198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tall

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product 198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tall before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tall198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tallwide baby gate198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tallbaby gate for stairsbaby gate

baby gate baby gate baby gate extra long baby gate with cat door extra tall baby gate baby gate for stairs
Wall Mounts Extension Panel Adjustable 80″ Baby Gate Baby Gate with Cat Door 36″ Extra Tall Gate 29.5-40.5 inches
Width 23.6″ 30″-80″ 29.5″-40.5″ 29.5″-48.8″ 29.5″-40.5″
Height 30″ 30″ 30″ 36″ 30″
Material Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal
Two-Way Opening
Installation Way Hardware Mount Hardware Mount Pressure Mount / Hardware Mount Pressure Mount / Hardware Mount Pressure Mount / Hardware Mount

Features & Specifications

  • 198 in Super Wide - Fits openings up to 198 in wide and stands 30 in tall. (2.2'' wide bars gap, prevents your pets from squeezing through). The long dog gate is great for big houses, wide spaces, angled openings, hallways, doorways, stairs, and barriers.
  • Auto Close Gate & Easy to Use - Double-lock system, safety design. The super long pet gate will be closed automatically due to gravity. The door can be swung in both directions, easy to operate the puppy gate with one hand. No worries about forgetting to lock the pet gate.
  • Hardware Mounted Required - Must use tools, this extra wide pet gate can be mounted to angled walls. Tips: Please tighten each knob after position, so the pet gate for stairs is secure and more stable.
  • Foldable & Detachable - Foldable dog fireplace can easily add or remove panels to fit any angled and length openings. Folds flat for storage.
  • Extra Safety - Double-lock system, press the buttons, and then lift to open. Mounts to straight and angled walls, keep your little ones safe with this extra wide openings dog gate. If you have any questions about our products, please contact us in time and we will provide the most satisfactory solution for you.
  • Weight: 37.2 pounds

Pros & Cons


Perfect for climbers. My shih tzu, Ruger, just turned 6 months. I have Comony gates up keeping him in my kitchen when I wasn't home. That way if he had an accident, it wouldn't be on my carpets. They are the only kind of gates that I found that he couldn't climb over. Just in the last two weeks he started chewing on my cabinets and dining room chairs for some reason, so I started looking for a decent sized pen to put him in. So glad I found this! I've bought 2 other brands and he climbed right out. Not this one! My living room is the only room big enough to put it in so I'll have to put some washable bed pads under it, but it will work great. There's a video on here that shows how to make this long gate a stand alone pen.

Nice quality. Using it around our wood stove. We have it free standing rather than mounted, and find it plenty sturdy in a circle configuration. Love that the little door stays open, don’t know how we would load the fire otherwise! The joints lock, but not fully. Overall does the job great and looks classy doing it

Nice! I like how the door can be opened both ways. This has helped my sanity from keeping my toddler away from my infant. It's nice knowing that I don't have to stay in the same room as my kids if I need to go do laundry or cook I know that my toddler can't get to the baby.

Good company. I had a problem with my gate. The gate opening part didn’t stay closed. I called and asked for a new gate, they sent one out right away. Good company!!

Great little gate! Bought this to go around my husband's gaming couch in our living room to keep our little dogs and small children out of his area. This gae set up really fast. It is very sturdy even if it isn't anchored to the wall or the floor. We love that it can made to fit around the area that we need it to. Our youngest (6) still can't get it opened by himself and we have had it since before Christmas. Very glad that we ordered this.

Easy assembly and sturdy. This is a favorite purchase for sure. It was easy to assemble so I didn’t have to listen to my husband complain. It looks very nice so it isn’t an eye sore in my home. My toddler can’t open it and it tall enough to where she isn’t climbing over it. The gate can be opened easily by adults and older children. Great for large rooms you may need a barrier in. I get a lot of compliments on it.


Does what it needs to do. Our daughter is now at the crawling/walking stage, so I bought a few gates to give her more room to wander but to keep her out of areas she doesn’t need to be. Our first two gates were the retractable-fabric ones. Where we needed the last gate was just too wide for the retractable ones, so I saw this one and figured it would work. Installation was pretty simple, I put the mounts on the end pieces and lined them up and marked off where I needed to drill. Another cool feature is being able to use it as a self-contained playpen. We’ll be traveling soon to visit family and plan on bringing it with us to help keep our daughter out of the in-laws nicknacks. The issues come from being able to resize it. To take the pieces out wasn’t difficult, but I was under the impression from the product description you could make it any size between 36inches and 198inches. While that is technically true, you won’t be able to make a straight line if your area is not a multiple of 36. Basically we took a couple sections out but it was still about 6 or so inches too long, so it’s kind of zig zagging to accommodate the “slack.” Because of that it doesn’t seem as secure, so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how it works out. If someone can tell me how to make it a perfectly straight line for our space then I’m happy to adjust my review!

Extension panel is not available to buy. The media could not be loaded. First of all it is a good fence if you want to avoid pets coming to your carpeted living room for example. I like it except we have an odd arch and the panels are either too short or too long. We tried all angles and mixed and matched the panels and connectors but it does not work the way we want so I also tried to look for extension panel but it’s not available. Pretty much it is not giving us the flexibility. So I may have to return it unless we can find an extender. Also, I cannot promise the sturdiness for big dogs. We have a labradoodle pup but he is a trained one but jumpy at times, so far the fence is still standing but I may update this review in a few weeks if everything is still fine. I would have given it a full 5 stars because it works for my household except I just need that extension panels.

Flexible but too flexible. So I love the gate and the many positions it can go in. It was easy to install on the wall but I would not be comfortable using it as a playpen because it’s really light weight and seems as if a child tried to stand up on it it might actually tilt over causing harm to the child.

Hard plastic hinges and panel joints can break! I have used this gate for my 3 month old, 7 pound puppy for one month and have not moved it. The other day I opened the door and the plastic hinges cracked. Since then the other hinge has snapped in two on the other side of the gate. I am careful and take care of my things, my puppy does not jump on the gate, and she is tiny and does not have the force to crack the hinges. I am trying to find the company information to find how to get new parts so that we can continue to use this gate.

Cheap plastic, cheap metal, cheap everything. Had this thing for about a month, and a screw fell out of the gate while my toddler was testing it. Luckily I saw it happen and he didn't swallow it. It was the screw that held the hinge assembly and gate bars together. Just a cheap screw through plastic, into a pre drilled hole thats really too big for it. I happened to have some small wood bits laying around, so I cut one to fit inside the square metal tube, drilled it, and reset the screw. That part is now pretty sturdy. But it's ultimately useless because just today, I went to open the gate, and the plastic top hinge swivel completely broke. I don't really see any way of fixing that besides a replacement. But who wants a replacement that will be just as bad?

Came to me broken we just taped no use sending it back. It was not sturdy it came to me broken

How to Buy The Best 198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tall?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of 198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tall? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product 198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tall from which you can learn how to get the best 198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tall.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of 198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tall.

  • Is it worth buying the 198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tall?
  • What benefits does the product 198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tall offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product 198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tall?
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  • Where can you get information as this on the product 198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tall?
  • Why and how do you need the 198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tall?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the 198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tall. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best 198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tall.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best 198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tall.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


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Customer Ratings

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Customer Reviews

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On the whole, this is a pretty nice product that earns many praises from real life customers, being listed as one of the best sellers of Door & Stair Gates.

We highly recommend the 198 inch Dog Gate Extra Wide Tall to you.

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