HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside – Front/Rear Large Projector Screen Backyard Outdoor Movie Night Mega Blow Up Screen

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

20 FT EASY SETUP OUTDOOR MOVIE SCREENblow up projector screen indoor 16ft outdoor movie


This blow up screen helps you create an easy outdoor movie party, bring your family and friends together!


setup 1






wrinkle free screen

superior workmanship

high quality blower

support front and rear projection


  • Elastic Anti-crease Screen that no wrinkle when folded / crushed.
  • Present A High Quality Image and Wrinkle Free Viewing


  • Screen frames are made with 210D Oxford fabric that is durable, strong and not easy to rip with smooth and reinforced stitching.


  • High quality blower that is powerful, inflates the screen quickly within 2 minutes or less with low sound.


  • Stunning front & rear projection material accommodates placement of the projector behind or in front of the screen allowing for greater flexibility.

How do you spend the long summer evenings?


Amazing Movie Screen for Outdoor / Indoor Movie Night!

✔️ Our outdoor inflatable movie screen offers a quick and easy solution for anyone who wants to watch movies or sports in their backyard.

✔️ Our screen is superb for those long summer evenings where you want to relax and watch a movie with your friends with a nice cocktail or cold beer.

  • All you do is plug it in, turn on the blower and inflate the movie screen in 2 minutes.
  • You need to keep the blower inflating the inflatable screen while watching the movie. This can lead to background noise. However, if you turn on the speakers, you won’t notice the sound.

✔️ Usage:

  • Outdoor cinema
  • Schools & universities movie night event
  • Home garden birthday party
  • Trade fairs & Exhibitions

movie screen


Established in 2004, Top inflatables manufacturer in China.

Direct from Factory to Customers, A Lower Cost for High Quality ~

  • Our factory covers more than 22000㎡(26311yd²) and with hundreds of workers specializing in making inflatables.
  • Our factory is conformity to quality management system. And we do OEM for international brands.

Perfect Size for Backyard Movie Party and Indoor Movie Night.

  • Smooth and high absorbance screen
  • Oxford fabric with reinforced seams
  • Easy to Take Care Of
  • Enhanced Stable Base + Wind Proof
  • ✔️ 16:9 Aspect Ratio Screen
  • ✔️ Set Up in Minutes
  • ✔️ Screen Have No Wrinkles
  • ✔️ Portable and Lightweight
  • ✔️ Easy to Clean

Features & Specifications

  • Getting ready to host a movie night party in your backayrd? With this mega projection screen, we guarantee that you can have a blast! Watch the movie outdoors will allow for more space to keep guests at safe distances, this HuaKastro inflatable screen features a wide viwing angle of 160° and higher screen position provide good viewing experience for every guests.
  • Upgraded Quality Air Blower, Easy-to-setup Pop Up Screen - no more hassle of attaching the white screen, the one-piece design of the white screen and the black frame make it easier to set up. Just put on the blower and blow it up.
  • Anti-crease and high absorbance projection screen create sharp, clear picture :the white screen is made of polyester knitted fabric which self-tensioning, free from seams, wrinkles, and creases once blew up. On the top and bottom corners of the black frame, there are reinforced loops for the ropes and pegs in case of wind. You can watch movies and TV with a clear cinema-like picture.
  • Stunning Front & Rear projection material accommodates placement of the projector behind or in front of the screen allowing for greater flexibility. 16:9 Bigger screen size: Visible screen diagonal is 104 inches.
  • Portable - Folded small and compact to move and store or take on camping trips.
  • 14 foot inflatable screen with 104 inch visible white screen- the size is enough for a backyard party, also great for indoor use when bad weather occurs. You can't miss it , when there is a Children's birthday party/ backyard barbecue/ neighborhood block party/ camping trip/ super bowl / Thursday Night Football screening.
  • Dimensions: 63 x 0.01 x 99.6 inches
  • Weight: 7.63 pounds

Pros & Cons


Quick & Easy Setup. Loved that it is quick & easy to setup. Not having to separately attach & tension the white screen is a huge plus. The fan is cheap quality & rather noisy.

Great backyard screen. Inflates in just a couple minutes with a fairly quiet but powerful little fan! This is a great screen and a good size fit for our backyard. I lightly stake down the corners just in case the breeze picks up. Good for front or rear screen projection but you will see the projector's lamp if you do rear projection. Lightweight so it's easily portable. I haven't had any rips or tears yet. I've had some stuff get on the screen but it has washed off with some mild detergent. The other week I put it away and had no idea a locust had gotten tangled on the back of the screen after I deflated it. When I set it up the other night there was a big, black blotch on the screen and I was so mad. Fortunately our video was only 4:3 that night and it didn't show up. I got it home and tried a bunch of cleaners but nothing was getting it until I tried Clorox Clean-up Cleaner with Bleach (blue spray bottle). I was worried it might be too harsh but it got all of it out except a couple tiny dots. I don't see any problem with the screen so far so I'm hoping that it was mild enough. Deflation can take some time. You can't run the blower in reverse and I don't know if that would work anyway. I haven't quite got the hang of getting it folded back up as neatly as it originally delivered. I can really only get the screen back in the included bag. I start at the other end from the inflation tube and try my best to keep rolling it up as tightly as I can going slowly to work out as much air as I can. JUST WATCH OUT FOR BUGS AS YOU ROLL IT UP!!! Really, there is no way to do that at night so I'd suggest getting it mostly deflated and lightly gathered together and then spread it out in the basement making sure you don't have any critters caught up or you'll be cleaning up like me!

Worth every penny! Great for movie nights outside! Took this screen camping with us and it was awesome! Fan is very quiet!

Very satisfied with the quality. First time I used it the Santa Ana winds were blowing once I tied it down it stayed up fine I thought I would have problems with it,couldn’t hear the blower . I was very pleased with the simplicity of the design and setup

Huge! It’s a great screen and it is giant. What I don’t like about it is that it is hard to put up. It’s so huge and takes time to fully deflate, I’m always worried about messing up the screen. It blows up quickly, but moving it and staking it down take some time (I think it needs some handles to make it easier to grab and move). Other than that, quality is great.

99% perfect!!!! This movie screen is 99% perfect!! Pros: it blows up fast, and easy. The fan is quiet. You shouldn’t notice it at all. It’s all one piece so you don’t have to worry about the screen. And wind blown up. It’s very taught and holds an image very well. The only con; it takes a very long time to deflate, fully to roll up and you probably will never be able to roll it up the way it came to you with the fan actually in the packed bag with the screen. But don’t hesitate at all the screens offered. This one is one of the best purchases I’ve ever made on Amazon.


It worked for what I needed. The material was thinner I expected so you have to very careful. The blower has to continue to run to keep fully inflated

Good for the price. Good for the price, material is not very durable

Nice but wish it had all the pieces. It’s a good product but I wish all the pieces came with it

The screen is light duty very easy to stain and tear. I like that it is easy to put up once you get the twists from packaging out, I don’t like you have to keep a fan running to keep it inflated, I also don’t like how the cloth is not that durable and can’t be changed with new ones if that one stains or rips

Used :(. I received my screen, clearly used… I was so disappointed. The screen is all stained up. It looks like there is bird poop on it. The box was completely tattered, too. Great product, but used. I will return it.

PITA. Horrible pain in the !@#$. Way not worth it the effort nor the money. Felt air coming through arbitrary pinholes and I only got it filled a tenth of what it could take. I stopped, folded it up, sent it back. Bleh.

How to Buy The Best HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside from which you can learn how to get the best HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside.

  • Is it worth buying the HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside?
  • What benefits does the product HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside?
  • What makes the HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside?
  • Why and how do you need the HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside? Do you like it?


How good is the product of HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

How is the average rating for the product of HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside?

Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers, making it as one of the best sellers of Video-Projection-Screens.

We highly recommend the HuaKastro Inflatable Projector Movie Screen for Outside to you.

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