bonoch Add-on Baby Camera Unit 720p HD Video Baby Monitor Camera No WiFi Security Split-Screen, Crisp Night Vision, 22h Battery,1000ft Range, 4X Zoom 2-Way Audio Temperature Lullaby Twins Elderly

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product bonoch Add before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

bonoch Add-on Baby Camera Unit 720p HD Video Baby Monitor Camera No WiFi Security Split-Screen, Crisp Night Vision, 22h Battery,1000ft Range, 4X Zoom 2-Way Audio Temperature Lullaby Twins Elderly

A parent’s life can be peaceful, rather than chaotic or anxious.

  • A video baby monitor is an excellent way to stay connected with your little one. It gives you the freedom to attend to other tasks in your life, such as cooking, cleaning the baby bottles, doing yoga, reading, working, and sleeping.

bonoch Add-on Baby Camera Unit 720p HD Video Baby Monitor Camera No WiFi Security Split-Screen, Crisp Night Vision, 22h Battery,1000ft Range, 4X Zoom 2-Way Audio Temperature Lullaby Twins Elderly

Enjoy a peaceful morning, caring for 2 babies at the same time

– Make breakfast in the kitchen and want to keep careful tabs on your two babies while they are sleeping or playing in the nursery.

– Entire room monitoring and instant alerts extend your eyes and ears beyond the nursery, so don’t worry.

– Start your day peacefully, instead of rushing around.

bonoch Add-on Baby Camera Unit 720p HD Video Baby Monitor Camera No WiFi Security Split-Screen, Crisp Night Vision, 22h Battery,1000ft Range, 4X Zoom 2-Way Audio Temperature Lullaby Twins Elderly

Have a good night’s sleep

– You need to keep an eye on your two little one throughout the night as they will suddenly wake up and cry in the middle of the night.

– A baby monitor with clear auto night vision is the perfect solution.

– Have a good night of sleep. The monitor will let you know when you’re in need.

bonoch Add-on Baby Camera Unit 720p HD Video Baby Monitor Camera No WiFi Security Split-Screen, Crisp Night Vision, 22h Battery,1000ft Range, 4X Zoom 2-Way Audio Temperature Lullaby Twins Elderly

Connect up to 4 camera devices at once to get multiple rooms coverage


  • Q: How to turn on multiple cameras scan mode?
  • A: When two or more cameras are connected, press the “OK” button for 3 seconds, “Scan mode on” displays at the bottom left of the screen. The baby monitor will automatically loop real-time video from up to 4 cameras in single-screen mode every 15 seconds or in split-screen mode every 30 seconds.
  • Q: How to turn off multiple cameras scan mode?
  • A: Press the “OK” button for 3 seconds to turn off multiple cameras scan mode, the loop logo of the camera at the top of the screen will disappear.
  • Q: Can the baby monitor be turned on “multiple cameras scan mode” in both single screen and split screen mode?
  • A: Yes. We recommend connecting 2 cameras in single-screen mode to turn on “multi-camera scanning mode”, and connecting 3 or 4 cameras in split-screen mode to turn on “multi-camera scanning mode”.

4000 mAh Battery

no wifi no app

breakfast time

From day to night

– The built-in 4,000mAh rechargeable battery provides 22-hour monitoring. Check out your baby at any time with ease.

– If the screen is on for an entire day, it can last up to 8 hours.

Visible only to you

– No WiFi baby monitor is a solid choice for 100% privacy and security.

– bonoch closed-loop system uses a secure 2.4GHz FHSS connection to stream video to the included 5-inch monitor, ensuring a secure video that only you can see and no one else can hack in. Protect you, your family, and your privacy.

VOX mode & Two-way audio

– The VOX mode will turn the monitor screen on when it detects a sudden voice, like crying or shouting from the baby. When you are needed, you will know instantly.

– The built-in high-sensitivity microphone and clear speaker allow you to reassure your baby with your soothing words, even if you’re elsewhere in the home.

Lullaby Player

Thermal Monitor

bonoch Add-on Baby Camera Unit 720p HD Video Baby Monitor Camera No WiFi Security Split-Screen, Crisp Night Vision, 22h Battery,1000ft Range, 4X Zoom 2-Way Audio Temperature Lullaby Twins Elderly

8 Soothing lullabies

Baby monitor comes with 8 cute lullabies to help soothe your fussy baby and make it easy to get to bedtime.

Temperature monitoring

– Monitor the temperature of the nursery in real-time throughout the day.

– It will notify you when the temp is higher or lower than the settings.

What’s in the box

Baby unit (Baby camera) x1

AC power adapter x1

Wall mount shim x1

User manual x1

bonoch Add-on Baby Camera Unit 720p HD Video Baby Monitor Camera No WiFi Security Split-Screen, Crisp Night Vision, 22h Battery,1000ft Range, 4X Zoom 2-Way Audio Temperature Lullaby Twins Elderly

bonoch Video Baby Monitor

– Resolution: HD 720P

– Pan & Tilt: Pan: 355° Tilt: 120°

– Zoom: 2X & 4X

– Display Screen Size: 5 inch 720P color screen

– Camera Connectivity: Wireless 2.4GHz FHSS technology

– Maximum Range: 1000 ft

– Sensor Type: Audio / Temperature

– Control Type: Volume / Brightness

– Power Source : Rechargeable battery

– Battery Capacity: 4000mAh, 8 hours in display on mode, 22 hours in default sleep mode

– Mount Included: Wall mount

– Feeding Timer: Off / 1 / 2 / 3 /4 / 6 hours

– VOX Mode: Low/ Medium / High level of voice sensitivity

– Additional Features: Auto-night vision / Sound alert / Room temperature sensor / 8 Lullabies / 2-way audio / Alarm clock

Features & Specifications

  • Easy to setup and pair with up to 4 cameras - Pair the additional camera units with bonoch BBM01 baby monitor in just 5 seconds, connect up to 4 camera units at once. (*Note: Only compatible with bonoch BBM01 Baby Monitor.)
  • Multiple cameras monitoring mode - When two or more cameras are connected, press the ‘OK’ button for 3 seconds to turn on the multiple cameras scan mode, the bonoch baby monitor automatically loops real-time video from up to 4 cameras in single-screen mode every 15 seconds or in split-screen mode every 30 seconds, to get multiple rooms coverage.
  • 5” HD 720p split-screen display for twins - The large 5'' HD 720p resolution color split-screen coupled with a sharp picture with 10 times more details than ordinary 240p display baby monitors, allowing you to keep an eye on your baby more clearly. Need a closer look? The bonoch baby monitor 2x to 4x zoom capabilities let you see your baby up-close. The auto night vision feature provides black and white images on the video baby monitor at night to see your little one clearly.
  • Secure no wifi connection you can trust - The 2.4GHz FHSS wireless connection ensures a secure and private live-stream that is only for you. Protect you, your family, and your privacy. No WiFi, No app downloading or account creation required.
  • View the entire baby room with 1000ft range-coverage – The baby camera monitor lens pans 355° to capture all corners of a space, and tilts 120° to see floor to ceiling. If your baby escapes the crib, you'll be able to see it all happening. Move the baby camera around easily with the buttons on the LCD display. Get a clear and stable live-stream from anywhere in your home with wireless range coverage of up to 1,000ft.
  • Dimensions: 4.17 x 2.95 x 2.95 inches
  • Weight: 13.1 ounces

Pros & Cons


LOVE! I originally wanted the Owlet baby monitor but wasnt crazy about the wifi hook up so wanted to go a different route. I asked around to a few of my friends and they all suggested different monitors and told me what they wish they gotten instead or what they weren't happy with when it came to their monitors. I found this one browsing amazon one night and am sooo thankful I did! Not only is a good price point but it provides everything on my check list, night vision, two way audio, temperature monitoring, night vision, pan options and a nice wide screen to view the video. The video is also very clear. It was super easy to set up and the camera and the monitor already came connected. There is also a nice option to add more cameras if i needed. It is easily portable if I had to go visit family I could easily take it off the wall and pack it up with me. Im very happy with this ! You won't regret getting this one !

Reliable and easy to use. Works wonderfully. I am big on protecting my family, so having a device be reliable is significant to me. This is a reliable device! Works perfect, see picture [didn't want to show my house or child], with great features where you can even assist the camera from your room to fine tune it so you do not have to go back and forth between rooms to adjust. Strongly recommend

THE ABSOLUTE BEST!!! I absolutely LOVE this monitor!!! I did alot of research before buying and this is the best one for the price! I even bought a second camera so i could see split screen! I bought mainly for the 1000 ft range. When we vacation i wanted to be able to go to the pool and still keep an eye on the kids. And this monitor didn’t disappoint! Our room was on the 4th floor and I still have perfect sound and visual on the kids! I cannot praise this enough!! So much better than the “summer infant” brand that i had for 3 years before this one.

Great quality camera for it's price. No WiFi, no problem! I have had several issues connecting to my brand name camera due to my wireless signal going in and out but lo-and-behold this baby monitor does NOT rely on WiFi and I was able to seamlessly watch our baby with no connection issues! It was a life changer for us as we could finally stop worrying about an external issue. The camera quality is pretty good too and pretty much gives us the visibility we need. I haven’t had the need to really “zoom” in but I did test it out just for fun and it does a good job of zooming and panning around if that was something you were interested in (maybe for larger rooms). All-in-all I would recommend this to anyone looking for a very quality camera for it’s price!

Great value video monitor. This video monitor works right out of the box with no setup required. The video feed is crisp, and bright on the HD tablet. Pan controls are responsive and easy to use. The quality on this Bonoch device rivals significantly more expensive brands, making it a great value!

You won't be disappointed. This monitor does everything it says and it truly has great night vision. The only thing I wish was that I could do is buy more cameras without the parent portal.


Was great until volume issue. We’ve had this a few months and the sound feature fades in and out. Scary and definitely not okay when the sound feature is the most important at night. Bummed it’s past return time frame.

Emmmm think really hard before you buy. *update we got a new one and we have been contacting customer support through email they reply really fast and are helping us and are super nice this camera brand is amazing and fast battery life is about 6 hours and doesn't take long to charge! I definitely recommend them after talking to support they offered to send us a replacement si if you have any trouble just email them 5 out if 5 We have had this monitor for 10 months and we just recently had a power outage due to an accident and from the power outage it fried our camera so now it won't even work or turn on it was a good monitor I loved it but now we can't even get the camera to turn on.

Thought it was great.. but problems and not even a year yet. The media could not be loaded. This monitor worked great I bought June of 2021. I bought with 1 camera as it was on sale for $109. Only needed 1 monitor for sure then. This year I noticed they finally sold cameras individually so I bought 1 to have 1 in our living room too. Well now I am regretting as the monitor is making background static and it isn't even a year old. Now stuck with 2 cameras in working condition with a monitor that will probably completely go out any day now.. I know it was on sale but I still would expect it to work a year no problems! Monitors not even sold separately for me to try to save money by just replacing that.. guess I better start saving for a new one. Not this brand again though.

Worked for 1 month. Absolutely horrible experience with this camera. I had this camera for 1 month and 4 days. Randomly the camera monitor went black. Won’t turn on just has a red light when plugged in. Nothing on it works. I reached out to Amazon. They said it was 4 days past the return window no exceptions! Absolutely garbage, I can’t see my daughter sleep now and I’m out money. Only buy if you want it to last a month.

Monitor did not turn on. Monitor did not turn on out of the box, left it charging and it still would not turn on.

Dont waste your money!!!! This is a very cheaply made monitor. The sound is not good and the speaker is placed only on the back so if u lay the monitor flat it blocks all the sound. Buttons are hard to work. While the monitor is adjustable the range to adjust is poor. The range that it is supposed to pick up the signal without loosing connection is not what it is supposed to be. It is not durable at all. I dropped it on a table a short distance and the inside screen broke. My vava baby monitor that is amazing quality has been dropped tons of times and works like new. I have no clue who actually gave this monitor good reviews but use your money on a better monitor!!!!

How to Buy The Best bonoch Add?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of bonoch Add? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product bonoch Add from which you can learn how to get the best bonoch Add.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of bonoch Add.

  • Is it worth buying the bonoch Add?
  • What benefits does the product bonoch Add offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product bonoch Add?
  • What makes the bonoch Add to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product bonoch Add?
  • Why and how do you need the bonoch Add?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the bonoch Add. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best bonoch Add.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best bonoch Add.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of bonoch Add, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of bonoch Add offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of bonoch Add? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of bonoch Add? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of bonoch Add? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of bonoch Add?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of bonoch Add, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the bonoch Add to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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