqua, Avacado Green, Bahamas Blue, Burnt orange, Charcoal Grey, Ivory, Jet Black, Light Grey, Lilac, Mint, Navy Blue, Pink, Rose gold, Silver, Taupe, and White.

Bamboo Duvet Cover

Linenwalas Pure Bamboo v/s Blended Bamboo

Features & Specifications

  • ✅ 7 REASONS TO GO FOR LINENWALAS BAMBOO FLAT SHEET: Our 100% organic bamboo is softer than egyptian cotton/rayon/viscose or any other fiber inculding silk.
  • ✅ TRULY 100% BAMBOO ONLY FLAT SHEET: If you are a bamboo bedding user, you would know that this miracle fabric is best used without any blending. Linenwalas bamboo sheets are made from natural organic bamboo which makes it the softest and best sheets around. Naturally thermo regulating & cool, getting better with subsequent washes.
  • ✅ 100% ORGANIC BAMBOO IS BEST FOR SKIN & HAIR: Our bamboo bedding is better than mommie silk as it is smooth on your facial hair and does not create static or heat of silk.
  • ✅ PERFECT FIT HANDCRAFTED IN INDIA: Linenwalas Flat sheet have been stitched using strong 3ply core thread . We ensure that even after several washes you enjoy a snug fit. These sheets have been ethically made in India.
  • ✅ EXPENSIVE YET PET FRIENDLY: Real bamboo is expensive still durable. We are one of the oldest manufacturers of bamboo and have clients with pets. They too love our sheets!
  • Weight: 1.24 pounds

Pros & Cons


Buy Buy buy. I am a very not sleeper and can't sleep unless I'm cool so I have been on a mad search for cooling sheets and these are amazing! Although if the room is hot and has no movement nothing is cool so I always sleep with a fan hitting my bed and these are so cool they almost feel wet. I also and a rough sleeper and the corners have yet to come off which is so very important for my mental health lol

Very nice. I love that I could order just the fitted sheet since I hate flat sheets lol

Good standard sheet. Held up so far. We have had these sheets for over a month and they have held up well. •Decent softness, less “slick” than other bamboo sheets, but smoother than average cotton sheets. • comfortable/breathable but not exceptionally cooling like some silkier sheets. •Color stays true through washes. Stains do not stick. •After a bunch of washes and daily use by a family with lots of pets- it has gotten very very slightly rougher than when purchased, but my partner can’t tell a difference so it’s very possible most people won’t feel it. It has started to hold on to pet hair and random bits of stuff more than it did in the beginning but it’s definitely not as bad as some Jersey style sheets that act like felt. • worth the cost, good value so far.

Best bamboo sheets of 30 brands and actually is only brand that really sleeps cool. 18" drop, very smooth and soft. Feels like silk but not hot. I gave 15+ sets of silk sheets I had made as they were hard to care for, hot when sleeping and always wrinkled. Thousands of dollars and no comfort. These are the most reasonably priced sheets I've found and are the best made in all respects. Everything they make is superlative and they take custom orders. Super customer service.

I like it very much. It took a while to receive my sheet, but it was worth the wait. It is very pretty, less dark than the pictures, closer to a blush but richer. It is very shiny, like silk almost. It seems sturdy enough. Came wrinkled but I'm guessing it will wash out. I like it very much. Fits my 16 inch mattress well. Also, sleeps cool.

Very nice sheet. I have been on the hunt to give myself the most comfortable sleep experience possible for years. These are the nicest sheets I have bought so far. They are super soft, they feel like luxury sheets, and they feel cool to the touch. They don’t necessarily stay cool all night but I’d imagine that’s mostly my mattresses issue. But they feel great and are very inexpensive for the quality that they are.


Beware! Shrinks and Pills! The product description reads “You get what you pay for!” Well, I paid $39 for one king flat sheet, hoping the quality was there for that price. Instead, after only TWO washes, the sheet has severe pilling, and has shrunk to the point you can no longer tuck it in on the sides at all. I definitely expected more at that price point for one sheet. Because I didn’t use the sheet right away, it’s no longer eligible for return and there is no way to message the seller directly to see if they care about making it right. I’ve completely wasted my money, and hope to save you from making the same mistake.

Nonono. Bamboo is supposed to keep you refreshed. I did not buy this for its warmth.

Subpar Bamboo Softness and Quality - More like Polyester. I own several bamboo bedsheets and this one was very disappointing. It is clearly not nearly as soft or of the quality of my other bamboo sheets. It really feels like it is a polyester sheet. There are way better options out there.

30% bamboo. I received the wrong color and size. Thin fabric. Label sewn in is 30% bamboo. So disappointed.

DO NOT BUY THESE SHEETS! I've washed these sheets ONCE and the seams are now frayed. I'm certain they will fall apart in the next few washings. Two Thumbs DOWN!!

NOT A QUEEN. Ordered this once, received a twin xl labeled as a "queen", thought it was a mistake so reordered and received another twin xl a week later. Beautiful fabric and extremely soft. But don't get for a queen.

How to Buy The Best LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet from which you can learn how to get the best LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet.

  • Is it worth buying the LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet?
  • What benefits does the product LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet?
  • What makes the LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet?
  • Why and how do you need the LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the LINENWALAS Luxury Bamboo Sheets – Hypoallergenic Bedding Blend from Natural Bamboo Fiber – Resists Wrinkles – 1 Fitted Sheet to you.

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