GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys, MIDI Keyboard, Built-in Speakers, Power Supply, Power Supply, Portable Bag (Black)

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

88 digital piano

Our 88 Keys Digital Home Piano Adopt Made of aluminum frame and premium PC keys for years of use. Multifunctional control panel adopts ultra-thin design, more exquisite and compact.It includes 128 International standard tone, 128 International standard rhythm, 15 demo songs, teaching functions, programming and more. Built-in dual Speakers, Built-in rechargeable battery. Play the Keyboard Anywhere Power via the included power adapter or rechargeable battery for professional piano performance wherever you are. Give your friends and kids a good Christmas gifts or birthday present.

GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys, MIDI Keyboard, Built-in Speakers, Power Supply, Power Supply, Portable Bag (Black)


Key Point
  • Support External speaker or Headphone use
  • 128 International standard tone, 128 International standard rhythm, 15 demo songs, Record and playback for improving performance suitable for piano beginners
  • Support the use of Bluetooth connected devices, Foot-pedal meets the need of professional performance
  • Built-in 1000mah rechargeable battery, can work continuously for 5 hours without interruption
  • Made of aluminum frame and premium PC keys for years of use
  • Made of aluminum frame and premium PC keys for years of use
  • Piano Dimensions:(50 x 7 x 2.6)Inch/ (127 x 18 x 6.5 )Cm
  • Piano Weight: 11 Lbs/ 5.0 Kg
  • Output Power Of Piano: 500Mv
  • Input Power Of Charger: Ac 100~240V 0.2A
  • Output Power Of Charger:Dc 5V 1A
Package Include

1 x Electronic Piano 1 x Paino Bag 1 x Pedal 1 x Power Adapter 1 x English Manual


  • Piano Material:Abs PC Aluminium
  • Piano Bag Material:600D Oxford Cloth
  • Tone: 128 International Standard Tone
  • Rhythm: 128 International Standard Rhythm
  • Polyphony:64 Polyphony
  • Demonstration Songs: 15
  • Power Supply: USB-Powered Computer Or Built-In 1000mah Rechargeable Battery

Back buttton

Lighted Key for Intelligent Teaching

GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys, MIDI Keyboard, Built-in Speakers, Power Supply, Power Supply, Portable Bag (Black)

GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys, MIDI Keyboard, Built-in Speakers, Power Supply, Power Supply, Portable Bag (Black)

GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys, MIDI Keyboard, Built-in Speakers, Power Supply, Power Supply, Portable Bag (Black)

Lighted Key for Intelligent Teaching

Come with the lighted keys. Bluetooth connection, smart to you. NOTE: When you don’t want the lighted keys, you can long press the transpose-, the lighted keyboard will be closed.

88 Full Size Keyboard

Designed with the touch sensitive keys. NOTE: you can long press the transpose+ tp control the strength of the keys.

Three Modes of Power Supply

  • Power adapter
  • Bulit-in Lithium Battery
  • USN Port Charging

Built-in Speaker

Stereo surround sound, full and exquisite timbre.


GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys, MIDI Keyboard, Built-in Speakers, Power Supply, Power Supply, Portable Bag (Black) GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys, MIDI Keyboard, Built-in Speakers, Power Supply, Power Supply, Portable Bag (Black) GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys, MIDI Keyboard, Built-in Speakers, Power Supply, Power Supply, Portable Bag (Black) GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys, MIDI Keyboard, Built-in Speakers, Power Supply, Power Supply, Portable Bag (Black) GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys, MIDI Keyboard, Built-in Speakers, Power Supply, Power Supply, Portable Bag (Black)
Standard Keyboard Digital Piano with Bench Full Weghted Keyboard Digital Piano with Bench Standard Keyboard Digital Piano Full Weghted Keyboard Digital Piano Portable Full Weighted Digital Piano
Bench X X X
Keyboard Standard Full Weighted Standard Full Weighted Full Weighted

Features & Specifications

  • 【INTELLIGENT TEACHING】- Features 88 lighted keys for beginners to play. You can connect to the APP via Bluetooth. This function for beginners can not only quickly familiar with the keys, but also can easily learn a song. NOTE: LONG PRESS the butto(transpose-), the lighted keys will be closed.
  • 【MIDI TERMINAL】- MIDI function allows you to connect computer, smart phone and other intelligent devices to compose music. You can use the micro USB cable to connect the computer, smart phone and other intelligent device. Also, you can use the bluetooth to connect the APP.
  • 【MULTIPLE MODES OF POWER SUPPLY】- Designed with three modes of power suppli of power adapter,USB port, built-in lithium battery. After a full charge, you can use it continuously for 4 hours. Using it for a long time will stop you from worrying about the battery when you take it out to shows.
  • 【RICH BUTTON FUNCTION】- Methoneme/Record/Sustain/Drum kit/Tempo+-/Transpose+-/Chord/OKON and etc.The rich features make you immersed in the world of music.Also, 128 Rhythms, 128 tones and 20 demos makes playing more fascinating.
  • 【FULL SIZE STANDARD KEYS】- Full size 88 touch sensitive keys crafted exquisitely according to 1:1 piano key ratio, professional keyboard design, strength keys, better enhance the feeling of touch and fingering practice.NOTE: LONG PRESS the button (Ttanspose+), it can adjust the strength of the keys.
  • Weight: 15.42 pounds

Pros & Cons


Perfect for learning. We bought for my son when he was 8 to practice piano at home. Full size, 88 keys. He has been perfect. He can have fun with the flexibility of the key tones and learn. It doesn't take up much space so he can have it out all the time. Sometimes he wants to play for particular people and it's easy and light to take with us. We have had it over a year and it's still going strong. Love this

Great starter or small space option, semi weighted, touch sensitive and 88 keys. Got this as a piano to use in an apartment, so I can start teaching my 5yo. The sound is not that great but does the trick for sounding like a piano for starters, and the included pedal is also average. The included bag is great, though the zipper pieces are thin and I accidentally broke a piece off one. The handles are strong and it was easy to carry around. When you play further up on the keys (at the root of the keys) there is more resistance than real keys, and surprisingly the keys are stiffer than loosely tuned concert grands (but not by much). It charges via a micro usb cable, and the battery setting is great since we do not have to plug it in everyday. The power button flashes rather when battery is low, and there's a light next to the usb plug that goes from red to green once fully charged. I was able to carry this on a plane and it fits well in the overhead compartment of a long-haul flight. It is relatively light and does not come with a music (book) stand, so I bought a folding one separately. The kids like to play with the rhythm buttons, etc, but the minimal layout ensures they get a more realistic piano feel. I had gotten pretty serious about piano when younger so I like to play too, with headphones, and while it doesn't really feel or sound like a Fancy grand piano, it is a great starter and has brought Us and the kids a lot of musical joy without adding to the clutter (it goes in the bag behind the couch when not in use). Shipping was also faster than estimated and the sellers were pretty responsive. Keep in mind return shipping is only covered in case of defect of the piano, so I would be sure to read the description and details closely and be ok with what this piano offers. It is a great value for what I needed and I just hope it holds up well beyond the first few months (have had for 3 months so far).

Best choice on Amazon for a cheap, but full 88-key piano. For being only like 135 bucks after shipping, this is great. Pros: - Cheap, compared to most 88-key keyboards on Amazon - Works with MIDI, so you can hook it into your laptop, and use it with a music program for better sound - Really portable, since its lightweight and has a convenient carrying case - Looks slick - Sturdy aluminum frame Cons: - Keys aren't sensitive to pressure (So if you hit the keys really hard, versus really soft, the sound comes out just as loud each time) - The springs in the keys are a bit stiff, but not terrible - I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think you can use the USB adapter for your laptop, and charge the piano simultaneously (It might charge through my laptop though, I will have to investigate further)

Excellent choice. I got this for my son who was interested in learning piano. He loves all the sounds he can make with it. Keys feel great. Sound is awesome

Great Compact and Portable Piano. I purchased this piano because I needed something I could practice on that had 88 keys and was compact. This piano is perfect. The sound quality of the instruments is a bit computerized but to be expected in this model of digital piano. However, when connected to a computer music application it can be used as a midi keyboard and play the sounds in your computer application. The sound volume is just right for practicing. This is a very good purchase for a first piano or portable practice piano, that also comes with a sustain pedal and bag.

This is not a cheap instrument. Inexpensive, yes. But the frame is a nice, chunky extrusion of aluminum. The speakers are...good enough to hear yourself, with reasonable ambient noise. I like the physical power switch, very practical. Lots of options for connectivity. It is quite hefty(read the specs). The case is good enough to protect from dust and scratches, not so much against major impacts. Thankfully, the handle is comfortable to carry, and there is a shoulder strap.


Poor quality. Upon arrival about 7 keys didn’t work, after an hour or two of my daughter using it the keys starting working. This issue has persisted since I purchased this and currently the keys haven’t recovered since the last time they stopped working. Considering the price I would think this would last much longer and especially not have issues upon arrival. The keys still light up when you initially turn the instrument on but that’s it, the keys just don’t work and it’s only about 8 keys in the middle of the board. I have given this a pretty fair window and I wouldn’t recommend buying this.

Think twice before buying this product. Wow highly disappointed. The tones are Midi generic sounds. It took 5min out of the box to see that i had been ripped off. Who cares about the 88keys if those 88keys sound like crap. Not a keyboard for any level. Shame on the makers for making such a unsuperior product. Not to mention the money I lost in shipping and handling.

How to Buy The Best GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys from which you can learn how to get the best GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys.

  • Is it worth buying the GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys?
  • What benefits does the product GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys?
  • What makes the GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys?
  • Why and how do you need the GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the GLARRY 88 Key Digital Piano Portable Touch Sensitive Electronic Keyboard w/Lighted Keys to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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