Video Baby Monitor, Baby Time 5″ Color Display with 1080P Pan/Tilt Camera, Infrared Night Vision, Two-Way Audio, Temperature & Sound Alarm, Smart Nursery Mode, Up to 1000ft Range , App Control

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Video Baby Monitor before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Video Baby Monitor, Baby Time 5" Color Display with 1080P Pan/Tilt Camera, Infrared Night Vision, Two-Way Audio, Temperature & Sound Alarm, Smart Nursery Mode, Up to 1000ft Range , App Control

At Home

Monitor with Screen,No Wifi Needed


Monitor via APP on your phone

Video Baby Monitor, Baby Time 5" Color Display with 1080P Pan/Tilt Camera, Infrared Night Vision, Two-Way Audio, Temperature & Sound Alarm, Smart Nursery Mode, Up to 1000ft Range , App Control

Installation tips:

  • The camera will connect to the monitor automatically when you power on the camera and the monitor.
  • The camera can be connected both to the monitor and the APP. To view on smartphone, follow these steps:
  1. Make sure the Wi-Fi network is a 2.4Ghz network, as the camera doesn’t support 5Ghz.
  2. Download the CloudEdge APP on your phone. Register a new account to log in and add camera.
  3. Reset the camera using a pin until the status light is flashing in red.
  4. Add the camera scanning the QR Code.

Video Baby Monitor, Baby Time 5" Color Display with 1080P Pan/Tilt Camera, Infrared Night Vision, Two-Way Audio, Temperature & Sound Alarm, Smart Nursery Mode, Up to 1000ft Range , App Control

Video Baby Monitor, Baby Time 5" Color Display with 1080P Pan/Tilt Camera, Infrared Night Vision, Two-Way Audio, Temperature & Sound Alarm, Smart Nursery Mode, Up to 1000ft Range , App Control

Video Baby Monitor, Baby Time 5" Color Display with 1080P Pan/Tilt Camera, Infrared Night Vision, Two-Way Audio, Temperature & Sound Alarm, Smart Nursery Mode, Up to 1000ft Range , App Control

Long Wireless Transmission

The video baby monitor covers a transmission range of up to 300 m. With the battery in the monitor, you can see your baby anywhere anytime in the house.

2-Way Talking

The baby monitor supports local or remote two way talk. You can talk to your baby even when you are cooking or at the yard. Sometimes all your baby needs is to hear the sound of your voice.

18 Lullabies

18 Lullabies helps the baby to get sleep fast. The baby wakes up with music and releases parents.

Video Baby Monitor, Baby Time 5" Color Display with 1080P Pan/Tilt Camera, Infrared Night Vision, Two-Way Audio, Temperature & Sound Alarm, Smart Nursery Mode, Up to 1000ft Range , App Control

Video Baby Monitor, Baby Time 5" Color Display with 1080P Pan/Tilt Camera, Infrared Night Vision, Two-Way Audio, Temperature & Sound Alarm, Smart Nursery Mode, Up to 1000ft Range , App Control

Video Baby Monitor, Baby Time 5" Color Display with 1080P Pan/Tilt Camera, Infrared Night Vision, Two-Way Audio, Temperature & Sound Alarm, Smart Nursery Mode, Up to 1000ft Range , App Control

One Button Calling Function

Baby can press the button on the camera to talk directly to the smartphone. Even when you are out, the baby can talk to you anytime.

Low Power Consumption

The monitor provides 7h working time at highest brightness for continuous use or 11h at lowest brightness in power-saving mode. Up to 6.5 days standby time, if the screen is turned off.

Plug&Play and Easy Mounting

This advanced monitor system is configured for local monitoring right out of the box. It’s very easy to install the audio baby camera on the wall coming with a bracket.

Features & Specifications

  • 5" Larger HD Display & APP View: Babytime Video Baby Monitor comes with a 5 inch 720P display and one 1080P camera. It provides a crystal clear wide-angle window into your baby's world. The baby monitor can be connected not only through the screen at home but also through the APP on your phone when you are out.
  • Easy Set-up Plug & Play: The display and the camera are ready for monitoring right out of the box - no pairing or connections required. The camera can be used on desk top or wall mounted.
  • Long Transmission Range: Transmission range up to 1,000 feet(300m), lets you stay connected with your baby from another room at home.
  • Privacy Guaranteed: Each monitor is transmitted via secured internal 2.4GHz channel with FHSS technology, so you can rest assured that you're the only one who can hear and see your baby.
  • Multiple Functions to release new moms: motion detection, cry detection, two way talk, Pan Tilt&Zoom, temperature & humidity monitoring, VOX mode, one touch call, feeding reminder, 18 lullabies, SD card storage etc.
  • Weight: 2.12 pounds

Pros & Cons


Amazing camera, albeit a bit too sensitive. There are a lot of mixed reviews on this camera, so I thought I would put in my two cents. PROS: Easy to set up, great camera quality, many useful features, can view live feed on both phone and handheld monitor, very cute CONS: Cry sensitivity is WAY too sensitive First of all, we have had this camera for over three months now and have had no problems with it- it still works perfectly and we've had no connection issues. I like the option of it connecting to a handheld screen, as well as to our phones. The app works perfectly fine with both my husband's iPhone and with my Android, so no issues there. This was one of the only monitors that we found that had both of those options. We compared this device against several other baby monitors and it definitely had the best quality, both in daylight and in the dark. The ONLY thing that we have found wrong with it so far is the "cry monitoring" (the feature that alerts you if the baby cries) is extremely sensitive- hence my 4-star review. The cry detection will go off if our little guy cries in the living room (three rooms away from his nursery where the camera is), will go off when he talks to himself in the crib (he's almost 2 months, so he's not even really "talking" that much, just kind of cooing to himself), and will go off if I go in there and talk to him using a certain high-pitched tone of voice. This is extremely irritating because it sends a notification to our phone (which, would be great if he was actually crying but) and the monitor beeps. If there was some way to adjust the sensitivity on this, that would make this a 5/5, best camera ever review.

Easy to install + Easy to Use + Lots of great features. This is the best baby camera I have ever used. First of all it looks really nice, the camera itself and the screen panel. and once you turn on the screen panel and the camera, it connect automatically right away, nothing needs to be done. The APP is super easy to use too, very quick to pair the camera in 3 steps. And it has voice to guide you through it. And you can log in through your facebook account, no need to waste time creating an account. below are some advanced features of the APP that works really well: 1. you can set motion detection on this camera, and you can set zones for the motion detection, and the sensitively of the motion detection, I have not seen any other APP this easy to operate for this function 2. you can view the temperature and humidity, which is super important for baby monitoring 3. and you can select songs to play for your baby on the APP through the cameras! so they can go to sleep faster. wow

Super easy to setup, good quality, unexpected great features, nice looking device. The media could not be loaded. From box to working was really fast like 2 min, once both ends power up everything was connected, working and with features already configured like the movement detection, I like a lot the screen quality, the response for the camera movement is much faster than similar security cameras I have at home. The options for sounds is amazing, my older daughter love the shape of the camera, she says it is so cute. App works great too, wife really happy with it.


Who designed this? Don’t waste your money, purchase a different monitor. We got it for the phone app capability so we don’t have to carry a monitor up and downstairs. However, the app is clunky to use. Notifications don’t send you straight to the screen you want to see, but instead you have to click a few times to actually see the live video. You have to double or even triple-check when you turn on notifications within the app, because it always takes several button presses before they actually switch on (learned that the hard way). And the monitor itself. Don’t get me started. The battery dies without notifying you, so I have woken up to a dead monitor and had no idea if my baby had woken up. To adjust the VOLUME, which any user would need easiest access to because they are arguably used the most, you have to navigate through a whole menu. While doing so, you are almost guaranteed to accidentally click the intercom button, meaning I have woken up my kid more than once because the intercom button is nearly front and center. The screen is so bright even on the dimmest setting, so it’s awful to look at in the dark and keeps us awake at night unless we hide it under a pillow. But if you turn off the screen, then the sound also turns off. Granted, it is SUPPOSED to transmit any sound it hears and turn the screen back on when it’s in this sleep mode, but — and this is the MOST frustrating part of all — it doesn’t even pick up the sounds I need. I get notifications through the app ALL DAY because a car drove by outside, or a tree branch brushes by the window. But I have heard my child wake up and cry through my house without ever hearing the app or the monitor transmitting the sound. This does not change no matter if I have it on low sensitivity or high sensitivity. It’s useless. I’m returning it. I cannot stand this awful monitor. Pros: video quality is great and my four year old was very excited that it looked like a cat. Cons: literally everything else feels like it was designed intentionally to make the monitor useless and frustrating to use.

Too many bells and whistles. Chords are extremely short very big delay both audio and video too many connecting issues Camera does not angle down I liked my $30 Baby monitor better Comparing the picture to the cheaper monitor, I could see my baby breathing much better in the $30 monitor compared to this monitor. Only reason I purchased this product was for the phone viewing capabilities but there was no thought put into the rest of the product. There is not even rubber underneath the camera to keep it from sliding you would have to drill it into something to keep it in place.

Good item, but…. Update: I reordered this item and had to return again. It failed after 2 weeks and would no longer connect to the monitor. I do not recommend this item. I liked this item until not even 2 months after buying it, it stopped connecting to the monitor. Pros: easy to set up on phone, monitor is convenient to have at home, easy to travel with both. Cons: camera doesn’t tilt down, picture isn’t the greatest quality on the monitor- it’s a bit better on the phone, night vision constantly resets- always hear a click on the camera when it resets night vision even when there is no movement, lullabies/white noise sound quality is not very good.

How to Buy The Best Video Baby Monitor?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Video Baby Monitor? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Video Baby Monitor from which you can learn how to get the best Video Baby Monitor.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Video Baby Monitor.

  • Is it worth buying the Video Baby Monitor?
  • What benefits does the product Video Baby Monitor offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Video Baby Monitor?
  • What makes the Video Baby Monitor to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Video Baby Monitor?
  • Why and how do you need the Video Baby Monitor?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Video Baby Monitor. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Video Baby Monitor.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Video Baby Monitor.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Video Baby Monitor, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Video Baby Monitor offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Video Baby Monitor? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Video Baby Monitor? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Video Baby Monitor? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Video Baby Monitor?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Video Baby Monitor, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Video Baby Monitor to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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