Sony BDP-BX370 Blu-ray Disc Player with built-in Wi-Fi and HDMI cable

Sony BDP-BX370 Blu-ray Disc Player with built-in Wi-Fi and HDMI cable

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Sony BDP before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

The product is multiple voltage compatible, that voltage arrange is 100-240V

Features & Specifications

  • Enjoy Blu-ray Disc movies in Full HD
  • Upscale your DVDs to near HD quality
  • Stream wirelessly from a host of online entertainment providers
  • Enjoy fast, stable Wi-Fi even when streaming in HD
  • View smartphone content with screen mirroring
  • Easy set-up with included HDMI cord
  • Boot up in less than a second with super quick start mode
  • Keep things simple with the new user-friendly interface
  • Dimensions: 9.12 x 7.75 x 1.56 inches
  • Weight: 1.13 pounds

Pros & Cons


Better than expected. Apparently I didn't read all of the description, and I didn't realize that I had to purchase the high speed hdmi cord separately. I didn't compare prices anywhere because I was in a hurry to get it set up. I ended up going to a local Dollar General store and bought one for $14. I later found out that they are sold on here for about $6. The instructions made me think that I needed the hdmi cord and a coaxial cable, but I didn't. The hdmi cord worked without the other one. With that being said, I am still very pleased with my purchase. There are plenty of apps to choose from. You can pick which ones you want listed under "My Apps" on the "Home" or main screen. It's very easy to setup and use. The remote is small. It fits in my hand. It does come with batteries. It's simple to use. It connected to my wifi with ease. There is a feature called "Screen Mirroring," which sounds awesome, but I was unable to get it to work. It could possibly be because I tried it with an iPhone but I'm not completely sure. Basically, you're able to look at pictures from your phone on your tv, and it doesn't require any cords. Read all of the features and go ahead and order the hdmi cord (if you don't have one). Scroll down under the product. It should show up under the section where it says 'suggested purchase' or 'other people also bought.' This is my first day with it, so if anything changes, I'll update my review.

Works great! Came with HDMI cable and remote. Extremely easy set up. Just plugged it in, then connected the HDMI cable into the TV from the player and was ready to go. Great quality, very fast start up. Responsive remote. I love the small footprint. One drawback: The remote doesn't work with a wide selection of televisions. It doesn't work with our Vizio tv, for example.

So far no problems with this DVD player. Can't find anything negative about this player. Blu-Ray, regular DVDs enhanced to near HD play, has Wi-Fi for certain Aps, has the ability to play a movie from a thumb drive. This I particular like so I don't have to burn and carry DVDs to play. I may buy more of these players for different locations so I don't have to move it around, like to a travel trailer. Unit is much smaller than other DVD players in my house. My hope is that this player continue to work without flaws. So far for the price, this is a bargain

If you need it, get one. This is a great little Bu-ray player; it plays everything up to Blu-rays (not 4k Blu-ray discs though), including SACDs. I don't use it for its smart features, as I have better boxes. And recent smart TVs will run circles around this. But it can play MP4 movies from a flash drive, which is a plus. So if you have a need for a Blu-ray player, I'd go with this one because it works great for a low price.

Fantastic Product for the Money. I greatly needed a dvd player for my kitchen TV, and this unit turned out to be the best investment I've made in a very long time. The 32" smart TV on my kitchen counter is totally wireless, with no ethernet jack in the back. And without a wireless router, I had no way to take advantage of its built-in apps for the internet. This Blue-ray disc player came to the rescue, as it came with a built-in ethernet jack, as well as the apps I would be most likely to use. The connections were quick and simple, the quality and performance is excellent, and I could not be more pleased with this product.

Works with USB MP4 files. My primary purpose for purchase is to play video content off-line (no internet/no wifi) from USB thumb drive. The main screen is cluttered with brightly colored Streaming source ads which displaces the USB icon (grey-on-grey) down at the bottom. This requires pushbutton navigation to get to and select. There is no USB-source button on the remote. However, unlike a different brand (less cost) model, this unit will directly play MP4 files which means I don't have to convert to a VOB format (which takes time). Unit is very light weight and provides a colorful, stable video signal.


Sony BDP-S3700 blue-ray Bait and switch. I just received this blu-ray player. I was very happy, initially, with the size (compact and light), price, and picture quality (very good). The set-up was a breeze. The only thing I did not like, and that infuriates me, is when a company conducts bait and switch operations. Or perhaps it wasn't intentional or malicious. Perhaps its because Sony doesn't take the time to update product features and specifications so consumers can make a informed choice. I bought this "best seller" blu-ray player for a few reasons. The price and reviews were very good. I was replacing a very old blu-ray player (15+ yrs). One of the MAIN reasons I bought this player was that its could stream pre-loaded Apps, including Netflix, YouTube, Pandora, and...Amazon Prime Video. Being a Prime member, this was a HUGE selling point. After receiving the unit yesterday, I set it up. Easy. Within minutes everything was done and a disc was playing. I then explored the Apps. Most of them were generic and Apps to sites/companies I had never heard of. But, after a lot of searching, I still couldn't find Amazon Prime Video. I went back to the Amazon description page, to make sure I had not confused this player with the others I had researched. Sure enough, at the bottom, it mentioned Amazon video. I then went to google, and found a review through an independent site. Yep, states it comes with Amazon video App. I then went to the sony site, looked up this specific model, and what do you know? It should have the Amazon Prime Video App installed. I looked at my blu-ray unit again, convinced that I had ignorantly missed seeing the App. Not there!!!!! Grrrrrrr. Well, after a brief online chat with a Sony customer service representative, I found out that the App is included with this long as the serial number was before 4000000. After that number, Sony no longer loaded the App. Of course, they aren't going to mention that on any features page because it may inhibit sales. Or they are too lazy to update their specifications. I don't know which scenario is worse. Anyway, I am submitting this review for anyone who may have considered this product for that same main reason, having Amazon Prime Video access on their player. Otherwise, it seems to be a pretty good player, especially for the money. But I hate feeling like I'm an unimportant cog in a companies' sales journey. I seriously doubt I will ever buy another Sony product. How could I? Are they being truthful and complete about the information they are advertising? Are the descriptors updated? Your guess is as good as mine.

Don't Buy This Unit! I normally love Sony products, but this Blu-Ray player truly sucks! It's biggest problem is with the wifi streaming (which is why I bought it in the first place. During streaming (mainly Amazon Video but I've also heard it happens with Netflix too) the playback will completely freeze the unit. It will literally freeze to where you cannot power off. I have had to unplug the power supply to the unit-and when that occurs the unit loses all of its network settings and has to be re-set up (this includes all the logins and passwords to the apps too). Firmware updates do not help either. Sony's only answer is to reset the unit back to default-which helps briefly. I have been lucky enough that the Blu-ray function has been OK-but other reviews tell a different story. Sony knowingly put out an inferior product and have no answers or updates to fix it. If it were possible I would rate it with no stars. Save your money and buy a better rated unit.

Defective Product and Poor Sony Customer Support. Bluray worked fine for 1 1/2 weeks. Then the tray wouldn't open and the message of a "child lock" appeared on the screen. I didn't knowingly turn on any child lock nor did I find any way to fix this. Went to Amazon product page and noticed that there had been NUMEROUS reports of this problem with no fix - despite the fact that this DVD player is rated 4 stars overall with 208 reviews. (Several suggestions were offered - some as Sony comments to the complaints, but none of them worked.) Tried contacting Sony customer support - a totally worthless adventure. After calling their support number and going thru their menus to my product class, the line went dead, twice. Tried going to Sony chat and got a website that looked like it was under construction. Selected my product class and nothing happened. Tried going to their product page and selected my product and support. It directed me back to the website under construction. I'm sure Sony is fully aware of this product problem, but making it so difficult to reach any representative about this issue is unforgivable. Most of the previous complaints also noted this which reinforces my opinion and that I am not alone in this viewpoint. I'm returning the unit to Amazon and will avoid Sony products in the future. This is not only a product failure, it's a Sony Marketing failure too. Customers will understand that product failures do occur and can show some tolerance, but when the company shows no responsiveness, then their name and future sales get permanently tarnished.

Think Twice!! Where should I start? I have had the product since Christmas and in that short time It has had quite a bit of problems. It can play any DVD, but Blu-rays are another story. I have found that on some Blu-rays it stops or is non-responsive with the remote, to correct this matter I have had to turn the machine off then on to get it to replay, then menu past the part that it stops at. There have been 2 updates since I have the machine and on both updates it deleted my Apps, and the logins to those Apps. That was a pain to get it reset both times. Amazon Prime and Hulu don't play correctly either. It takes a while to get them up and then when you do the shows can sometime stop or don't play at all, or I get volume and no picture. In those cases the machine completely stops I can't even turn the machine off. I have to unplug it then plug it back in to play again. Netflix has not gone unscathed either. HD takes awhile before you can see the picture clearly or voice and picture sometimes don't match. It's not the WiFi or the broad band because I have had them increased in between then and now, and still no change. So I either have a really bad machine or this product it just not worth it.

Old technology, cannot handle streaming sites anymore. I've owned two of these for the past 6 years. As a Blu-ray / DVD player and nothing else, it's great. Does exactly what it needs to do. However, if you're looking for something that streams Netflix, HULU, YouTube, and anything else on the Internet, the technology behind it is outdated and appears to be insufficient. I noticed that the system was constantly freezing, ads lag, shows stay in loading screens forever while the sound is going but not the picture. I figured the hardware was burned out and it was just a matter of replacing it with a new one. Well, the brand new one had the same exact issues right out of the box. No amount of hard-resetting is going to fix the fact that the product just can't perform streaming services with any modicum of effectiveness anymore. I then realized that the issues with the old one started acting up right around the time Netflix made updates to their User Interfacing system (which is intense on the system because now it actively does live trailer streams while you're still deciding if you're going to watch the show or not). Eventually the other streaming sites started having huge performance issues for the exact same reasons. Sites are updating their coding and UI’s and this player is just not built to handle it anymore. Don't let the cheap price tags entice you, this product straight-up won't be able to perform.

MAJOR DESIGN FLAW! Despite being small and light, it is OK, except for a MAJOR design flaw. When pausing a Blu-ray disc the player will shut down after a few minutes. This is VERY annoying as you have to start over, wait for the disc to load and to go through the mandatory copyright and other screens, then fast forward to find the place you previously paused at. This can take several minutes. Seriously, did the designers not learn anything from 10+ years of Blu-ray player evolution? How hard could it possibly be to program in a resume feature? And a feature to allow you to disable having the player shut down after a period of pause. After all, they were able to program support for tons of unnecessary apps!

How to Buy The Best Sony BDP?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Sony BDP? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Sony BDP from which you can learn how to get the best Sony BDP.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Sony BDP.

  • Is it worth buying the Sony BDP?
  • What benefits does the product Sony BDP offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Sony BDP?
  • What makes the Sony BDP to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Sony BDP?
  • Why and how do you need the Sony BDP?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Sony BDP. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Sony BDP.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Sony BDP.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Sony BDP, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Sony BDP offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Sony BDP? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Sony BDP? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Sony BDP? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Sony BDP?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Sony BDP, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Sony BDP to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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