Babygoal Pacifier Clips, 6 Pack Pacifier Holder for Boys and Girls Fits Most Pacifier Styles

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Babygoal Pacifier Clips before we came up with this review.

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Babygoal Pacifier Clips, 6 Pack Pacifier Holder for Boys and Girls Fits Most Pacifier Styles

  • Never find your baby’s pacifier on a dirty supermarket floor or pavement? With these clips you can attach the pacifier to your little one’s bib or outfit!
  • Our pacifier clips are relatively competitive, because we are one of China’s manufacturers for baby products and we always provide our customers with highest quality!

Product Information

Babygoal Pacifier Clips, 6 Pack Pacifier Holder for Boys and Girls Fits Most Pacifier Styles

Babygoal Pacifier Clips, 6 Pack Pacifier Holder for Boys and Girls Fits Most Pacifier Styles

Babygoal Pacifier Clips, 6 Pack Pacifier Holder for Boys and Girls Fits Most Pacifier Styles

Babygoal Pacifier Clips, 6 Pack Pacifier Holder for Boys and Girls Fits Most Pacifier Styles

Plastic Clip

  • With plastic teeth, these pacifier clips will hold tight and less likely to damage clothes than typical metal clips or discomfort the baby. The plastic teeth is so strong so that it is hard for your baby to pull off. They will not rust or hurt baby’s skin and is safe for babies teeth if they chew on it.

Elastic Loop

  • With elastic loop, these stylish pacifier leashes are easy to use and usually used for pacifiers(with a ring), soothies, burp cloths, teething rings and toys, baby blankets, drool bibs. It is an universal pacifier clip and fits to your favorite brand of pacifier and soother.

Cute Design

  • With our special design, six different colors will fit for baby boys and girls’ daily outfit, which makes your baby be more fashionable.

Premium Quality

  • They are made of polyester with waterproof PUL fabric, and they are washable, durable and soft.

Babygoal Pacifier Clips, 6 Pack Pacifier Holder for Boys and Girls Fits Most Pacifier Styles

Size & Weight:

  • Length: about 25cmX2.5cm (9.9″ x 1″);
  • Packing Weight: 3.5 oz (0.1 kg);
  • Packing list: 6pcs plastic pacifier clips (No pacifier included);
  • Perfect for holding pacifiers or toys or whatever your little person likes to toss on the ground, keep pacifier clean and close to baby and fit for your baby’s daily outfit well.

How to Use:

  • Keeps pacifier clean and close to baby.
  • clasp the clothing as much as possible to ensure clips will hold tightly on your baby’s clothes.

Washing Instructions:

  • Hand wash in cold or warm water and hang it to dry immediately after washing or wipe it with cloth.
  • Machine washable, but please remember to put them in the laundry bag to protect your washer.

Safety Warnings:

  • Keep away from fire and flame.
  • Do not leave pacifier clip on unsupervised baby to avoid strangulation/suffocation.
  • Remove the clip holder during nap or bedtime or whenever they are out of your sight.
  • Parents must keep an eye on your baby when they are wearing these pacifier clips.
  • Check before each use and if damaged, discard them immediately.
Babygoal Pacifier Clips, 6 Pack Pacifier Holder for Boys and Girls Fits Most Pacifier Styles Babygoal Pacifier Clips, 6 Pack Pacifier Holder for Boys and Girls Fits Most Pacifier Styles Babygoal Pacifier Clips, 6 Pack Pacifier Holder for Boys and Girls Fits Most Pacifier Styles Babygoal Pacifier Clips, 6 Pack Pacifier Holder for Boys and Girls Fits Most Pacifier Styles
Pacifier Clips Pacifier Clips Pacifier Clips Pacifier Clips with Case Pacifier Clips Pacifier Clips
Material of Fabric Polyester with Waterproof PUL Polyester with Waterproof PUL Polyester with Waterproof PUL Polyester with Waterproof PUL Polyester with Waterproof PUL Polyester with Waterproof PUL
Type of Clip Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Metal Metal
Size 9.9″ x 1″ 9.9″ x 1″ 9.9″ x 1″ 9.9″ x 1″ 9.4″ x 1″ 9.4″ x 1″
BPA Free
Machine Washable
Pack Count 6 6 6 6 6 6
Age All ages All ages All ages All ages 0-36 Months 0-36 Months

Features & Specifications

  • 100% polyester
  • Imported
  • Safety: The stylish pacifier leashes are made of polyester fabric, and they are washable, durable and soft. All-in-one clips with plastic teeth are safe and not easily get broken, but please do not let your baby chew on the clips to avoid a choking hazard.They are BPA Free, Phthalate Free, Latex Free, Lead Free, suitable for all ages, newborns, babies 0-6 months, toddlers ect.
  • Unique Design: We have many different designs, such as solid colors, animals, flowers, Halloween and Christmas, and they fit for baby boy and girl. Also these clips work with most of the pacifier styles that have a ring part on it.
  • Premium Quality: Our exclusive design of pacifier leashes are made with high quality! With plastic teeth, these pacifier clips will hold tight and less likely to damage clothes than typical metal clips or discomfort the baby.
  • Multifunctional Usage: These pacifier leashes are usually used for soothies, teethers,burp cloths, teething rings and toys, baby blankets, drool bibs. It is an universal pacifier clip and fits to your favorite brand of pacifier and soother.
  • Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed: Customer satisfaction is our first priority. Babygoal provide one-year guarantee for our pacifier clips.
  • Weight: ‎0.317 ounces

Pros & Cons


EXACTLY how it’s advertised. They look exactly like they are in the photos. They are made with good quality material. Very easy to clean, just put it in the washing machine. They come in a plastic bag that’s inside a nice box with the company’s name and logo which is really nice, especially if you want to store it somewhere. The price was something I was beyond happy about as well. I put the clips in order as it was shown in the advertisement so you could see exactly how it looks. I hope this review helps.

Just what I needed. My daughter has the lovely habit of dropping EVERYTHING. I bought the set of six, clipped binkies everywhere, and recently had to order a second set so she doesn’t drop her toys at church. They work great, they’re easy, and she loves chewing on them. As a bonus, the floral designs are super cute and feminine!

Beautiful and easy to find! Love the design <3 so pretty! I lost my babies pacifier and didn’t have any more clips. Got these the very next day and the material is perfect, soft, and durable. I love the plastic clips because my daughter loves to chew on them. Way better then the metal clips! And they don’t rust from drool. 100% recommend. For me it makes finding her pacifier so much easier!

AMAZING!!! We absolutely love these! Since my son was born we have been using the silicone beaded leads and the strings get moldy and there is no good way to wash them. I stumbled upon these and I’ve now bought 6 packs. They are flexible, the perfect length, and so easy to clean. I either wipe them off with a baby wipe for mild messes and throw them in the washing machine for real messes. It also gives me peace knowing there is nothing that my child can choke on. We will never own a different pacifier, teether leash.

Better than expected - easy open clasp. I was used to the metal clasps and when I first opened the pack thought I made a mistake, I got plastic instead of metal. But actually I like these better. I can clip and unclip with one hand. Easier than the metal ones. Pleasantly surprised!

Love these!! Before getting these straps we used a strap with a metal fastener. That was terrible once you washed it. These have the plastic fastener and I am able to throw it in the wash. So nice!


Fabric is cute, clip not as functional. The clips themselves are very cute and easy to attach to the pacifier, though we used a plastic piece for baby’s comfort vs. the loop directly to the pacifier. The white clip that attaches to baby’s clothes/bib is not as secure as I would like - find that it detaches rather easily.

Great product, received wrong Color. The product is great, I just received the wrong Color selection.

Just okay. These work about half the time. I have 2 main problems with these. The first is that the clip comes open too easily, so even when it is clipped well, it still falls off because the baby moved just right to open the clip, or it otherwise popped open. The second problem is that you have to get the clip all the way on so that all of the teeth are grabbing on for the clip to actually stay attached. Otherwise it slides right off. I've had pacifiers fall on the floor, get left behind, or get lost because these clips came loose. I like the colors, but I really prefer metal clips.

Pacifier holder. I don’t recommend this product It doesn’t stay attached to clothing

Plastic clip is great and design is cute, but…. Just received these cute clips. I do appreciate the plastic clip, since all of my metal ones have rusted out. I’ve had these less than a week and one has already broken, which is frustrating. One end of the loop where you put the pacifier came out of the material. If your kid pulls or plays with their strap you could have the same problem.

Too bulky. The white piece at the bottom to loop the pacifier thru is very bulky! It’s like a hairtie material

How to Buy The Best Babygoal Pacifier Clips?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Babygoal Pacifier Clips? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Babygoal Pacifier Clips from which you can learn how to get the best Babygoal Pacifier Clips.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Babygoal Pacifier Clips.

  • Is it worth buying the Babygoal Pacifier Clips?
  • What benefits does the product Babygoal Pacifier Clips offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Babygoal Pacifier Clips?
  • What makes the Babygoal Pacifier Clips to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Babygoal Pacifier Clips?
  • Why and how do you need the Babygoal Pacifier Clips?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Babygoal Pacifier Clips. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Babygoal Pacifier Clips.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Babygoal Pacifier Clips.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Babygoal Pacifier Clips, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Babygoal Pacifier Clips offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Babygoal Pacifier Clips? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Babygoal Pacifier Clips? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Babygoal Pacifier Clips? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Babygoal Pacifier Clips?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Babygoal Pacifier Clips, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Babygoal Pacifier Clips to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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