Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti-Crease Portable Projector Movies Screens for Home Theater Outdoor Indoor Support Double Sided Projection

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti-Crease Portable Projector Movies Screens for Home Theater Outdoor Indoor Support Double Sided ProjectionMdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti-Crease Portable Projector Movies Screens for Home Theater Outdoor Indoor Support Double Sided Projection


  • Format: 16:9 HD
  • Size: 120 inch
  • Viewing Size: 104″ x 58″
  • Support: 160 viewing angle
  • 1080P Full HD
  • Front Projector
  • Rear Projector

Black border straight into a rectangle after installtion

The installation design of the wrinkle-free screen and the black border straight into a rectangle:

This product adopts a surrounding widened black-side tension structure to make the surface of the screen more flat, and the black side is straight without sagging,the rectangular effect is perfect with a wrinkle-free, non-deformable, crease-free fabric. Make it easy for you to have your own home theater.

Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti-Crease Portable Projector Movies Screens for Home Theater Outdoor Indoor Support Double Sided Projection

Never worry about wrinkles!

You don’t need to worry about wrinkles or creases caused by screen folding. Fold it in small size and take it to wherever. Stop wasting time leaving the screen hung for days or ironing it. Just hang it and turn on your projector.

Most Important :

Due to the folding screen shipping, therefore there are some wrinkles as it shows when you receive it, please put something heavy on it or you can also use iron but remember not too hot.

Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti-Crease Portable Projector Movies Screens for Home Theater Outdoor Indoor Support Double Sided Projection

How to remove stains ?

This product supports hand washing and machine washing,or directly clean the dirty parts and dry it, then we can use them again! It is so convenient to clean them that we can say goodbye to stains from now on.!

3 Great Advantages Ready For You

Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti-Crease Portable Projector Movies Screens for Home Theater Outdoor Indoor Support Double Sided Projection

Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti-Crease Portable Projector Movies Screens for Home Theater Outdoor Indoor Support Double Sided Projection

Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti-Crease Portable Projector Movies Screens for Home Theater Outdoor Indoor Support Double Sided Projection

Easy to set up

The projection screen can be fastened easily with hooks, ropes, bracket, nails, double side tape on the wall/mount.

No Crease

It is made of high quality polyester material and can effectively prevent wrinkles. No crease left When the screen is compressed or folded .

​Easily portable

It is made of high quality polyester material and can effectively prevent wrinkles. no crease left When the screen is compressed or folded .

Installation Notes:
This product includes hooks and seamless double-sided adhesive.
1. First cut the seamless double-sided adhesive with scissors, then stick it with the hook, select the appropriate position of the wall, then press
the hook on the wall for 10 seconds, then hang the metal hole on the hook.The installation sequence is from right to left, from top to bottom.
b>You don’t need to worry about wrinkles and like a web shape after installtion
There is no wrinkle on the surface of the screen ,the black side of the screen is straight and the entire screen becomes a complete rectangular shape after installation
How to remove stains?
This product can be washed by hand or machine , or directly clean the dirty parts and dry it, then we can use them again! It is so convenient
to clean them that we can say goodbye to stains from now on
Format: 16:9 HD
Size: 120 inch
Viewing Size: 104″ x 58″
Support: 160 viewing angle √
1080P Full HD √
Front Projector √
Rear Projector √

Suitable for:
Home Theater
Business Meetings
Propose Marriage

Package List:
seamless hooks x 20
seamless double-sided adhesive x 24
120 inch projector screen
Packaging bag x 1
Ropes x 2 packs

Features & Specifications

  • CONVENIENT TO STORAGE AND CARRY - Compact one-piece,lightweight and folding design. You can fold the screen in small size and put it in your backpack or suitcase
  • WIDE APPLICATION - Ideal choice for home theater movie,office,education, conference room presentation, public display, outdoor movie and more
  • ANTI-CREASE AND HIGH ABSORBANCE MATERIAL - Made with natural Polyester fabric that The projection is sharper and brighter than most other projection screens, The Projection Screen are thicken and smooth, no wrinkle when folded / crushed.
  • EASY TO SET UP – The Projection Screen can be fastened easily with hooks, ropes, bracket, nails, double side tape on the wall/mount.
  • FORMAT AND SIZE - 16:9 screen format, diagonal 120" offer 104" x 58" viewing area
  • Dimensions: 104 x 58 x 0.2 inches
  • Weight: 11.2 ounces

Pros & Cons


Works Great. Works great, we put hooks on 2x4 to weigh down the bottom, did a great job pulling the screen taught evenly, highly recommend that. Works great

This is a high quality video screen! This screen has the black edge with grommets so that it can easily mount inside a frame or stretched out, with string, to the provided wall hooks. When folded, the screen appears to have many wrinkles. But when you slightly stretch it out in an even manner, it becomes a smooth surface. I built a frame out of PVC pipe and strung this screen inside of it. It looks great.

Easy setup. This screen is perfect for our use. We bought it for outdoor movie nights whether being on the garage door, in the back yard, camping, or inside the garage. It’s very easy to install with no wrinkles and shows a great picture. I’ve attached pictures that show how well I can still see the picture despite being surrounded by 7000 Christmas lights in close vicinity

Great screen with the right application. The media could not be loaded. This is a good screen for my application, and Had to modify the way it was used. I would not use the hooks or the rope which is a cheap design. The screen is good quality. I ended up building a frame with 1 x 4 that cost about $12 and a $9.99 staple gun. Only thing would be better if I painted the wood white.

Worth the money! So worth the money! There were a few small snags on it when I received it but once you pull the screen tight you can’t see them. Spray painted a few baseboards from Home Depot and used my nail gun to make a frame. Turned out awesome.

Perfect! Outdoor movie night successful with this screen. Attached to my gazebo!


A downgrade from plain wall. The media could not be loaded. if you don't have a plain wall to throw a picture at, this might work for you . My experience was making dull colors and blurry picture compared to plain wall I was using.

Not perfectly rectangular as shown in multiple photos! The pictures are very deceiving as it would be almost impossible to get it perfectly rectangular as the photos suggest. You have to stretch it to get the creases out so perfectly rectangle is not an option. Other than that it works as it should. But it shouldn’t be portrayed as a perfect rectangle. It’s more of a spider web.

Terrible product. This thing is a pile of garbage. Its sheer, as in panty hose sheer. You can see right through it so much that any imperfections in the wall behind it are clearly visible through it. It most certainly is not 4k quality material as there is no silver or reflective ability to it. Unless you're looking for an extra 120" top sheet for your bed, go to Walmart and buy a top sheet for your wall

Very disappointed. The screen itself seems very nice. It feels like a very soft and silky sheet, and its true that it doesn't wrinkle. Where I encountered my problems was the hooks. I used the adhesive hooks to mount this screen, and none of them seemed to have enough stick. With some hooks, they came off of the adhesive, but with others, the adhesive was ripped off my wall, taking the paint with it! and unfortunately, only the exact number of hooks needed is included. So now I'm left with no screen, and the wall I was projecting on before is riddled with spots of ripped off paint. I'm out 30 bucks, 30 minutes of frustrating labor, and I'm worse off than I was before. To top it all off, honestly the picture looked absolutely no better with it up than it did while I was projecting straight on to my tan wall. Maybe even little bit worse. Really only seemed to make the color slightly more blue, like a phone screen. I'm feeling really disappointed over this purchase.

Looks bad. The picture quality you get from this screen is not good at all. I’m all about saving money so I bought this for a budget setup and found that projecting onto my wall was at least 10x better than this screen. The screen washes out the color and makes the picture look faded and blurry. My wall is white and textured and the colors instantly pop when removing the screen. Complete waste imo. You are literally paying to have a worse looking picture.

Not that much brighter than a wall. So I was trying to find a inexpensive solution to improve my 4K projectors picture in our living room area. I'm currently projecting on a beige wall and it's awesome - total size is 135" across. In Covid, it's like being at the theater. I knew that painting the wall or getting a roll down screen are probably the best ways but they are expensive. This solution, aside from being way too stretchy and cheap looking to put in a living area just didn't improve the brightness of the picture. It's not white enough and more importantly, not reflective enough. When a beige wall is just as bright, I say it's not worth the hassle. Returned it.

How to Buy The Best Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti from which you can learn how to get the best Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti.

  • Is it worth buying the Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti?
  • What benefits does the product Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti?
  • What makes the Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti?
  • Why and how do you need the Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Mdbebbron 120 inch Projection Screen 16:9 Foldable Anti to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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