Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14-42 Inch TVs & Monitors, Max VESA 200x200mm

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14 before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

tv wall mount  bracket monitor 32 inch swivel vesa small 42 40 24  100x100 200x200Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14-42 Inch TVs & Monitors, Max VESA 200x200mm

Model: YD1008

Package Includs:
  • 1x TV mount
  • 1x Bubble level
  • 3x Cable ties
  • 1x Standard mounting hardware
  • 1x User manual

Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount

Designed for 14”-42” TV
  • Supportable Display Size: 14″-42″
  • Load Capacity: 33 lbs. / 15kg
  • Tilt Range: +3°~-10°
  • Swivel Range: ±90°
  • Rotation Range: 180°
  • Distance to the Wall: 2.67”-14.96”
  • Max VESA Pattern: 200 x 200mm
  • DO NOT install into drywall alone.
  • Concrete wall anchors will be given directly per request.

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1. Upgrade TV/Monitor Watching Experience

With +3°/-10° tilt, 180° swivel, and +/-3° leveling adjustments, The full motion TV mount offers the ability to adjust your TV for every seat in a room and make sure you’re always viewing your TV from the best angle possible. The TV mount can extend TV 14.96” and holds your TV 2.67” from the wall, saving more space to keep your TV safe from kids knocking and bumping.

2. View TV at Eye Level for Maximum Comfort

Say goodbye to the days of straining your eyes or neck and enjoy an enhanced TV/monitor viewing experience. This wall mount TV bracket can point to your TV/monitor almost anywhere and can eliminate screen glare.

3. Universal Design for 14-42 Inch TV/Monitor

This TV mount fits for TCL, SAMSUNG, LG, VIZIO, SONY, HISENSE, SCEPTRE, and other TV brands, 14-42 TVs with Max VESA pattern 200x200mm. Specifically, the wall mount TV bracket fits VESA 75X75mm, 100X100mm, 150X150mm, 200X100mm, 200X200mm.

tilt tv wall mount TV wall mount tv wall mount tv wall mount tv wall mount tv mount wall mount tv bracket tv wall mount swivel and tilt full motion tv mount swivel tv mount
YD1002 YD1008 YD1003 YD3002 YD1001-A YD1005
Mount Type Large Tilting TV wall mount Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount Medium 3-Arm Full Motion TV Mount Medium 3-Arm Full Motion TV Mount Medium 6-Arm Full Motion TV Mount Large 6-Arm Full Motion TV Mount
MAX Load 110 lbs./50kg 33 lbs./15kg 88 lbs./40kg 77 lbs./35kg 88 lbs./40kg 100 lbs./45.5kg
MAX VESA 600x400mm 200x200mm 400x400mm 400x400mm 400x400mm 600x400mm
TV Size 37″~70″ 14″~42″ 26″~55″ 26″~55″ 26″~55″ 42″~70″
Wood Studs Spacing 16”~24” Single Stud Single Stud Single Stud up to 16” up to 16‘’
Tilt Angle -10°/0° -10°/+3° -10°/+5° -20°/+20° -20°/+20° -12°/+3°
Swivel Angle Tilting TV Mount ±90° ±90° ±90° ±45° ±45°
Extention 1.67” 2.67”-14.96” 2.7”~19” 2.75”~18.11” 2.8”~15.5” 2.6”~15.4”

Features & Specifications

  • TV Wall Mount Applicability - This TV mount fits most 14-42 inch LED/LCD TVs and monitors, with 33 lbs. MAX loading and VESA sizes from 75x75mm to 200x200mm. This wall mount TV bracket is designed for single wood stud or concrete/brick walls and compatible with TCL, SAMSUNG, LG, VIZIO, SONY, HISENSE, SCEPTRE, and other TV brands.
  • 180º Rotation & Swivel Design - With the 180º rotation unique design, the full motion TV mount can easily display in landscape or portrait position to meet your special need. Also, this swivel TV mount can swivel TV 180º to cover any angles in your home for the ultimate viewing experience.
  • Adjustable for Max Flexibility - This TV wall mount bracket can tilt TV +3º/-10º to reduce glare, level +/-3º after installation for maximum viewing flexibility. The strong articulating arm provides a smooth 14.96" extension and 2.67" depth to the wall for saving space.
  • Universal Monitor Wall Mount - Our monitor mount fits monitors sizes 13, 17, 19, 20, 21 22, 24, 27, 32, 34, 35 inch with VESA patterns from 75x75mm to 200x200mm. This wall monitor mount can keep your monitor to eye level and mount your monitor at an ergonomic sitting position to reduce eyes train and neck pain while saving up much space on your desktop.
  • Easy Installation - The TV wall mount package comes with a completed hardware mounting kit, and the step-by-step instructions will guide you through the simple assembly and installation process. NOTE: DO NOT install into drywall alone. Concrete anchors will be sent per request. Any pre-purchase and installation questions, Our professional support team is available to answer you.
  • Weight: ‎2 pounds

Pros & Cons


This is a sturdy and excellent tv mount. Fairly easy assembly. Once setup I love the range of motion. I watch the TV from two locations in my master bedroom every day and easily and smoothly turn the TV towards each viewing location. I love this stand and highly recommend it to everyone who needs a swivel. It's a great price for the satisfaction it provides me. I would give it ten stars if available!

Just like description. Easy to assemble. Great item.

Quality. Great quality for the price. I'm mounting TV's just to save flat surfaces now.

Simple, Effective, Affordable. All was amazing, except the bolts intended to install into studs were subpar. Replaced the severely stripped bolts with tapcons (overkill, I know) and the mount was installed in under 10 mins. I used it for a 40" Insignia just under 12lbs in total. Very Pleased.

everything. thank you

Outstanding product! Outstanding product!


It doesn't tilt without use of tool. The reviews made this seem like it was going to do exactly what I wanted: sit close to wall, tilt without use of a tool and center on wall, even if stud wasn't centered. None of those things are true. In fact it wants to tilt forward a lot and no matter how mich you tighten it won't stay. You do not have an option of sliding it on brace to center on Wall so it is off center and now, after only being up for 16 hours it won't even hold screen at level, it is tilting to right consistently. It was super easy to install though and it really will swivel easily in any direction for both viewing and flipping screen. The wrench that came with it to tighten tilt bolts doesn't actually work for that size and philips head seems like it will be stripping them in short order.

RV TV. Not good for RV traveling

Weak. This product arrived in a very small box. Assembly was easy and the holes aligned with my flat screen television quite easily. The center component that allows the unit to spin for levelness is not very sturdy at all. It is bending and I do not expect it to survive the weight of my 33 inch flat screen. Time will test it.

Seems a little flimsy but GREAT customer sevice. When I received it, the package did not have the wall anchors. I returned it and had a new one in a couple of days. I put it up by myself and it was a little awkward but manageable. I should have picked a better spot to mount it. After I got it mounted I was very uneasy on how flimsy it seemed. I have never had one before but it seems like it should be sturdier than what it is. I put a cabinet under it "just in case". All in all it is okay but I will probably spend a little more and get another one and then use this one on a smaller TV.

Tilt screw was stripped and won’t tighten enough to keep it sturdy from tilting. Tilt screw thread came stripped so it don’t tighten enough to keep it sturdy. For now it’s holding but I don’t see it holding up for long.

Super small. It fit maybe 1 hole on the back of my tv but it was easy to put together check the holes on the back of your tv first and make sure they are close together

How to Buy The Best Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14 from which you can learn how to get the best Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14.

  • Is it worth buying the Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14?
  • What benefits does the product Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14 offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14?
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  • Where can you get information as this on the product Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14?
  • Why and how do you need the Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14 offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Full Motion TV Monitor Wall Mount TV Bracket Swivels Tilts Extension Rotation for Most 14 to you.

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