10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT, Certified 48Gbps 1ms Ultra High Speed HDMI 2.1 Cable 4k 120Hz 144Hz 10k 8k 60Hz 4:4:4 12bit eARC DTS:X Dolby Atmos HDR10 Compatible for Samsung Sony LG Mac PS5 Gaming PC

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

HDMI 2.1

CTS Version: 2.1/2.1a/2.0b/2.0a/2.0/1.4/1.3/1.2/1.1

  1. The CTS 2.1 Version Specification includes a new cable – the Ultra High Speed HDMI Cable. It’s the only cable that complies with stringent specifications designed to ensure support for all CTS 2.1 Version features including uncompressed 8k@60 and 4K@120. The cable’s increased bandwidth capability supports up to 48Gbps.
  2. The Ultra High Speed HDMI Certification Program is a mandatory certification program for all Ultra High Speed HDMI Cables; and ensures quality Ultra High Speed HDMI Cables reach the market and support 4K and 8K video, HDR, VRR, eARC, and all other CTS 2.1 Version features. Cables are also required to be tested and certified to ensure low EMI to reduce the possibility of interference with wireless networks, streaming media players, Bluetooth devices and mobile phones.
  3. All certified cables of any length must pass certification testing at an HDMI Forum Authorized Testing Center (Forum ATC). Once certified, cables will be required to affix an Ultra High Speed HDMI Certification Label to each package or unit of sale enabling consumers to verify the certification status of the product.

hdmi 2.1 cable

The HDMI cable must have a UHS label on the package to be the real CTS 2.1 cable.

  • Higher video resolutions support a range of high resolutions and faster refresh rates including 8K60Hz and 4K120Hz for immersive viewing and smooth fast-action detail. Resolutions up to 10K are also supported for commercial AV, and industrial and specialty usages.
  • Dynamic HDR support ensures every moment of a video is displayed at its ideal values for depth, detail, brightness, contrast and wider color gamuts—on a scene-by-scene or even a frame-by-frame basis.
  • The Ultra High Speed HDMI Cable supports the 48G bandwidth for uncompressed CTS 2.1 Version feature support. The cable also features very low EMI emission and is backwards compatible with earlier versions of the HDMI Specification and can be used with existing HDMI devices.
  • eARC simplifies connectivity, provides greater ease of use, and supports the most advanced audio formats and highest audio quality. It ensures full compatibility between audio devices and upcoming CTS 2.1 Version products.

Ultra High Speed HDMI Cable


Officially Tested Ultra High Speed HDMI Cable

Advanced HDMI Adapter Connector
  • Top Grade Components, Durable Zin-Alloy Shell
  • Using Strong and Durable Materials
  • HIFI Sound Quality Audio
  • Nylon Braided Cable
  • Enjoy Fluid High Frame Rate Gameplay
  • Gold-plated Contacts Resist Corrosion and Promote the Efficient Signal Transfer
  • Extra-Strength Braided Increased Strength and Resilience Extends the Life of Your Cable
Ultimate Gaming Cable

Don’t settle for less when playing games on your new PS5 or Xbox Series X/S. Variable Refresh Rate and Quick Media Switching reduce lag, motion blur, and frame tearing so that your games look and perform at their very best.

10K 8K 4K Ultra High Speed

The Gamers Choice
  • Standard: Advanced HDMI Adapter connector
  • CTS Version: 2.1 Also backwards compatible with 2.0b/2.0a/2.0/1.4/1.3/1.2/1.1.
  • Connector Type: HDMI Male to Male
  • Max Transmission Rate: 48Gbps
  • Resolution: 10k 8K@60Hz, 5K 4K@144Hz 120Hz, 2k@144Hz, 1080p
  • Length: 1M/2M/3M/5M/10M
  • This cable is compatible with all 8k TVs/8k monitors/8k game consoles.
  • Material: Gold plated zinc alloy housing+ Nylon braided cable
Ubluker HDMI cables support these new features.
  • Dynamic HDR HDR10 HDR10+ (HDR)
  • Enhanced Audio Return Channel (eARC)
  • Variable Refresh Rate (VRR)
  • Quick Media Switching (QMS)
  • Quick Frame Transport (QFT)
  • Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM)
  • Display Stream Compression (DSC)
  • HDCP(supports all versions)2.2&2.3 (HDCP)

hdmi cable

Enhanced gaming features ensure an added level of smooth and seamless motion and transitions for gaming, movies and video.

They include:

  • Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) reduces or eliminates lag, stutter and frame tearing for more fluid and better detailed gameplay.
  • Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM) allows the ideal latency setting to automatically be set allowing for smooth, lag-free and uninterrupted viewing and interactivity.
  • Quick Frame Transport (QFT) reduces latency for smoother no-lag gaming, and real-time interactive virtual reality.
  • Quick Media Switching (QMS) for movies and video eliminates the delay that can result in blank screens before content is displayed.
  • HDMI Cable Power enables active HDMI Cables to be powered directly from the HDMI Connector, without attaching a separate power cable. This makes attaching and using active HDMI Cables as easy as using passive, wired HDMI Cables.

CTS Version 2.1 of the HDMI Specification is backward compatible with earlier versions of the Specification and is available to all CTS 2.0 Adopters.


Features & Specifications

  • CTS Version: 2.1/2.1a/2.0b/2.0a/2.0/1.4/1.3/1.2/1.1. CTS 2.1 is the most recent update of the HDMI specification.
  • Resolution & Deep Color: 10k@60Hz 12-bit, 8K@60Hz 12-bit,5k@120Hz 90Hz 12-bit, 4K@120Hz 144Hz 12-bit, 2k@240H 165Hz,1080p@240Hz, 720p, 480p.
  • It supports the latest features: 1ms, low EMI, SBTM, 48Gbps Bandwidth, ALLM, VRR, QMS, QFT, Dynamic HDR, HDR10, CEC, HDCP 2.2 & 2.3, VESA DSC 1.2a.
  • Digital Audio Video Format Support: The latest high-bitrate audio formats are supported including eARC, ARC, DTS Master, DTS:X, Dol-by TrueHD, Dol-by Vision, Dol-by Atmos and more.
  • Wide Compatibility: Gaming PC, FreeSync, G-SYNC, All GeForce RTX 30 series, Soundbar, PS5 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, All Apple TV+, All OLED TV, 2021 Macbook Pro, laptop, Projector, Monitor, Fire TV, Roku TV, SHIELD TV.

Pros & Cons


Seems to be a nice HDMI cable. Quality looks nice. I can't speak to the 120hz yet. When I can, I'll update for that. I can say that these really aren't any better, picture wise, then some 5 plus year old cables I have. swapping between different ones, made no noticeable difference in picture quality. Unless there is a specific need like 8k or 120hz, you may want to consider shopping for less costly alternatives.

Works fine. I had to get a new TV but I didn't have 4K HDMI cables. You know the salesman will try to sell you things you don't need and she had given me a $40 4K HDMI cable. When I connected the cable the quality of the resolution was amazing! Well worth the price and worth waiting.

Must for gamers and viewing quality. HDMI 2.1 8k allows PS5 to push 120 hz. Pic quality unreal. If you don’t use 2.1 then PS5 will only push 60 hz. Hooked another one up from cable box to my LG OLED and BAM so good!

No complaints! Looks sturdy. Works well. Received quickly. No complaints whatsoever. Thanks!

Works fine, just not that sturdy. Well packaged and it looks well made. Plugged into my eARC HDMI on my LG TV and Denon Receiver. Worked well for 30 minutes as I set up both new components. Unfortunately, during this setup, i had to go behind the TV and adjust some plugs and hookups. My 3.3' HDMI cable was too short for the pivoting TV mount and I pulled the male plug off the end of the wires. My fault for ordering too short a cable, but I will pay extra for better build quality and have ordered a 4' cord from another manufactuerer that looks more robust.

Good quality. I ordered 3 of these to redo my TV stereo and lighting set up. All 3 worked perfectly and my sound and video is flawless.


Artifacting. Don't know if it's my 3080 or this cable but Sometimes I get green lines and my video cuts in and out. I believe its the cable because I was using old HDMI cables on my LG C2 and had the same issue only much worse.

Worked for a while, and then it didn't. I was really excited when I plugged this up, ran it for a while and everything was perfect. I'm running a 42inch LG C2, connected to my PC with a 3090 @ 120Hz. I have another cable that works perfectly, but it's really stiff and cable management is really tough using it. So, I thought I'd find something that's easier to manage. After a week or so, I started getting flickering, and bands would appear across the screen. Things would blink, things would just act goofy and look weird for a moment and then go back to normal...just a bunch of graphical anomalies. Not work it, if you're looking for 4k @ 120Hz IMO.

Not good. Cable work for 15days only after that it was loosing signs like crazy... bought and nother on from a different brand, problem is good now. And its too short

Almost does what I wanted. I bought this to split an HDMI signal and watch two separate TVs at the same time . But it does not send enough signal for both TVs . Only one TV at a time . Oh well .

Nothing much. Didn't see or hear any differences from a regular grade cable. Not expensive but certified? For what ? Certified to work regularly.

Loses Signal! Don’t buy! My monitor will shut off or it prompts a message saying lost signal and it’s a black screen with the message. I bought the longer cord but I’m not going to take my chances with the shorter cable. I’m just going to buy a totally different product bc this one is worthless.

How to Buy The Best 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT from which you can learn how to get the best 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT.

  • Is it worth buying the 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT?
  • What benefits does the product 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT?
  • What makes the 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT?
  • Why and how do you need the 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


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How durable is the product of 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

How is the average rating for the product of 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT?

Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers, making it as one of the best sellers of HDMI-Cables-Video-Interconnects-Accessories.

We highly recommend the 10k 8k 4k HDMI Cable 3.3 FT to you.

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