PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

PowerBear HDMI 6 Foot 1 Pack 4K Ultra HDPowerBear HDMI Cable 4K resolution 6 feet

The PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable

The PowerBear 6 foot HDMI cable boasts 4K resolution at 60 Hz, along with compatibility with 2K and 1080P resolutions.

The gold plated connectors provide high speed bandwidth for amazing video and sound quality.

Braided nylon keeps your cables safe along with giving them extended longevity.

Fully compatible with any HDMI device like Blu Ray players, game consoles, Fire TV, Apple TV, computers, projectors, and more.

With 3 included cables, triple your viewing ability. Watch or play anywhere!


  • Supports 4K video @ 60 Hz, 2K, 1080P resolution rates
  • 30WG Copper wire, triple tin shielded in a double braided premium nylon
  • Ultra high speed cord supporting 18Gbps transfer
  • Universal compatibility with all your HDMI devices

hdmi feature 1 - nylon

hdmi feature 2 - speed

hdmi feature 3 - quality

Double Braided Nylon

The double braided nylon provides incredible strength. Never worry about abrasions or tears or shocks!

High Speed Data

With the gold plated connectors enjoy unparalleled video quality with up to 18 Gbs of bandwidth.

Resolution up to 4K

Enjoy video in 1080P, 2K, or 4K with crisp HDR color depth. Compatible with all previous versions of HDMI (1.3/1.4/2.0/2.0a)

PowerBear HDMI 4K

HDMI 4K Nylon Braided Cables Refresh Rates

PowerBear HDMI 4K

4k Resolution upgrade

PowerBear HDMI 4K PowerBear HDMI 4K PowerBear HDMI 4K PowerBear HDMI 4K PowerBear HDMI 4K
PowerBear 4K HDMI 3 ft. Cable PowerBear 4K HDMI 6 ft. Cable PowerBear 4K HDMI 6 ft. Cable PowerBear 4K HDMI 10 ft. Cable PowerBear 4K HDMI 10 ft. Cable
Length 3 Feet 6 Feet 6 Feet 10 Feet 10 Feet
Cable Count 1 Pack 1 Pack 2 Pack 1 Pack 2 Pack
Gold Plated Connector
Connection Speed 18 Gbps 18 Gbps 18 Gbps 18 Gbps 18 Gbps
Supported Resolutions 4K UHD / 2K QHD / 1080 HD 4K UHD / 2K QHD / 1080 HD 4K UHD / 2K QHD / 1080 HD 4K UHD / 2K QHD / 1080 HD 4K UHD / 2K QHD / 1080 HD
Braided Nylon

PB brand banner

Features & Specifications

  • 4K HDMI Cable: Male to Male HDMI Cable Supports 4K Video @ 60Hz, 2K, 1080P, 48 bit/px HDR color depth, TrueHD 7.1, Audio Return Channel (ARC) & Ethernet
  • Premium Quality HDMI Cable: This HDMI cable has 30WG copper wire, triple tin shielded in a double braided premium nylon with gold plated corrosion resistant connectors for guaranteed top tier image & sound
  • Full Compatibility: Ultra high speed 4K HDMI cable supports 18Gbps transfer and is backwards compatible with earlier versions of HDMI cable (1.3/1.4/2.0/2.0a) NOT for 8K
  • Universal HDMI Cable: Works with all of your HDMI devices. Compatible with Blu-ray players, Fire TV, Apple TV, PS5, PS4, XBox One, Nintendo Switch, computer, laptop, monitor, projector and more. An essential HDMI cable for all of your home & office devices
  • 6 Feet 3 Pack: Three 6 ft HDMI cables (1.8 meters) thickness 0.24 inches (6 mm)

Pros & Cons


HIGHLY RECOMMEND. I have bought SEVERAL HDMI cables in the 15' length and this is the first one that is flexible enough to go around my furniture AND seat securely in both my TV and laptop to produce uninterrupted video with great sound. No flickering or disconnection or concerns of any kind after 2 months of use. I have discovered that "braided nylon" is the only type of cable, including for my phone, that I've found totally reliable and resilient. I am delighted!

Quality and Durability. I purchased this HDMI 15ft cable because I wanted the durability and flexibility of the braided cable. I didn't know much about the manufacturer when I bought it but I am very impressed with this company, PowerBear. The cable is of high quality and came in a package (see picture) with two right-angle connectors that will help me out immensely with my project. This cable is made well and I believe this is a quality company that I will do business with again. I will be on the look out for their products again when the need arises for cables and other power products.

HDMI cables you can impress your dad with. Nice quality HDMI cables. The white and black checked color scheme looks very business casual next to the rainbow vomit rave fiesta of my light up motherboard, mouse and keyboard, and the gold tips add a touch of class to the whole ensemble. Gold plated connectors also an excellent talking point when discussing your gaming rig build with people who don't know a lot about computers ('These cables are GOLD PLATED by the way' sounds very impressive). Good image quality, even when using them with an old monitor. Pleased with my purchase so far. Was also pleased to note that my cables came with a pair of adapters.

Solid cables, cost effective, great value. Heavy duty cables, they work great for my set up and I really like the fact that they included two 90° HDMI adapters so you don't have to worry about bends in the cable. They are great quality for the price. Will definitely be buying more later on.

Fixed a major "cable signal" issue. Great product!!!! Bought this 2-pack after getting a new 55" 4k ultra high definition Sony TV. My Xfiinity cable company provided HDMI cheap cables were causing my picture to freeze & pixalate 10 times an hour on my new TV. I freaked out, thought my new TV was bad. Did some serious online research, learned about poor quality HDMI cables and 4k Ultra High definition transmission. In short, poor cables + super high definition + cable box = problems. Don't cheap out on HDMI cables. These cables resolved this signal issue 100%. I'm sure my picture quality improved, but that TV is so great to start, how would you know how much. Absolutely solid product, great nylon brading, perfect on time delivery, and professional packaging. I loved it so much, I bought a second 2-pack. One for my son's Xbox, and one and my friend I work with. Well done PowerBear.

Really nice cables! These are constructed well and look great. I got these to go in tight spaces, I have some Dayton audio HDMI cables which are great but they are thick and not too flexy. I got these to go from my sound bar which is mounted on the wall up tp my TV, and stay hidden, so i needed them to be flexible. I only used one out of the pack but you always need an extra around. They are great quality and super flexy, and they fit the bill, and a great price!


Pins 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 are open (no connection). I bought this cable because I was cable managing my desk and my old HDMI cable was too short, so I got the 10ft to reach while being hidden still. The picture seemed fine, but when I shutdown my computer or put it to sleep the monitor was now staying on with a message saying "no HDMI signal". I used to be an electrician so I got my multi-meter out and checked the ends for continuity, and found out the pins 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 are open (no connection). These pins are responsible for relaying the message for the monitor turning off when you shutdown your computer, along with other important information I'm sure. This HDMI appears to be manufactured this way as I was able to find other people with the same issue and the exact same pins were open on their cables too. When testing my original cable that worked fine, all the pins tested good for continuity, like they should.

Does not support Dolby vision. This cable does not support 4K Dolby vision. I tried both the cable, still no good. This will not work if you are planning to connect Apple TV 4K or a 4K player to tv.

WARNING CABLES DO NOT SUPPORT 18Gbs! They work with regular HDMI 1.4 but if you try and run 4K/HDR 10/12 Bit/60hz they will not work. I am guessing those who are rating these high aren't running them with the above... Sad cause they look nice :-/

Good Looking Cables that don't work at all. I received these cables pretty quickly, from the description and pictures they seem like they are of quality. However, they literally have not worked from the moment I opened the package. I tried them on my laptop, a friends laptop, the PS4 and a different monitor. None of the 2 cables that it came with worked at all, I bought them to replace my old almost broken cheap HDMI cables but they still at least show an image after jiggling it. This one did not work at all.

Wasted hours troubleshooting audio issue. Used one of the cables to connect my TCL Roku TV to my Onkyo AV Receiver (both new) using the HDMI (ARC) ports on both the TV and Receiver. While streaming content on the built-in Roku, every time I made a volume adjustment the audio would mute, then return as soon as I stopped adjusting volume. Even though the audio gap was only a second or two, it not only was annoying, but it resulted in missed dialog on whatever program I was watching. I spent several hours trying to troubleshoot, by scouring online forums, each of the mfr's websites, and trying every possible HDMI/Audio setting in both the receiver and the TV. It was nearly impossible to narrow it down to one component (TV or Onkyo receiver). I was preparing to box up the receiver and return it, since I bought it locally. The TV would be much harder to box up/return, so before resorting to that option I swapped the 10' HDMI cable with the identical spare that came in the 2-pack. PROBLEM FIXED! I've ordered two new cables (Amazon Basics this time - since I've had no trouble with them in the past). I'm returning both of these 10' cables, since I cannot trust the brand. With so many choices out there, sorry PowerBear... you only get one shot.

I would Avoid, not all features functional. Unfortunately these cables are not up to spec. I tested both against known cables that work, and both experienced issues raning from occasional signal loss to completely blinking out for seconds at a time. It's one thing to have a single cable fail, but having both cables defective makes me wonder if these are truly 4K 60Hz compatible and simply not designed as advertised. Also had serious issues getting it to work with Dolby vision.

How to Buy The Best PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors from which you can learn how to get the best PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors.

  • Is it worth buying the PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors?
  • What benefits does the product PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors?
  • What makes the PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors?
  • Why and how do you need the PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the PowerBear 4K HDMI Cable | Braided Nylon & Gold Connectors to you.

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