Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad, Pacifier Case and Stroller Straps

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

diaper bag

Dikaslon Unisex Diaper Bag Backpack Gives You a More Convenient and Fashionable Lifestyle.

  • Roomy and Compact: This changing bag offers a spacious interior to keep everything including baby outfits, snacks, toys and parent items organized orderly, without being too bulky.
  • Lightweight and Comfortable: Sturdy fabric and thick shoulder straps provide comfort, relaxation, and safety while carrying baby items. Ergonomic design relieves aches and pains.
  • Easy wipe-clean, waterproof Changing Pad: For those emergency moments. When it’s time for a diaper change, make it easy to change baby on a hygienic, soft surface wherever you are.
  • Great Gift Idea: Featuring a trendy and structured design, this diaper backpack satisfies all of the needs of parents’ on-the-go, making it a good choice for a baby shower or Christmas gift for new moms and dads.

Modern Diaper Bag in Life

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diaper bag backpack

diaper backpack

backpack diaper bag

diaper bag

diaper bag

Design with your need in mind

Dikaslon focuses on designing diaper bags that are convenient and practical, yet also offers an appealing outlook. We are of the opinion that aiming for functionality doesn’t mean that we can ignore aesthetics. So our designers are always looking for ways to combine practicality with eye-pleasing design.

With Dikaslon diaper backpack, function meets fashion to take you from birth to toddlerhood and beyond in style.

Features Multiple Pockets for Ultimate Organization!

1 x Main compartment includes 6 interior pockets to store your laptop, iPad, bottles, clothes, shoes, snacks, toys, towel, etc.

2 x Diaper organizers and a mesh pocket for baby essentials.

1 x Front mommy pocket to store parents’ items.

3 x Insulated pockets for milk bottles and a mesh pocket for other stuff.

1 x Front pocket with key loop can better store your keys.

2 x Side pockets for tissues, wipes and water bottle or umbrella.

1 x Anti-theft pocket to protect your wallet and phone.

  • What You Will Get
  • 1* Baby diaper bag backpack, Size (inches): 16.5h x 8w x 12l
  • 1* Portable changing pad, Size (inches): 22.5l x 8w
  • 1* Detachable pacifier pocket, Size (inches): 3.5l x 2w

diaper bag

diaper bag backpack

diaper backpack

backpack diaper bag

Detachable Pacifier Holder

In addition to pacifiers, our pacifier pod can be used to keep items like lip balm, change, ear buds, keys and many other accessories. The durable lobster clasp allows you easily reposition the pacifier pod or move it from one bag to another.

Portable Changing Mat

This diaper backpack comes with a foldable travel changing pad, which includes a diaper pocket, a wipes pocket, plus a mum’s pockets with a wrist strap for quick, on-the-go changes.

Two-side Pockets

The zipper wipes pocket of our diaper backpack plays a nice duty in storing your wipes, tissue or private belongings. On the other side, elastic pocket tightly holds your water bottles or umbrella!

5 Insulated Pockets

5 insulated pockets maintain your baby beverages at a warm/cool temperature. 3 front insulated pockets fit all major baby bottle brands such as Dr. Brown’s original bottles, tommee tippee baby bottles, etc. (Fits tall or wide-neck bottle, 5-11oz)

Life Photos from Different Customers of Our Unisex Changing Bag

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diaper bag diaper bag diaper bag diaper bag diaper bag tote diaper bag
Stylish Travel Diaper Bag New Neutral Diaper Bag Practical Neutral Diaper Bag Backpack Fashion Diaper Bag Backpack Large Unisex Baby Diaper Bag Adjustable Stroller Hook
Key Features This diaper bag offers a spacious interior to keep everything including baby outfits, snacks, toys and parent items organized orderly. Features gender neutral color scheme, Stylish and unisex design makes the baby bag a nice choice for both women and men. With a coordinated neutral color scheme, Stylish structured design makes the baby backpack an ideal companion for day-trip or travel. With high-quality materials, stylish structure, and functional storage, our diaper bag backpack is a perfect organizer for your busy life! The large capacity diaper bag tote tas all sorts of needs… for all sorts of types (Shoulder bag, cross-body bag, handbag, etc) The stroller hooks can free your hands in daily. Universal fit for your strollers, bicycles, wheelchairs, shopping trolleys, etc.

Features & Specifications

  • All-in-One Design: A large capacity diaper backpack (size: 16.5'' x 8'' x 12'') with a portable changing pad, stroller straps, a pacifier case, a zipper wipe pocket, a key loop, and 5 insulated pockets. Lots of pockets (2 big compartments and 18 pockets) in all the right places. It’s a cinch to pack, grab, and go.
  • Convenient and Handsfree: Extra wide opening allows you to quickly get what you want in a pinch and smooth SBS dual zippers allow easy access and closure even with one hand! The anti-theft back pocket can safely store your valuables. Built-in stroller straps effortlessly hang your baby bag off of anything.
  • Pacifier Case & Portable Changing Pad: The removable pacifier pod can hold two pacifiers to keep them readily available and clean. The D-shaped ring allows you to quickly and easily install the pacifier holder or other essentials like diaper bag dispenser, small accessories, etc. Also comes with a travel changing mat with diaper pocket & wipes pocket as well as a mom’s pockets with a wrist strap for quick, on-the-go changes.
  • Durability to last: Our maternity backpack diaper bag is crafted from lightweight and waterproof polyester fabric. Includes spill-resistant and easy-to-clean lining. You don't need to fear spilled milk or water. Non-fraying stitching, easy-tote top handle, back ergonomic design and thick padded cushioned shoulder straps will release stress and bring comfort while carrying.
  • Not Just a Mommy Bag: Features gender neutral color scheme, Stylish and unisex design makes the baby bag a nice choice for both women and men. Dads are happy to be seen in public with it, while on daddy duty! This diaper nappy bag can also be used as a backpack, handbag, purse and more. It will even make a great piece of carry-on backpack beyond toddlerhood. Perfect for travel with your boys & girls! This is also an ideal newborn baby registry shower gift!
  • Weight: ‎2 pounds

Pros & Cons


Great quality, amazing price. I bought this diaper backpack for my younger sister who is having a baby. When I saw it I wanted it immediately but do to the unknown brand and the fair price I was alittle skeptical. After researching a little I had to give it a try. Turns out I was proven wrong. This bag is made of high quality fabric. Pretty, soft, nicely woven and impeccable stitching. There are so many pockets! We know all moms need a lot of places to store all the things. Literally, bottles, diapers, wipes, pacifier, laptop, tablet, wallet, keys, baby toys and supplies. The list goes on and on. This bag will become your 2 n 1 purse and baby bag, it has it all. I can't wait to give this to my sis at her baby shower! Being a teacher and a mom of 4, I'm sure she's going to love it. I know I do!

All in one compact design. The media could not be loaded. This diaper bag comes with all compartment you would expect in a diaper bag and more. Love the fact that this is a backpack. Easy to carry and has a place for all your accessories. You can carry your mobile phones, keys, Pacifiers and there is a diaper changing pad, that comes in handy always. Overall, a great product.

Very good quality. This is the second time I’ve bought this diaper bag. The grey one, I had bought for one of my sisters, and she still loves it. It’s held up very well with plenty of use every week. This black one I just bought for another sister, because of our overall satisfaction we have with this bag. I’ve bought several other diaper bags on Amazon, and they have not lasted. This is the first one that I have been 100% happy with.


Good buy but needed some quality control. Great bag. I really like the design and functionality. I do have some regrets about not buying another brand with insulated pockets for the bottles and waterproof lining. This one doesn't seem like it would keep the bottles cold for very long, especially in Florida where even your ice packs sweat. I went with this one because I read so many reviews on how great the quality was at such a low price so I'm pretty bummed that the logo on the front was crooked. It actually bugs the crap out of my selective OCD. I almost feel like rerurning it but I really like the color and design so I'm dealing with it. Love all the pockets and zippers. Fits a chromebook and tablet great. I have a big phone that usually doesn't fit well in pockets but the side ones on this bag are perfect for my phone. Overall, good purchase.

Wish it lasted longer! For starters, hands down the best bag (storage wise) that I’ve come across! The pockets are genius and plenty of insulated pockets for bottles and sippy cups. The down side, I have had this bag since April 2021 and it lasted just past the return window. There is no option to contact the seller to see if they’re able to exchange the bag or help in any way. The pocket that the wipes go in isn’t as functional as you would think, I used the refill wipes which stretched the pocket out completely, and the hole around where the wipes come out is totally ruined from trying to force wipes out of the container. So that pocket is completely unusable after only having the bag for 5 months. We only use it to go to the store a few times a week so we’re not using it for any major outings where it would wear quickly. The handles that are used to attach it to the stroller are falling apart as they aren’t built to handle weight. We do not over pack, we have at most two bottles, two outfits, 4 diapers, a pack of wipes and a book at all times. Overall, great bag if you’re looking for something short term- not a long term solution. Hoping the seller can do something for us or we will have to part ways to a similar higher rated bag!

Just ok I wouldn’t buy again. The size is ok and there are tons of pockets which are good. I like the changing pad a lot it has a cushioned head area and a pocket for wipes and diapers. There is also a pacifier holder that clips to the outside for east access with I like but it’s just not very comfortable to wear. Straps dig in when it’s full and it doesn’t sit nicely on my back. It also appears impossible to use on one shoulder like you would a regular back pack.

How to Buy The Best Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad from which you can learn how to get the best Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad.

  • Is it worth buying the Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad?
  • What benefits does the product Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad?
  • What makes the Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad?
  • Why and how do you need the Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Diaper Bag Backpack with Portable Changing Pad to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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