Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera, ANMEATE Digital 2.4Ghz Wireless Video Monitor with Temperature Monitor, 960ft Transmission Range, 2-Way Talk, Night Vision, High Capacity Battery

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

baby monitorvideo baby monitor

You’re the BEST MOM


We know that you are that good! But what about the times when you are working or busy with life and your baby is in the nursery?

The ultimate baby monitor is here to finally give you a true peace of mind when you do your day-to-day activities and your little angel is relaxing or sleeping in his own room.

Unparalleled stability & wide range

When it comes to best baby monitor, you cannot afford to settle for any cheaply-made baby camera monitor anymore. What you need is a 24/7 undisrupted connection with crystal clear audio & video. This is exactly what you get with the ANMEATE baby monitor with camera and its state-of-the-art 2.4GHz FHSS Technology paired with a supremely wide range of 960ft.


  • 2.4 Inch High Definition Color LCD Display
  • Secure Interference Free Connection
  • 2.4GHz Digital Wireless Audio & Video Transmission
  • Long Range Up to 960 ft. (Open space)
  • Two-Way Talk-Back Communication
  • ECO Mode Voice Activation
  • Auto Infrared Night Vision
  • Alarm / Timer Setting

baby monitor 2 way audio

baby monitor with night vision

Time feeder

Two Way Talk Communication

ANMEATE video baby monitor has advanced 2-way talkback communication technology, equipped with a Ultra-utility microphone and speakers. When your baby is crying, you can communicate with him in your own voice to comfort and relax your baby.

Auto Infrared Night Vision

Rest assured knowing you’ll see your baby day and night. The Infrared Night Vision will automatically detect dim light, providing clear video even in dark rooms, so you will always know what your baby is doing.

Make Baby-Care Easier

In the parent monitor, you could set up a clock to remind yourself to do something like feeding, diaper or others. It could be set at 2hrs, 4hrs or 6hrs. And don’t worry it would wake the baby up, the baby unit wouldn’t make any noise.

vidoe baby monitor with camera and audio

Connect Up To 4 Cameras

long range baby monitor

2.4GHz Digital Wireless Transmission

Compared with WiFi and APP required model baby monitor, this baby monitor makes it no way for someone to hack and connect into your WiFi and APP to see your baby. It is the best way to protect your privacy and your baby’s safety.

Connect Up To 4 Cameras

Get full room coverage by adding up to 4 cameras in alternate screen mode.(Scan view cameras every 15s)

Note: Additional cameras not included

Long Transmission Range

Enhanced Long 480ft-960ft Transmission Range: Parents can get stable videos anytime, no matter if you’re in the next room, kitchen downstairs, or yard outside. Note: Supports 960ft max. in an open area

Features & Specifications

  • High quality color screen: This unique baby monitor features a High Resolution Display with 2x zoom magnification for comprehensive coverage. The 2.4” screen can deliver streaming live view whenever you check in.
  • High definition night vision & temperature monitoring: This baby monitor with camera has 8 infrared LED Lights and could constantly monitor babies’ activities. Other built-in features include automatic night vision and temperature monitoring.
  • Two way talking & long transmission range: The video monitor covers a transmission range of up to 960 feet.You could play 4 soothing lullaby songs or use the two-way talk back intercom function to comfort your babies.
  • Easy installation & high capacity battery: Simply plug in camera and monitor to use this magic baby monitor! The Li-ion battery is 950mAh and lasts 8 hours in eco mode.
  • Wide variety of extra handy features: Our baby monitor with camera and audio also comes with: Eco Mode Voice Activation, Sound Activated LED Indicators, Alarm/Timer Setting, 2x Digital Zoom with Digital Image Pan/Tilt option, Multi-Camera Expandability (up to four cameras), Lullabies, Manual Pan (360 degrees) & Tilt (60 degrees), Auto Scan View, Tabletop or Wall Mounting Options.
  • Dimensions: 3.03 x 6.22 x 8.62 inches
  • Weight: 14.9 ounces

Pros & Cons


I LOVE THIS MONITOR. This camera/monitor is absolutely perfect for what I needed. My baby girl sleeps in our room at night and I wanted something to see her at night in her bassinet without having to jostle the bed to look at her and disturb my husband. I also wanted it to be portable so we can take places. We have another more expensive camera in her room above her crib so I was looking for something cheaper and easier. This is exactly it. It has a super easy set up and doesn’t need wifi (I don’t want anything that can be hacked via wifi). I got a mount and attached it to her bassinet and it works perfectly. The handheld monitor is super tiny but has a great picture and awesome night vision. It’s so small that I can put it under my pillow at night and can switch it on whenever I want to check on her. It also has a sleep mode so I don’t have to turn it all the way off and on each time. I will say it likely can’t be very far away from where you need it since the screen is so small but for having it on the bassinet, it is perfect. I can’t comment on the battery life yet as i just got it and the battery works great but I’ll update later down the line if I have any issues. HIGHLY recommend if you just need an easy affordable basic camera monitor!!

Does NOT have a warranty. I like this monitor. We’ve had a few over the years. The camera is very good with quality image, no delay, and the audio is sensitive so you can hear little movements which is important with young babies. My issue is it doesn’t actually have a warranty, or if it does, there’s no way to contact the company. It has warranty info in the box but the QR code doesn’t work and they don’t have an email address that responds or a website. I really don’t like the misrepresentation. Over the years I had one monitor that spontaneously wouldn’t hold a charge so it had to be plugged in, in order to use it, then a camera stopped working. Both times I attempted to utilize the warranty to no avail. I’ve googled many times and the website just doesn’t exist. I like the monitor and cameras but if you want something that actually has a warranty and customer support, buy a different brand.

Great picture quality ! The image is so clear ! Im surprised by such a cheap monitor. I have 2 other Motorola monitors that i like, but this image is so much better. It can even see through mesh of a pack and play whereas my other monitors can’t as well. The main thing with the other monitors was that I could see him moving, but once he was still, I couldn’t see if he was breathing. With this one, I can see his back/cheat rising. You don’t have the option to move the camera around with the parent unit, so it’s good for babies who are in a bed that can’t get out of, but probably not the best if your trying to monitor a bigger room.

It’s good but…. I loved this camera. I still do but the charger to the monitor started to fail on me within a year. I’ve had to tweak it to charge. It finally no longer will accept the charger. I’m going to be up all night now cuz my daughter wakes in the middle of the night cuz of teething and I can’t hear her from my bedroom if she gets up crying. I just wish the charger lasted longer. It wasn’t even a year when it started to go out. It’s now a lil over a year and it’s had its last charge. *sad face*

Love this! Was looking for a “monitoring” system that was easy to transport to grandparents houses and just around the house when baby wasn’t sleeping in her crib. Sometimes she’s in her pack and play and her camera is stationary in her room. The picture and sound are great and it’s so easy to carry around. So worth the money.

Does the job. The picture quality is ok. You can at least make out what you are looking at. I use this as a baby monitor. The night vision is good. The battery life needs improvement. I constantly keep this on the charger and it loses bars within an hour. Product has settings for an eco mode and even on high the screen turns on constantly. The sound is good. I can hear what’s going on in the room. I like that it has 4 different lullabies you can play but they will play non stop till you turn the setting off. If you turn the monitor off the lullaby continues. Overall it’s a decent product with a few flaws but it works and I like that I can see and hear my child when sleeping or napping.


Bad color compared to its predecessor. I got this when my Babysense monitor stopped working. This one is exactly the same and looks the same except it's now made by Anmeate. My backyard is a crow, bird, squirrel and other animals sanctuary - all wild, none in cages and they visit my yard to eat, drink, take baths, etc. I watch and study them during the day via the monitor in order to not disturb them. But my Anmeate is just in blue and white which is very annoying. The Babysense showed all the real-life, vivid colors of nature. Also, the Anmeate image isn't as sharp as the Babysense was. The Babysense was like being out there in my yard. The Anmeate, being fuzzy and showing the wrong colors, or no colors at all, is so disappointing. It's makes it a lot less fun to watch the critters in my yard.

Problems switching between cameras. We bought these for the kids room with the extra camera . Everything works fine but when you have more than one camera for some reason to switch between the cameras you have to hit the pair button on the back of the Camera every time or it won’t connect. Kinda of defeats the purpose of buying the extra camera if I have to physically go into the room and reconnect the camera to get a different view , I’m already in the room at that point . Other than that it works fine.

Only lasted a year. I loved this monitor until recently it just hasn’t been turning on, I’ll connect it to the charger and it’ll show a red light at the top then the light will disappear and it just won’t turn on. So it’s only lasted me about a year and 3 months… the camera was great and the speaker worked great too, just didn’t last long

Great, until it wasn’t. Worked great for two months until the on/off button stopped working. Now I have to leave it on all the time and keep it plugged in face down at night because I can’t turn the screen off or turn the power on/off. I loved that it didn’t have WiFi so no one can hack it, but it didn’t even last three months.

Good but needs more adjustability. Camera is not very adjustable which limits placement. Overall, not a bad product.

Good but has flaws. This has good video and sound quality. The signal cuts out from time to time which is annoying but probably the layout of my house. The lens is not quite wide enough to cover my whole crib there's about 6-10 inches that it misses. I bought a second camera since it says it can pair 2 thinking I could set up both to cover the whole thing and just switch between them based on which end of the crib she was at, I'm sorely disappointed. In order to switch between the cameras you have to go to it and hold the pairing button on the camera each time you want to switch! Which defeats the whole purpose cause I could just adjust the 1 camera at that point. Absolutely stupid design. If they would switch between the cameras once it's paired and saved as camera 1 and 2 then it would be workable. Definitely won't buy again and will probably spend more next time to get a camera that moves so I can adjust it without having to go in when she's asleep to tinker with it.

How to Buy The Best Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera from which you can learn how to get the best Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera.

  • Is it worth buying the Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera?
  • What benefits does the product Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera?
  • What makes the Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera?
  • Why and how do you need the Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Video Baby Monitor with Digital Camera to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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