Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13-32 Inches LED LCD Flat Curved Screen TVs Monitors, Single Stud for Corner Max VESA 100x100mm by Pipishell

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13 before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

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Pipishell – Makes Your Life Better!

PIXSF2 is a versatile TV wall mount for small size televisions. Its articulating arm offers full motion capability to adjust your TV for optimal viewing experience.

How can I check if the mount is suitable for my TV?

  • First, please check your wall for wood studs. You just only need a single stud to get it up on the wall. Of course! It can be mounted on concrete wall and brick wall, but you need to use anchors when installing.
  • Next, the weight of your TV should be less than 33lbs and your TV should be at least 13 inch.
  • Then, please check the VESA pattern, VESA = horizontal × vertical. Mounting holes distance on the back of TV must be less than 100mm horizontally and 100mm vertically.
  • Finally, please check the TV back area inside the 4 mounting holes to make sure there are not any cables outlet. Otherwise, the plate may block the plugs.


  • Fits 13″ to 32″ flat panel TVs/monitors and supports TV weight up to 33lbs.
  • Supports all major brands including Samsung, LG, Sony, TCL, Vizio, Philips, Sharp, Hisense, Panasonic, Toshiba and more.
  • Fits VESA mounting hole patterns: 100×100/75x75mm (In inches: 4″x4″/3″x3″).
  • Made from high quality, reinforced, compressed steel and it has been stress tested to hold 4 times its weight based on UL standards.
Full Motion TV Mount tv mount 40 inch Full Motion Medium TV Mount Fixed Medium TV Wall Mount tv mount 48 inch Full Motion Medium TV Mount
Mount Type Full Motion TV Wall Mount Full Motion TV Monitor Mount Full Motion TV Mount Fixed TV Mount Full Motion TV Mount Full Motion TV Mount
TV Size 26-55″ 13-42” 26-55″ 23-55″ 17-55″ 23-55″
Max Load 99 LBS 77 LBS 88 LBS 99 LBS 88 LBS 88 LBS
Max VESA 400x400mm 200X200mm 400X400mm 400X400mm 400X400mm 400X400mm
Tilt Angle +5° to -5° +5°/-15° +3°/-12° +2°/-10° +6° to -5°
Swivel Angle ± 90 ° 180 ° ± 90 ° +/-80° ± 90 °
Distance to Wall 3.2-19.5″ 2″-16.5″ 3.15“-16.53” 1.26″ Low profile 2.05”-18.11” 2.36“-19.68”
Fitting Studs Spacing Single Wood Stud Single Wood Stud Single Wood Stud Up to 16″ 8″/12″/16″ Studs Single Wood Stud

Features & Specifications

  • TV Viewing from Multiple Angles - Have the comfort of adjusting the angle of your TV up to 180° horizontally and up to 15° vertically. Extend 10.6” form the wall adds more flexibility. With these versatile TV wall brackets you are able to swivel and tilt your TV while maintaining a clean and modern look in your TV mounting space. Thanks to its adjustment angle this TV bracket is not just a perfect match for your living room, also for your kitchen and bedrooms.
  • Mount it Anywhere for Everyday Use - Our full motion TV wall mounts match with most 13-32” TVs including common brands as Samsung, LG, TCL, Vizio, Sony, Panasonic, Thomson, Toshiba, Sharp, Philips, etc. Whether you mount flat-screen display TVs or monitors, please check your TV stud location and VESA mount(Max: 100x100mm, Min: 75x75mm) before purchase. Our wall mount tv bracket is beyond your imagination to ensure relax and leisure time.
  • Robust Design for Optimal Support - The heavy-gauge line of tv mount features a sturdy design that ensures optimal support of your valuable TV at all times. Cast from high-grade material, this swivel tv mount built in strong arms with solid and flexible joint to hold any TV weighting up to 33lbs. Details in wall plate with hollow design helps perfect match your TV mounting, better promote tv cooling and avoid wires and cable mess.
  • Stylish Mounting & Space-saving - This articulating tv mount retracts a mere 2.9” from the wall, no more need for shelf space or floor room, but safely secure our TV on the wall and prevent it from accidentally tipping over. Single stud feature makes it an ideal mount to position a TV into a corner of a room. Of course you can mount your monitor to the wall helps reduce clutter by clearing up valuable desk space for an efficient workflow.
  • Easy Installation within Couple Minutes - Detailed assembly steps and enough accessories piece & names are revealed in instructions. We are devoted to providing a quick and straightforward hassle-free setup, moreover, completely safe and functional for total protection. Customer technical support answers your pre-purchase and installation questions. Any question or help, just contact us by mail at your convenience time.
  • Weight: ‎1.7 pounds

Pros & Cons


perfect for our new 32" Vizio TV. Noticed that a lot of the negative reviews on this item were due to their TV's mounting configuration not being compatible with the VESA, which I don't really think is a fault of the product. We just got a 32" Vizio that was on special at Costco, and I measured the mounting set up on the back -- 100mm (10 cm) height & width (VESA MIS-D standard configuration), the same as the specs listed here for this product. Amazon was selling this for under $20 and there was a $5 coupon, making this a screaming deal. Husband and I had zero trouble getting this installed. We used the provided screws and made sure to attach it to a stud that we've used before for mounting a TV. The mount seems very durable and plenty strong for supporting the TV (this Vizio is under 9 lbs). I was really wanting a mount that took up very little wall space and provided a good range of motion to be able to move and adjust where the TV is "pointed" and this one is perfect; it can be folded in so it rests just a couple of inches away from the wall, or straightened out to extend about 10" off the wall, and the TV can be rotated dramatically in one direction or the other. Exactly what I was looking for. Very, very pleased so far. If it fails in some way, I'll come back and edit my review, so if there's no update, you can assume it performs well. Hope this helps someone!

Awesome. This fits my 32inch TLC TV with no problems. It's well built, has good directions and all the hardware is included. It's two simple screws/bolts into a stud - they even include a level. It's very sturdy and I have no doubt it will last a lifetime. It's a bargain. PS: Almost all the negative reviews are about mounting issues. Make sure your TV had VESA mounting hole patterns: 100x100/75x75mm (In inches: 4"x4"/3"x3") There is nothing wrong with the mount, people just aren't reading the description before they make the purchase.

Works great for the new echo show 15. Don’t spend 49.99 for the recommended alternative. Strong sturdy easy install and works great for echo show 15 universal so if you mount it properly and use some common sense you can use it for under cabinet mount

Great quality and value! Check check your size carefully!! I am sure this product would have worked fine for others. Very sturdy and easy to install. Unfortunately, we have a Samsung that we were adding a ROKU stick to and the TV USB is straight in the back, meaning the TV has to sit OUT FROM THE WALL 3-4 IN. Ordered this new mount at a GREAT price, and since the mounting looked the same, assumed it would fit. When it arrive the mount was about 1/2 the size of what we needed. we had not bothered to review the size. (old one was 200 MM and new one was 100 MM.) Had to return this one for a new/correct size. Return was very easy through Amazon!!

Beefy product. This was the perfect size for my tv. I did need to supply lag screws to reach the stud. The supplied plastic inserts & screws provided lateral support however.

Sturdy and arrived two days early. We bought a larger TV for the house and hung this one in the garage where we had installed electrical and cable (prewire) when we built the house. Hanger is very sturdy and easy to install. Now just waiting on cable company to come out. Would definitely recommend.


TOO SMALL. What are the arms dimensions?? The pictures misrepresent the size of it. Also the versa mount is only 75mm. Its built good but compared to a NB arm its cheap. I returned it and bought a quality bracket. You get what you pay for, cheaper is cheap. Buy a NB North Bayou TV Monitor Wall Mount Bracket Full Motion Articulating Swivel for 17-35" Monitors (Load Capacity from 4.4 to 22lbs) Double Extension F150-B https://www.amazon.com/NB-North-Bayou-Articulating-Extension/dp/B0722YHHX7/ref=sr_1_4?crid=M43ZTDEGVYDG&keywords=North+Bayou+TV+Monitor+Wall+Mount+Bracket&qid=1654214304&sprefix=north+bayou+tv+monitor+wall+mount+bracket+%2Caps%2C245&sr=8-4

Cheaply made does not fit the size tv in the description. Cheaply made doesn't fit the size tv in the description. I bought one as a gift and shipped it to them. Waste of time & money. I had to buy them a better one and have it sent overnight. I’m nc

Does NOT fit any 32” Tv’s in my house. Mounting plate is way too small. Description says it fits a 32” Tv and this is the smallest simplest design on Amazon would have looked the best where it was going to be mounted but now it has to be returned and buying a bulky bigger bracket that will actually work for my 32” Tv. I failed to read the reviews before buying and now I wish I had but obviously the seller doesn’t read reviews or they would have changed the description details by now. Headed to UPS returned to drop it off because it does not even come close to fitting a 32” TV. It does seem to be built well and sturdy. I think if it had fit it would have been a nice product.

for smaller simple installations only. Would not mount to any of my 32 inch televeisions. Element or Samsung however was able to find a older 19" Emerson that plate would mount too.

Only fit 1 tv. Bought 2 and only 1 actually fit. Placement of the mounting holes is off by less than 0.5 inch

Bad advertising. Just like everyone else, this does not fit my Samsung TV, they advertise it can fit but it's way too small. sending it back

How to Buy The Best Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13 from which you can learn how to get the best Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13.

  • Is it worth buying the Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13?
  • What benefits does the product Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13 offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13?
  • What makes the Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13 to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13?
  • Why and how do you need the Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13 offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Full Motion TV Wall Mount Brackets Swivel Tilts Articulating Extension for 13 to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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