Rechargeable Clip On Fan, 10000mAh Portable Fan, 8 Inch Battery Operated Fan for Stroller, Treadmill(Up to 24H of Use)

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Rechargeable Clip On Fan before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Gazeled 10000mAh Rechargeable Battery Operated Clip Fan(Up to 24H of Use), 4-speed, Fast Cooling, Non-slip Rubber Padded Clamp Avoids Popping Off


The Portable Fan That Lasts DAY & NIGHT Per Full Charge – Intended for Long Term Use: Overnight Sleeping, Travelling, Camping, etc


This is a usb desk fan and also a handy clip fan with a 10000mAh rechargeable battery to last all night and even all day long(24H on low, 12H on middle or energy-saving mode, 6H on high) per charge, which is intended for long-time use like sleeping overnight or travelling out. 4 speed settings allow you to choose whichever flow you need, which really helps instead of on full blast always without a speed option. The low setting pushes a soft breeze that even babies like, the high provides very strong air flow that instantly cools you down in the dog days of the summer.

This battery operated fan can be angled 360°to point the wind to any direction, and runs quietly due to the advanced low noise motor, which is a perfect companion while sleeping, working, and reading.

The Strongest Motor Yet With The Least Noise! There Is No Such Irritating Noise Even Working On The Strongest Setting! Ideal for Bedroom, Office, Library

desk fan

window fan

fans for bedroom

portable fan

10000mAh Large Battery

A big battery is the key point to overnight use or long-time outing. This 10000mAh battery is the one that you can leave it on in the evening and it still keeps running in the morning, no chance for the heat to stage a comeback halfway due to a quickly drained battery.

24H on low setting/12H on medium/ 6H on high/12H on energy-saving mode)

4 Speed Settings

4 speed settings are: low, mid, high and energy-saving mode. The high gives quite the breeze for fast cooling down, and the low gives the soft breeze that is perfectly comfortable for little babies.

Dual Charging Ports(Support 2A Fast Charging)

Equipped with two charging ports: micro-usb+type-c(come with 1 micro-usb cable), you can charge it wherever needed since almost all the cords lying around can be used.

This usb fan supports 2A fast charging and using while charging(2A source) if needed.

Indicators for Charging & Battery Level

Switch it on, the battery level indicator clearly lets you know how much left(30%, 60%, or 100%) so as to determine whether need to recharge it in advance before outdoor activities. The battery indicators also work as charging indicators keeping flashing while charging, constant on when fully charged.

small fan

mini fan

fan for bedroom

mini fan

Silent Motor

Noise level of these fans for home is very minimum for its low noise motor and advanced torque. Great companion while sleeping, reading, studying and working.

Children’s Safety Design

The narrower gaps of the protective housing for the battery powered fan protect kids’ fingers from inserting in, which is an added plus for safety.

360°Adjustable Head

The swivel head of this electric fan with 360°rotation makes it really practical. You can rotate the tent fan freely so it blows towards either your face or your body.

Removable Front Cover

If the fan blade collects too much dust after being long used, the front cover can be easily removed by rotating it counterclockwise and cleaned easily(Dry clean only).

clip on fanoutdoor fan

Features & Specifications

  • 【10000mAh Portable Fan- Last Day & Night】 The 10000mAh fan runs super long before needing a recharge: last all day long(24H) on the low level, entire night(12H) on the middle, 6H on the high, and 12H on the natural wind(energy-saving mode). This usb fan can be used while charging with a 2A source(no need to wait for it to recharge), and can be wherever charged for its dual-port feature(TYPE-C & micro-usb), which is first to resolve the incompatibility of charging(1 micro-usb cable included).
  • 【4 Speed Settings - Hurricane Fan】Personal fan with 4 speeds: low, mid, high & natural wind(energy-saving mode),fits the bill perfectly pushing whichever flow needed: The soft breeze for babies when out, the mid for usual, the strong for fast cooling down, and the natural wind mode that cycles among all 3 speeds(30s for each) to retain coolness with less power consumed. Theφ8in table fan w/ larger blades circulates an impressive amount of air far more than ever to beat the heat in no time.
  • 【Super Quiet Fan for Bedroom】 The window fan can be angled 360°both horizontally and vertically to precisely direct the wind towards you at any location, a great find for anybody who wants to instantly cool down in dog days, or needs air circulation or additional breeze. This bed fan is pretty quiet on any setting, fairly low pitched in comparison to other small fan for its silent motor. Bye to the chattering mini fan for bedroom, and enjoy time sleeping/working/studying with this silent fan.
  • 【USB Desk Fan & Rubber Padded Clip Fan】This bedroom fan that can sit on a table stably, doubles as a portable clip on fan that can securely clip on almost anything for the huge opening(3”) and the quite firm grip due to the non-slip rubber padded inside the clip which helps its grip more secure not only on the edge of desk or bedhead, as well as the pole or handle bar of baby stroller, crib, treadmill, car seat, umbrella, camping tent without a sign of popping off even in case of bumps.
  • 【The Best Fan - SAFE for Kids】The non-slip rubber padded clip secures the fan on various objects without popping/falling off though there are bumps. The narrower grids of the protective housing stops kids’ fingers from inserting in, which is an added plus for safety. If the fan blade collects too much dust after being long used, the front cover can be easily removed by rotating it counterclockwise and cleaned easily(Dry clean only).
  • Dimensions: 3.2"D x 8.7"W x 10"H
  • Weight: 1.76 pounds
  • Warranty: We offer 1 year warranty from the purchase date.

Pros & Cons


Excellent. I got this after my power went out in 105 F heat for a day. Two weeks after it arrived, the power went out again in high temps. It worked very well in that situation and made staying in a hot home comfortable. I started to use it at night every night. It easily clips on my backboard which is a also a bookcase and ensures I never got hot through the night. On medium speed, it will run all night and be at about 50% power. Top speed does drain the power significantly faster but I have not timed it. Make sure that you also order a portable battery to charge it with. At least one 50 mAh battery - or a combination of smaller batteries to get you at least that much. More than 50 mAh is better of course. That way it can last several days running on medium speed non-stop. If I have a complaint, it is that it charges somewhat slowly, even with a fast USB-C charger.

Very versatile. This fan lives up to all it says it is. It sounds like a fan and has great air flow. Some people like quiet fans however I like the sound of a fan and this one has that, even though it’s not super loud. The battery lasts days, of course it depends on how long you use it. Mine charges up super fast maybe a little over an hour to charge it from 50%. The clip on it is sturdy and holds nicely. It can also be used tabletop when you don’t want to clip up. I LOVE LOVE this fan!! Highly recommend

Exceeded all expecations. Bought two of these heading into a VERY harsh holiday weekend of heat, in fear of losing power. Quickly found them well beyond my expectations. They put out some serious airflow at even the lowest levels, and are especially quiet at that level, while only getting better from there. Battery life so far has been exceptional, although I've hardly pushed it to the extremes. We quickly used them outside, attached to an umbrella, and bedside at night to reduce reliance on AC. They've worked perfectly at every stage. Truly remarkable.

Excellent operations & versatility. Yes, this is my 2ND purchase of the great rechargeable fan. The 1st one I bought over a year ago still runs well. With the advice of my neighbor, who’s an engineer, I placed them at distant ends and positions and the cooling that I get is fabulous! The swivel heads and clipping attachments allow for the versatility of setups as the air circulates my rooms. I’m impressed about the CONSISTENCY OF OPERATION with the speed and length of the battery. My electric bill last year (2021) was lower than in 2020 with one of the fans. I expect it to be even lower with 2 fans and no use of air conditioning. These are also easy to clean by

This is a lifesaver in the heat. Got this to get through a recent heat wave. After charging, it's worked easily 14 hours on low before needing a charge. Fan is very quiet, has a stable base even when not clipped to anything and blows a nice steady breeze. Highly recommend so far.

Great for golf cart! This was great to use in hot weather during golf round. You need to charge it up before using & when attaching to golf cart plug it in the usb charger.


Battery didn't last long. I have a smaller fan that will last longer than this one. But it does throw good air

Not worth it for the price. On the 3rd setting it blows nicely but j have an issue with this 4 settings they’re claiming. There’s low, med and high and if you hit it again it lights up all the settings except the wind speed is that of the low setting, then maybe a wind speed of medium then it goes down to a speed of less than the low speed. I figure it’s just cycling through all the 3 settings. Useless. I guess I’ll keep searching for the perfect fan for the heat while watching my kid play softball. It’s ok and better than nothing.

did not use yet. it is for dog kennel

I absolutely loved this fan!! 8/10 recommend. We love this fan!!! Absolutely so discouraged the fan will no longer hold a charge.

Good Fan/Bad Gimbal. I love the fan. So much, in fact, I bought two of them many months apart. After a few weeks use the first fan mounting screws would no longer hold the gimbal (fan) in position. It could not be tightened, the screw could not be enlarged so the fan was no longer effective. Thinking that the manufacturer must have recognized and remedied the problem, I purchased a second fan. Save your money. They didn't fix anything and in about two weeks I'll have two fans that swivel aimlessly on their respective mounts. Their lack of spending $5 to fix an obvious problem cost me $60. It won't cost me $90. This fan is sold under a variety of different brands but are all made by the same company. They sell on Amazon for $29-$39. Good for a couple of weeks.

The charging cable broke on the first day and a couple weeks later now will not take a full charge. I ordered this for my dog when he’s waiting for me in my work van and the charging cable broke within the first couple days and a few weeks later now will not take a full charge

How to Buy The Best Rechargeable Clip On Fan?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Rechargeable Clip On Fan? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Rechargeable Clip On Fan from which you can learn how to get the best Rechargeable Clip On Fan.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Rechargeable Clip On Fan.

  • Is it worth buying the Rechargeable Clip On Fan?
  • What benefits does the product Rechargeable Clip On Fan offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Rechargeable Clip On Fan?
  • What makes the Rechargeable Clip On Fan to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Rechargeable Clip On Fan?
  • Why and how do you need the Rechargeable Clip On Fan?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Rechargeable Clip On Fan. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Rechargeable Clip On Fan.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Rechargeable Clip On Fan.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Rechargeable Clip On Fan, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Rechargeable Clip On Fan offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Rechargeable Clip On Fan? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Rechargeable Clip On Fan? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Rechargeable Clip On Fan? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Rechargeable Clip On Fan?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Rechargeable Clip On Fan, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Rechargeable Clip On Fan to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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